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The Elder Scrolls Feats and Discussion

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Here's a list of all the shouts dragons can use in Online.
Al Gron NokDestroyer Bind Lie
Bex Miir KeinOpen Allegiance War
Bo Het LoFly Here Deceive
Daal Tiid ZaamReturn Time Slave(Nahviintaas)
Dey Rah ZaamFalse Gods Slave
Diil Qoth ZaamUndead Tomb Slave
Diiv Mir TahWyrm Allegiance Pack
Du Kun ShaanDevour Moonlight Inspire
Fo Krah DiinFrost Cold Freeze
Fus Ro DahForce Balance PushUnrelenting Force
Gaan Lah HaasStamina Magicka Health
Gaar Toor NahRelease Inferno FuryCataclysm (Yolnahkriin)
Golt Mah NosGround Fall Strike
Jiid So DaanMoon Sorrow DoomMeteor Storm
Jol Fus DaalUnsteady Force Return
Jud Hof Liik??? ??? ???
Kren Qeth GolBreak Bone Earth
Krii Lun AusKill Leech Suffer
Kriid Iiz GronSlayer Ice Bind
Lok Diil OnSky Undead SpiritRaise Dead
Mid Vur ShaanLoyal Valor Inspire
Mul Bah ReinStrong Wrath Roar
Nel Jaag Moh??? ??? ???
Qeth Krii GolBone Kill EarthEarth Spike
Rii Vaaz BexEssence Tear Open
Rii Vaaz ZolEssence Tear ZombieSoul Tear
Riis Thaan Kohg??? ??? ???
Roth Nihn FeyVine ??? Grove
Sos Jiid ViinBlood Moon Shine
Sov Ag SlenShock Burn Flesh
Strun Bah QoStorm Wrath Lightning
Tiid Grah KronTime Battle Conquer
Tiid Klo UlTime Sand EternityTime Stop
Vah Yol RonSpring Fire RainFire Storm (Nahviintaas)
Viir Su PookDying Air Stink
Wiix Lo FeimTrap Deceive Fade
Yol Toor ShulFire Inferno Sun
Zey Qeth Lok??? Bone Sky

So much for dragons being illiterate in their own language. Speaking of dragon shouts, all dragons (including back in Elswyer) can use Storm Call.

A dragon summons a storm on a mostly clear blue day. Keep in mind this is not a legendary super powerful dragon, or even a named dragon. This is just a generic nameless dragon. On top of that, dragons can also manipulate time, and use it for necromantic purposes.

PTS Patch Notes v5.2.0 said:
Frost & Storm Dragons
Frost and Storm Dragons from the far reaches of Tamriel have come out of hiding. Drawn to Elsweyr by their brethren, these fearsome creatures bring unique and devastating destruction magic to bear on those brave enough to face them.
  • Frost Dragons summon fierce winter storms and cause frozen spears to burst forth from the ground. Storm Dragons call lightning from the skies and annihilate foes with fearsome blasts of shock magic.
  • Rumors of Dragons that manipulate the flow of time have also spread through the taverns and caravanseries of Elsweyr, as have tales of long-dead skeletons erupting from the earth to serve Draconic masters.
  • The creatures themselves have grown bolder, chasing enemies across the battlefield to rip into them with tooth and claw. Dragons tire of their environs and take to the skies when they are not engaged, so those who dare challenge them must be prepared to fight or give chase.
  • These new Dragons and Dragon behaviors are found in both Northern and Southern Elsweyr!

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Loremasters Archive regarding Dragons in Elsweyr. The first question is asking why Kallgrontiid split away from the rest of the dragons and Alduin's rule, to which the answer doubts Alduin is a literal world eating dragon and indeed Alduin's existence, though goes on to say that dragons fall into natural hierarchies, and that one dragon likely ruled them all, and Kaalgrontiid's pride and ambition drove him to conquer what hadn't already been conquered. So while it doesn't outright say "Alduin is more powerful than Kaalgrontiid," this implies it.

“What prompted Kaalgrontiid to split off from the bulk of the Dragons in the Northern Lands, if they were originally part of Alduin's kingdom?”

An excellent question! Let me begin by admitting that I’ve never spoken with Kaalgrontiid, so I can offer little more than supposition. As I’m sure you already know, Dragons are conquerors by nature. All my research indicates that this thirst for domination is not unlike our thirst for water in a desert. They need to bring the world to heel. This drive to rule may have prompted Kaalgrontiid’s abandonment of the north.

Personally, I would take the assertion that a literal world-eating Alduin reigned over Skyrim with a grain of salt. Nonetheless, Dragons do reliably fall into natural hierarchies. In all likelihood, one Dragon reigned over all the others—a king of kings. Was this supreme Dragon the legendary Alduin? Perhaps. Perhaps not. In either case, a Dragon as proud and powerful as Kaalgrontiid would likely chafe against this chief Dragon’s hegemony. How can one conquer what already belongs to one’s elder brother? I believe pride and ambition drove him to leave.

Also, Elsweyr strikes me as a far greater prize than Skyrim. Which would you rather rule? Pristine jungles and dizzying plateaus peopled by one of Tamriel’s elder races, or a frozen wasteland inhabited by mead-guzzling barbarians? I’d choose the former, personally. No offense intended to any Nords in the audience!
Next is the question of why dragons didn't build anything, to which the answer is it was theorised that dragons did infact build and smith things back in the days (dragonbone weapons?), and got their cults to build things for them, and ruled over "countless thousands" through the Dragon Cults. The final answer is that due to the age of the dragons and their relationship with time, and that they preceeded time as it's known, dragons could see hills and mountains quite differently than the mortal races, and as the "bones of creation itself."
“It surprises me that there are no known notable Draconic constructions, given the might of such beings. Was their civilization truly so simple as to perch on hills and mountains all day, as is told in stories, or might they have created great constructs which have been long lost to us?”

A “simple” culture? My word, I hope you never say that when a Dragon sails within earshot!

I would answer that question in three ways. First, some scholars do contend that Dragons “built” structures and “smithed” weapons in ancient times. These theories strike me as totally absurd, but I suppose anything is possible in the churning, timeless times of ancient antiquity.

Second, what self-respecting ruler builds their own monuments? Do you really think that the Na-Totambu kings took up the pick and spade to build the stone wonders of Hammerfell? Or that Vivec swings a hammer in that gaudy city he’s building? Certainly not! That’s what a loyal workforce is for. The Dragons ruled over countless thousands through their proxies in their Dragon Cults. Better to let the mortals toil in the stone and mud, right?

Finally, you must recall how profoundly old the Dragons are, and how quaint the labors of mortals must seem to them. Just try to imagine: Dragons sailed over the face of Nirn before “time” had any meaning at all. They witnessed the birth of all that is. Where you see “hills and mountains,” Dragons likely see the majestic, exposed bones of creation itself! Can we honestly claim that an ancient castle is somehow superior to the sublime majesty of Tamriel’s highest peaks? Perhaps you can, but I certainly can’t!
Dragons don't lay eggs.
“Naharanji has found what are obviously Dragon eggs in her travels. What is the proper way to care for them such they grow into a financially lucrative opportunity? Obviously nurturing these eggs such that they become young and ferocious would be ideal, but as others have mentioned, one never sees these juveniles in the wild.”

May I? Oh dear. Yes, well…. Naharanji, what you have here appear to be wamasu eggs. It’s an easy mistake to make. I guess. I’m certain you can find a buyer somewhere. Perhaps in the “markets” beneath Senchal?

If any other attendees brought “Dragon eggs” with them, I’d kindly ask that you place them outdoors. Dragons do not lay eggs. I’m sorry if that comes as a surprise to anyone. Mara’s mercy….
A dragons soul is connected to its body in a different way to mortal creatures, and remains forever unless devoured. Camila finds it hard to believe that a mortal necromancer could manipulate a dragons soul, and suspects that a dragons soul removed from its remains would either disipate over time or merge with Akatosh once more.
“The skeletal remains of Thurvokun were recently reanimated in the mines of Fang Lair by the foul Blackmarrow Cult, his ancient bones used as a vessel for the soul of their leader. Does this imply that Thurvokun's own soul was devoured by a fellow dov at some point in the past, or could he rise again?–Legoless”

Oh, thank the Eight. A real question!

The persistence of Dragons’ souls remains a matter of intense debate. All my research indicates that the soul of a Dragon persists eternally unless consumed. So, on that point, we are in agreement. As for this Thurvokun you mentioned, I can’t say for certain. I’ve never crossed paths with one of these Blackmarrow rascals, and I hope I never do!

Honestly, I find it extremely hard to believe that a mortal necromancer could manipulate a Dragon’s soul, but it does invite some fascinating hypotheticals. For instance, if someone managed to pry a Dragon’s soul from its mortal remains, where would that soul go? The particulars of soul magic are regrettably outside my area of expertise, but it seems to me that the link between a Dragon’s soul and its physical remains is far stronger than that of a mortal. Flesh and bone make up a Dragon’s form, but given their cosmic parentage, can we really compare that flesh and bone to our own? I strongly suspect that a Dragon soul, sheared from its remains, would either dissolve over time like cream poured into the ocean, or return to its point of origin—Akatosh himself. In either case, resurrection (as we understand it) would prove impossible. Reanimation, however, remains a horrifying possibility.

