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To Aru Majutsu No Index Feats/Discussion/Analysis Thread - One Othinus To Rule Them All

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Tbh I'm not even sure how that'd work

Did the Demiurge create the entire Sephiroth then?? :rock
Nah, Ein Sof could still be the creator of the Sephiroth but Demiurge can be the ruler of the material world. the blind god who in its ignorance thinks that he created all.

There's also the lore of Sophia(Eve), the feminine aspect of God, falling and bringing instability to the pleroma after sinning, thus creating the Demiurge.



One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
I can only assume that the Demiurge would reside in like, the Pure World (maybe??)

..where Aiwass also resides



Active member
@Hiryuu Anything for Alice, Kingsford, and Transcendents?
Alice has the most feats and statements going for her. I can list down the ones I have saved if you want.

Kingsford hasn't really gotten much by way of upgrades. She had moments in the volume, but not many feats to upgrade her from what we already know of her. The ending though does insinuate that she could be much more powerful than what she's shown so far. I can post the quote if you'd like.

As for the Transcendents, they did get some pretty good feats. Some, of course, more impressive than other. I do have some of their feats saved that I can post here if you want. Personally, based on what they've shown so far, this is how I would rank them:
1. Vidhathri
2. Good Old Mary / Trismegistus
3. Blodeuwedd / Mut Thebes
4. Aradia
5. Bologna Succubus
6. 2nd Saga


V.I.P. Member
Alice has the most feats and statements going for her. I can list down the ones I have saved if you want.
Go for it
Kingsford hasn't really gotten much by way of upgrades. She had moments in the volume, but not many feats to upgrade her from what we already know of her. The ending though does insinuate that she could be much more powerful than what she's shown so far. I can post the quote if you'd like.

As for the Transcendents, they did get some pretty good feats. Some, of course, more impressive than other. I do have some of their feats saved that I can post here if you want. Personally, based on what they've shown so far, this is how I would rank them:
1. Vidhathri
2. Good Old Mary / Trismegistus
3. Blodeuwedd / Mut Thebes
4. Aradia
5. Bologna Succubus
6. 2nd Saga
Same here whatever you got saved


Active member
Go for it

1. She has insane passive social influencing bordering on mental manipulation:
"Hm? Oh, you mean Kotatsu Syndrome?"
If he was being honest, he had completely
forgotten. He had assumed that had just
gone away once New Board Chairman
Accelerator declared martial law.
That strange form of group psychology led
people to passively protest their entrance
exams and the new school term by lazing
around instead.
It led people to shortsightedly seek peace
and comfort without worrying about the
later consequences
"Let's head outside" was all Othinus said. "It
may not be visible from here, but you will
see soon enough."
Skeptical, Kamijou walked to the hospital
exit after his release process was complete.
The glass door was partially soundproofed.
probably to make life in the hospital more
comfortable for the patients
Something was exploding outside
At first, Kamijou had no idea what it was
He really did think something was exploding
in the distance.
But when he listened more closely, he
realized it was an amalgam of voices.
"I'm sick of this martial law! You can't tell me
what to do anymorer-
"They're keeping down the little guy. as
"Flip them!! Flip allthose armored
Was that a wave of people? Were those
strange voices and noises being made by
human beings?
"I already saw it all on the way here."
Maybe the hospital was so busy because
people were claiming to feel sick and hiding
out there for safety.
"It probably began with the melancholy
caused by winter break ending and the new
school term beginning," quietly explained
Othinus. "Then the new Board Chairman
declared martial law and banned them from
leaving their homes, so their frustrations
grew as their vacation passed them by
under those restrictions. When Alice
Anotherbible's return triggered a resurgence
of Kotatsu Syndrome, it pushed all the city's
residents' minds in the opposite direction
".This is entirely different from the gentle
social phenomenon built on escapism. I get
the sense that, whether it will help them or
hurt them, they will yell at and physically
attack anyone who tries to boss them
This wasn't Kamijou's first time seeing a
city-wide riot.
For example, he had seen Academy City
during the Christmas season when Anna
Sprengel had arranged the rise of R&C
For example, he had seen Shibuya on
December 31 flooded with the youths
influenced by the Transcendents Aradia and
the Bologna Succubus
But this was different from those.
When it was caused by Alice Anotherbible
the nature of the riot changed.
"It's beginning
"Acute Kotatsu Syndrome is a very different
threat from CRC, who was the ultimate
individual. This is a new trend- a
countdown toward destruction by a group. If
nothing is done about Alice, Academy City
will be brought down by internal violence.
Maybe it could be stopped by a military
force, but that would require Anti-Skill, or
whoever else, to fire live ammunition on the
people of the city."
Othinus stared into the distance
She was more bothered by the moral
collapse than by the actual destruction.
"These people treating Academy City like
their own secret base will bring down the
city. And the world economy supported by
science will go down with it. They can't
suppress this with force like they do with
demonstrations. Not when it's backed by
Alice's charisma. This is being fueled from
the outside. Aiming a gun at these students
will not stop them, nor will actually firing on
them. So like I said, the only way to stop this
is to slaughter every last Academy City
resident with Academy City's guns. Win or
lose, the city is done for."
It Was a shift a distortion in morals.
Even if captured Index lost her life now,
would it be caught up in this bizarre scenery
and converted into something that was
considered "for the best"?
If so, Kamijou had to settle this before that
He had to draw on everything he had and
face Alice.
He understood what had to be done.
Misaka Mikoto had died. ******** ****** had
died too. (..? Why did I think there was
someone else there?)

