Super Robot Wars: Calamitous Dawn

Crimson Dragoon

Daniel sighed, once again exasperated. "How much effort it takes you to do all that is beside the point, and the fact you did it to another military base's personnel isn't at all better, but fine, we'll put this matter aside," he said. Well, up until they eat some kind of consequence in the future for this. Daniel didn't quite share Valrin's confidence, but he didn't feel like wasting the energy in trying to sway him. Someone with Valrin's abilities would be an asset, but considering how brazen he was in his displays, Daniel had good reason to be wary. He then shifted topics as they walked down the hall.

"Is it really such a risk to actually tell them what sort of threat we faced? If something like that appeared again, keeping their nature a secret strikes me as counterproductive. They should at least know how to fight back."


Ah now real questions, and thus deserving a response.
Valrin looked towards Daniel in his reply, the crew already knew of this basic truth so they also would hear his words, the truth they already knew. "Yes it is infact such a risk to allow anyone who has not demonstrated will to resist them. Usually even you, Liam and the others would not be permitted to keep your memories, but with the extreme nature of your first true exposer, you already know better than to consort with such beings. You already saw how that officer reacted to Liam's true words, to warn them would draw nothing but scoffs. However much you repress, do remember the whispers upon the vessel. In that tainted place and with my warnings you knew it was wrong. However this planet is not so tainted. So the Whispers would be far more subtle. Instead of obvious intrusive thoughts, one would think them their own thoughts however dark. Everyone has such thoughts, easily dismissed by the Moral. But each whisper is a single small cut upon your psyche. Each word, a wound that will not heal, but instead corrupts. Slowly, purposefully, insidiously. The maligned thoughts are sentient, and they have hundreds of thousands of years of damning experience to draw those they know have even a infinismally small grasp that they exist into their sway. Promises and dreams of power, wealth, success, perfection, ambition, whatever emotion they can use to ensnare your soul they will. Any fond memory you have will be corrupted to suite their lies if you're not vigilant.
Even if they do not corrupt the High Command, such rumors they dismiss of Deamons would serve as juicy gossip to their middle ranking commanders. "Oh did you hear that the bumpkin foreigners claimed they fought deamons? What Idiots am I right? " These Cerrans are still human, such grouping agaisnt an outside force is to be expected. Let alone when they protest to have fought something their natural philosophy and rational science teaches them is not true and instead they must be understood to be grasped and comprehended for the better meant of all" Valrin nearly spat those words, "that you already know has replaced their faith as well as I. Yet all it takes is one fool, one child messing with powers they cannot understand. A mere game, a fun pass time among Juvies who overheard thier parents laughing about such matters or a drunk ensign or Captian looking for a bit of spice to his weekend. All it takes is one such mistake, only one slight slip, to summon such a being into this planet again. All it takes is one person to damn an entire world to Hell".
Valrin stared Daniel dead in the eyes, and the crew could hear His truth well. " I take it you believed I was exaggerating when I said it was a mercy to burn a world to cinders, ash and glass rather than leave it to such a fate as Deamonic Infestation. I take it you believe me a liar when I said I have burnt worlds to ash for less personally. I do not lie about such matters, for the horrible truth is testament enough. No one on this immature planet, lacking any sort of Faith, could be trusted to keep such matters until they have been tested. Until they have seen the full horror of the truth itself, and come out stronger for it. No the slow corruption of "make believe superstition with a far more likely rational explanation" is the fate most of them are guaranteed if they know such matters even in passing. And should such an outbreak occur, it would be far far worse than what was in the core of the Ship. Not a single Deamon, not even dozens, but instead endless millions will pour forth unto this world. Hell itself will consume this World, and then even burning it to ash would have no effect. If such an outbreak happens here again, it is our sole responsibility to handle it. This is the curse of Knowledge Daniel. Just like I told Liam, and just as this entire Crew knows, such knowledge has fixed us to this life alone. Such knowledge has damned us forever to remain apart and necessarily above the blissfully ignorant masses. So Welcome to the God Emperor's Holy Inquisition. We fight in the shadows because it is necessary. We burn worlds for that is a mercy compared to the fates left in-store for those who stride into damnation with purpose, let alone the so called innocent. I myself have spared hundreds of billions of our own kind with the fires of wraith, hate and purpose for in such that is the only way they can be saved from Hell itself".