In summary, the classical binary of soul and body that we rely upon to explain life on Nirn just might not be broad enough to explain that relationship in Dragons. We may need to develop an entirely different vocabulary to articulate it.
When asked if there are dragons who aren't interested in their destructive nature, Paarthunax is referenced, as is Nahfahlaar, though it's also believed they cannot escape their intrinsic nature (which Paarthunax echoes in Skyrim how he fights against it every day). She goes on to say that dragons dwarf mortals in more than just size and strength, but the forces that drive them are close to the laws of nature than simple whims, and that they are older than the mountains they dwell upon.
“Are there such a things as modern-era Dragons that aren't wholly interested in death, domination and… well, fire?–Vivyer”

Well… no, to be perfectly frank. Dragons do occasionally find common cause with mortals. The red giant, Nahfahlaar, for instance. I’ve even heard rumors of a Dragon “monk” who dwells among those Nord ascetics on the Throat of the World. But even these exceptional Dragons cannot escape their intrinsic nature. At least I don’t think they can.

Again, we must remember that Dragons dwarf us in more than simple size and strength. Dragons are older and more primordial than the mountains they dwell upon. The forces that drive a Dragon cleave closer to natural laws than the simple whims of mortals. Waves crash. Moons wax and wane. Dragons conquer and rule. I’m afraid it’s as simple as that. Bad news for us mortals, but an astounding feature of the world at large!

Now, I’m afraid that’s all we have time for. I do hope this has been an enjoyable and enlightening lecture for all of you. Perhaps we can gather again soon. Farewell, my friends!

Oh, and Naharanji… please collect those eggs on your way out.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
I continue to archive as many feats and lore notes as I can from my other respect thread. With that in mind, a summary of Elsweyr Online...
The plot of Elsweyr, from what I've gathered, is stopping Kaalgrontiid from devouring the Core of Masser. Much of the main quest focuses on fixing that horn that has a similar effect to Dragonrend to harm him. Something called the Shadow Dance is capable of moving the moons, causing a solar eclipse and opening a portal to Massar's core when their souls become attuned to the Lunar Lattice, the Lunar Lattice being how the Khajiit perceive the laws of reality of the Mundus and the Liminal Barriers. Attuning oneself to the Lunar Lattice allows one to move the moons, in a certain place.
"I underwent the process of attunement, the same as Anequina and the Moon-Priests of the temple. The same as Cadwell.\n\nI know how to make the Moons move, provided we find a working Lunar Lattice apparatus."

"The temple, the Lattice. They recognized Anequina's blood and … sang to me.\n\nIt all makes sense now. Anequina moved the Moons so Khunzar-ri could reach Jode's Core. The Betrayer wants to do the same for the Dragons."

"We stopped the Betrayer, but not before he set the Moons in motion. Soon they will align. When the eclipse occurs, the Moon Gate of Anequina will open and grant access to Jode's Core.\n\nWhich is exactly what the Dragons desire."

"Not yet. This apparatus moves the Moons, but the Moon Gate of Anequina creates the portal to Jode's Core. Luckily, I sent forces there to defend it from the Dragons. We will join them.\n\nBut first, the memories tell me we have one more task here."

"The moons have begun to align. When the eclipse occurs, the Moon Gate of Anequina will open and grant access to Jode's Core. We need to try to prevent the Dragons from accessing the portal and attaining the power stored there."
Online:Chronicles of Juhra-ri, Chapter 1 - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Chronicles of Juhra-ri said:
ASSURANCE IS MADE TO CHILDREN OF THE BEYOND, whom the Riddle'thar knew to be coiled in flesh, that in the presence of the holy and triumphant soul will the path to dreaming be known.
A young one came to us and, with due reverence, asked Juha-ri of White Sand if he could learn the Dance of Shadows, for he had heard as many had before of the great dance of Anequina Sharp-Tongue, boon companion to Khunzar-ri. With a tongue full of platitude and supplication, he begged Juha-ri to share his knowledge, for the young one believed a dance capable of moving the Moons must be beautiful to behold.
And Juha-ri gave the youth the smile he always gave to the young, one of sadness and pity. He asked the youth, how does one instruct a serpent to walk? How does one tell an owl to make fire, or an ape to pray? The youth took Juha-ri's meaning. He thanked the great Sage of White Sand for his words and began his long walk home.
Juha-ri called to the young one, and though the Sage of White Sand spoke only the barest whisper the wind carried the voice as though it had descended from Jone and Jode themselves. Juha-ri offered to share with the youth his knowledge of the Dance. The young one was confused. No serpent could be instructed to walk. No owl can make fire. Were these not likened to teaching the Dance of Shadows?
The Sage of White Sand nodded. A serpent will always be a serpent, an owl always an owl. But the soul may become many things, though it may take lifetimes to become them. Many consider such a price too dear to pay, and they will never come to know the Dance of Shadows.
The youth nodded and stood in contemplation. And when Juha-ri returned to the Dancing Shadow temple, the youth followed.
Sir Cadwell, the crazy Soul Shriven with a pot on his head, was originally the Betrayer who killed Khunzar-ri in order to steal the power of the Dragons and Jode's Core for himself and forced the attunement on himself, but the other champions and moon-priests teamed up against him and eventually defeated him and cut his head off, but not before many of them fell. In the current Era, Euraxia Tharn gets Zumog Phoom to gather the Betrayers original body parts to turn Cadwell back into the Betrayer in order to align the moons once more, because the Betrayer was attuned to move the moons. The reason Cadwell can move between portals is implied to be because of this.
Online:Khamira - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Elsweyr Online said:
Vestige: I think the soldiers are also looking for the body parts Zumog Phoom seeks.
Khamira: Zumog Phoom! He wants to resurrect the Betrayer from the ancient tales of Khunzar-ri. Ever since Abnur Tharn made the Moon-Singers recall those legends, we have been haunted by them.
But that is the next problem. First, we must protect Riverhold.
Elsweyr Online said:
Khamira: That relic, it is connected to the Lunar Lattice. When you touched it, something spoke to me. I am becoming … attuned. Help me find the remaining Lattice relics and complete my attunement. It is the only way to stop the Betrayer and the Dragons.
Vestige: What do you mean, attuned?
Khamira: The Moon-Priests that served this temple, they were attuned to the Lattice and the hidden paths. They could move the Moons and dance through the shadows.
The Betrayer was attuned in the ancient past. I think that is why Cadwell can use portals.
Vestige: But why are you being attuned?
Khamira: The temple, the Lattice. They recognized Anequina's blood and … sang to me.
It all makes sense now. Anequina moved the Moons so Khunzar-ri could reach Jode's Core. The Betrayer wants to do the same for the Dragons."
Vestige: How can the Betrayer move the Moons?
Khamira: "You must listen more closely, five-claw. The Betrayer is attuned. When he reaches the temple sanctuary, he will activate the Moon Gate Apparatus and put the Moons in motion.
I need to finish my attunement before that happens.
Elsweyr Online said:
Khamira: The Betrayer attuned himself and hoped to align the Moons as Anequina did, but the Moon-Priests and the remaining champions stopped him. Now I see how he planned to do it. It is so simple!
Hurry, we have one more relic to activate.
Vestige: How do you know all this, Khamira?
Khamira: The attunement process … through it I can hear the Moons sing! And I hear another voice. It feels like a part of me. I hear Anequina, who cries for the innocent blood the Betrayer spilled so long ago.
We cannot let him open the way."
Vestige: Why did the Betrayer turn on Khunzar-ri and the champions?
Khamira: The Betrayer was always more interested in glory and power than being a true hero. The prize waiting in Jode's Core was too much to ignore.
He murdered Khunzar-ri and attuned himself so he could move the Moons and walk the secret paths.
Elsweyr Online said:
Vestige: Cadwell … faded away. We stopped Zumog Phoom, but not before he reanimated the Betrayer.
Khamira: Hrrm. That does not bode well. The Betrayer of Khunzar-ri was a great hero who became a terrible villain. It took all the remaining champions and the Moon-Priests of Anequina to stop him.
But how does the Betrayer's return help the Dragons?
Vestige: Cadwell began to remember. He said the Betrayer seeks a special place to find Jode's Core.
Khamira: A special place? That does not give us a lot of information to go on, five-claw.
Did Cadwell tell you anything else before he disappeared?
Elsweyr Online said:
Khamira: Yes. He murdered Khunzar-ri and then came to this temple to gain the power to move the Moons and open the way to Jode's Core.
You see, the path only appears at the Moon Gate of Anequina when the Moons are aligned, as in an eclipse.
Vestige: The moon-priests stopped the Betrayer back then.
Khamira: True, but many died before they lopped off his head. The Betrayer was the greatest warrior of his day. If it comes to a battle, it will not be an easy one.
There is an apparatus in the sanctuary, linked to the larger Moon Gate. That is what we seek.
Online:Cadwell - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Elsweyr Online said:
Sir Cadwell: Zumog Phoom has been collecting my original body parts. He tried to steal my essence and stick it back in my old noggin. I think … I think he's trying to put me back together!
Well, not me. The other me. The Betrayer.
Vestige: Can you tell me anything about the Betrayer?
Sir Cadwell: Must I? Oh, very well. My memories are rather muddled, but it seems that in life I was rather a distasteful chap. I was a knight! A champion! I helped people, mostly, but mostly I helped myself.
Truth be told, I was a right and utter bastard.
Vestige: But why did they call you the Betrayer?
Sir Cadwell: I had a … a friend, I think. Another hero of the age. One of these lovely cat people. Went by the name of Khunzar-ri.
I helped him do … something or other. Then, when he least expected it, I stabbed him in the back. Literally."
Vestige: Why would you do a thing like that?
Sir Cadwell: That's another of those blank spaces in my memory. I have no idea why the vile person I used to be would commit such a dastardly deed. You know, once we find my head, we need to ask it about that.
Right before we toss it into a roaring fire.
Kaalgrontiid intended to merge the power of himself and his dragons with the power of Jode's Core. When in the moon, someone attuned can see memories of the past. Note also that Jode is refered to as a plane, further backing up the plane(t) cosmology.
Online:Khamira - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Elsweyr Online said:
Khamira: Five-claw, we stand on the sacred Plane of Jode. The Dragons went down into the processional. They seek to breach Jode's Core.
Vestige: What is this place?
Khamira: From the memories I absorbed at the Shadow Dance Temple, Anequina and the Moon-Priests came here to honor the Moons and set them on their way after their sacred joining.
Vestige: This is also where she helped Khunzar-ri hide the Dragons' power.
I don't understand. Why would the Dragons agree to give up a part of their power?
Khamira: Here on the Plane of Jode, the memories become clearer with every passing moment.
Khunzar-ri was able to use Kaalgrontiid's own greed against him. The Dragon sought the power of Jode's Core from the beginning, but Khunzar-ri offered him even more.
Vestige: What did Khunzar-ri offer Kaalgrontiid?
Khamira: He offered a way to combine the natural power of Jode's Core with the mystic might of his loyal Dragons. Kaalgrontiid's greed was his undoing.
Now he finally has an opportunity to steal all the stored energy for himself. We must stop him.
Vestige: Then let's get down there.
The quest objective even refers to it as the Plane of Jode.