2. She has the power to make any theory that has ever been proposed a reality:
He had never imagined the day would come
when the word "god" had any relevance to
the real world.
Both as a reliable ally.
And as a very real threat
'Basically, Alice is an extraordinary being
Nho can build a bridge between reality and
any proposed theory or concept, no matter
how inaccurate or contradictory it might be.
It could be the geocentric model,
phlogiston, conspiracy theories about the
moon landing being fake, that the Y2K
problem would cause the world's computers
to run wild and destroy the world, that
neutrinos travel faster than light, or anything
else. The Anotherbible provides freedom on
a level far behind even the framework of
magic. It might be faster to just say there is
effectively nothing she can't do."
The 15cm eyepatch girl, who existed here
like normal, sighed with exasperation and
looked to the school once more
"But despite all that, Alice decided this was
the best shape for this place. That shows a
fixation, doesn't it? It implies that using her
all-powerful crafting to alter even a single
side path or building corner would cause
her to lose all interest in the place.'
"But whatever shape it takes, this is already
Alice's castle. Human, this world will not be
kind to you"

3. Alice can control the world on the same level as what Othinus did as a full powered Magic God:
Kamijou thanked it and tackled his shoulder into the glass entranceway door.
It broke shockingly easily
Unable to stop his momentum, he tumbled
inside, where the world changed yet again
The change wasn't visible.
But all sound from outside was shut out.
The dark school building was so silent his
ears ached. He had shattered the glass in
the entrance door, but he doubted he could
have returned to the visible schoolyard if he
tried. He had a feeling he would be deflected
or thrown back. Not that he had any interest
in testing this theory.
The presence of Imagine Breaker suddenly
felt a lot less significant
It was a reference point for the world.
And so it could negate any and all illusions.
But that meant it had no effect on anything
that could distort even that reference point.
For example, his right hand hadn't been able
to destroy the infinite worlds created by
Alice could absorb the world to that extent.
She simply hadn't done so before now,
'What...is this place?"
Everything looked normal, but that was no
reason to relax
Kamijou felt like something was lurking on
the other side of an invisible barrier.

