Just gonna compile some stuff, for a quick overview of what Remo Williams is capable of.
As the Reigning Master of Sinanju he has amassed a plethora of feats, and I will also mention Chiun's feats because Remo has since surpassed him.
For evidence of that:
In Look Into My Eyes we see Remo Williams defeat Chiun in a single move.
In Father to Son he becomes the Reigning Master of Sinanju. Chiun assumes the title of Great Teacher.
Now since that's been established I will begin.
Starting with many different instances of them moving at super-sonic speed.
Chiun throws a handgun (after crumpling the firearm like it was made of styrofoam) at such extreme velocities that it destroys a military patrol boat.
The Destroyer #1
Chiun throws two feathers at super-sonic speed, and they pierce through a thick wooden panel. This is really early on in the series. The twenty-sixth book in the series.
Taken from In Enemy Hands.
Remo throws a walking stick at such speeds that it breaks past the sound barrier, and it hits as hard as heavy artillery from a tank.
Taken from The Empire Dreams.
Remo can throw fully grown men at super-sonic speeds, and do so casually as if they weigh nothing.
Taken from Fade to Black.
Chiun slams the heads of two men together at super-sonic speed.
Taken from Failing Marks.
Remo flicks a coin at super-sonic speed.
Taken from Last Monarch.
Chiun throws a spear at super-sonic speeds.
Taken from Spoils of War.
Chiun throws a heavy trunk at super-sonic speeds, and Remo intercepts it before it can crush a fireman.
Taken from Syndication Rites.
Remo throws a steel chair at super-sonic speeds, and it hits with such force that it breaks through a brick wall. Which is compared to warm marmalade as the steel chair sinks into it.
Taken from Guardian Angel.
Remo catches a moshuh naren, and throws it back at the owner... at super-sonic speeds.
Taken from Choke Hold.
As for them reacting to explosions and bullets?
Both Chiun and Remo are able to outrun a large explosion that destroyed a hillside on a mountain Quicksilver style, and the explosion is frozen in time compared to them. Remo again is shown to be much faster than Chiun. While Chiun could escape? Remo had already been long gone by the time he did that. This to the point that Chiun had thought that Remo had been caught in the explosion.
Taken from Air Raid.
Remo Williams perceives bullets from an AK-47 as if they are moving in slow-motion, and has more than enough time to examine the fine details of one bullet in particular, before he moves out of its way. He dodges another twenty-nine bullets, and then proceeds to disintegrate the AK-47 by using his super-speed.
Taken from Scorched Earth.
The narrator makes a point of noting that of all techniques in sinanju made in regards to bullets? Remo prefers to wait for the bullets to come to him, and then moves out of their path at the last possible moment. In order to make it seem as if the bullets have passed through him. This puts to rest any egregious notions that he is aim-dodging or aim-blocking. He's not, and he likes to actually dodge the bullets themselves.
Taken from The Color of Fear.
Remo also reacts to three different musket balls in this sequence, dodging two of them, and kicks one of them back at a musketeer.
In the same book, The Color of Fear, we see Chiun react to and deflect four different musket balls at the same exact time. Then two musket balls at the same exact time. Only bothering to actually move when they're already a scant three inches away from his unblinking eyes. Remo was able to cross the distance between them before the musket balls could reach Chiun, but Chiun didn't actually need his help and he reprimanded him for it.
In 100 Proof we see Chiun treat reacting to bullets as a trivial thing. He is able to effortlessly flick seven bullets out of the air at the same time, and use said seven bullets to flick another seven bullets out of the air that were heading towards Stone (Remo's son). As I said before a Master of Sinanju is basically Quicksilver. Even bullets are stuck in a figurative time-stop when compared to them.
Speaking of Stone though. Despite being an amateur, he already knows how to banish people's souls into the Void by punching them really fast and hard. Before malevolent spirits proceed to drag them down into hell. That's right even people who only know the basics of Sinanju can pummel people so hard their soul gets ejected into another dimension. Somehow I can feel Akuma nodding his head in approval somewhere.
Taken from Overload.
In Prophet of Doom, we see Remo Williams move so fast that he can create whirlwinds of compressed air that can intercept and deflect bullets.
In regards to electricity and lightning bolts?
In High Priestess, we see Remo Williams punch somebody out of the way of a lightning bolt. Specifically within a millionth of a second. As microsecond is not used, and it specifies a millionth of a second, it will be hard to argue it is narrative hyperbole or the writer not knowing what a microsecond is.
This is also taken from Air Raid. Remo Williams is able to intercept a lightning bolt. He manages to reach the lightning bolt after it pierced through the ceiling of the room he was in but before it could reach the floor.
Taken from The Final Crusade.