On top of the above, Kaalgrontiid is noted to have grown stronger and bigger after devouring power from Jode's Core.
Elsweyr Online said:
Khamira: We did it, five-claw. We put the Moons back in motion and defeated both Mulaamnir and Kaalgrontiid.
I … I want to thank you for everything. Elsweyr is safer today because of you."
Vestige: How did you finally figure out how to move the moons, Khamira?
Khamira: Just being on the Plane of Jode clarified the memories I inherited at the Shadow Dance Temple. I saw the ritual in my mind and performed the actions.
Too bad the Dragonhorn did not survive. At least it lasted long enough to banish Kaalgrontiid."
Vestige: Are we really sure that we defeated Kaalgrontiid? He seemed extremely powerful at the end.
Khamira: He did grow larger with every infusion of power he absorbed. But the horn dislodged him from Jode's Core, which allowed me to finish the ritual and end the eclipse. After that? Hrrm.
A concern for another day, yes?"
Vestige: Why did the Mane send an envoy?
Khamira: I cannot be named queen without the Mane's blessing. That, however, is my worry.
For now, you should rest. We must honor our fallen and learn the fate of our troops at the Moon Gate. And after that, we will celebrate a new dawn for Elsweyr.
On a quick aside, a dragon growing bigger, stronger and more god-like the more they eat. Now where have we seen this before?

In order to stand a chance against the dragons, they need the Dragonhorn, which is made from the horn of a huge dragon and which can weaken dragons by blowing it.
Elsweyr Online said:
Vestige: You know how to use the Dragonhorn?
Abnur Tharn: Theoretical knowledge isn't the same as practical experience, but I believe I understand the fundamentals of its operation.
The Dragonguard prepared a horn taken from a massive Dragon and engraved it with arcane runes, giving it astonishing power.
The Dragonhorn is actually a Dragon's horn?
Abnur Tharn: Oh yes, I'm fairly certain of that. And I found historical references indicating the Dragonguard gifted such relics to key locations. For their protection, you see.
The one you located was originally in Rimmen before it was moved to the sanctuary."
Vestige: So how do we use it?
Abnur Tharn: We have neither the time nor resources to move the large relic, but the small horn you brought back—it's called a combat horn, by the way—was designed to be carried into battle.
Once charged with energy, its sound weakens Dragons.
Indeed, this is the only way to stand up against Kaalgrontiid or Mulaamnir, or in other cases to take down the dragons at all.
Elsweyr Online said:
Abnur Tharn: My shield won't hold much longer!
Khamira: The Dragonhorn, five-claw! Do you have it? Use it, quick, quick!
Elsweyr Online said:
Khamira: Five-claw, Mulaamnir and Kaalgrontiid approach!
Abnur Tharn: The Dragonhorn! It's our only chance!
Online:Dragonguard Orland - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Elsweyr Online said:
Vestige: Is there really a way to stop the Dragons?
Dragonguard Orland: Take my ring. It will … open the sanctuary.
Find the Dragonhorn. You have to … have to ….
If the above statement of the dragonhorn weakening a dragon isn't enough, then take a look at it in action against Mulaamnir during the final battle. Kaalgrontiid uses the energy of Jode's Core to enpower himself and Mulaamnir, changing their size, power and appearance, and Mulaamnir is covered in glowing blue patterns like his master. However, blowing the Dragonhorn causes these blue patterns to vanish (note also his health bar goes down). This also banishes Kaalgrontiid from the Plane of Jode, to be dealt with another day.


Another example of the dragonhorn being used is against Bahlokdaan.

31:12, Vestige blows the Dragonhorn, which hurts Bahlokdaan and he smashes into a temple, though this shatters the Dragonhorn.
Note also the size of the Dragonhorn, and think about how big the dragon that it belonged to must have been.
32:00, we see the damage Bahlokdaan did to the temple.

More evidence is present for dragons being bigger in the lore than they are depicted in games. The dragons are shown in game to be more or less the same size, but they're noted as being smaller and bigger than one another. Along with Kaalgrontiid growing in size, this also demonstrates that their size seems to be connected to their power.
Meet the Character – Mulaamnir
Meet the Character - Mulaamnir said:
Mulaamnir is a massive creature, surely among the largest of his kind. He refers to the other Dragons that emerged from the Halls at his side as his “brothers,” but I have yet to ascertain if this refers to an actual familial connection or to a sense of companionship created after their long association.

Mulaamnir, a massive Dragon adorned in azure scales, answered Queen Euraxia’s summons and spoke in a commanding tone that indicated he represented all of the newly released Dragons. His rumbling voice sent shivers down my spine, I must admit. I find no shame in this admission. Even Her Majesty seemed ill at ease standing before the huge beast. We honestly had no idea if the Dragons would agree to Queen Euraxia’s offer of an alliance or if Mulaamnir would smite us with fire or swallow us whole into his expansive maw. I almost bolted when he referred to us as “little morsels.” But I held my ground and demonstrated my worth to my queen.
An incredibly powerful khajitt lich called Arum-Khal creates a pocket-plane under his complete control which was a part of his being, which collapses upon his death (similar to Mankar Camoran) where he can steal the souls of the dead. It's also noted how impressive creating a plane is.
Online:Vastarie - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Elsweyr Online said:
Vestige: If Arum-Khal's orbs and the sword are gates between realms, where do they lead?
Vastarie: A good question. The Moonlight Blade clearly ushers Khajiiti souls from one fate to another. The Great Darkness of Namira, or Khajiiti paradise, whatever that might be.
Vestige: Why do you say it like that?
Vastarie: The Riddle'thar cult would have them believe that Khenarthi, the wind god, whisks their souls away to the Sands Behind the Stars—a sugary paradise. I have my doubts.
The Hidden Moon adepts revere Azura. I suspect they send redeemed Khajiit to her.
Vestige: And where do Arum-Khal's orbs lead?
Vastarie: Somewhere else entirely. If my suspicions are correct, they connect to a plane of his own making. A twilight place where only dark spirits can thrive.
To conjure up an entire plane of existence …. It's an ambition that few mages have realized.
Elsweyr Online said:
Vastarie: Azura's will resonates within that Moonlight Blade, but it's so faint. Like a voice at the far end of a darkened hallway … or the other side of a stone door.
That's it! This sword, Arum-Khal's phylacteries—they're not vessels. They're gateways!
Vestige: What do you mean, gateways?
Vastarie: I told you before, Arum-Khal's phylactery felt different, somehow. Cavernous. Now I see, it wasn't a vessel. It was a gate to another realm. A realm of horror that he controls.
This Moonlight Blade serves as a gate, too. A door to the afterlife.
Online:Mazza-Mirri - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Elsweyr Online said:
Vestige: Tell me more about the Moonlight Blade.
Mazza-Mirri: As I said before, it is a gift from our mother, Azurah, and the greatest treasure of our order.
Those who learn the Moonlight Blade's discipline can cut through the boundaries between worlds, and usher souls from one realm to another."
Vestige: Why didn't you use it against Arum-Khal the first time?
Mazza-Mirri: We did. But despite the sword's power, Arum-Khal escaped to a place where we could not follow.
The adepts who survived our war with the lich made great sacrifices to further empower the blade. But by the time we were done, none remained to wield it."
Elswyer Online said:
Mazza-Mirri: You must not, Witch. Arum-Khal was his realm. Now it collapses.
Arum-Kal's plane, which contains floating asteroids and stars.
Online:Arum-Khal's Realm - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
The Khajiiti version of Sheogorath, the Skooma Cat (or Sheggorath), manifests to mess with the priests of the Two Moons Temple to go insane.

