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To Aru Majutsu No Index Feats/Discussion/Analysis Thread - One Othinus To Rule Them All


V.I.P. Member
I see Genki’s slow ass still struggles with reading.

That Kamisato quote he’s been bandwagoning on completely flew past him that it was a mistranslation. Best to leave virtual on stuff out @Mr.OMG and just stick with explaining what Kamisato and Nephthys actually said
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I see Genki’s slow ass still struggles with reading.

That Kamisato quote he’s been bandwagoning on completely flew past him. Best to leave virtual on stuff out @Mr.OMG and just stick with explaining what Kamisato and Nephthys actually said
From Virtual-On, I was just interested in the theory about one timeline that has infinite possibilities/worlds(variations of "What If"). Which in theory could confirm the fact that parallel worlds are not a space filled with infinite worlds, but a single timeline creating other worlds.

What's wrong with the PSP game Idk.


V.I.P. Member
Like I said, keep it simple.

I only know from experience on here how hard it is to get through some people. And we know Genki’s always had a hard time with reading comprehension


I have given up on conversations with people who seem to have some mental issues, acting as if they are the author, only seeing what they want to see no matter how much I provide them with the original text and materials.

That person seems to be particularly that type


V.I.P. Member
I have given up on conversations with people who seem to have some mental issues, acting as if they are the author, only seeing what they want to see no matter how much I provide them with the original text and materials.

That person seems to be particularly that type
Yeah, it can get frustrating dealing with people that think they know what their talking about on something they have no clue about and only wanting to hear what they want to hear when proven otherwise.

Heck I first signed up on here because of that and I was tired of hearing them. This site can be really bad about users here ignoring feats.

Extra dumbass points when their excuse is to write it off as “flowering writing” without going into the effort of explaining how and when they in turn argue with stuff just as flowery and vague for their series
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I have given up on conversations with people who seem to have some mental issues, acting as if they are the author, only seeing what they want to see no matter how much I provide them with the original text and materials.

That person seems to be particularly that type
Hi, Fiamma. Can you please translate this quotes?
無限に連なる並行世界にストックしてあるのは、所詮i fの可能性『だけ』だ. つまり、元から存在しない可能性は引っ張り出せん. タングラムを使って金持ちになりたいなら、 下排えとし て全く同額分だけ自力で稼ぐ努力をしなくてはならないその場で叶う、叶わないはさておいて、全力を注がねば 金持ち ifは分岐しないからな……だとすれば、なんて無駄なシステムなんだ。 とっとと自分の力で金持ちになれば良いではないか.
それは 「自分だけの現実」とは違うモンなのか? (パーソナルリアリティ). あくまでミクロな重子レベルの変異をマクロな物理現象 にまで引き上げる超能力とは性質が違います一つの世界の中での変異ではなく、無数の世界を 丸ごと入れ替え、 操る。 スケールが一段違うのです当然ながら、 タングラムは 「この世界」のものではありませんそして問題なのは、 タングラム自身、 未知のものとなる 『この世界』 へ興味を持ち始めている事です実はすでに一度 タングラムは 「この世界」に接触しているんですそこで学園都市の皆さんはタングラムの脅威を取り除き、 私も命を救われているのですが…
恐らく、今回のコラボ世界の中一番力があるのはタングラムですよ。Index世界の超能力, 厳密にはあり得ない結果を自分でつかみ取るので、その時点で平行世界をを少し改変する力ではあるですけれど、それはあくまでも、Index 世界の理の中のことなんです。[ゴムひも理論]で説明できるものなんですが、あくまでも、一つの世界の中のゴムひもしか操れない。でも、タングラムは別で、世界と世界の間で入れ替えする力が持ってるから、どんな世界のゴムひももお構いなしに
あらゆる並行世界やifの可能性をするタングラム は、主に偏ればどんな願いでも叶えられるはず
……そオだよな、元凶はそっちのガキじゃねエ. やつばり中心は富良科の方だ
けどまア前後左右上下どこを見渡しても余計なモンは くつついちゃいねエ。だとすると 富良科凛鈴の、内側かアッッッ!!!!!
単純な装甲の厚さや密閉性の問題ではなく、そもそも事象の濁流に適した耐性がないとどうにもならない. 加えて言えば、その右手に宿る幻想殺しも役に立つだろう. 何しろ世界全体に対する基準点に指定された物質だ。事象の濁流の中でも強力なアンカーとして機能するはず
These are some quotes from the game


There are more quotes about how Accel copies other people's abilities, and manipulate laws, therefore to which Tangram can be killed, etc. But I couldn't find them


Hi, Fiamma. Can you please translate this quotes?