4. Her ability doesn't care whether a proposed theory is logical or makes any sense at all. As long it's been proposed at any point in history, Alice can make it a reality:
Like Nostradamus, astrology, a dream that
comes true, letting a spirit possess you to
answer questions, or having an aquarium
octopus predict the results of soccer
It didn't really matter what.
It could be scientific or not and it could even
violate the rules of magic. If the theory had
been proposed at any time throughout
history, Alice could build the bridge to make
it real. Once a ridiculous theory began to
operate, she could toy with it until it was
It may have been less concerning if she had
said she simply knew it to be true with no
reason behind it. Because no matter how
often someone's intuition was correct, it
could always be wrong
But that excuse didn't exist here
The logic behind it was nonsensical, but it
did exist.
If Alice said it would happen, then it was
guaranteed to happen.
Why had he let himself relax?
She had never said a single word about
what hour, minute, second, or rotation of the
Earth it would happen on
Now was still an available option.
Alice's prophecy was not over yet. The
predetermined outcome was still coming

Was it even possible?
Had it been definitively proven, or was it
only a theory?
Alice didn't care about that.
It could be the geocentric theory, phlogiston
an ancient nuclear war, or that dinosaur
farts caused the ice age. Of course, it could
also be something accurate like universal
gravitation or quantum theory. Accurate or
not, if a theory had ever been proposed - if
someone had thought it up and put together
the logic behind it - she could build a bridge
to it. She could choose whichever theories
she wanted and link to them to wholly
change the world. She was the ultimate
conversion device. She could place Yamatai
anywhere she liked, she could invent a
perpetual motion machine of the first kind
to produce unlimited energy, or she could
remake the spherical Earth into a flat disk.
So there just had to be a single section in
the more than 10 thousand grimoires
Just one passage
Even a single line would do.
No matter how absurd or difficult to achieve
it was
Alice could easily activate it and save
Even then.
Index did not give a yes or no answer
She kept her silence

5. A limitation of hers; she needs to physically move to take an action:
"But Alice Anotherbible has had her
baseline purity forcibly increased, so each
and every one of her actions is pure without
going through that process.'
"We should consider ourselves fortunate,
said H.T. Trismegistus
That was the gloomy young butler's
"We are in fact incredibly fortunate that
Alice cannot kill her enemies with a thought
or set the world in motion to kill her enemies
if she wills it. This tells us she must take a
physical action to trigger her attacks
Common sense says we are lucky indeed."
But that also meant this wasn't limited to
her scratching claws

6. Alice can appear wherever she wills instantly, no matter the distance, and seemingly in no time:
She took a step
Just one.
'Touma, she's coming!!"
He understood that, but he couldn't restrain his
reflexes as a living being. Crossing his arms in
front of his face was a definite mistake.
The sweet scent of tea filled the boy's nose
Something was overpowering the library's old
paper smell.
Alice Anotherbible already stood behind Kamijou.
In other words, she took action to move to her
desired location.
She had not formed a special shape with her
fingers, nor had she stepped in a a complex
She had taken the same action anyone could.
She was blessed with a special result without
having to focus on it.
The meaning extracted from her ordinary actions
was just too pure!?
She was already right there

7. Alice can avoid any attack simply by intending to do so:
Kamijou spun around and swung his right hand
back in something like a backhand blow.

But it found only air.
The grown woman pressed her four limbs down against the floor like an animal and lowered her head as far as it would go

She had moved to his blind spot and then his
last-second counterattack had missed. What this meant squeezed at his heart. He might as well have offered her the perfect chance to attack him.

The young butler did not hesitate to move.
Light flashed from his right hand as the blade hidden in his cane turned to light and sliced through the floor. The strange slash had an effect well beyond the length of the sword. And it struck right were crawling Alice's lowered head was. It definitely hit. Except the metal blade passed right
through her. Like she was intangible.

A specific meaning had been extracted from her ordinary action: evasion.

"It doesn't matter if you hit her or not!?" hatefully spat Othinus.

As long as the adult woman moved to dodge, no external damage could affect her. Even if she took a direct hit from a nuclear missile. Alice showed no interest in H.T. Trismegistus even with his attempted decapitation of her. Still crawling, she raised her head and casually extended her hand toward Kamijou

"I was right."