The moons being out of alignment messes with the Lunar Lattice, allowing the Skooma Cat to manifest upon Nirn and directly mess with mortal minds.
Online:Priest Haduras - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Elsweyr Online said:
Priest Haduras: Brr! Khajiit gets all goose-pimply in the hackles just touching it! Haduras fears things are even worse than he imagined. This fork reeks of more than beef, it stinks of Oblivion!
Vestige: I've seen it before. It belongs to Sheogorath.
Priest Haduras: The Skooma Cat! He must be responsible for our Moon-Bishop's strange visions, but how has he spread his madness to the monks …? And you said you saw him? In the flesh?
Vestige: He appeared as a small cat.
Priest Haduras: An Alfiq? The Skooma Cat should not be able to cross the Lunar Lattice. If he walks among us, then Jone and Jode must truly be out of alignment.
We must check on the temple!
Elsweyr Online said:
Vestige: What's the story behind the Skooma Cat?
Priest Haduras: Before there were the moons, or the world, there were Ahnurr and Fadomai. From their union, all the God Cats came, including the one Khajiit known as Sheggorath, the crook-tailed Cat who shares his madness with sugar-tooths through skooma.
Vestige: Is that how he's been driving the priests insane?
Priest Haduras: Haduras does not smell the sick sweetness of the drug upon them. Terrible as it is, the fleeting skooma-dreams would be preferable to this all-consuming madness.
On this side of the Lattice, it seems Sheggorath needs no sugar to share his lunacy.
Vestige: The Lattice?
Priest Haduras: The Lunar Lattice formed by Jone and Jode's light separates Nirni from the other God Cats and protects her children from the ones who would do us harm.
Normally, Sheggorath could only send his mad thoughts across through the perverted moon-sugar.
The Skooma Cat has his own realm of Oblivion, the Skooma Cats Coister, filled with the Skooma Cats "toys," creatures that appear small and harmless at first, but upon approaching them reveal themselves to be much larger and more dangerous. The realm is also filled with things that would be of interest to a cat, such as butterflies to chase, yarn to play with and cream to eat. At the end of the quest, the Skooma Cat turns into Sheogorath and reveals it was him all along, to the surprise of no one.

The Skooma Cats Coister.
Jone and Jode being out of alignment has allowed the Skooma Cat to manifest on Nirn, and the Lunar Lattice is said to work in a similar way to the Liminal Barriers (indeed, it may be the Khajiiti way of perceiving the Liminal Barriers).
Online:Priest Haduras - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Elswyer Online said:
Priest Haduras: The Skooma Cat! He must be responsible for our Moon-Bishop's strange visions, but how has he spread his madness to the monks …? And you said you saw him? In the flesh?
Vestige: He appeared as a small cat.
Priest Haduras: An Alfiq? The Skooma Cat should not be able to cross the Lunar Lattice. If he walks among us, then Jone and Jode must truly be out of alignment.
We must check on the temple!
Elsweyr Online said:
Priest Haduras: The Lunar Lattice formed by Jone and Jode's light separates Nirni from the other God Cats and protects her children from the ones who would do us harm.
Normally, Sheggorath could only send his mad thoughts across through the perverted moon-sugar.
Online:Moon-Bishop Sizenza - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Elsweyr Online said:
Moon-Bishop Sizenza: Sizenza should see where to step, her vision showed it true, but she cannot see it now ….
Vestige: They aren't your visions. The Skooma Cat is playing tricks on you.
Moon-Bishop Sizenza: No, this one sees by the light of the Two Moons. These are not fevered sugar-dreams. She saw the Dragons spring from the mouth of the world and swallow the moon. She saw her temple turned to ash. She must act before it is too late.
Vestige: Maybe some of your visions were real, but all you're doing now is hurting your followers.
Moon-Bishop Sizenza: Sizenza tried to save them!
She sees so much that she is blinded. What is the truth? What are the lies? She can't tell what is real!
Elsweyr Online said:
Skooma Cat: Quit your raveling! I was batting her thoughts into a glorious tangle before you came along! Now I'm going to have to start again!
The Akaviri believe that water ways like rivers and puddles link to the afterlife and connect between the realms of the living and the dead. Remember that the memories of the dead become water and forbidden knowledge of Hermaeus Mora allowed a Nereid to take advantage of this, and the Augur of the Obscure said that the oceans of Nirn exist in more than three dimensions, and seeing them as they truly are would cause your brain to explode.
Online:Domitia Nasica - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Elswyer Online said:
Vestige: Tell me more about the Proof of Reverence.
Domitia Nasica: Before we can prove ourselves to our ancestors, we must first get their attention.
The paper lotus acts as a ceremonial letter of sorts. By placing it into the river, we allow it to be carried into the realm of the dead.
Vestige: Is that based on an Akaviri belief?
Domitia Nasica: Yes, it is.
The Akaviri believe that all waterways connect the realms of the living and dead. There are many folk tales about boats being lost in heavy fog, and landing on shores filled with restless spirits.
Vestige: And do you believe that?
Domitia Nasica: I used to, when I was little. Whenever I would go jump in a puddle, my mother would yell, "Stop that! You'll fall right into the afterlife!"
Truthfully though, she just didn't want my dress to get muddy.
Finally, the next cinematic trailer for Elsweyr shown at E3, which is pretty cool. We see the city in ruins and the dragon is much bigger than as depicted in the games and more superhuman showings.

It ends in a to be continued, so we'll see more with the other expansions later this year. Also because people are going to use this cinematic to cherrypick because a dragon got taken down by a balistiae, and ignore that it was weakened by the Dragonhorn, and the importance of the Dragonhorn being able to weaken dragons in the plot of Elsweyr, I'm going to post this again.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Information on Scalebreaker from the official ESO website and the devstream. The first dungeon involves a group of vampires (including a former dragonguard) who plan to drain the power of a dragon and steal it for themselves, the other involves a dragon blighting Valenwood, and a truce has been called between a forest spirit and her warlock captor in order to defeat it. Said Blight is also threatening the Elden Tree, which is one of the Towers.
Scalebreaker and Update 23 Preview
Deep within the ancient ruins of Moongrave Fane, a former member of the Dragonguard and his fellow vampires of the Hollowfang Clan have felled and captured a Dragon. However, they wish to do more than simply destroy the humbled beast, as the clan prepares a ritual to drain the Dragon of its blood and gain its terrible power!

All manner of beasts await within Moongrave Fane

Neighboring Elsweyr, Grahtwood’s Elden Root tree is threatened by a deathly corruption that originates from the nearby jungles of Tenmar and the Lair of Maarselok. Grahtwood’s protectors have tried and failed to destroy the Dragon at the center of the blight, so a truce has been called between the forest spirit Selene and her captor, the warlock Carindon. Together, and with your help, they must attempt to save the Elden Root tree before the corruption can spread.

Confront the corrupting influence of Maarselok
Now for the devstream.

Maarselok is a dragon who was in hiding in the hills and came out when the Halls of Colossus opened, and he has a corruption element to him.
The Elder Scrolls Online: Scalebreaker First Look said:
Mike Finnigan: The story we're trying to tell with Scalebreaker is...as part of the season of the dragon is that once the Halls of Colossus open and dragons are out there, this is what you have to deal with. Dragons are out in the world, there in other places and you have to basically "cork that genie." ...So they're out in the wild, and you have to put them back or get rid of them. Maarselok is one example of that. It was a dragon that essentially hid. When all the dragons went away and got locked up in a vault, this one went off into the hills between Grottwood and Elswyer and just hid away.

Jessica Folsom: So this is the smart one.

Mike Finnigan: He was kind of smart.

Randy Begel: There are others.

Mike Finnigan: There are others but yeah, so he was kind of smart. When the Halls of Colossus opened up, Maarselok was like " aw, it's time to party! Let's get going!" And...he emerged, and now...he has some special properties to him, in that he has a corruption element to him. So anything, any place he goes, anywhere he does...he does anything, it corrupts things. So you see right when you get in here that these bosmer are hanging out by this, like, weird creature, and they're like "this is corrupted, and we don't know why this is corrupted" so they're trying to investigate.
Maarselok is "otherworldy."
The Elder Scrolls Online: Scalebreaker First Look said:
Mike Finnigan: Very early on in this process when we talked to the art team we were like "we want to sell corruption." We had a lot of different angels we could have went with that. But what we wanted to do and what we kind of conveyed to the art team was to say, "we want to sell corruption that looks different. It looks other when you come here. So when you come in here you notice that this doesn't look natural, this isn't a natural type corruption that comes in here. It looks otherworldly, it looks alien, and so...
You fight Maarselok in three fights, and Selene is important in defeating him in all of them.
The Elder Scrolls Online: Scalebreaker First Look said:
Mike Finnigan: ...So in this you're going to fight him flying, and actually Selene's going to do a lot of the work here, and then you'll fight him when he's going between perches, and then you actually fight him when he's grounded and take off enough of his health to actually keep him (on the ground?) and stuff.

Jessica Folsom: So the mechanics change?

Mike Finnigan: Oh the mechanics change quite a bit yes. And in two of the fights she is...integral to the fight. Actually in all three of them.
More on the above, and Selene does most of the heavy lifting in the fights against him.
The Elder Scrolls Online: Scalebreaker First Look said:
Mike Finnigan: So this is again, this is a fight where Selene is going to be helping you here, pretty instrumental, and towards the end of the fight when you get to the final boss fight Maarselok realises the threat that actually Selene is. Because right now he just thinks you're puny humans and whatever and stuff, but he kind of starts to realise as you go through the dungeon that...Selene's doing a lot of this heavy lifting and she probably needs to be dealt with.
Onto Moongrave Fane, Chevalier Renald appears. Chevalier Renald has appeared in several lorebooks before (see below), and is noted to be ancient even by ESO's standards (in that ESO is set centuries before the main games). Renald wants to stop his friend Grundwulf form drinking the blood of a dragon, because he doesn't believe it will end well for him.
Moongrave Fang is in Northern Elsweyr, but wasn't originally accessible because the dragon got shot down and broke through the ground into the tunnels below (see also below).
The Elder Scrolls Online: Scalebreaker First Look said:
Mike Finnigan: So Moongrave Fane actually is in Northern Elsweyr, so this is another aspect we're trying to highlight with...the dragons were released, and unleashed on the world and this dragon happened to be flying around and it got shot down and collapsed through this tunnel, and so that's why you couldn't access it when Northern Elsweyr came out.

