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Storm (Marvel) vs Tempest (DC)


Modern Tempest was able to hold temporally with his magic the god Drogue, whose power, according to Donna Troy eclipsed those of Superman.

Garth also survived re-entering the atmosphere and falling into the ocean.

Garth fought and was about to defeat Donna Troy.

Tempest defeated three Atlantean sorceress with his magic.

Garth can use the Eldritch blast, that can reduce to ashes a normal human, damage Donna Troy and pierce a demon's chest.

Dick Grayson says that Tempest moves very fast for him.

He can take bullets.

Tempest can damage the skin of demons with his water blasts.

I don't know much about classic Tempest. Maybe @Endless Mike can help with that.

Meanwhile, Storm can boil water:

Defeated Super-crocodiles:

She can also control ocean currents:

And can control the air on people's lungs and freeze the heart and veins of other people:

I guess Storm wins this. She can freeze Tempest's veins or attacking him with a lightning when he is swimming on the ocean.
I guess Storm wins this. She can freeze Tempest's veins or attacking him with a lightning when he is swimming on the ocean.
I doubt she can freeze him

one of his powers is that he can control tempretures with one hand can heat up and the other hand can cool down. He can counter it pretty well

I recal in Imperiax war he was able to teleport all of Atlantis, but it’s been a while and I don’t know if he needed prep

He can also control water currents too, so Storm doesn’t have that over him either


I doubt she can freeze him

one of his powers is that he can control tempretures with one hand can heat up and the other hand can cool down. He can counter it pretty well
True. I've been researching Garth's abilities. And he can freeze and boil water too.

I recal in Imperiax war he was able to teleport all of Atlantis, but it’s been a while and I don’t know if he needed prep

He can also control water currents too, so Storm doesn’t have that over him either

I've reading the event. It seems it is not shown how Garth did it. Unless I missed a number that isn't listed on the wikipedia or wikis.

Garth sends Atlantis to the past. But he doesn't know if he saved the city or not.

Garth from New Earth has more abilities like becoming invisible.

He can see the future via Time portals.

Astral projection and possession.

And when he is in serious danger, he teleports automatically.

Also, Darkseid used him as a focus for his powers during the Imperiex War.

He is also very durable, since he resisted being shocked and pressed.

I guess Garth from New 52 has this powers too since is the same from New Earth thanks to Superman: Rebirth event.