Valrin turned away and kept walking with one last line to all hearing. " And even for these heathens here, they don't deserve such damnation. Thus if needed, I will burn everyone here to ash myself to save them. As is my duty as a Knight Scion, as is my duty as a servant of the Omnissiah, as is my duty as a Psycher cursed with such powers. Such is my duty, formerly as an Interrogator, but now as needed, an Inquisitor of the God Emperor". Valrin thumbed the Rossette hanging upon his collared neck, then making both the Sign of the Cog and the Sign of the Aquila with his hands afterwards.
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Crimson Dragoon

Daniel took in Valrin’s words. He did have a point about the initial reactions to the mention of demons. Perhaps it was best to put it in terms they’d understand, such as “memetics” or whatever if prompted, even if it wasn’t fully accurate. He might even be right that they couldn’t be trusted with such knowledge if they somehow managed to convince them of the threat they faced. But as he stared Valrin down as the conversation progressed, he truly saw the fanaticism looking back at him. He meant every single word. Daniel wasn’t unfamiliar with the concept of performing a lesser evil to prevent a greater one. It did not, of course, change that it was an evil but nonetheless it meant more lives were spared in the end. But to burn an entire world…

“I see that you’re insane. But I actually do acknowledge your points. If we’re to fight this sort of evil, we’ll do what’s necessary. Though I’d prefer to fight to keep this world in one piece instead of having to burn it all down. I’m not eager to add more unnecessary blood on my hands.”

Once again Daniel flashed back to the moment his team being snuffed out. If that burdened him so much still, what would an entire world do to him?


"Then you understand our charge and our duty. Its our goal to make sure this world never gets into position that burning it should be an option. Thus that requires the population to be ignorant of the true horrors of reality. Ignorance is truly bliss, the Truth only damns, I have seen the cycle go many times. A few believe that they are strong enough, that they and their enlightened populations know better. Those are the worlds I failed. Those I the worlds I could not even burn, for they were claimed by Hell. Those are my greatest failures, my truest regrets, thus my fuel to my hate, to my faith to make sure with all of my soul, with all of my power that it doesn't happen again. So sending a few grunts to go get drunk to forget what they heard is an extremely generous method, fair more than anyother of my peers would have done. Even with as little power we have with the Government, if a Mono Dominate stood before you, We'd already be emboralled deeply in War with this government for its failings. Even if like in this state we would not win."
"As for me being insane, yes, in your view I am. Madness is the only rational reaction to the truth of reality. A portmanteau of your old literature, from authors who truly knew more than they understood, I believe apt: "There is far more between Heavan and Hell then what is dream of if your natural philosophy, and in the dark abyss of knowledge, mankind was not meant to see or go too deeply in its non euclidean grasp"


Active member
"Then we better get a move on." David nodded, turning to leave.

"Have your troops and civilians ready to evacuate as soon as you can, I'll prepare my Gundam for escort duty."

David weighed the variables in his head...These dinosaurs...They were clearly far more organized than David would've expected. They were on a techbase David almost couldn't comprehend...Almost. Judging from how they were regarded...Either they were genuine extraterrestrials, or they had been hiding beneath the surface, advancing, surviving...

He'd dealt with cyborgs before, but this...Was something else. It was enhancement in inhuman ways, in both organism and cybernetic.

Regardless, he killed one of their kind...He can kill another when need be.

He just had to be faster.


Liam was for the most part relatively unmolested on his way towards the mech hangars where the quartet's mechs were being stored for the moment after being dismounted from the Sunrider. How did he know which hangars in specific? Some surprisingly helpful base staff pointed him in the right direction of course. However, the troopers who were guarding the hangars proper were far less helpful and welcoming as a pair promptly got in his way, their beefy forms physically blocking his way through, having recognized the scrawny scientist mere moments after eye contact.

"Hold it right there bud, you may own one of these mechs but you're not getting anywhere near them without clearance."

The other guard however was a bit more observant and had better memory recall.

"Wait a sec, weren't you supposed to be getting processed with the other outworlders? Why are you here even? And why didn't the guards stationed with the rest of you stop you?!"



William Liam Tinmall
The question left Liam perplexed: there were supposed to be guards stopping him? It made sense sure, but he found nothing in the hallways suggesting that, meaning that they just left for some reason or another.
If the interrogation taught him anything, it was that the Cerran were overzealous to a fault, always trying to get the information they needed, so why...


He met Valrin in the hallways, coming to the interrogation even if the next one to be processed should have been Daniel...

'Great Scott, what did he do?'