Apparently the young butler's attack had been to check something
He had ended up cutting through the floor below Alice instead of her, so it fell.

That had been his intent from the beginning
He had intentionally destroyed the floor so he
could gather more information and survive.

8. Alice can stop all movement of a target she chooses, isolating them from outside interference:
Alice grabbed her long hair as a single mass.

And she swung her head around.

In a move straight out of kabuki, the thick bundle of hair drew a large circle in the air, which narrowed down as soon as the crimson flames passed through it.

The orange flames stopped in midair.


In other words, stopping all movement of a
target. And separating the target out from all
possible interference.


The Pneuma-less Shell was Anna's spiritual item but what weapon she acquired was a matter of chance. She wouldn't receive the same weapon if she tried again.

9. She routinely kept stopping time during the fight:
She arrived straight up in front of him with a
flowing motion
By the time his eyes had finally caught up, Alice's
fingers - and their sharp claws - were extending
lithely toward his throat
Time stopped. He tried to swing his head to the
side and dodge, but his body couldn't keep up.
He couldn't die yet
He might die, but it couldn't be now.
He thought that so hard it seemed to burn into
his mind. After all, the girl who had forgotten how
to cry and instead howled like an animal was
right there in front of him. He couldn't die until he
had saved her.
Light pierced sharply in from the side.
Time resumed flowing

10. She can make every attack miss her by confusing every eye on her and bringing them under her spell:
A sharp voice rang through the broken faculty
room. Aradia held out her palm and launched a scattershot of light to keep Alice back. Each shot moved like a sea snake as they tore through the air and targeted adult Alice from multiple angles.

The storybook girl said nothing

She didn't even look Aradia's way

She only extended a finger and rotated it once

Like some kind of joke, all of the glowing
projectiles veered away from the fully-grown
woman, blasting through walls and pillars


That one childish action easily confused every
eye on her, bringing them under her spell.


Aradia didn't even have time to gasp in shock

Alice really didn't look her way the entire time.
She simply changed the arrangement of her
casually extended fingers. She curled up her
middle finger and held it down with her thumb like she was preparing to flick something.

11. Alice can turn anything into a weapon, be it an object or a living being, by simply grabbing it:
With a single hand, Alice casually grabbed the beaten-up Gryphon to use it as a weapon.

As if it were a giant club


The act of denying an object its own will and
applying her own will to it by unilaterally wielding it for its offensive or defensive functionality

Anna could compete with Alice on her own, but that changed if Alice boosted her strength with something else.

That is, if Alice turned someone else into a

That absurdly powerful magic could boost her stats by forcibly equipping herself with
something else: a sword, a shumai, a goddess—

(Is that a superior version of Mut Thebes's ability to absorb the shadow of any weapon!?)

Anna groaned and tried to raise her golden staff.

But Alice was again faster.

Alice was always a step ahead. To an unnatural degree.

She grabbed H.T. Trismegistus's wrist as he tried to attack her from the side. She turned him into a weapon, equipped that weapon, and swung it artlessly to the side.

A direct hit.

A dull impact rang loud.

In this case, taking Anna's side had been a

Or maybe he had been thwarted by Alice's

That magic stole power from external sources. If H.T. Trismegistus had remained no more than one of Alice's toys, he couldn't have provided more power on top of her own.

The little villain struggled to breathe and a red clump splattered from the corner of her mouth.

The equilibrium was broken.

Despite dropping her golden cross staff, Anna clenched her teeth and stepped forward.

Another impact sounded.

12. Alice can pinpoint the exact location of her target, making her attack a guaranteed hit:
Kamijou thought that came from something
other than her intense emotion.

Then Alice made her next move.


She sniffed out her target's precise location

Which meant her next move was guaranteed to hit, no matter how poorly aimed it was.

Once again, Alice swung H.T. Trismegistus
around with a single hand and struck Anna's little body with her boosted attack. The force of the blow caused the gloomy young butler to slip from Alice's grasp. No, his right wrist shattered like pottery. Only his hand remained in the grown woman's hand.

