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The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

The Mock Turtle is a giant friendly turtle (or turtle-like creature) who lives in the Battlespire. He is a member of the Great Turtle species and can talk. The Mock Turtle used to be a real turtle, and relates his tragic and lengthy tale. The Mock Turtle studied the obscure disciplines of the Quadriva Arithmetia. The Mock Turtle is described as ancient.
The Mock Turtle introduces himself as a member of the rare species of Great Turtle from which is made the famous Mock Turtle Soup, the Soup of Kings. "Sit down and don't say a word until I've finished. Once," said the Mock Turtle with a deep sigh, "I was a real Turtle." The Mock Turtle relates a tragic and lengthy tale about going to school in the sea, and about his studies in the obscure disciplines of the Quadriva Arithmetia - Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision -- and the courses of instruction in Mystery, ancient and modern, with Seaography, Drawling, Stretching, Fainting in Coils, Laughing, and Grief. At last, when it becomes clear that his story has no point, you become restless. "Oh, dear," said the Mock Turtle. "I'm afraid I've bored you. You've been so kind to listen to the maunderings of an ancient reptile...please say my name backwards where it will do the most good, accept as a token of my gratitude a product of my researches in the field of Speculative Ontology."
Indeed, the Mock Turtles shell can be found in ESO, and most scholars don't believe there's a Mock Turtle below the Weir Gate. They can't deny though the shell is really big.
Most scholars dismiss tales of a massive turtle dwelling beyond the Weir Gate as pure nonsense … but this shell is really big.
Nocturnal manages to break into Cogitum Centralis in her true 'form' and swallows Clockwork City, but Divayth Fyr is able to hold her back (abet with his full power and he can only hold out so long). When Sotha Sil's shadow is fixed and he's awakened, he banished Nocturnal from Clockwork City.


Some more scans from the Summerset Online guide.

You battle several different Josajeh's from different time breaches (this fight takes place in the White-Gold throne room). Ritemaster Josajeh noticably has the ability to control time.
Gryphons are the apex predators of Summerset, and have fierce strength, being strong enough to create vortexes in the air.
Clan Direnni left Summerset long ago for an island in the Illiac Bay.
The College of Sapiarchs don't let just anyone teleport to their college.
There are books and scrolls on Evergloam lore in Evergloam, and you are encouraged to go look for them.
Coral Crabs cover their shells in coral and anemones, and their powerful claws can crush thick carapaces and pry open even the most obstinate bivalves. Most of them (with a few exceptions) are peaceful unless provoked. They can shoot bursts of water, heal each other and create shockwaves.
The Evergloam is a realm of permanent twilight and gloam ruled by the Night Mistress. It would be considered peaceful and sombre if not for the hordes of creatures of night and shadow.
Someone or something is opening breaches in time, which you must seal.
Giant Salamanders are found naturally and only in Summerset, and can shift between three elements (fire, ice and lightning), which will allow it to use attacks of said element and become resistant to said element. They can slow their metabolisms to create a shield around their bodies.
Mephala is the Prince of Spiders.
The introduction, which details the backstory of Summerset's history and how the Altmer (and indeed all mer) originally came from Aldmeris long ago.
The Psijics have the power to control time itself.
Even more from the Summerset Online guide!

Goblins are said to have originated from Summerset as the High Elves brought them in to be menials and slaves.
Information on Northeast Summerset.
The Guardian Atronach can shoot lava out of its arm.
The Dreaming Cave is a place of great study and learning, and the only place you can travel to several off-world locations such as the Evergloam, the Spiral Skein and the Crystal Tower.
Information on Southwest Summerset.
Lady Adreana can call down energy projectiles from the sky.
Information on Southeast Summerset.
Z'Maja is a sload Shadowcaster, who with the strength of a powerful amulet from Nocturnal can use Shadow Magic and call upon shadow clones from the Shadow World. Should a player be killed, Z'Maja would raise their own shadow against their allies, and they can only be resurrected once said players shadow clone is defeated. If the Shade of Z'Maja escapes the Shadow World and enters the portal into the real world, she will paralyse and kill all the players with powerful Shadow Magic.