"I'm sure this is some kind of misunderstanding. I was released from the interrogation not to long ago and I was trying to reach the Hangar to oversee the repairs on the NULL. If you are worried, I can wait here untill you can assign me an escort, if not escort me yourselves."

Liam was trying to appear as nonthreatening as possible, raising his hands up in addition to his already slitly hunched posture. Admittedly, he never tought as himself as dangerous, too soft and cowardly, a minor change to show them that he wasn't meaning any harm.


The soldier, still incredulous, finally acquiesces to the demands of the vultures for monetary gain. They'll need all the help and bodies they can get if the signs that this attack is just the prelude to a major invasion are to be believed.

"Fine, you can get your cash, but maybe after we're all no longer at risk of getting strafed by the enemy? And just ask for a Colonel Steiner once things have calmed down, he'll be glad to discuss whatever terms you want."

Suddenly the situation was interrupted as an alarm blares out all over the base, without even saying goodbye, the soldier floors it, and his Jeep zooms out into the distance, dodging trucks and other personnel as they quickly took cover or gave doubled efforts to complete the evacuation.
"Glad to hear."

Before anything else can be said, an alarm is sounded, enemy attack!

"Guess you didn't have to wait for long... Move!"

The middle-aged Colonel rose from his seat with surprising speed, bringing along his elephant gun and a small attache case stuffed full of documents as he ran after David.
"Good, I was going to tell you to keep him from doing anything risky, it's a disconcerting habit of Japanese pilots like him to do so as you already saw..."

The conversation was interrupted by the sudden blaring of an alarm. Stella immediately tensed up and prepared to break out into a sprint out of trained reflex but then realized something very important... Turning towards Kane with a look of consigned despair with dull, darkened eyes, the Rayleonard operator asks the young pilot for a favor.

"...Please get me to my plane."

She taps her cane on the floor to put emphasis on her... Condition.

The cause for the alarm was detected by the air control tower's skeleton crew having detected incoming contacts from the East, the direction of the enemy, and said contacts having no IFF. At such an obvious sign of enemy presence, a general alert was sounded without delay and what few combat-ready troops and air-defense weapons Thalerhof still had on hand were put on battlestations, ready to shoot at the first sign of the dinosaur menace.

As crews went to man the surprisingly undamaged AA guns and SAMs, barrels and missiles pointing skywards the incoming contacts, the soldiers grimly focused upon their task; no matter how few of them remained or however effective- or rather ineffective their weapons might be against the reptilian menace, every one of them hoped to buy as much time as possible with their lives for not only their retreating comrades but especially the citizens of Graz.
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Active member

"That isn't good." Hanar muttered. "Alright ladies and gentleman, looks like we'll have to suit back up already once more. Everyone got their morphguns ready? Let's go."

"TEMPEST WARRIORS, STORM OUT!" He shouted and spun the high tech looking pistol in his hand, crossing it across his chest before he pointed it straight upwards and pulled the trigger. A bolt of crimson lightning shot down and now in his place stood an armored colorful warrior with a bronze grinning face and shiny red plate.

Now all four of them were clad in similar outfits. The group sprinted back to their machines which were clearly excited by all the commotion and alarms.

The group leaped superhumanly high and entered their respective vehicles. Plumes of colored smoke rose behind them as the group of animalistic mechsuits posed dramatically.


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@Mazin Kiryu

The entire time, after I got off of Mazinger to go get healed...was a blur. Barely could remember much, half the boredom of going down and not pumping adrenaline after fighting robot, the other half being...well, kinda being hazy due to my state of being super injured.

Still, I followed I could anyway. And I think we might have new mission orders.

Or well...he does. I'm probably counted as too wounded to fight.

Mazin Kiryu

Kane would hear the alarm, and then noticing Stella as her condition cause her to not run.. before she told him to get her to her plane.

“Understood! We need to move quickly!” He said without second thinking as he went to pick her up, by her leg and back, before he started running toward the airfield.

“Tell Bob to quickly get ready! Soon I leave you with him I’m heading to the condor!”

“Tyzell quickly! Get into Mazinger Z as I help Stella get to safety, we need at least one Mazinger active to be ready for combat!!” Kane yell as he was running.


Active member

"Thanks for the concern, bud." I said sarcastically, as I went to the hangar to get to Z.

"Hey, is Z ready to rock or is it still outta commish?"


Active member
"You were right." David remarked, "I expect they're in greater numbers this time."

David rushed out of the office and down the hall, pulling his gun and keeping one finger on the safety release, and another squeezing the trigger, just ready and waiting.