This wasn't like a home run in baseball or a strike in bowling

The two of them were knocked away with a
strange sound.

Neither one cried out.

Kamijou didn't even want to think about how
much damage that had done to Anna.

13. Another weakness of her's; she can only use one of these special abilities of hers at a time, and not multiple at the same time:
Alice could extract miracles much like the
Pneuma-less Shell but without relying on any

That knowledge came from Anna Sprengel


'So why don't you just keep on 'crawling' while
you attack? Then you could remain untouchable the entire time you send your unfair attacks our way."

"Since you aren't doing that, I can only assume
you're limited to using one miracle at a time. For example, your 'crawling' causes any attacks to pass right through you, but it also keeps you from laying a finger on us, so you can never actually end the fight that way, can you? Your 'walking" and 'cursing' are the same. Your miracles are isolated things - they can't be combined or used in parallel!. Which means l've found your weakness, Alice Anotherbible. I don't know how tough you are, but you can't make yourself untouchable while you attack. The damage will reach you then!!"

14. She can heal herself and bring herself back to life just by willing it. The novel reiterates that death is essentially meaningless to her:
Don't you get it? They're still here fighting alongside me."

"Then the girl will heal herself."

That was all Alice said.

She was so powerful she had never had a chance to experience defeat and so didn't worry too much about who won an individual battle. She didn't fear the possibility of being beaten and dying.

If she did ultimately bury the enemy who stood in her way, it was no skin off her nose if she died once or twice first.


'Have you forgotten, teacher? The girl already
nad her head crushed by someone calling
himself Rosencreutz. And yet here she is as good as new. So it doesn't matter to the girl even if you do manage to kill her in exchange for severe damage on your part. The girl just has to resurrect herself a billion or even a trillion times if necessary and wait for you to finally wear yourself out'"

If his arm was torn off, that thing would emerge.
He had proven that when he severed the arm
himself to summon it against Rosencreutz

That would work if he was only interested in
defeating her.

That thing may have been the only remaining
mystery in this world that rivaled Alice.

But Kamijou had made a decision back then.

He had made up his mind.

He would never use that thing again. Never
against another person. Plus, a little thing like death wouldn't be enough to stop Alice!!

He took the full brunt of the attack as payment

I'm sure there's some other little things I might've missed, but this is all the major stuff regarding Alice.


V.I.P. Member
The presence of Imagine Breaker suddenly
felt a lot less significant
It was a reference point for the world.
And so it could negate any and all illusions.
But that meant it had no effect on anything
that could distort even that reference point.
For example, his right hand hadn't been able
to destroy the infinite worlds created by
Alice could absorb the world to that extent.
She simply hadn't done so before now,
'What...is this place?"

B-But Othinus is no longer relevant!!! Muh Assiah only level Magic Gods that can’t even get past the “surface world!!” Muh Keter and Muh Four Worlds conceptual hierarchy!!!”

Yeah no, Othinus will always be relevant until this series itself ends. She’s right up there along with freaking Aleister as a past villain that Kamachi always treats with the outmost respect.

Kindly STFU from now on
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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
I thought the weakness of her using a single miracle at a time doesn't apply to her true self?


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
B-But Othinus is no longer relevant!!! Muh Assiah only level Magic Gods that can’t even get past the “surface world.”

Yeah no, Othinus will be relevant until this series ends. She’s right up there with freaking Aleister as a past villain that Kamachi will handle with the outmost respect
Yeah no

Othinus isn't making something like Gungnir unnegateable to Imagine Breaker, unlike what Alice can do:tupac


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Alice can do the same as Othinus = / = they're literally equal

One person adds layers onto reality, the other changes the core rules of reality that enable such a power to even occur in the first place.