Information on Northwest Summerset.
Yaghra are sea creatures who live in the oceans all around Nirn, and they come in a great variety.

Jills are mentioned in the French version of A Child's Tamriel Bestiary. Jills are female dragons who serve Akatosh directly and repair time after a Dragon Break. This is the first time they've been mentioned by an official in-game source (although there's a lot of OOG texts featuring them).
J comme jills, êtres mythiques
Elles réparent le monde quand le dragon se brise
J for jills, mythical beings
They repair the world when the dragon breaks
"A 'jill' is an archaic term for a female dragon. The minute-menders would take on a suitably draconic form."
Thanks for your continuing work into the lore. It's deep, thought provoking, and fantastic. This is what separates TES from other games.

That said, is Pelinal actually a robot/cyborg?

Why are so many robots traveling back in time (Pelinal, KINMUNE)?

Was KINMUNE the "Eye of Magnus" as represented in Skyrim?

Where was Yagrum during the events of Red Mountain? Where/what are the Outer Realms?


Pelinal: yes, he is. Love that guy.

They come back to 'fix' the future. The Jills have to work overtime.

Eye of Magnus: I'll just say I'm a fan of that idea.

Yagrum: In a pocket real called Plot Device.
From an OOG text, Alduin once burned away 22 Jills who are unbound by time.
There were also the twenty-two Thunder-Scaled Jills unbound by time and so served as Ysmaalithax’s oracle-oocytes until the Ald’uin would burn them away: Unaalthiigas, Hriimaalixixigis, Kuujhe’elthilax of the Kalpa of the Orsidoon, Ingriidarligar who used her tailclaw as a song, Faajoorliidovahilagar, Ma’aheemi, Sorress’lilargus, Ansahaalifar whose gigantic feathered-crown was stripped from a Dawn Goddess that was eaten before she could fully congeal, Khelsadaalix and Akheelaalix who traded heads daily out of some geas, Vemmaabilthax, Borgaasaalthoom, Nuum’hyetthex, Vashuunaliasthoom, Fraalxshildadoon, Daahnaarlilagus, Mehemeem’yetthex Aththoommua who held secret syllables “unneeded yet”, and their five eldest, called the Five Eldest of the Thunder-Scaled Jills.
The Void Nights were a period of two years starting in 4E 98 and ending in 4E 100, when Massar and Secunda vanished. Although this was a dread event all across Tamriel, it was particularly bad in Elsweyr where the moons have an integral role in culture and what kind of Khajiit they're born as. The Aldmeri Dominion claimed responsibility for returning the moons with 'previously unknown Dawn Magicks,' but if this is true or not is unknown (in anycase, it got the Khajiit more in favour to the Aldmeri Dominion over the Imperial Empire).
In 4E 98, the two moons, Masser and Secunda vanished. Within most of the Empire, this was viewed with trepidation and fear. In Elsweyr it was far worse. Culturally the moons are much more influential to the Khajiit. After two years of the Void Nights, the moons returned. The Thalmor announced that they had restored the moons using previously unknown Dawn Magicks, but it is unclear if they truly restored the moons or just took advantage of foreknowledge that they would return.

Regardless of the truth of the matter, the Khajiit credited the Thalmor as their saviors. Within fifteen years, Imperial influence in Elsweyr had so diminished that the Empire was unable to respond effectively to the coup of 4E 115 which dissolved the Elsweyr Confederacy and recreated the ancient kingdoms of Anequina and Pelletine as client states of the Aldmeri Dominion. Once more the Empire failed to stop the advance of Thamor power.
The Razor was divided among the three highest ranking members of the order's inner circle, to be passed down from oldest child to oldest child "until the twin moons themselves disappeared from the skies." Although this pledge seems to have been loosely interpreted, as the moons did vanish from the heavens during The Void Nights of 4E98-4E100, yet the Razor's pieces were still being bequeathed through the generations during and after this time.
Hosgunn Crossed-Daggers used the confusion of the Void Nights to make himself Jarl of Riften.
In 4E 98, amidst the confusion of the Void Nights, Hosgunn Crossed-Daggers was installed as Jarl when the previous Jarl had been assassinated. Although many believe that Hosgunn was responisble, and cries of protest filled the streets of Riften, the Jarl took the throne and immediately took action to protect his station. Using the city guard, he had the streets cleared of protesters and initiated a curfew. Any caught breaking the curfew was immediately jailed without process or executed if it was a repeat offence.
According to Michael Kirkbride, the Void Nights were eugenic experiments as well as a warning not to mess with whoever did it (further implying that it was the Aldmeri Dominion who were responsible).
What were the Void Nights? (03/02/12)
Eugenics experiment. With a side dish of "don't [censored] with us."
As always, a reminder that the moons are entire planes of infinite size and infinite mass.

