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Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia


Poyser, rugrat, psychic, gad, yoho, rdk

The above r the ppl who were on poysers side during poyser vs whicker^

The first 2 r dead and the next 3 we got claims from, I think we need to get a claim from rdk next


I'm curious, do you really think he hammers poyser for no real reason other than trying to clear himself and kill off that powerful role?
Do u think clearing himself is not a valid reason?
he is a very good player and he's just been put in the perfect "town clear" position

Y don't u think his scummates would trade a pretty much goner poyser for a "town clear" rdk


Lonely at the top
I'm curious, do you really think he hammers poyser for no real reason other than trying to clear himself and kill off that powerful role?
I actually agree here, I said it in one of my posts here but Whicker was at 5 and the day was heading towards another no lynch. Him hammering Poyser like that made me think he was the unlikeliest of the pile to be a mate but I do know RDK is a known busser though.

Polar Bear

I actually agree here, I said it in one of my posts here but Whicker was at 5 and the day was heading towards another no lynch. Him hammering Poyser like that made me think he was the unlikeliest of the pile to be a mate but I do know RDK is a known busser though.
And as a known busser imo that puts more of the suspicious on him

I dont know it just seemed like it would have been so much easier if he were scum to just hold out, get a 2nd no lynch then buss poyser d3 if still needed