They are not the same.
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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
Alice's ability goes beyond the framework of magic itself (stated by a former Magic God, Othinus, in GT10) and a fraction of her power borrowed by Transcendents gives them the raw power to kill a Magic God and the ability to survive the destruction of the "world"
(Kamachi's afterword in GT6)

and you think she's literally equal to Othinus

not even getting into the fact both the narration and Othinus herself in GT4 state that Anna Sprengel >>> Magic Gods
the person who is generally below Alice, if not somewhat comparable to her:tupac

nah, miss me with that nonsense
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It seems I have pointed out several times about the misinterpretation of the GT6 epilogue, and it's regrettable.

It doesn't mean that alice survives the destruction of the world.

While it's easy for them to destroy, their annoyance is that they can't start over again.
At one point, they were even caught up in Othinus' world destruction and were annihilated/killed (in that black space, if killed Othinus, they wouldn't be able to remake the world either).

I don't know how many times I have to explain this again.

It seems you have forgotten the context of GT4 that I explained before.

Anna Sprengel, despite being close to a shrine maiden, is a legendary magician who can freely command the transcendent being Aiwass and rivals the Magic Gods. That woman always walks on her own feet and appears directly in front of her enemies.
Why is that? Because she's the strongest, on a whim, because she wants to enjoy it herself.

"Legendary magician" is not a metaphor for power.
It's similar to how Aleister superficially appears more legendary than Kingsford, but is overwhelmingly inferior in terms of power.

Also, the phrase "rivals" is not stating she has surpassed them.

I don't know how JS06 translated this.
But in Japanese, it was clearly expressed as a metaphor meaning "to the extent of ~".

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Honestly I'm kinda agreeing with Astaro. Alice's reality warping may be different from a Magic God, but if the end result is basically the same there's really no difference between them.

Like Fiamma's plan to bring heaven is similar to Alice's power too, manipulating the material world to effect the phases above as explained by Mark Space and Levinia Birdway rather than placing new phases like a magic god and he's fodder to MG's.

Unless she shows something on the level of Mo Altair there's really nothing showing she's above them in power.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
It seems I have pointed out several times about the misinterpretation of the GT6 epilogue, and it's regrettable.

It doesn't mean that alice survives the destruction of the world.

While it's easy for them to destroy, their annoyance is that they can't start over again.
At one point, they were even caught up in Othinus' world destruction and were annihilated/killed (in that black space, if killed Othinus, they wouldn't be able to remake the world either).

I don't know how many times I have to explain this again.

It seems you have forgotten the context of GT4 that I explained before.

Anna Sprengel, despite being close to a shrine maiden, is a legendary magician who can freely command the transcendent being Aiwass and rivals the Magic Gods. That woman always walks on her own feet and appears directly in front of her enemies.
Why is that? Because she's the strongest, on a whim, because she wants to enjoy it herself.

"Legendary magician" is not a metaphor for power.
It's similar to how Aleister superficially appears more legendary than Kingsford, but is overwhelmingly inferior in terms of power.

Also, the phrase "rivals" is not stating she has surpassed them.

I don't know how JS06 translated this.
But in Japanese, it was clearly expressed as a metaphor meaning "to the extent of ~".
You dishonest fuck, that quote literally says they can survive the destruction of the "world", because otherwise they wouldn't be able to kill her in said space to begin with.

They didn't SURVIVE the destruction of the "world" because they didn't activate Risk 4, which has them leave human territory.
The same thing stated to be a requirement to survive Gungnir being thrown/the destruction of the "world", per NT9.

GT4's narration doesn't say anything about some arbitrary "reputation", it directly states she wields power greater than that of a god.

Now I know you're trolling.


If, as you say, the gap between Alice and Othinus is infinitely large, Alice should have easily negated Othinus' world destruction and come back to life very easily.
Just like how she negated being killed in a surprise attack by the CRC and regenerated completely fine.
But did she do that in NT9 and 10?
No. In NT10, it's clear that everything except for Kamijou, Othinus, and the Hidden Phase disappeared entirely, so she couldn't do that.
This is the most decisive evidence that Phase manipulation can negate even the regeneration of Alice's Wonderland.