What are moons?​

Small planets, insofar as one infinite mass of infinite size can be smaller than another. Planets do have orbits, or at least lunar orbits are perceived to happen by mortals. Moons are regarded by various cultures as attendant spirits of their god planet, or minor gods, or foreign gods. The moons of Nirn are Masser and Secunda. Moons are not represented in the Dwarven Orrery.

What are Masser and Secunda?​

Masser and Secunda ('Jone' and 'Jode' in the Ehlnofex), the moons of Nirn, are the attendant spirits of the mortal plane. They are like the mortal plane in that they are temporal and subject to the bounds of mortality; in fact of this, the moons are dead and died long ago. The moons used to be pure white and featureless, but today their 'skin' is decaying and withering away. Their planes are likewise dying. Mortals perceive this as the moons being spheres with patches of their 'surfaces' completely eaten away; as the moons spin, they seem to become slivers or ragged crescents. These are not caused by shadows, because you can see stars through the black patches of the lunar spheres.
The Reverent (or the Necromancers Moon) is the physical form of the God of Worms, Mannimarco's form after he ascended to godhood. He orbits the plane(t) of Arkay, and eclipses the God of Life and Death so that necromancers can turn Grand Soul Gems into Black Sould Gems (a feat even N'gasta would marvel at).
Brothers and Sisters of the Worm!
Despair not at the trials we now face, for our time comes swiftly.

The God of Worms watches over our Order, and will deliver us from these troubled times on the Day of Reckoning. Until then, perform His works in secret, serve His needs, and look to the skies for His signs.

The Revenant, the Necromancer's Moon, watches over us all. His Form, ascended to Godhood, has taken its rightful place in the sky, and hides the enemy Arkay from us so that we may serve Him. Watch for the signs: when the heavenly light descends from above, hasten to His altars and make your offering, so that He may bless you with but a taste of His true power. Grand Soul Gems offered to Him will be darkened, and can be used to trap the souls of the unwitting; a feat even the great N'Gasta would marvel at.

Stay faithful to the Order of the Black Worm, and in time your loyalty will be rewarded. Soon, He will return to set the world right in due time, and those who would stand in his way will suffer enternally at his hands, just as those who stood opposed before.

Until that day, you must believe and be patient. Hide in your caves, in your ruined forts, in your secret lairs. Raise your minions, summon your servants, cast your spells. Answer the call of the Order when you are needed. Watch and listen.
This was after Mannimarco ascended to godhood using the power of the Mantella during the Warp in the West.

The Mantella is hurled from Aetherius, and although drawn to the empty chest of great Numidium, the will of the King of Worms commands it to his side. With this power, the King of Worms leaves his mortal frame and joins the ranks of the gods of Oblivion.
The Reverant Moon, like the other plane(t)s (except Nirn), would be an entire plane of existence of infinite size and mass.

What are moons?​

Small planets, insofar as one infinite mass of infinite size can be smaller than another. Planets do have orbits, or at least lunar orbits are perceived to happen by mortals. Moons are regarded by various cultures as attendant spirits of their god planet, or minor gods, or foreign gods. The moons of Nirn are Masser and Secunda. Moons are not represented in the Dwarven Orrery.
Mannimarco is the enemy of Arkay, and tells his followers to attack Arkay and his followers, either literally attacking his churches or intellectually discredite his burial customs as superstition, thus allowing necromancers to raise the dead back to life. There are two interesting things to note here. Firstly, that this book appears in Morrowind and Online (and Skyrim if you include the Creation Club), even though ESO happened centuries before the events in Daggerfall. This would mean that the Dragon Break during the Warp in the West allowed Mannimarco to truly transcend as a god, becoming a god in the past retroactively. Secondly, that just like Mannimarco, Arkay was once a mortal who transcended to godhood.
Hear me, children. Once I was a lowly man such as yourselves. By my will I entered the ranks of the gods. By your unquestioning devotion, you can share my glory.