The Elder Scrolls Online: Scalebreaker First Look said:
Mike Finnigan: And this is Chevalier Renald, who has been mentioned I know in lorebooks before.

Randy Begel: He's a man of mystery.

Mike Finnigan: He's a man of mystery, as there are...several things that are mentioned about him. He's somewhat ancient, so to have...even by our standards he's ancient even though we take place in the past, he's even older than that. So you get to help him, he had basically his best bud, Grundwulf...has this brilliant idea...to defeat the dragons he's going to steal their powers. So he's a vampire, and he is an old Dragonguard, and he wants to suck the blood of a dragon.

Jessica Folsom: That is not going to end well for him, is it?

Mike Finnigan: Ahh...I mean, you know, you're here and he's the enemy, so you can put two and two together on that one!

Randy Begel: Renald is there actually trying to stop him. That's why he asks for your help as he's...he's pretty sure it's not going to work out great for Grundwolf, and trying to get his friend to stop.

The vampires here have caused the ruins themselves to rise in their defence, as using the Sangiin Sacrifice brings it to life.
Renald does a blatantly superhuman jump. This is the 3rd time I've seen something like this happen in ESO. Also apparently the ground isn't broken like that in the final game, but the boss smashing the ground breaks it and brings up lava.
The hole created by the dragon crashing into the ground.

On the lorebooks about Chevalier Renald. He supported Cuhlecain to get the throne, but did so to get closer to Tiber Semptim, but was also under instruction from a pig. It also mentions his vampirism, and how he was also a Tsaesci who became a man.
Lore:Remanada - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Remanda said:

And in the days of interregnum, the Chim-el Adabal was lost again amid the petty wars of gone-heathen kings. West and east knew no union then and all the lands outside of them saw Cyrodiil as a nest of snakemen and snakes. And for four more hundreds of years did the seat of Reman stay sundered, with only the machinations of a group of loyal knights keeping all its borders from throwing wide.

These loyal knights did go by no name then, but were known by their eastern swords and painted eyes, and it was whispered that they were descended from the bodyguard of old Reman. One of their number, called the Chevalier Renald, discovered the prowess of Cuhlecain and then supported him towards the throne. Only later would it be revealed that Renald did this thing to come closer to Talos, anon Stormcrown, the glorious yet-emperor Tiber Septim; only later still, that he was under instruction by a pig.

Long glory was wife to the all the knights of the dragon-banner, who knew no other and were brothers before beyond many seas and now were brothers under the law named the blade-surrender of Pale Pass. And having vampire blood these brother-knights lived for ages through and past Reman and then kept guard over his ward, the coiled king, Versidue-Shaie. The snake-captain Vershu became Renald became the protector of the northern west when the black dart was hooked into Savirien-Chorak.

Here torn pages indicate that the rest of this ancient book has been lost.
Also on the Tsaesci becoming men, why does all of the above sound so familiar?
Lore:Mysterious Akavir - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Mysterious Akavir said:
Ka Po' Tun is the "Tiger-Dragon's Empire". The cat-folk here are ruled by the divine Tosh Raka, the Tiger-Dragon. They are now a very great empire, stronger than Tsaesci (though not at sea). After the Serpent-Folk ate all the Men, they tried to eat all the Dragons.
And the final boss of this dungeon is an old friend of one of the Tsaesci (?) vampiric Dragonguard, boosted on power by dragon blood.

Jode's Embrace, a house Vestige can buy and live in, has a portal window into the plane of Jode.
Crown Store Showcase – July 2019

Few adeptoriums can match the hallowed majesty of Jode's Embrace. Rumor has it that the temple's worthiest occupants can peer into the sacred realm of Jode itself. Just keep an eye out for Dragons overhead!
According to Savos Aren, the apprentices of the College of Magic sometimes get incinerated.
Skyrim:Savos Aren - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Skyrim said:
Savos Aren: Please don't tell me that another one of the apprentices has been incinerated. I have enough to deal with right now."

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The Asian server of Legends had lore for different cards, which the good folks at UESP have saved (you can also find links to the original Facebook posts there)! First of all, Odahviing's lore confirms that Dovahkiin did infact have a great fight with Odahviing before capturing him (a lot of downplay of dragons involve Odahviings capture, but this proves that Odahviing was also weakened by the Last Dragonborn first). This also further confirms Dovahkiin was growing in strength.


Odahviing is a name in the Dragon Language which means "Snow Hunter Wing". The Red Dragon lived during the Merethic Era and was a soldier serving Alduin “The World-Eater” during the Dragon War, and that’s when he fell, just like many other dragons. After that, the believers of the Dragon Cult collected his remains, and buried him somewhere in the southern mountains near Riften. His Dragon Mound was discovered by the Dragon Guard, and eventually logged in "Atlas of Dragons".

During the Dragon Crisis in 4E201, Odahviing was revived by Alduin, but the world had already changed. As the Last Dragonborn became stronger and stronger, some of the Dragons started to doubt whether they should keep answer to Alduin’s cause. Meanhwile, the Last Dragonborn decided to capture a dragon at the Dragonsreach in Whiterun, in order to get whereabout of retreated Alduin, and Odahviing became his target. With the help of the Greybeards and the Blades, the Dragonborn challenged Odahviing with a Thu'um, which he replied at Whiterun. After a great fight, Odahviing was captured by the Dragonborn by the castle, which was built by the High King Olaf One-Eye, and once prisoned the Dragon Numinex, he surrenderred to the Dragonborn. The Dragon brought him to Skuldafn Temple, but still refuse to submit his complete loyalty to the Dragonborn. He wanted to see if the hero can earn his obedience by defeating Alduin. As Dragons would only obey to real power...

"You must prove your worth, mortal."
Miraak started to devour dragon souls after betraying the Dragon Cult to grow even stronger, until the Dragon Cult fought against him. It's confirmed that Miraak and Vahlok the Jailer had a hard fight, and that Vahlok is a powerful Dragon Priest. Mora saves Miraak, but eventually Miraak turned his back on Mora too, and used magic to control the people of Soltheim.

Miraak, Dragonborn

In dragon language, the name Miraak means "Allegiance Guide". He is the Dragon Priest in the Merethic Era, the unknown First Dragonborn, the Traitor in the myth of Skaal, and the champion of Mermaeus Mora.

Miraak has an extreme desire for power. When he discovered that he had the power as Dragonborn, under the temptation of Mora, he betrayed his masters of dragons and started to devour their souls to become even more powerful. After his scheme was exposed, the Dragon Cult started their revenge on him. Another powerful Dragon Priest, Vahlok the Jailor, had a hard fight with him at Solstheim, where Miraak was finally defeated.

Mermaeus Mora saved him by transporting him to the realm of Apocrypha. But he wasn't willing to stay there, and decided to turn his back on Mora, like what he did to the Dragons. Finally, he got the power to return to Tamriel. He controlled the people of Soltheim using the power of magic to rebuild his temple and recruit followers. Just as his plan is about to come together, the Last Dragonborn stepped onto the land of Soltheim...

"You have no idea of the true power a Dragonborn can wield!"
Summerset employs Shield Mages to defend against their enemies.

Summerset Shieldmage

There are lots of enemy around the Summerset Isles, from Sload to the human Empire, to the Pact and the Covenant, and back to the human Empire. The reason that Summerset is so difficult to defeat and conquer is they have well-trained and experienced Shield Mages to defend their cities and the Summerset Isles. The Summerset Isles Mages are steadfast and powerful, their shields protect their ally and the city.

"Get behind me."
The Gold Saints are creations of Sheogorath.

Golden Saint

The blond hair and solemn look on “Golden Saints’” face is deceiving from fact that they’re far from being real saints. Being a creation and minion of the mad god Sheogorath, a proud, arrogant race, quick to anger and cruel in their punishment. They pay no love to no one, not even to the residents on the Shivering Isles. Although they acknowledge and respond to the name “Golden Saints”, their much preferred to be addressed in their original name - “Aureal”. The strong hierarchy classes in their society were dictated by their level of strength and power, The feminist society also grant more respects to female over male.

Being the creature and minion of the mad god, history had documented their extremely poor relationship and stories with Dark Seducers. More information can be found in the book Saints and Seducers in the DLC Shivering Isles of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Items in Blades (such as weapons, armour, potions and so on) have many quite interesting descriptions and flavour texts.