Chiun is able to move faster than electricity in a wire. After Remo triggered a detonator by accident. In the same instance, it also notes that Remo was moving "nearly as fast" as the electrical signal. He's able to grab two of the satchel charges before the electrical signal can reach them but he's not fast enough to get the third one. However, his master is able to grab it. Chiun explains in detail how he was actually moving faster than the electrical signal, and stopped it before it could reach the satchel charge. In everyday electrical and electronic devices? Their signals on average travel 50% to 99% the speed of light as electromagnetic waves.
Now moving on to radiation and light.
Remo Williams can run circles around neutrons from a neutron bomb after it went off, and maintains a safe distance from the expanding radiation field. For reference, neutrons move in the realm of 20,000 kilometers per second at bare minimum for a rating of MeV 2. From a neutron bomb they would actually be a lot faster than that. Since they are close to 14 MeV. Which means they're more along the lines of moving at 50,000 kilometers per second. Remo can comfortably keep out of their reach when they're shooting towards him.
Taken from Ground Zero.
In Time-Trial, he fights a bunch of natives who discovered a cache of laser rifles. Which were heavily implied to have come from an alien civilization. These are technologically based weapons. So, you can't argue that it is magical light either.
After getting surrounded by them he easily dodges all the lasers they fire at him. When the lasers are already in midair. This makes it clear that he is not aim-dodging or moving out of the way before they fire. He is dodging the lasers themselves. As they shimmer towards him.
They match the sort of laser weaponry currently being designed by the military.
The lasers are specifically described to fire light at people, and are completely silent. Also, one stray shot destroys a cloud in the sky.
Remo William's best speed feat comes from fighting people who use the Krahseevah's vibration suit technology. Early on in the series Remo had difficulty dealing with it but as of recent he can match and cancel out the vibrations. What's impressive about it is that just like The Flash? The Krahseevah could vibrate through matter. It did this by oscillating trillions of times per millisecond (citation: Blue Smoke and Mirrors). This isn't narrative hyperbole as it is being described to us by someone going over the specifications of it, and not the narrator. Besides that, no amount of conventional speed allows you to phase through solid objects. So, I think it's fair to assume this is FTL. Even if you assume it only moves an inch per vibration for example? You're still looking at 84,725 c. Almost 85,000 times the speed of light. However, it is a lot more than just an inch. As the vibrations are spread across the surface of the entire vibration suit via a network of filaments. Meaning it's more along the lines of two meters.
The feat in question happens in Continental Divide. Here it is:
While earlier in the series he couldn't counter the phasing like he could in Continental Divide. He could still react quickly enough to decapitate people who used the vibration suit to travel through telephone lines. Which again should be somewhere in the realm of 50% to 99% the speed of light.
Taken from Engines of Destruction.
I think I discussed enough about how fast they are. Now let's look into how strong they are.
Early on both Chiun and Remo are able to lift the monuments on Mount Rushmore, and keep them from falling down. You are looking at something within the realm of over 4000 metric tons.
Taken from The Destroyer #7.
As early on as the fifth book Dr. Quake? We see a scientist develop a water-jet powerful enough to stop an earth-quake. Conversely, it can also be used to cause earthquakes. Remo is able to wrestle against the pressure of this water-jet, and redirects it in order to kill Dr. Quake's daughters. Who were planning on causing another earth-quake. It was powerful enough to destroy the San Andreas fault line, and sink the entirety of California into the ocean (if only).
Later on in the same book we see Chiun deal with an even bigger water-jet. Which again was going to destroy the fault line. Which had absorbed all of the vibrations in California. He effortlessly destroys it, and the resulting shock-wave is felt across California as he "returns all of its vibrations."
Also, in the book Dr. Quake? Remo is not only able to redirect the water-jet, and compete with the pressure of it? He is also able to block it. Albeit with a makeshift shield. Makes sense since Remo isn't as powerful as Chiun yet. However, he is still able to hold his ground against it after being surprised by the pressure of it. It only pushes him back five feet.
Taken from The Destroyer #9
Remo Williams can survive a direct hit from the water-jet, and Chiun can redirect it with his bare hand.
The twins return after their "death" in Dr. Quake. They helped a crazed preacher almost destroy the planet by blowing it up with a series of bombs placed around the globe.
Taken from Bully Pulpit.
Remo Williams survives being caught in the shock-wave of one.
Another one of the bombs going off shakes the entirety of the nearby Channel Islands. The Channel Islands are 78 square kilometers of land.
The first appearance of The Dutchman. Known as Jeremiah Purcell. He was a powerful psychic with a varied amount of psionic abilities who was taken in by Nuihc. Nuihc being Chiun's first disciple, and nephew. The Dutchman was taught sinanju by Nuihc, and combined it with his own natural psychic abilities. Remo Williams is able to endure his psychic attacks in their first encounter, and defeat him. Then The Dutchman disintegrated Nuihc's castle.