Most Necromancers are fools and weaklings. Fodder for the witchhunters. But you, my servants, you are among the chosen. In the days to come, few will dare to stand against your might. But one obstacle remains. His name is Arkay.

He was also a man who entered the ranks of the gods. The similarities between his mortal life and my own astonish even me. It is only proper that we should be enemies.

Arkay's Blessing prevents the souls of men, beastmen, and elves from being used without consent. Arkay's Law prevents those buried with the proper rituals from being raised to serve my children's will. As you know, my children, Arkay's Blessing is flexible to those with daring, but Arkay's Law is unwavering.

To the Scholars: Humiliate the priests of Arkay. Reveal their primitive burial customs to be mere superstition. Befriend kings with honeyed words and bind them to your will. Look to my children in Cyrodiil for guidance.

To the Priests: Use your servants sparingly, let none be seen by the living. Let the memories of the undead waste away from the people. Send missionaries to the unbound dead, to the Vampires and the Liches. Let all the nations of dead carry my banner and my banner alone.

To the Hidden: Wait, as always, in the darkness.

For soon we shall strike. The Temples of Arkay will be torn stone from stone. The blood of his priests will sate our thirst; their bones will rise as our servants. The name Arkay will be struck from the records. Only I shall hold sway over life and death. Only one name shall be whispered in fear. The name of your lord and master.

You can see the effects of the Necromancers Moon directly in the Mages Guid quest of the same name.