These are some quotes from the game

1. The infinite possibilities stored in parallel worlds are ultimately just "if" possibilities. In other words, possibilities that don't originally exist cannot be pulled out. If you want to become rich using Tangram, you have to put in the effort to earn the same amount of money on your own. Otherwise, the branch of "if" that leads to becoming rich won't occur. What a useless system this is! Wouldn't it be better to just become rich with your own power?

2. Is that different from one's own reality (Personal Reality)? Tangram is different from psychic powers that elevate microscopic particle-level variations to macroscopic physical phenomena. It doesn't alter a single world but swaps and manipulates countless worlds entirely. The scale is different. Naturally, Tangram doesn't belong to "this world." The problem is that Tangram itself has begun to take an interest in the unknown "this world." In fact, Tangram has already made contact with "this world" once before. There, the people of Academy City eliminated the threat of Tangram, and I was saved as well, but...

3. Tangram, which deals with all parallel worlds and "if" possibilities, should be able to grant any wish if it becomes biased. (I can't limit it to being expressible in 3D space. Still, if it can control "all" vectors...)

4. ...Is that so? The culprit isn't that kid over there. The center is indeed the Furashina side. But no matter where I look, front, back, left, or right, there's nothing unnecessary attached. Then, is it inside Furashina Ririn?!
(It's bigger than I imagined. And what's this nauseating sensation I'm feeling...?)
I thought at most there would be a disgusting alien parasite, but an entire universe is stuffed inside.
The interior must be constantly rewritten by Tangram's gravity-like force.
Violently, like a storm. It's not a simple matter of armor thickness or airtightness; without a suitable resistance to the flow of events in the first place, it won't work.
In addition, the Imagine Breaker residing in the right hand will also be helpful. Above all, it's a substance designated as the reference point for the entire world. It should function as a powerful anchor even in the vortex of events. In other words, even without a virtualoid, Kamijou alone can be thrown in with his bare body and be fine? I thought its sturdiness was its only advantage, but to think it would surpass the virtualoid...

Here's my additional explanation from this point on.
I haven't played the game, so I'll try to understand based on the context alone.

The first part is Othinus's explanation about Tangram.
Even the many-worlds interpretation, which branches into infinite possibilities, is of no use to Othinus.
Fundamentally, there are more things she can do.
Othinus is explaining that she can even realize the possibility of 0, which is completely impossible with Tangram.

The third part is something I'm seeing for the first time, and it seems to be an additional explanation about Tangram itself.
It seems to be saying that if Accelerator can control higher-dimensional vectors beyond 3D, he can somehow resolve it.

The fourth part appears to explain that even Tangram can be blocked by the Imagine Breaker at best.
It still seems lacking compared to the Magic God level, which can break or manipulate the reference point itself.


V.I.P. Member
@Mr.OMG if possible, could post more of that first scan? The one about Othinus explaining how Tangram works on Ifs. Like to see more context


At first, I thought I should build a world that strictly follows the worldview of Virtual-On (and the more I did that, the more material I had to use). However, when Watari-san saw the plot I had come up with, he told me to split it into two pieces and put more of my own ideas(toaru) into it. I don't know how to describe how I felt at that time, but it was a really big shock, and I realized that this work was different from what I usually do.

it's true that the collaboration is not an official event.
But for the fools who claim that it's not official settings at all, please convey this to them.

When Kamachi was writing the collaboration, he originally intended to write it more in line with the Virtual-On settings, but he followed the intentions of the original author of Virtual-On and incorporated even more of the Index settings into the collaboration.

This is clearly stated in the afterword of the collaboration novel.