Taken from Next of Kin.
Next feats require some context. Remo Williams is able to overpower the psychokinesis of The Dutchmen on two occasions. Also known as Jeremiah Purcell. In the first instance, The Dutchman was powerful enough to destroy mountains with his psychokinesis. In the second instance, The Dutchman was so powerful he was going to destroy the planet Venus, and nearly succeeded before Remo Williams stopped him. Chiun also notes that he would have gone on to destroy every planet and star before destroying Earth.
Taken from the Master's Challenge.
The Dutchman destroying a mountain. It's blown to smithereens, and pieces of it fly into the air.
We learn that Remo and Jeremiah are closely tied together, and so are their souls. After Remo thought Jeremiah had killed Chiun he takes him on himself. Remo is able to see past his illusions, resist his psychokinesis, and defeat the Dutchman.
Taken from The Line of Succession.
Earlier in the book it's established that Remo Williams has since surpassed The Dutchman. Remo had another articulation with Jeremiah when he was interrogating him on the location of his daughter Freya. It's established that not only is Jeremiah's sinanju useless against Remo but so is The Beast. The Beast is the part of him which represents his psychic abilities. So, both his abilities as a practitioner of sinanju and his psychic powers granted to him by The Beast were useless against an enraged Remo.
As for proof that The Beast represents his psychic powers? It's noted as such earlier in the same book. When it blows up a doe out of jealousy. And as the earlier instance makes clear, even it is powerless against Remo.
In the same book we also see The Dutchman is powerful enough to effect 334 different people with his illusions.
The Dutchman goes completely nuts later, and tries to destroy the planet Venus. Before he can destroy the planet Remo Williams defeats him.
Remo Williams fights The Dutchman one more time in Father to Son. He effortlessly dispels The Dutchman's illusions, and quickly defeats him again. Remo also kills him with no adverse side-effects on himself. Likely due to Shiva's influence. Despite the fact their souls are still connected.
Remo Williams himself is the reincarnation of Shiva. The literal Hindu God. He can channel Shiva via a mantra, or even transform into Shiva. As Shiva he's powerful enough to begin the Tandava, and destroy and recreate the universe (source: Arabian Nightmare). Both Chiun and Kali also corroborate this claim (source: White Water). Shiva has dominion over the Void, and the afterlife in general. He usually resides somewhere in the center of the universe beyond the hearing of every other being in the universe, but Chiun was able to find and communicate with him via telepathy. Shiva is also known as the Eternal Night, and he is always there to welcome any who die into the embrace of the Void (source: Choke Hold).
Remo Williams channeling Shiva early on in his career.
Taken from The Destroyer #1.
Also, the act of killing Remo Williams causes Shiva to automatically possess his body and resurrect him. He fights Kali in Bloodlust and Arabian Nightmare.
In More Blood, it took the combined power of every Master of Sinanju in the five-thousand history of House Sinanju just to stalemate Shiva. That's over a hundred different masters including Chiun. They still couldn't beat him of course. However, Shiva was impressed enough that he decided to spare the Earth and not destroy it. This time. However, something to note about More Blood is that it's unclear whether it's canon or not. It's in that ambiguous middle-ground. Where it could be canon but it could also be non-canon. As no official statements are made regarding it, and this event has yet to actually happen in any of the mainline runs. Such as The Destroyer, The New Destroyer, and Legacy. It's a hypothetical future where Remo William's grandson has taken on the mantle. Arguments can be made both for and against it being canon.
Taken from Prophet of Doom.
Basically, the Pythia prevents Remo from returning to his body. He holds his own against it. Apollo steps in but then that's when Shiva appears, and gives him a taste of his lingham. Also, during the fight Remo generates energies equivalent to a supernova against the Pythia. It notes that this wasn't visible externally but that's because the fight was actually happening in another dimension. As Remo's soul struggled to get back to his body.
In Mother Mine. Another book of Legacy. We see Shiva make an appearance, and resurrect Freya. We get a better idea of what Shiva represents and what he controls. It includes time, fate, history, and the fabric of existence. As well as all life in the universe via a red thread connecting them all. He's infinite in horizon and power.
In the next book Laughing Matter. Freya encounters Shiva in an out of body experience, and Shiva twirls some stars around her. Before giving her visions of the past and future.
Now on to discussing techniques. Sinanju has a wide variety of instant kill techniques that ignore conventional durability.
There are death grips. Which hyper-accelerate the rigormortis process.
Taken from The Final Crusade.
Techniques that involve cellular manipulation. Remo Williams himself has employed something that can destroy all of the mitochondria in a person's cells with a touch.
Taken from Coin of the Realm.