During the events of Skyrim in the 4th Era, the Cult of Worms still turn Grand Soul Gems into Black Soul Gems via the Reverants unholy light.
"We offer this soul to The Revenant: he who watches over the opponents of Arkay and his power over life and death. Fie upon Arkay and his followers! Fie!"
"Yeah, fie!"
"Fie. We beseech you. Darken this gem so that we may use its power to restore The Order of the Black Worm. The Order shall rise. Grant us this power so that in your name we may vanquish our enemies."
The Crystal Tower connects all realities.
Vestige: Why is the Crystal Tower so important?
Valsiren: The Crystal Tower is a manifestation of ancient magic. It serves as a symbol for the Altmer. Its presence protects Summerset. The Sea Sload used the Ritemaster to weaken that protection, making their invasion possible.
Beyond that, there are rumors.
Vestige: What kind of rumors?
Valsiren: The kind that make the Ritemaster wary of allowing either the Sea Sload or the Daedric Princes to possess its power.
Legends say the Crystal Tower exists in every planar realm at the same time. It literally connects all realities.
Nocturnal embues the Crystal Tower with boundless energy, making it unstable and prone to shifting across different planes of existence rapidly. To aid you, Mephala turns two Resolute Diamonds into keys to anchor you to reality. In return she asks that you take her follower Leythen with you, and for a meeting with Sotha Sil.
Mephala: You are strangely consequential, for a mortal. In my calculations, I somehow overlooked your significance. And yet, that has worked to my advantage, for now we have a chance to thwart Nocturnal. And that will be something to savor."
Vestige: So you'll attune us to the Resolute Diamonds?
Mephala:"I can attune the diamond keys, but that won't be enough to keep you safe. Using the secrets she stole from Sotha Sil, Nocturnal has infused the Crystal Tower with boundless energy. It makes the tower's connection to reality … increasingly unstable."
Vestige: What else do we need?
Mephala: I must turn the Resolute Diamonds into more than just keys. They must become an anchor, something to lock you to this reality. Without such a weight, you will be lost as the tower rapidly shifts from one plane to the next.
And in exchange ….
Vestige: Tell me what you want.
Mephala: Two trivial concessions, nothing more. First, just as Vile sends his Hound, I want you to take my earl, Leythen, into the Crystal Tower. And second, I wish a private meeting with Sotha Sil after reality has been saved.
Do we have a deal?"
Vestige: I can only speak for myself. Attune the diamonds as you have said and Leythen can come with me.
Mephala: Two Resolute Diamonds … imbued with the power of Mephala! Now they merge into a single gem … one Resolute Anchor to serve as both key and safeguard!
Do not lose this. Only its presence will keep you and your companions anchored to reality.
If you stray from the protection of the Resolute Anchor, you will be lost in the nothingness between realities.
Mephala: Remember, if any of you stray from the protection of the Resolute Anchor, you'll be lost in the nothingness between realities.
And know that I will be watching.
Nocturnal is going to rip apart and remake reality using the power gained from her connection with everything via the Crystal Tower and Transparent Law.
Barbas: What? Sotha Sil let me in. How else am I supposed to lead you through the Fields of Regret and to the Crystal Tower? Now could we hurry this up, please? Nocturnal's not going to wait forever to tear reality apart, you know.
The Crystal Tower straddles every reality.
Barbas: I've never been inside a tower that straddles every reality, but I expect you're going to have to go up, up, up! If you do reach the Night Mistress, bite her once for me!
There is a version of the Crystal Tower which exists in the Fields of Regret, the realm of Clavicus Vile.
Barbas: Nocturnal dares much, attacking my master's realm! But here you are, safe and sound. The Crystal Tower. At least, it's the version that exists in the Fields of Regret. Now I really need to get back to barking and biting Nocturnal's minions.
Once again you are warned not to stray too far from the Resolute Anchor or you will be lost in the between realities.
Barbas: Remember Mephala's warning: Stray too far from the Resolute Anchor, and you'll be lost between realities.
The Daedric Triad sought after places of power such as Clockwork City and the Crystal Tower which possess the power to rewrite the rules of reality and remake the world.
Vestige: First, tell me the triad's original plan.
Earl Leythen: Do we really need to go over this again? Mephala and the triad sought places of power—the Clockwork City, the Crystal Tower—anything they could use to change the rules of reality and remake the world.
They wanted to make things better!
The Crystal Tower has its own protections, but with the Heart of Transparent Law removed they have been weakened. Even as such, Nocturnal has the Heart of Transparent Law and her own power as a Daedric Prince (even then, forcing her way into the Crystal Tower won't be easy).
Vestige: How were the Princes planning to enter the Crystal Tower?
Earl Leythen: The Crystal Tower has its own protections, though we know those have been weakened with the removal of the Heart of Transparent Law.
Still, we tried to acquire the Resolute Diamonds, the Sapiarchs' keys to the tower.
Vestige: So without the Sapiarchs' keys, Nocturnal can't enter the Crystal Tower?
Earl Leythen: I didn't say that. Nocturnal has the Heart and her power as a Daedric Prince. It won't be easy, but she'll be able to enter the Crystal Tower.
You, on the other hand, will need help. Which brings me back to my offer. Make an alliance with my Prince.
Again you are warned that without the Resolute Anchor you will be lost in the darkness between realities.
Sotha Sil: Heed Mephala's advice and keep your companions close to the diamond. Without it, you would be lost in the darkness between realities.
Now, recover the Heart and restore Transparent Law. Just remember, you must find a relic imbued with divine energy.