"Any specific weaknesses to exploit?" David asked the Colonel as they ran, "I'm assuming there's nothing more to it than shooting them down, but, it helps to be in the know."


Stella curtly nodded and, despite her ridiculous and awkward situation, she quickly and efficiently called her pilot to prepare for potential action with an earpiece.

"Bob, get the transport ready for dustoff! The dinos are coming for another attack!"

"No need to tell me twice Stella! I can hear the alarms all the way over here! What about Shin-"

"Not until I get there first. I will not have his condition worsened without good reason."

"Thanks for the concern, bud." I said sarcastically, as I went to the hangar to get to Z.

"Hey, is Z ready to rock or is it still outta commish?"
The Mazinger was largely left alone due to the evacuation and since nobody around had the tools or know-how to properly service the super robot. Or more accurately, anyone who did probably know was likely already dead...

The smoke attracted a few incredulous stares from those who managed to catch a glance of their Super Sentai routine, but nothing more as the situation was serious. But at least nobody would be getting in the way of their sortie.

"Nothing other than the fact that there are far fewer of them than of us! But that's little relief given how strong each robot monster is compared to what mechs we throw at them!"

After a short while, Steiner parts ways from David as he didn't have a mech to fight mechasaurs in, and even if he did, he knew he would only get in the way. Thus he went to join up with the rest of the evacuating base personnel, hitching a ride on a passing jeep... One that had a rather luckless soldier trying and failing to catch up with it, vainly waving his hand to try and get the driver's attention.

A minute after the alarm had been sounded and with the contacts nearly entering the radar range of the base's air-defense weapons something strange had become apparent: There was no initial volley of missiles, countermeasures, or any jamming coming from the two contacts; in fact, they seemed to slow down considerably, far below what any sensible pilot may consider "combat speed". While tensions were still high, curiosity and some cooler heads eventually prevailed and the defenders held their fire long enough for the two contacts to get close enough to send a radio communique their way.

"T-Thalerhof Airbase, hold fire! Hold fire! We are not hostile! We're from Punitz Airbase and we were attacked by the Dinosaur Empire! Gh! No other survivors and me and my wingman need immediate medical attention!"

Despite the call for help, the defenders didn't let their guard down just yet... It could very well be a trick.

Mazin Kiryu

Kane was carrying Stella toward her aircraft, as he would listen bout the two survivors, as he then stare at Stella for a moment as he kept running.

“Sounds sketchy, if a base was being destroy Im sure there would be com channels or a warning about it being gone, plus I doubt the dinosaur left them alone, they are possibly being chase..”

He said making it outside the building, and heading toward Bob location.


@Sigismund @Crimson Dragoon @Cavaliere
After hearing Valrin's command, the guards went off towards merriment with mirthless smiles, glassy eyes, and far too robotic movements. It appears that these Cerans are made of somewhat stern stuff if the guards' training and instincts were fighting this much against his suggestions. Soon, after doing the barest minimum to write up a report on the results of the "interrogation" to their superiors, the guards began to go underway with their "party" at the base's mess hall, celebrated with the intensity one would expect from a drone, which is to say not much at all. Their revelry seemed like a poorly rehearsed play, a consequence of their minds not quite agreeing with the command given to them, yet too weak to resist entirely.

Yet, just as the Knight had ordained; the Guards' celebration was just the disruption and controlled chaos needed for him, the Mercury's crew, and his erstwhile allies to have practically free reign over the base and its facilities, with any personnel in their way that hadn't been made aware of the "party" and sent to quell it becoming mere speedbumps for the Knight and his entourage through the judicious application of psychic powers or sheer chutzpah.

"Hold it right there!"

But here be an obstacle that is considerably harder to dislodge than oblivious base personnel or small-minded grunts... Abruptly emerging out of a corner from a running start, a saurian humanoid steps forth before Valrin and his entourage, the creature unable to be anything else but a foul Xenos, prompting a volley of glares from the Inquisitorial crew and a wave of disgust to wash over Valrin.

"So this is how you repay the Cerans for their hospitality? Bending their minds to your will?"

That voice... Not to mention the color of his alien "soul"... So this is what Vicious looks like? Its appearance truly reflects the name. Yet for an alien, he seems far too concerned with these Ceran heathens.

"I knew you were dangerous, as with all Psions, but to this extent? It was a mistake to bring you here."

A threat? When he is all alone and with nothing on him other than his flight suit and an empty holster? Something that the Mercury's crew rightfully find to be utterly ludicrous.