He can stop a person's heart from beating or induce violent heart attacks.
Taken from Bully Pulpit.
Remo Williams can also fry all of a person's nerves in their brain by simply touching their temples. Instantly killing them.
A master of sinanju can sense every kind of energy in the universe, and they become one with it via ki-ai or the spirit breath. They basically can't run out of stamina since they can draw on more energy from the universe with their breathing techniques. And even then Chiun himself could go without oxygen for an excess of seven hours when he was only ten years old.
Taken from Sweet Dreams.
They also have complete control over their bodies.
Remo can constrict and dilate his pupils at will. He can raise or lower his body temperature. He also has control over his heart, and can raise or lower his heart-rate without moving. Anywhere between 4 to 108 beats per minute.
There are pressure points that allow Remo to erase someone's memories.
Taken from Dead Reckoning. Another example of the Emptying Basin technique in action.
Taken from The Last Dragon.
Chiun knocks out an Apatosaurus by realigning its spine.
Also from The Last Dragon.
Chiun and Remo can regulate their body temperate without needing to sweat, and can cool their bodies in extreme heat just by focusing. They don't sweat unless they choose to.
Taken from Spoils of War.
Chiun and Remo can communicate with each other telepathically. Anyway, Chiun guides him and Remo is able to expel a deadly poison from his body.
Taken from In Enemy Hands.
Also, besides telepathy practitioners of sinanju have some measure of telekinesis.
Taken from Feast or Famine.
There is also a technique known as Illuminating the Shadow that allows a master of sinanju to track down a target, and learn more about it through prophetic visions.
Taken from Child's Play.
Remo Williams knows Fallen Petal. Which allows him to reprogram someone, and change their personality.
In Timber Line we see Remo, walk on water.
In Child's Play, we see him walk up walls.
Taken from The End of the World.
Remo Williams can also fly with the technique known as Flying Hawk.
The same book has Remo grant Chiun the ability to transmute abstract concepts like death or gods representing the idea of death into marble statues. Through the use of The Flapping Duck technique.
Taken from The Seventh Stone.
Also, more on the oneness with the universe sinanju masters have. They can manipulate atoms/molecules. In such a way that they can phase through matter, and make it magically disappear. Basically, think Kitty Pryde. Here Remo uses it to phase through matter.
Taken from Look Into My Eyes.
Remo can also use it to transmute matter into vapor.
Taken from Market Force.
Remo can make use of this to change the appearance of others. He made somebody look like a Picasso painting. Moving one of his eyes to his forehead. His nose down to his chin, and moved both of his ears. As well as his other eye over onto where his mouth was.
Also from the same book he turned somebody inside out, and pulled out all of his intestines.
Taken from Monumental Terror.
Chiun stops two of Remo's lovers from killing each other in jealousy by making them intangible like ghosts.
Taken from Time Trial.
Both Remo and Chiun seem unaffected by changes in the time-line. They can retain their memories from previous time-lines, and do not evaporate into non-existence due to any significant changes in history.
Taken from Created, The Destroyer and The Destroyer #1.
Chiun is also aware that he is part of a work of fiction, and is capable of entering a fictional version of our universe. In order to terrorize both Pinnacle Publishing and Marvel.
Taken from Father to Son.
The previous Masters of Sinanju hold sway over things that happen in the Void, and can banish spirits.
Death is also a minor inconvenience for Masters of Sinanju. As their spirits can freely move between the Void and Earth. Which means that even if you kill them? They can still fight you as a ghost. The combined power of the last hundred Masters of Sinanju is also enough to swirl countless galaxies around.
The prophecy of the Great Wang comes to fruition, and Remo Williams becomes the greatest Master of Sinanju. The Lost Master and the Forgotten One are put to rest. The new era is to surpass the one started by the Great Wang.
On Sunny Joe. The average practitioner of sinanju. Do keep in mind that he's not an actual master. Just intermediate at best.
Basically, all of his senses are enhanced. He knows a lot of pressure points that can paralyze or kill. He's an extremely casual bullet-timer, can slap away heavy artillery from M1 Abrams tanks with his bare hands, and rip them apart like they're made out of tissue paper. He also went through the Night of Salt which restructured his nervous system and digestive tract. He knows the proper Ki-Ai breathing techniques, and can draw from all the ambient energy in the air. He can disperse kinetic energy to an extent, and he also has control over momentum and can align himself with the universe's vibrations. He also mastered the Killing Nail. Which renders his fingernails into razor sharp blades that can cut through most metals.
Taken from Homecoming.
This would be the feat against the M1 Abrams tank.
In his fight with War Feather we see him disperse kinetic energy, and one of War Feather's attacks even passes through his chest. Suggesting that he is far along enough in his training to phase through matter like Remo and Chiun.