There are a near-infinite number of pocket planes, which are small self-contained realities where the ordinary rules of nature may or may not apply (which would imply a near-infinite number of demiprinces, Daedra Lords, ascended mortals and other powerful entities, if not an outright infinite amount).
In addition to the major planes of Oblivion, there is an almost unlimited number of so-called "pocket planes," small self-contained realities where the ordinary rules of nature may or may not apply.
The Garden of Shadows (a pocket plane of Nocturnal) is both familiar and alien to mortal realms at the same time (unlike most Oblivion realms which are just one or the other).
The myriad pocket realms of Oblivion can take forms alien or familiar, or in rare cases, both at the same time.
Crows Wood is a pocket realm of Oblivion ruled over by the Crow Mother. Daedra cannot truly create, only reshape and imitate, and thus their versions of mortal realms are often twisted and exaggurated
This uncanny pocket realm of Oblivion is a nightmarish forest ruled by the mysterious Crow Mother. It's like Tamriel, yet unlike—for the Daedra cannot create, only imitate, and their simulacra of mortal realms are always twisted and exaggerated.
The Crows Wood has a moon in it (as well as stars).
The Crow Mother is a Daedra Lord who rules over this region of Evergloam, and claims the be a Nether-Niece of Nocturnal.
Vestige: What are you?
Crow Mother:
You stand before a Nether-Niece of the Mistress of Shadows. I am the Crow Mother, the Daedra Lord of this region of Evergloam.
In Oblivion, among the sea of infinite dimensions is an endless series of islands (these islands being pocket realms). On these islands dwell creatures possessing secrets out of time (these creatures are there either by their own volition or after being banished).
Know that there are places beyond Tamriel where the cunning and the wary can go to learn forgotten spells. I speak of the planes of Oblivion. The sea of limitless dimensions contains an endless series of islands. Some are controlled by the mighty Daedric Princes; others are loosely connected to one minor Daedra Lord or another. On these islands, creatures dwell who possess secrets out of time. Some are there of their own volition, but others are banished there for crimes either heinous or imagined.
Evergloam consists of a major plane and many sub-planes. All of this is constantly shifting, and different mortals perceive this realm in different ways.
The dark Oblivion realm of the Daedric Prince Nocturnal is known to consist of a primary plane and a number of sub-realms, but these are thought to be constantly shifting, and different mortals perceive them in different ways.
The Shadow Cleft is said to be a gloom-dusk echo cast by Nocturnal, but her wandering star fell long ago.
"The Withering Hermit says the Shadow Cleft is just a gloom-dusk echo cast by Nocturnal's Evergloam," whispered the voice from the darkness. "But her wandering star fell long, long ago."
Several Crown Store items of note from a few years back.
Crown Store Showcase - October 2017 said:
The planes of Oblivion are infinite in their variation—and so are their vermin. The Jackdaw Daedrat is a bony Daedric rodent that likes to collect shiny things like your jewelry, and nip and nibble at things it shouldn't. But at least it's cute, right?
Crown Store Showcase - October 2017 said:
An oversized breed of black senche-panthers, the Shadowghost Senche is said by the Khajiit to be sacred—or rather unholy—to Namiira the Great Darkness, who sends them as mounts to bear away those who are doomed to die. Dare you ride one of these dark cats in the dead of night?
Crown Store Showcase - October 2017 said:
'Tis the season when terrible tales come to true life! The dark magic that makes a spectre animate a scarecrow is thought to be related to those spells that create lurchers from spriggans. Wherever they come from, this costume enables the wearer to assume the guise of one of these Scarecrow Spectres.
Crown Store Showcase - October 2017 said:
Mannimarco's Order of the Black Worm must be responsible for the re-animated Zombie Horse, as it was first seen in Cyrodiil as a Worm Anchorite's mount. But what else would you ride when dressed as a Scarecrow Spectre?
Crown Store Showcase - October 2017 said:
Unlike nearly all other wolves, the Shadowghost Wolf has no pack and lives a solitary life, haunting lonely moors and wastelands, appearing only at night and rarely then. Some doubt it is a real creature of the mortal plane at all.
Crown Store Showcase - October 2017 said:
Shadowghost Horses are never bred, only found, and then only on misty nights when both moons are dark. Then they are summoned from beyond by hooded Shadowghost Wranglers, roped and saddled and broken for riding by ordinary mortals. No, really!
Crown Store Showcase - October 2017 said:
Feeling feline? Get cat-faced! During the Witches Festival, no one perpetrates more cunning and devious tricks than Rajhin the Footpad, the Purring Liar. This mask enables you to adopt one of the many faces of that consummate trickster.
Crown Store Showcase - October 2017 said:
Wise-Wing the Owl is associated in northern Tamriel with the god Jhunal or Julianos. During the Witches Festival she is said to warn the unwary away from graveyards and witches' covens. Her owl mask is sure to inspire others to trust in your wisdom! It's a real hoot.
Crown Store Showcase - October 2017 said:
Ancient engravings tell us that a Dwarven executioner, or "Chun Abakch," always concealed his or her features under a hood of black spidersilk, a material that was also used by the Dwemer for funeral shrouds. Feeling sinister? This could be your look!
Crown Store Showcase - October 2017 said:
There's one last secret brewing. This Frostfall, a rare celestial alignment will occur on Serpent 13 that the most superstitious in Tamriel call “Fatal Fredas." Some believe this day to be a portent of chaos and ill omen. What will it bring this time? None can know for certain, but all are watching and waiting… and so should you!
Word of god has said on several ocassions that there are an infinite number of worlds in Oblivion.
I'm a big fan of the Daedric Princes and Princesses. Will there be quests available for all of the Daedric gods or just some of them - and if so, will there be new ones? – By Byron Henderson II