The Flames Monarch Crown is said to have been worn by the Demi-Prince Fa-Nuit-Hen himself when he visited the plane of the Flame Atronachs Infernace.
Some claim this helmet was worn by the Daedric demiprince Fa-Nuit-Hen when he visited Infernace, home of the Flame Atronachs, but others insist this is only conjecture. It counts as Dragonscale for the purposes of the Matching Set perk.
Spiderfang is rumoured to have been imbued with the venom of a thousand spiders during the First Era.
This monstrous battleaxe is rumored to have been infused with the venom of a thousand giant spiders at some point during the First Era, though no one knows how anyone could have achieved such a feat.
Thunderfell (also known as Skeleton's Bane) is said to be imbued with the power of a hundred storm atronachs.
This dangerous weapon, also sometimes called "Skeleton's Bane" for its effect on these creatures, is rumored to be imbued with the power of a hundred storm atronachs.
Stormcaller was inspired by Skeletons Bane (or Thunderfall), and is said to contain the power of 40 storm atronachs.
Inspired by the mythical weapon known as "Skeleton's Bane" for its effect on these undead, this mace is said to contain the power of forty storm atronachs.
The Dragonbone Greatsword is the most powerful non-magical weapon in all of Tamriel.
Favored by mercenary and Dovahkiin alike, the Dragonbone Greatsword is the most powerful non-magical blade in all of Tamriel.
Daedric Warhammers are among the most devastating weapons in any plane of existence.
One of the most devastating weapons to be found on any plane of existence, the Daedric Warhammer can strike fear into the heart of even the most battle-hardened warrior who faces it.
Daedric weapons (such as the daedric battleaxe) are forged with a daedra heart, giving them a magical and otherworldy edge over many other weapons.
While similar to its Ebony cousin, the monstrous Daedric Battleaxe has been forged using the heart of a Daedra, giving it a magical, otherworldly edge.
Breathtaker originates from the City of the Dead (Necrom) and sucks the spirit and resolve from those it cuts.
An ancient claymore found in The City of the Dead, this voracious blade will suck the spirit and resolve out of opponents with each devastating blow.
Lichslayer is an ancient daedric longsword designed to slay liches, the most powerful form of undead.
This ancient Daedric longsword was forged with one goal in mind: to annihilate the most powerful of all undead, the dreaded Lich, and in capable hands it will do just that.
The Ring of Cinders once belonged to a legendary fire mage who accidently burned herself to a crisp, leaving only some ashes and the ring.
This ring belonged to a renowned fire mage who ended up accidentally burning herself down to a crisp, with nothing left of her but the ring and a few ashes.
Serpentstrike is said to be tempered in basilisks blood, prior to the Altmer wiping them out from Valenwood.
This highly venomous weapon is said to have been tempered in basilisk's blood, before those foul creatures were wiped out from Valenwood by the Altmer.
Deathsting was made in an attempt to recreate the effects of Serpentstrike with giant scorpion venom, after all the basiliks were driven to extinction.
This sword was an attempt to replicate the highly poisonous Serpentstrike using giant scorpion venom instead of basilisk blood after the Altmer hunted the latter to extinction.
Atronite is a rare stone that literally originates from another universe, that being the plane of Oblivion, and can be used to temper weapons and armour.
A mysterious stone literally from another universe - the plane of Oblivion - Atronite is often left behind when an Atronach is defeated or dispelled. It is used in the tempering of high-end weapons and armor.
Fire Salts require great care when handling them.
Fire Salts are used to create Flame-related enchantments, potions and poisons, and great care must be taken when handling them...
Faerite is a stone of unknown origin, but it appears in locations were great feats of magic occurred.
The origins of Faerite are a mystery, but it has been noted to appear in locations where great feats of magic once occurred. It is used as an advanced tempering material.
Pyrine is a mineral of unknown origin but great power.
Few know the true origin of Pyrine, a gold-colored gem of great power, but all can appreciate its remarkable tempering properties.
Dragon Bones posses incredible durability, which talented craftsmen can forge into weapons and armour.
Dragons are largely presumed to be extinct, and so an ancient Dragon Bone is highly prized for its incredible durability, which a talented craftsman can mold into power weapons and armor.
Ebony is said to be the crystalized blood of Lorkhan himself.
The Ebony Ingot is the condensed, smith-ready version of a volcanic glass so rare and durable, some believe it to be the crystallized blood of the god Lorkhan himself.
Transcendant Soul Gems contain a soul of unknown yet immense power.
The power emanating from this gem sends a shiver down your spine, for what kind of creature has such a powerful soul?
Potions of Ultimate Healing will restore organ and tissue damage.
Upon drinking, this potion restores a gigantic amount of Health, and even repairs organ and tissue damage.
Elixars of Resist Fire allow he drinker to wrestle a Flame Atronach and come out unscathed.
This potion provides a very large amount of resistance to fire damage, enough to allow someone to wrestle with a Flame Atronach and come out unscathed.
Solutions of Resist Shock allows for one to practice outside in a thunderstorm with a metal sword without concern.
This potion provides increased resistance to shock damage, and is great during combat... or when practicing outside with a metal sword in a lightning storm.
Grand Elixars of Resist Shock can help the drinker withstand attacks from powerful storm atronachs.
This potion provides greatly increased resistance to shock damage, and will even help withstand attacks from powerful storm atronachs.
Prime Elixars of Resist Poison not only help one resist poison, but also increases ones natural resistance. Emperor Titus Mede was said to always carry a bottle on him at all times.
A potion that increases one's natural poison resistance. Emperor Titus Mede II is rumored to keep a vial of this mixture with him at all times.
Aylied Art is appreciated by the Thalmor.
Ayleid Art and architecture still have their admirers, especially among the Elves and Thalmor.
The Abyss is state to be infinite.
The infinite Abyss, where treasure, glory, and pain all await... in equal measure.
Unicorns are greatly valued by Hircine, to the point that his hunters have apparently driven them to extinction.
Unicorns were greatly valued by Hircine, the Daedric Prince of the Hunt. So much so, in fact, that they seem to have been driven extinct by his followers.
The Elder Scrolls are heralds of annihilation and ecstasy, being fragments of creation from outside space and time.
There is no item more legendary than an Elder Scroll, herald of annihilation and ecstasy, itself a fragment of creation from outside time and space.
Divine artifacts will often display the same text; that this item is imbued with the power of the higher planes, which makes it as strong as an item forged from dragon bones (or dragon scales, in the case of armor).
This weapon is imbued with the power of the higher planes, making it as strong as those made of dragon bones.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
In an interview with UESP with Leamon Tuttle, Tuttle talks about various aspects of TES lore. He says that dragons can argue people to death, otherworldy beings challenge the traditional conceptions of mortality and Sotha Sil is a divine cyborg.
General:Leamon Tuttle Loremaster Interview - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)
Leamon Tuttle Loremaster Interview said:
Lady Nerevar: What non-fantasy-media inspirations do you use in your Elder Scrolls writing?
Leamon Tuttle: So, I'll tell you all a deep, dark secret: I'm actually not much of a fantasy guy. Spit-take, right? Now, I've played D&D since I was like seven years old, and I've read the seminal works like LOTR, etc. I've also played a lot of fantasy videogames (like the TES titles, obviously). But if I'm being honest, I rarely look to works of fantasy for inspiration.
Like I said before, I majored in History and Philosophy in college, so I spent a lot of time reading about things like Greek, Roman, and East-Asian history, existential philosophy, aesthetics, and metaphysics … like a NERD. I draw from that stuff all the time.
Honestly, this is part of the reason I love the Elder Scrolls so much. There's a place for all of those topics in our lore — especially when you really start digging. The fact that we can explore the politics of ancient empires, and Dragons that can argue people to death, and otherworldy beings that challenge traditional conceptions of morality, and divine cyborgs discussing hard determinism, is a testament to how broad and fascinating the lore of Tamriel can be.
Pelinal Whitestrake is a rampaging force of nature, and a deeply-flawed, Hellenistic Achilles-like figure. The Tribunal are described as insanely powerful, and the 36 Lessons of Vivec allow them to explore the boundaries between faith and fiction.
Leamon Tuttle Loremaster Interview said:
baratron: What is your favorite piece of Elder Scrolls Lore?
Leamon Tuttle: Ugh! You're putting me on the spot! There's so much great stuff. I'll cheat and give you my top three (in no particular order).
First, I love lore surrounding the Alessian Slave Rebellion — particularly lore about Pelinal Whitestrake. I think it goes back to me being a Hellenophile. There's something very Greek about Pelinal. He's totally this Achilles-like figure who is deeply flawed and kind of terrifying. But you've got to respect his dedication to the art of being a murderous, rampaging force of nature.
Then there's the obvious one: Tribunal lore. I love Almsivi for many of the same reasons I love Pelinal — insane power combined with deep flaws. The Tribunal also allows us to really stretch the limitations of the genre. The 36 Lessons (which I adore) invite all of us to step out of our comfort zone and explore the boundaries of faith and fiction in a way that few other books do. Not surprisingly, my favorite of the Three is Seht. When I got the opportunity to write for him, I was totally star struck. It was like writing a script for Denzel Washington or Daniel Day-Lewis or something. Hopefully we'll get more opportunities to hang out with them eventually.
Lastly, I love Argonian lore. They're so weird! The Saxhleel give us another opportunity to turn fantasy tropes on their heads and show what a truly alien culture might look like. Their investment in the idea of impermanence clashes so violently with our traditional, western assumptions about what makes an advanced civilization, you can't help but wonder if we’ve got things all wrong.
Tuttle reiterates on Paarthunax fighting against his primal nature to dominate and conquer, and that Almalexia is far deeper than most people give her credit for.
Leamon Tuttle Loremaster Interview said:
Avron the S'wit: Who is your favorite Elder Scrolls NPC?
Leamon Tuttle: Ha! All right, this one is impossible. I have tons of favorites. I'll just rattle a few off and you can decide which one I should love the most. (I've excluded my favorite ESO characters because of potential nepotism.)
Sotha Sil will always be near and dear to my heart, but that's kind of cheating since I spent so much time with him.
I love Paarthurnax. The idea that he's constantly struggling against this primal need to conquer and dominate is a great hook, and his dialogue and mannerisms are really distinctive.
I think Almalexia is fascinating. There's a tremendous amount of depth to her character that people have a tendency to gloss over.