"Oooooh, the mighty alien thinks himself enough to stop us and the Lord Knight?"

"I've seen Gretchin scarier looking than you."

Crimson Dragoon

Daniel was somewhat taken aback by the stranger’s appearance. An intelligent reptilian species wasn’t exactly unheard of due to the existence of the Dinosaur Empire back on Earth, but it was still a surprise to see someone so similar to their ilk here. It was a different world, so perhaps a non-human should’ve been expected, but considering most of these Cerans looked human, this came as somewhat of a shock. The reptile’s physical appearance wasn’t the important part, of course. Not to Daniel anyway. It was the topic he brought up.

I knew it, I knew that mind control shit was a bad idea.

Still, Daniel wouldn’t throw Valrin under the bus, despite his…tendencies. He was still somewhat of an ally despite his questionable methods of dealing with this base’s personnel. The AF pilot sighed, and resolved to speak on Valrin’s behalf.

“I think you might be jumping to conclusions,” Daniel replied. “People on a military base trying to relieve tension and boredom this way isn’t exactly unheard of. These things just happen sometimes, even to the most disciplined forces.”

It would be best for everyone if this was simply swept under the rug.


Valrin opened his mouth... only to be cut off by Daniel's responce. Ah an excellent responce!

"My associate here is correct. The initial Interview was done without due process on the only Civilian among us. In Human culture, such an act is abhorrent, so I acted as a legal representative for my associates as is the right for all Humans to have. I did not influence them to do anything they did not want to do. Instead after I pointed out their lack of hospitality by Human standards, their commanding officer offered his judgment. After that, he decided to help destress his troops to be more accommodating to any of us who follows. I had nothing to do with his decision making."

"But I suppose the commanding officer sent to meet with us agreed with you that bringing us here was a mistake. Infact, he personally recommended that we be assigned to the Sunrider as Auxiliary forces. Where you, presumably, would be able to keep some sort of watch over us. Considering Ignus and mine own dispositions to Xenos, do you believe that to be my will? Do you think I wish to be stuck with Juves in Fetish gear piloting Knights as an assignment?" The disgust in those words were the most honest things Valrin had said all day, so plan that everyone around could not call him on that. The stray thought of "He just realised that aspect didn't he" flew through Daniel's mind. "I presume I made just as an impression upon him as I did you. I assume in his "Hospitality" he assigned me to the one place we all *least* want to be".

"So if you would be as kind to show us back to our ..." Valrin didn't have to hide his sigh "assignment, that would be..." His skin crawled, and everyone could sense his displeasure for his next word "appreciated".


@Mazin Kiryu @Kabronex @Ironboi13
Stella merely narrowed her eyes at hearing the news of arriving "Survivors" from Kane's radio headset, it was clear that she didn't take the entire thing at face value. Having reached the transporter just outside the base, the plane's airstairs began to lower and soon enough the two were aboard, with the first thing they saw being Shinkai, who greets Kane with a pained smile as he nursed his injured torso.

"S-some night huh?"

Meanwhile, back at Thalerhof; Having gotten to the air control tower to get a look at the situation personally, Steiner had heard the mechs in distress and their pilots’ story. Victims of the Dinosaur Empire as well, and limping towards the nearest group of human military personnel. It would’ve made enough sense to most people. But Steiner wasn't most people, he didn't quite believe the situation before him as knew the dinosaurs and their tricks, far too much for comfort in his mind, and this stinks of one of them... He wasn't just gonna let these "survivors" in just like that, he needed a closer look, and just his luck, he has several options available. Grabbing one of the mics, he switches over to the Great Mazinger's frequency and makes a request of its pilot

“Kane, why don’t you get close and greet our new guests? See how much help they actually need.”

Being the least damaged of his current assets, the Great Mazinger should be more than enough to handle whatever dinosaur horror was likely trailing just out of detection range.

Mazin Kiryu

“Hey Shin, glad to see you standing” Kane said with a smile as he gently move Stella to a seat before getting word from Steiner, as he responded.

“Understood, moving to check in” Kane said before staring back at Stella as he mouthed “don’t deploy him” as he then quickly rush toward the Brian condor and dock with Great Mazinger, as the Mazinger roar out.

SCRANDER DASH!” Kane yelled out as he flew out of the base and started heading toward the target position as he then spoke to Steiner.

“Question, how do you want me to greet them? Head on or a flyby? Given out situation”