Taken from Overload.
And the Killing Nail.
As the Reigning Master of Sinanju he has amassed a plethora of feats, and I will also mention Chiun's feats because Remo has since surpassed him.
For evidence of that:
In Look Into My Eyes we see Remo Williams defeat Chiun in a single move.
In Father to Son he becomes the Reigning Master of Sinanju. Chiun assumes the title of Great Teacher.
Now since that's been established I will begin.
Starting with many different instances of them moving at super-sonic speed.
Chiun throws a handgun (after crumpling the firearm like it was made of styrofoam) at such extreme velocities that it destroys a military patrol boat.
The Destroyer #1
Chiun throws two feathers at super-sonic speed, and they pierce through a thick wooden panel. This is really early on in the series. The twenty-sixth book in the series.
Taken from In Enemy Hands.
Remo throws a walking stick at such speeds that it breaks past the sound barrier, and it hits as hard as heavy artillery from a tank.
Taken from The Empire Dreams.
Remo can throw fully grown men at super-sonic speeds, and do so casually as if they weigh nothing.
Taken from Fade to Black.
Chiun slams the heads of two men together at super-sonic speed.
Taken from Failing Marks.
Remo flicks a coin at super-sonic speed.
Taken from Last Monarch.
Chiun throws a spear at super-sonic speeds.
Taken from Spoils of War.
Chiun throws a heavy trunk at super-sonic speeds, and Remo intercepts it before it can crush a fireman.
Taken from Syndication Rites.
Remo throws a steel chair at super-sonic speeds, and it hits with such force that it breaks through a brick wall. Which is compared to warm marmalade as the steel chair sinks into it.
Taken from Guardian Angel.
Remo catches a moshuh naren, and throws it back at the owner... at super-sonic speeds.
Taken from Choke Hold.
As for them reacting to explosions and bullets?
Both Chiun and Remo are able to outrun a large explosion that destroyed a hillside on a mountain Quicksilver style, and the explosion is frozen in time compared to them. Remo again is shown to be much faster than Chiun. While Chiun could escape? Remo had already been long gone by the time he did that. This to the point that Chiun had thought that Remo had been caught in the explosion.
Taken from Air Raid.
Remo Williams perceives bullets from an AK-47 as if they are moving in slow-motion, and has more than enough time to examine the fine details of one bullet in particular, before he moves out of its way. He dodges another twenty-nine bullets, and then proceeds to disintegrate the AK-47 by using his super-speed.
Taken from Scorched Earth.
The narrator makes a point of noting that of all techniques in sinanju made in regards to bullets? Remo prefers to wait for the bullets to come to him, and then moves out of their path at the last possible moment. In order to make it seem as if the bullets have passed through him. This puts to rest any egregious notions that he is aim-dodging or aim-blocking. He's not, and he likes to actually dodge the bullets themselves.
Taken from The Color of Fear.
Remo also reacts to three different musket balls in this sequence, dodging two of them, and kicks one of them back at a musketeer.
In the same book, The Color of Fear, we see Chiun react to and deflect four different musket balls at the same exact time. Then two musket balls at the same exact time. Only bothering to actually move when they're already a scant three inches away from his unblinking eyes. Remo was able to cross the distance between them before the musket balls could reach Chiun, but Chiun didn't actually need his help and he reprimanded him for it.
In 100 Proof we see Chiun treat reacting to bullets as a trivial thing. He is able to effortlessly flick seven bullets out of the air at the same time, and use said seven bullets to flick another seven bullets out of the air that were heading towards Stone (Remo's son). As I said before a Master of Sinanju is basically Quicksilver. Even bullets are stuck in a figurative time-stop when compared to them.
Speaking of Stone though. Despite being an amateur, he already knows how to banish people's souls into the Void by punching them really fast and hard. Before malevolent spirits proceed to drag them down into hell. That's right even people who only know the basics of Sinanju can pummel people so hard their soul gets ejected into another dimension. Somehow I can feel Akuma nodding his head in approval somewhere.
Taken from Overload.
In Prophet of Doom, we see Remo Williams move so fast that he can create whirlwinds of compressed air that can intercept and deflect bullets.
In regards to electricity and lightning bolts?
In High Priestess, we see Remo Williams punch somebody out of the way of a lightning bolt. Specifically within a millionth of a second. As microsecond is not used, and it specifies a millionth of a second, it will be hard to argue it is narrative hyperbole or the writer not knowing what a microsecond is.
This is also taken from Air Raid. Remo Williams is able to intercept a lightning bolt. He manages to reach the lightning bolt after it pierced through the ceiling of the room he was in but before it could reach the floor.
Taken from The Final Crusade.