I'm a huge fan of the Princes, particularly Hermaeus Mora and Mehrunes Dagon.
Other NPCs I dig include: The Gray Fox, Delphine, Serana, and Barbas.
He talks about the Yokudans, references sword-singing and their dual nature, and how he'd love for ESO to go to Yokuda, but they have no plans to do so any time soon.
Leamon Tuttle Loremaster Interview said:
Lady Nerevar: If you could write about any period or location in Elder Scrolls lore, what would it be?
Leamon Tuttle: I would love to go to Yokuda, during the golden age of the Ansei. Warring fiefdoms battling for dominance, sword-singing, high drama and poetry, etc. It's like a kickass Kurosawa epic.
All that being said, we don’t have any plans to explore Yokuda any time soon.
Finally, Leamon Tuttle talks about how he reads up on TES fan theories and works, and aims to write so there are multiple theories and interpretations of the work, and room open for more questions.
Leamon Tuttle Loremaster Interview said:
Lady Nerevar: You've mentioned that you read fan theories and works frequently - has one ever inspired you to add something based on it, or made you change something you were working on?
Leamon Tuttle: Not consciously, no. I've had my head in TES lore for a long time, and my theories are pretty much locked down at this point. But this kind of leads into the points Lawrence made in his farewell address. Even as the Loremaster, my personal theories and perspectives on the lore are not authoritative. Good lore should allow ample room for interpretation and debate. If I write something that brooks no opposition and comes off as totally irrefutable, I think I've failed as a writer.
What I find really miraculous is how people can take a piece of text that I've written and find something in it that I never even considered. I’m a firm believer in the idea that art exists on its own, separate from the artist. The intentions of the writer — while potentially interesting — are ultimately kind of irrelevant. What matters is the text itself. So, when I see a fan lay out a compelling argument that is A) totally consistent with existing lore and the text itself, and B) completely at odds with my own thoughts of the subject, it's an amazing feeling. Every answer we provide should prompt more questions. Questions lead to contemplation and debate. Keeping that excitement and exploration going is basically the whole reason we do this stuff!

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Few mortals can match the strength and power of a dragon.
Introducing the Dragonscale Crown Crate Season
Dragons! These ancient creatures, once locked away in the Halls of Colossus, have returned with a vengeance. Driven by an unquenchable thirst for conquest, they will stop at nothing to reclaim their place as the rightful rulers of Tamriel. While few mortals can match the strength of a raging Dragon, the contents of these mysterious crates might give you a taste of their awesome power!
The return of the dragons threatens to destroy Elsywer.
The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr
Elsweyr (official website) said:
Once thought lost to the mists of time, fearsome Dragons now soar the skies of Elsweyr, leaving scorched ruin in their wake. In The Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr, you must discover the dark purpose behind their rampage in a new epic story and prevent the destruction of the Khajiiti homeland.
Necromancers can embue their thralls with elemental damage, reshape the bones of the dead into shields and harness the powers of life and death to heal and ressurect alies.
Elsweyr (official website) said:
GRAVE LORD: Imbue the dead with frost, fire, and lightning to bring ruin upon your enemies. Raise relentless hordes of the undead and allow your fallen enemies to intensify your unyielding assault.
BONE TYRANT: Bend and break the dead to your will and use their remains to create impenetrable barriers and extend your own life. Control the battlefield with the bones of the departed.
LIVING DEATH: Draw from the power of life and death to replenish and restore your allies. Resurrect your defeated comrades and keep them in the fight.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Aspera Arena-Friend, who's very likely a manifestation of Boethiah like the other Aspera's, scoffs at the power of the Celestials, and even contemplates bringing them to her Arena
Elder Scrolls Online said:
Vestige: Who's competing in these games?
Aspera Arena-Friend: The better question might be who isn't competing. We have a fascinating mix of proven warriors and brutal killers. They can fight and that's all that matters.
And I have it on good authority that there are some surprises in store. So exciting!
Vestige: How can an arena run with everything going on in this region?
Aspera Arena-Friend: You mean that nonsense with the Serpent and those other foolish Celestials? What goes on outside, remains outside.
Besides, even they wouldn't be so bold as to send an army against some of the most trained and talented killers in the region.
Vestige: That's a pretty dangerous assumption.
Aspera Arena-Friend: What? Oh, sorry. I was just imagining the possibilities.
I wonder what would happen if the Serpent and the other Celestials came here to compete? I'm almost tempted to invite them. Almost.
Vestige: Are you participating?
Aspera Arena-Friend: Compete? Me? And how would that be fair? No, I don't participate.
But I'll be watching you and your group closely. I can promise you that.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Bolt escape allows it's user to turn into pure energy to attack.
Attack description (Online) said:
Bolt Escape: Transform yourself into pure energy and flash forward, stunning enemies near origin location

Another mass-energy feat is how Skeevatons are piloted; they turn their hosts body into Liminal energy, and the Skeeverton serves as an extension of their animus.
Skeevaton Modification and Operation said:
Trans-corporeal Operation: While most skeevatons I have reverse engineered have operated autonomously to carry out simple or routine tasks, I encountered several that had been tinkered with to allow an individual direct control over the fabricant. These modifications ranged from cumbersome wires, resembling a puppeteer's strings, and hand-held tonal emitters to a trans-corporeal pneumeria chamber that allows a being to inhabit the fabricant itself! This modified Dwemer device ingeniously converts a being into pure Liminal energy and stores it within a hermetic chamber. When connected to a fabricant the intelligence of the occupant may operate the fabricant as an extension of their animus. Obviously, this allows for unprecedented precision of control, but it also carries immense risk. If the skeevaton were to suffer a catastrophic failure while the pneumeria chamber was occupied, the animus would be violently ejected and almost certainly kill the occupant, if they even rematerialized at all.
They can also use energy attacks.
Skeevaton Modification and Operation said:
Discharge Energy: A fully charged micro-magicka condenser can release its volatile payload in an emergency, sending raw Destruction magic erupting in all directions. This should be done only under desperate circumstances or safe conditions as the blast can easily overload active constructs.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Telvanni mages have magical amplifiers that can allow even a weaker mage to create blizzards over entire regions.

Isle of Madness said:
Luzrah Gro-Shar: What are we doing at this Telvanni mushroom tower?

Talym: Hopefully making it snow. Word is the mages here have a magical amplifier high in this tower. With it, we should be able to cast a blizzard spell over the Baron's lands.
(A bit later at 2:08:43.)
Isle of Madness said:
Baron Navir: By... by the g-g-gods! Snow! I-i-in hottest summer! Perhaps this was not my w-w-wisest wish. But still! Snow!

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Dragons are said to have existed before linaer time in a roleplaying Q & A.
A Matter of Voice and Brass: Dragon Bones DLC Interview said:
Eis: Er, yes, interesting! So, this...Zaan the Scalecaller...was apparently a female Dragon Priest who ended up betrayed by her own followers? Do you have more information concerning her and her "Dragon Lord," Thurvokun? My knowledge on the Dragon Cult and Dragons in general isn't as extensive as my knowledge on other subjects–for example, I can't even pinpoint whether Dragons originated from Akavir or Atmora.

Lady Cinnabar: As Dragons existed even before the inception of sequential time in the Dawn Era, the concept of "origination" is hard to apply to the species.

Phrastus: Surely you don't think even an Argonian would be credulous enough to believe your "theories" about the mutability of time? Suffice to say that this Thurvokun made a poor choice when it picked this Zaan to be its priest, and probably never intended its followers to involve themselves with either necromancy or Daedra worship.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Eld Angavar (or the Golden Path) is an interdimensional nexus filled with Aylied ruins. In the skies float countless stars and nebulae.
Eld Angvar is a world between worlds, where you find mysterious portals in this void filled with Aylied ruins.
In the new Battlegrounds map, Eld Angvar, you and your team face off against your fellow players in the Ayleid world between worlds. You might recognize this location as one you visited during the Murkmire main questline, but this time, you’re using the void’s mysterious portals to hunt your fellow players.
The Remnant of Argon, the power of one Hist tree, is greater than the Golden Paths (which Myndhal and the other Barsaebic Aylieds are implied to have created).
Murkmire said:
Myndhal: After all this time, this is all we could manage … a lifeless vault of gateways, availing us nothing!
Houtern: My lord, we have carved a golden path to the very frontiers of magical praxis. This nexus is austere, yes, but—
Myndhal: You mean to convince me to abandon my search, don't you? The power of the Hist—the power of the Remnant—dwarfs your golden path! I will claim the tree's power, no matter the cost.
Murkmire said:
Houtern: My lord? You wished to show me something?
Myndhal: Cast your eyes across this vast expanse. Tell me, what do you see?
Houtern: Gates, my lord. A realm of doors and passages.
Myndhal: Yes. A sea of azure gates—none of which lead to the Hist. Perhaps we use the wrong kind of passage. Find one of these beasts' sun-crystals. We have work to do.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Zenimax have had the idea (or intent) to use dragons since before ESO came out, and once again, we have further confirmation of Zenimax and Bethesda working together. It's also mentioned that Vestige isn't as powerful as Dovahkiin.

The Elder Scrolls Online - Season of the Dragon Reveal said:
Kelly Link: Dragons, finally in Elder Scrolls...Online!

Rich Lambert: Finally in Elder Scrolls Online. It's something we've been wanting to do for a very long time. I...actually got into a little bit of trouble in an interview in way back when in 2012 when I didn't outright say dragons will never be in Elder Scrolls Online. Because I knew at some point we would get there and we would do that and now they're here, which is awesome.

Kelly Link: Five years in the making.

Rich Lambert: It...it's been a ride.

Kelly Link: Well dragons have such an important role in the Elders Scrolls, what is exactly like...what is the process you guys took, to make sure you did it right?

Rich Lambert: We...We spent a lot of time talking with Bethesda. You know they're...they're the ones who built this amazing IP and we get to work with it and build on the story lines so we're really closely with those guys. down there to make sure the things we were doing made sense. And...our dragons are going to be a little bit different than the dragons you're kinda used to in say Skyrim.You're not Dovahkiin. You don't have...