As in the other Elder Scrolls games, the Daedric Princes have a high profile in ESO. They seem to love to meddle in the affairs of mortals. As for whether we will reveal any previously unseen Princes, well – the Planes of Oblivion are infinite.
“Tamriel is the giant main continent. There are other continents [and] there are also the infinite worlds of Oblivion that you can go and explore as well”
The Skyrim Prima says there are countless planes of Oblivion, among which the Soul Cairn has a particularly grim reputation.
A ballistia round destroys multiple large stone debris, leaving no trace.

A sense of scale for the door and the rubble.

This is from the above video (28:26 in).

We now have at least two examples of TES ballistia being far more powerful than their real life counterparts.
A ballistia round destroys multiple large stone debris, leaving no trace.

A sense of scale for the door and the rubble.

This is from the above video (28:26 in).

We now have at least two examples of TES ballistia being far more powerful than their real life counterparts.

peak human level medieval fantasy series tbh
Cannons are canon to TES. The most noticable example is the Iliac Sorceror Legends card which features multiple cannons, but the sorcerer in question choosing his own magic over said cannons.
Cannons are referenced in the in-game book Jokes (which only appears in Daggerfall).
Why was the Sentinel army so useless during the War of Betony?

The cannons were too heavy, so all three garbage scows sunk.
There is also a reference to cannons in the Skyrim Prima, but I'll have to find it again. Needless to say, the Dwemer and Seht's Factotums also have cannons.
All this talk of TES makes me want to play Skyrim...so I am replaying Skyrim! I bought the Anniversary Edition and have started a new game (as a Dunmer). I'll get to the Creation Club stuff eventually, but in the meantime I'll cover vanilla Skyrim.

If you're an argonian Dragonborn, not only do you have the direct blessing of Akatosh (and a Shezarrine, as well as possibly being a champion of Hermaeus Mora, Nocturnal and Hircine), you can also directly call on the power of the Hist. They are naturally resistant to diseases.
Nords are resistant to cold and talented as warriors.
Dunmer are naturally resistant to fire and can call on their Ancestors Wrath.
Alduin shakes the ground with enough force to knock your would be executioner down, and then calls down a storm of meteors.

Helgen before Alduin attacks...

...And after. After mere seconds it is already in devestation.

Alduin easily smashes a stone wall.

Alduin's attack on Helgen causes earthquakes and cave-ins even considerably below ground.

This cave in happens after you descend all these steps.
If you start the game as a dunmer, you already know sparks and flames.
You then descend even further...

...Where Alduin's attacks will dislodge stones and break the bridge behind you and collapses the entrance tunnel with another earthquake.
When you first see the Standing Stones (if you are travelling back to Riverwood with Ralof), he will tell you to go look at them .


Hilda sees Alduin flying overhead, and says he was as big as a mountain.
When talking with Hod, he will ask how big the dragon at Helgen was. He asks if it was as big as a house, and you can answer that it was even bigger, being the size of the inn.

Early in the game during the smithing tutorial, Alvor says you are 'not bad.'
Jarl Balgruuf is unsure whether to trust in the strength of the city walls against a dragon.
Riverwood is a few miles south of Whiterun.
Discovering an arcane enchantment requires destroying the enchanted item.
Irileth tasks three more guards to go to Riverwood and watch out for any dragons that might attack and to lead the villagers to safety if one attacks. She doesn't expect the guards to be able to actually fight and defeat one.