Chiun is able to move faster than electricity in a wire. After Remo triggered a detonator by accident. In the same instance, it also notes that Remo was moving "nearly as fast" as the electrical signal. He's able to grab two of the satchel charges before the electrical signal can reach them but he's not fast enough to get the third one. However, his master is able to grab it. Chiun explains in detail how he was actually moving faster than the electrical signal, and stopped it before it could reach the satchel charge. In everyday electrical and electronic devices? Their signals on average travel 50% to 99% the speed of light as electromagnetic waves.
Now moving on to radiation and light.
Remo Williams can run circles around neutrons from a neutron bomb after it went off, and maintains a safe distance from the expanding radiation field. For reference, neutrons move in the realm of 20,000 kilometers per second at bare minimum for a rating of MeV 2. From a neutron bomb they would actually be a lot faster than that. Since they are close to 14 MeV. Which means they're more along the lines of moving at 50,000 kilometers per second. Remo can comfortably keep out of their reach when they're shooting towards him.
Taken from Ground Zero.
In Time-Trial, he fights a bunch of natives who discovered a cache of laser rifles. Which were heavily implied to have come from an alien civilization. These are technologically based weapons. So, you can't argue that it is magical light either.
After getting surrounded by them he easily dodges all the lasers they fire at him. When the lasers are already in midair. This makes it clear that he is not aim-dodging or moving out of the way before they fire. He is dodging the lasers themselves. As they shimmer towards him.
They match the sort of laser weaponry currently being designed by the military.
The lasers are specifically described to fire light at people, and are completely silent. Also, one stray shot destroys a cloud in the sky.
Remo William's best speed feat comes from fighting people who use the Krahseevah's vibration suit technology. Early on in the series Remo had difficulty dealing with it but as of recent he can match and cancel out the vibrations. What's impressive about it is that just like The Flash? The Krahseevah could vibrate through matter. It did this by oscillating trillions of times per millisecond (citation: Blue Smoke and Mirrors). This isn't narrative hyperbole as it is being described to us by someone going over the specifications of it, and not the narrator. Besides that, no amount of conventional speed allows you to phase through solid objects. So, I think it's fair to assume this is FTL. Even if you assume it only moves an inch per vibration for example? You're still looking at 84,725 c. Almost 85,000 times the speed of light. However, it is a lot more than just an inch. As the vibrations are spread across the surface of the entire vibration suit via a network of filaments. Meaning it's more along the lines of two meters.
The feat in question happens in Continental Divide. Here it is:
While earlier in the series he couldn't counter the phasing like he could in Continental Divide. He could still react quickly enough to decapitate people who used the vibration suit to travel through telephone lines. Which again should be somewhere in the realm of 50% to 99% the speed of light.
Taken from Engines of Destruction.
I think I discussed enough about how fast they are. Now let's look into how strong they are.
Early on both Chiun and Remo are able to lift the monuments on Mount Rushmore, and keep them from falling down. You are looking at something within the realm of over 4000 metric tons.
Taken from The Destroyer #7.
As early on as the fifth book Dr. Quake? We see a scientist develop a water-jet powerful enough to stop an earth-quake. Conversely, it can also be used to cause earthquakes. Remo is able to wrestle against the pressure of this water-jet, and redirects it in order to kill Dr. Quake's daughters. Who were planning on causing another earth-quake. It was powerful enough to destroy the San Andreas fault line, and sink the entirety of California into the ocean (if only).
Later on in the same book we see Chiun deal with an even bigger water-jet. Which again was going to destroy the fault line. Which had absorbed all of the vibrations in California. He effortlessly destroys it, and the resulting shock-wave is felt across California as he "returns all of its vibrations."
Also, in the book Dr. Quake? Remo is not only able to redirect the water-jet, and compete with the pressure of it? He is also able to block it. Albeit with a makeshift shield. Makes sense since Remo isn't as powerful as Chiun yet. However, he is still able to hold his ground against it after being surprised by the pressure of it. It only pushes him back five feet.
Taken from The Destroyer #9
Remo Williams can survive a direct hit from the water-jet, and Chiun can redirect it with his bare hand.
The twins return after their "death" in Dr. Quake. They helped a crazed preacher almost destroy the planet by blowing it up with a series of bombs placed around the globe.
Taken from Bully Pulpit.
Remo Williams survives being caught in the shock-wave of one.
Another one of the bombs going off shakes the entirety of the nearby Channel Islands. The Channel Islands are 78 square kilometers of land.
The first appearance of The Dutchman. Known as Jeremiah Purcell. He was a powerful psychic with a varied amount of psionic abilities who was taken in by Nuihc. Nuihc being Chiun's first disciple, and nephew. The Dutchman was taught sinanju by Nuihc, and combined it with his own natural psychic abilities. Remo Williams is able to endure his psychic attacks in their first encounter, and defeat him. Then The Dutchman disintegrated Nuihc's castle.