Kelly Link: You don't have a Fus Roh Dah!

Rich Lambert: ...Right! You don't have the tools to kinda go toe to toe with a dragon so in Elder Scrolls Online, the dragons are going to be that much more difficult, and you're gonna need some friends and you're gonna need to figure out ways to deal with these threats.
This lattermost part is further referenced in the blogs.
Of course, in addition to exploring this new zone, you’ll also be called upon to defend the Khajiiti people against a devastating new threat: Dragons. However, in this Chapter you’re no Dragonborn, and you’ll need to work with your fellow players and powerful allies in order to take these winged beasts down.
More moon lore will be revealed.
The Elder Scrolls Online - Season of the Dragon Reveal said:
Lawrence Schick: If you know anything about the Khajitt, you'd know that the moons of Tamriel Jone & Jode, exert a tremendous metaphysical influence over their form and their culture. We're going to be going into a bit of the basis of that and you're going to learn more about their relationship with the moons.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
King Narilmor brings down a large stone tower (gif was made by Lugdush on SB).

Several other gifs of King Narilmor destroying the stone tower made by yours truly.


This isn't even King Narilmoor's strongest form; the Symphony of Blades is even more powerful. During the fight against the Symphony of Blades, he sends you into the Coloured Rooms to fight you.

King Narilmor was the second favourite of Meridia, beaten only by Umaril the Unfeathered. There is much proof of this, the greatest being the Guiding Light beacon that shone above Garlas Malatar. One Ayleid captain claimed he could sail from Garlas Malator (an aylied city on an island on the Western Coast of Cyrodiil) to Yokuda by its light alone.
Garlas Malatar and its ruler, King Narilmor, had long been regarded within the Ayleid Empire as the beacons of the west, both figuratively and literally. Narilmor was a devout follower of Meridia who dedicated his life and his city to her veneration. At the height of his reign, he was regarded as a favorite of the Daedric Prince, second only to Umaril the Unfeathered. There is considerable evidence supporting this claim, but the proof positive was the great beacon that shone above Garlas Malatar fueled by the unquenchable light of Meridia. It was known as the Guiding Light, and while it may have paled in comparison to the magnitude of the White-Gold Tower, it was an unmistakable landmark visible from great distances. The account of one Ayleid captain claimed he could sail from Yokuda to Garlas Malatar by its light alone.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
At the end of every Era (or every 1000 years) the Greymarch comes (and Sheogorath turns back into Jyggalag) and destroys the Shivering Isles (which involves the total destruction of everything in his realm), after which Sheogorath has to start all over again (which he hates).
Can you explain how the Shivering Isles are linked to the plot and world of Oblivion?
Pete Hines: The events in Oblivion take place at the end of the third era, and the end of any era is always a time of big change in the world of The Elder Scrolls. Those changes take places in other places besides Tamriel, including the realm of Sheogorath, the daedric prince of maddness who resides in, and rules over, his own plane of Oblivion and very different from the one ruled by Mehrunes Dagon that you see in Oblivion. The big change taking place in Sheogorath's realm actually happens at the end of every era. It's called the Greymarch and it's basically the total destruction of everything in his realm, forcing him to start all over again every 1,000 years, which he hates. So, in an effort to put a stop to this Sheogorath believes he's found a way to get a mortal champion to help stop the Greymarch and save his realm, which is where you come in.
The Shivering Isles is a world that was created in Sheogoraths image.
Kikizo: We have a very different world here to what we see in Oblivion, can you tell us about some of the inspiration behind the art design

Hines: The idea was that the artists wanted to create a world that was created in Sheogorath's image. He's the Daedric Prince of Madness but he's got multiple sides of that - so he'll greet you and tell you in a very cheery voice that he's so happy to see you he could rip out your entrails and strangle you with them. So he's a bit happy-go-lucky and a bit, you know, wouldn't mind seeing the skin peeled off of somebody.

And so, the world reflects these two sides; you've got the Dementia side that's very sad and depressed - almost lifeless looking, lots of moss growing on trees and feels very claustrophobic. And then you've got the Mania side, which is sort of the happy insane artist - very bright, over saturated colours, and even the creatures on both of those sides reflect the environment that they're in, so you get two sides of this world that are at very stark contrast to one another and at the same time, a stark contrast to the world of Oblivion.
The Greymarch will wipe everything in the Shivering Isles out.
SPOnG: Okay, let's talk a little bit specifically about Shivering Isles. Firstly, what's the back story?
Pete Hines: So, the story is that, the Shivering Isles is the realm of the Daedric prince of madness, Sheogorath, who many players will remember from the original game.

Sheogorath is looking for a mortal champion (which is you, the player). The reason for this is because at the end of every 'era' (every thousand years) this thing called the 'greymarch' happens where Sheogorath's realm gets laid to waste. These Knights of Order show up and wipe it out completely, killing everybody and wiping everything out. So, Sheogorath believes a mortal champion (you) can defend his realm against the greymarch.

So, you enter a door that appears in Cyrodiil and enter Sheogorath's realm - which is another plane of Oblivion - every Daedric prince in the game has his own realm that he rules over. And you are sent basically on a series of quests to prove yourself to him, that you are up to the task, to increase your standing in this court that he has… so that the people of the Shivering Isles accept you for being his champion and their champion… so you are doing things in preparation for defending the realm against this 'greymarch'.
The Shivering Isles are a reflection of Sheogorath himself, and is a world created in his image.
SPOnG: So, the realm in Shivering Isles is divided into two areas - Mania and Dementia? Can you say more about these?
Pete Hines: Yeah, the realm in the Shivering Isles is really a reflection of Sheogorath himself. As the Daedric Prince of Madness, he's got a bit of both sides in him.

He's got the 'happier' insane side - you know, almost like an insane artist. And then he's got the darker, more demented side in him - more paranoid, twisted and slightly frightening. So, the world is very much representative of his two halves. It's a world created in his image. So, you can travel across the land back and forth throughout these two halves as you progress through the game.
Pete Hines says that it would be cool if they put hundreds of thousands of people in any particular city, but that would take away from the unique feeling of each NPC you meet.
Kikizo: Is the vast space of the new area going to be more dense in terms of people, creatures or activity, as I think some people noted that maybe the population was less active before?

Hines: No, I don't think it's going to be any more or any less than any particular space that you saw in Oblivion. It would be nice to just be able to put put hundreds and thousands of people in any particular city, but our problem is that we're trying to move away from generic. We have people who say, "I don't want generic dialogue for NPCs, I want them to all say something new and different and I want them to all be unique, and I want hundreds of thousands of them", well that's just not... those are goals that are at odds with one another; you can't create hundreds of thousands of people in a city to make it feel like a real city, and then have any of them mean anything - they'll just be a bunch of generic figureheads that are moving around the world, and that's just not at all what we're trying to do.
The Shivering Isles are described as having a high fantasy feel (moreso that Cyrodiil). Everything here is newly designed, even the skies and weather.
Jonric: How will Shivering Isles build upon Oblivion? What are you aiming for with the main additions, changes and improvements you're implementing? How different can we expect the expansion to be?

Bruce Nesmith:
The Shivering Isles are reached by a gateway to another realm. The name of the realm is the Shivering Isles, a land created by and ruled by the Daedric Prince Sheogorath. The gateway opens on a small island in Niben Bay off the coast of Bravil.

We wanted to create a land that felt appropriate as the home of the Daedric Prince of Madness. We knew it should have a high fantasy feel, much more so than Cyrodiil. We also knew it couldn't be too wacky, or it wouldn't be playable. With those ideas in mind, our art staff came up with new and strange plants and rock formations. Everything is new in the Shivering Isles. All of the plants, monsters, rocks, buildings and clothing are new. Even the sky and weather is different than Cyrodiil.

Things work a bit differently in the Shivering Isles, but only there. Gameplay in Cyrodiil is not changed in this expansion. For example, any bounty on your head is ignored in the Shivering Isles. However, you can collect a new bounty here that likewise will be ignored in Cyrodiil. Even going to jail is different. You are tossed into the bottom of a dungeon, without any of your stuff. If you can fight your way out, you'll find you precious equipment by the exit door. Once you've made it out, all is forgiven. This is just a sampling of the differences.
Hungers have tongues that reach out 10 feet long.
Bruce Nesmith: There are about 15 new types of opponents, not including the special creatures such as the Gatekeeper. Most of them have multiple variants, making for dozens of new challenges.

Some of the lore creatures are making a fresh appearance, such as the Golden Saints, Dark Seducers, Hungers and Flesh Atronachs. Hungers are particularly interesting. They have a ten-foot long tongue that can whip out and absorb fatigue from you. If you aren't careful, they'll drain it all, and you'll pass out. They are fast and hard to avoid.
Sheogorath grants you new powers as you complete tasks for him.
Jonric: What else does Shivering Isles implement in the way of new content? For instance, what are the quests like this time?

Bruce Nesmith:
For those gamers into alchemy, the Shivering Isles has a whole new ecology. All of the new ingredients can be used with those from Cyrodiil. There are new spells that can be purchased in the shops of New Sheoth. Sheogorath will even grant you new powers as you complete his tasks.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
Oblivion Gates connect the two worlds of the Deadlands and Nirn.
And how will this free-roaming element tie in with the storyline of Oblivion?

Gavin Carter:
The main storyline involves an invasion of hordes from the otherwordly realms of Oblivion. While wandering, it’s very possible to stumble across one of the fiery magical gates that bridge the two worlds. Oblivion gates spew out monsters from the demon realm and you may find yourself caught up in a battle helping Legion troops push them back. You can then enter the Oblivion gate and see what lies beyond.