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Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia


A Simple Man
Back to the game before I sleep for the night

The main suspects I believe we should look into for the day is Psychic and Fushi

I believe one or both of them may be scum


A Simple Man
This is the first time you mention my name this game, why do you suspect me?

How does that work when Im voting for her to be lynched and shes OMGUSing me?

Scum going after each other to throw everyone off 🤔

I'm not certain you're scum or not but I haven't got any town vibes off you, I hadn't mentioned you up until this point because I was looking more into rugrat and psychic and since Rugrat was lynched and his innocence proven the next logical suspect would be you, who multiple times tried to paint what I say or do has a scum tactic which in of itself is a scum tactic seeing that a scums job is to get town to lynch one of their own while remaining in their good gracious

Perhaps I'm wrong and you're both town but I could be right and you're both scum either way I'm willing to gamble 🎰


Lonely at the top
Scum going after each other to throw everyone off 🤔
How is me trying to lynch her serving to throw everyone off exactly? What am I throwing people off what?
I'm not certain you're scum or not but I haven't got any town vibes off you,
Who do you town read?
I hadn't mentioned you up until this point because I was looking more into rugrat
You didnt mention Rugrat a single time last phase except for when you voted to lynch him.
and psychic and since Rugrat was lynched and his innocence proven the next logical suspect would be you, who multiple times tried to paint what I say or do has a scum tactic which in of itself is a scum tactic
This is false, I only ever commented on your flavor solving and then the Janitor thing.
seeing that a scums job is to get town to lynch one of their own while remaining in their good gracious
So youre suspecting me because I suspect you?


A Simple Man
You didnt mention Rugrat a single time last phase except for when you voted to lynch him

I said day 1 I had a feeling rugrat was scum until he revealed he was vanilla town I Unvoted because that made the likely hood he was town more legitimate since I'm also vanilla towner

I don't need to mention every single person I suspect, every single phase I focus on one or two people until they're resolved and then move on to the next

So far the people I think give off the towniest vibes are

Vote Count 1 Day 4 New


Yoho not voting for Rugrat doesn't clear him at all, maybe he didn't expect Rugrat to be lynched that early. Yoho didn't visit anyone nor has been visited last night.

I think we should lynch Psychic.

Vote Lynch Psychic

Vote Lynch Psychic

Vote Nibel

Vote Gad

Sorry all I haven’t really had the time to get in to this game as much. I’ll try to play today

I've had my suspicions of psychic since the beginning so imma vote her.

Vote Lynch Psychic

of course you are, scum.

Doesn't mean he isn't scum, just that he wasn't the one making the action.
also if motion detector exists, then that means mafia team probably has ninja, have you ever thought of that?

Mean Girls Stalker GIF

he's motion detector, I think that was pretty obvious.

Vote lynch Fuji

I told you guys that Rug was probably town. I had the feeling he was because Poyser was buddying up both me and Rug, so i figured Rug was town just like me. And the reason they are keeping me alive is because they can use me as a diversion for a lynch.

scum team is Fuji and Yoho, I'm like 100% sure.

Orca is probably arsonist if Gad is Fireman.

Vote Count 1 Day 4

Nibel: Psychic
Fuji: Psychic
Polar: Nibel > Unvote > Gad
Whicker: Gad
Yoho: Psychic
Psychic: Fuji

Psychic: 3
Gad: 2
Fuji: 1

24 hours remain. With 10 players remaining it takes 6 to reach majority.​