Taken from Next of Kin.
Next feats require some context. Remo Williams is able to overpower the psychokinesis of The Dutchmen on two occasions. Also known as Jeremiah Purcell. In the first instance, The Dutchman was powerful enough to destroy mountains with his psychokinesis. In the second instance, The Dutchman was so powerful he was going to destroy the planet Venus, and nearly succeeded before Remo Williams stopped him. Chiun also notes that he would have gone on to destroy every planet and star before destroying Earth.
Taken from the Master's Challenge.
The Dutchman destroying a mountain. It's blown to smithereens, and pieces of it fly into the air.
We learn that Remo and Jeremiah are closely tied together, and so are their souls. After Remo thought Jeremiah had killed Chiun he takes him on himself. Remo is able to see past his illusions, resist his psychokinesis, and defeat the Dutchman.
Taken from The Line of Succession.
Earlier in the book it's established that Remo Williams has since surpassed The Dutchman. Remo had another articulation with Jeremiah when he was interrogating him on the location of his daughter Freya. It's established that not only is Jeremiah's sinanju useless against Remo but so is The Beast. The Beast is the part of him which represents his psychic abilities. So, both his abilities as a practitioner of sinanju and his psychic powers granted to him by The Beast were useless against an enraged Remo.
As for proof that The Beast represents his psychic powers? It's noted as such earlier in the same book. When it blows up a doe out of jealousy. And as the earlier instance makes clear, even it is powerless against Remo.
In the same book we also see The Dutchman is powerful enough to effect 334 different people with his illusions.
The Dutchman goes completely nuts later, and tries to destroy the planet Venus. Before he can destroy the planet Remo Williams defeats him.
Remo Williams fights The Dutchman one more time in Father to Son. He effortlessly dispels The Dutchman's illusions, and quickly defeats him again. Remo also kills him with no adverse side-effects on himself. Likely due to Shiva's influence. Despite the fact their souls are still connected.
Remo Williams himself is the reincarnation of Shiva. The literal Hindu God. He can channel Shiva via a mantra, or even transform into Shiva. As Shiva he's powerful enough to begin the Tandava, and destroy and recreate the universe (source: Arabian Nightmare). Both Chiun and Kali also corroborate this claim (source: White Water). Shiva has dominion over the Void, and the afterlife in general. He usually resides somewhere in the center of the universe beyond the hearing of every other being in the universe, but Chiun was able to find and communicate with him via telepathy. Shiva is also known as the Eternal Night, and he is always there to welcome any who die into the embrace of the Void (source: Choke Hold).
Remo Williams channeling Shiva early on in his career.
Taken from The Destroyer #1.
Also, the act of killing Remo Williams causes Shiva to automatically possess his body and resurrect him. He fights Kali in Bloodlust and Arabian Nightmare.
In More Blood, it took the combined power of every Master of Sinanju in the five-thousand history of House Sinanju just to stalemate Shiva. That's over a hundred different masters including Chiun. They still couldn't beat him of course. However, Shiva was impressed enough that he decided to spare the Earth and not destroy it. This time. However, something to note about More Blood is that it's unclear whether it's canon or not. It's in that ambiguous middle-ground. Where it could be canon but it could also be non-canon. As no official statements are made regarding it, and this event has yet to actually happen in any of the mainline runs. Such as The Destroyer, The New Destroyer, and Legacy. It's a hypothetical future where Remo William's grandson has taken on the mantle. Arguments can be made both for and against it being canon.
Taken from Prophet of Doom.
Basically, the Pythia prevents Remo from returning to his body. He holds his own against it. Apollo steps in but then that's when Shiva appears, and gives him a taste of his lingham. Also, during the fight Remo generates energies equivalent to a supernova against the Pythia. It notes that this wasn't visible externally but that's because the fight was actually happening in another dimension. As Remo's soul struggled to get back to his body.
In Mother Mine. Another book of Legacy. We see Shiva make an appearance, and resurrect Freya. We get a better idea of what Shiva represents and what he controls. It includes time, fate, history, and the fabric of existence. As well as all life in the universe via a red thread connecting them all. He's infinite in horizon and power.
In the next book Laughing Matter. Freya encounters Shiva in an out of body experience, and Shiva twirls some stars around her. Before giving her visions of the past and future.
Now on to discussing techniques. Sinanju has a wide variety of instant kill techniques that ignore conventional durability.
There are death grips. Which hyper-accelerate the rigormortis process.
Taken from The Final Crusade.
Techniques that involve cellular manipulation. Remo Williams himself has employed something that can destroy all of the mitochondria in a person's cells with a touch.
Taken from Coin of the Realm.
He can stop a person's heart from beating or induce violent heart attacks.
Taken from Bully Pulpit.
Remo Williams can also fry all of a person's nerves in their brain by simply touching their temples. Instantly killing them.
A master of sinanju can sense every kind of energy in the universe, and they become one with it via ki-ai or the spirit breath. They basically can't run out of stamina since they can draw on more energy from the universe with their breathing techniques. And even then Chiun himself could go without oxygen for an excess of seven hours when he was only ten years old.
Taken from Sweet Dreams.
They also have complete control over their bodies.
Remo can constrict and dilate his pupils at will. He can raise or lower his body temperature. He also has control over his heart, and can raise or lower his heart-rate without moving. Anywhere between 4 to 108 beats per minute.
There are pressure points that allow Remo to erase someone's memories.
Taken from Dead Reckoning. Another example of the Emptying Basin technique in action.
Taken from The Last Dragon.
Chiun knocks out an Apatosaurus by realigning its spine.
Also from The Last Dragon.
Chiun and Remo can regulate their body temperate without needing to sweat, and can cool their bodies in extreme heat just by focusing. They don't sweat unless they choose to.
Taken from Spoils of War.
Chiun and Remo can communicate with each other telepathically. Anyway, Chiun guides him and Remo is able to expel a deadly poison from his body.
Taken from In Enemy Hands.
Also, besides telepathy practitioners of sinanju have some measure of telekinesis.
Taken from Feast or Famine.
There is also a technique known as Illuminating the Shadow that allows a master of sinanju to track down a target, and learn more about it through prophetic visions.
Taken from Child's Play.
Remo Williams knows Fallen Petal. Which allows him to reprogram someone, and change their personality.
In Timber Line we see Remo, walk on water.
In Child's Play, we see him walk up walls.
Taken from The End of the World.
Remo Williams can also fly with the technique known as Flying Hawk.
The same book has Remo grant Chiun the ability to transmute abstract concepts like death or gods representing the idea of death into marble statues. Through the use of The Flapping Duck technique.
Taken from The Seventh Stone.
Also, more on the oneness with the universe sinanju masters have. They can manipulate atoms/molecules. In such a way that they can phase through matter, and make it magically disappear. Basically, think Kitty Pryde. Here Remo uses it to phase through matter.
Taken from Look Into My Eyes.
Remo can also use it to transmute matter into vapor.
Taken from Market Force.
Remo can make use of this to change the appearance of others. He made somebody look like a Picasso painting. Moving one of his eyes to his forehead. His nose down to his chin, and moved both of his ears. As well as his other eye over onto where his mouth was.
Also from the same book he turned somebody inside out, and pulled out all of his intestines.
Taken from Monumental Terror.
Chiun stops two of Remo's lovers from killing each other in jealousy by making them intangible like ghosts.
Taken from Time Trial.
Both Remo and Chiun seem unaffected by changes in the time-line. They can retain their memories from previous time-lines, and do not evaporate into non-existence due to any significant changes in history.
Taken from Created, The Destroyer and The Destroyer #1.
Chiun is also aware that he is part of a work of fiction, and is capable of entering a fictional version of our universe. In order to terrorize both Pinnacle Publishing and Marvel.
Taken from Father to Son.
The previous Masters of Sinanju hold sway over things that happen in the Void, and can banish spirits.
Death is also a minor inconvenience for Masters of Sinanju. As their spirits can freely move between the Void and Earth. Which means that even if you kill them? They can still fight you as a ghost. The combined power of the last hundred Masters of Sinanju is also enough to swirl countless galaxies around.
The prophecy of the Great Wang comes to fruition, and Remo Williams becomes the greatest Master of Sinanju. The Lost Master and the Forgotten One are put to rest. The new era is to surpass the one started by the Great Wang.
On Sunny Joe. The average practitioner of sinanju. Do keep in mind that he's not an actual master. Just intermediate at best.
Basically, all of his senses are enhanced. He knows a lot of pressure points that can paralyze or kill. He's an extremely casual bullet-timer, can slap away heavy artillery from M1 Abrams tanks with his bare hands, and rip them apart like they're made out of tissue paper. He also went through the Night of Salt which restructured his nervous system and digestive tract. He knows the proper Ki-Ai breathing techniques, and can draw from all the ambient energy in the air. He can disperse kinetic energy to an extent, and he also has control over momentum and can align himself with the universe's vibrations. He also mastered the Killing Nail. Which renders his fingernails into razor sharp blades that can cut through most metals.
Taken from Homecoming.
This would be the feat against the M1 Abrams tank.
In his fight with War Feather we see him disperse kinetic energy, and one of War Feather's attacks even passes through his chest. Suggesting that he is far along enough in his training to phase through matter like Remo and Chiun.
Taken from Overload.
And the Killing Nail.
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