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Transformers feats/discussion


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
Speaking of TFC feats, Galvatron and Starscream’s final clash left a giant hole on Gigantion

Gigantion is supposed to be star-sized too. TFC kinda said it in a non-direct way (it wasn’t a star because of its rings, not size) while GF just outright said it’s as large as a star

when youre in a strongest TF series competition and your opponent is the Unicron Trilogy


Speaking of TFC feats, Galvatron and Starscream’s final clash left a giant hole on Gigantion

Gigantion is supposed to be star-sized too. TFC kinda said it in a non-direct way (it wasn’t a star because of its rings, not size) while GF just outright said it’s as large as a star

fists colliding blew a hole in a metal planet the size of a star holy jesus

Crimson Dragoon

fists colliding blew a hole in a metal planet the size of a star holy jesus
Here are the statements of its size in TFC

Below is GF with some of my opinions

This is ultimately irrelevant but it’s possible the Galaxy Force subbers sort of flubbed Gigantion’s/Gigalonia’s size

They use the word “kōsei” (恒星 in moon rune), which just means star or maybe fixed star, nothing about it being small

I don’t know Japanese so maybe it isn’t actually wrong, but it’s just a hunch I have

so basically get someone who really knows the language to make sure of this one :skully


solar system level superman is still bullshit lmfao post crisis fought pre crisis superman and their fight nearly destroyed both universes
Solar system Supes is lowballed but he actually fought an old Golden Age Superman and their fight didn’t nearly destroy their universes that’s an out of context narration referring in actuality Alexander Luthor smashing a bunch of earths together like a child while they were busy roughhousing.
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Solar system Supes is lowballed but he actually fought an old Golden Age Superman and their fight didn’t nearly destroy their universes that’s an out of context narration referring in actuality Alexander Luthor smashing a bunch of earths together like a child while they were busy roughhousing.
ah thanks, that was MY mistake then

Thirteen prime

Предстоящая драка для меня самая смешная чушь на свете

Спринт Юникрона — сюрреалистический образ, но опять же безумный К.Е.
эти парни также наносят очень быстрые удары

Юникрон довольно юмористически танкует свою планету, разрушая смертельный шар, который взрывается ему прямо в лицо

С помощью энергии Юникрона Альфа Q по сути создал карманную вселенную размером со звездную систему и все разрушенные миры, а его голова стала там красной звездой.


Speaking of TFC feats, Galvatron and Starscream’s final clash left a giant hole on Gigantion

Gigantion is supposed to be star-sized too. TFC kinda said it in a non-direct way (it wasn’t a star because of its rings, not size) while GF just outright said it’s as large as a star

im curious how we calc this though, because im pretty sure a metal planet this big would become a black hole, or do we just ignore that
or do we try and estimate the amount of mass they destroyed or something
(granted i already kind of ignore it for unicron and primus but thats because theyre multiversal super robot gods who can teleport so they clearly dont give a shit about physics)


I was wondering how many different abilities angolmois energy gives.
It is a powerful energy source that often has completely random and unpredictable effects on whatever it comes in contact with. It can upgrade a Transformer and give them new bodies, or it can lift mountains and freeze planets. This is because the energy is influenced by the spiritual alignment of the user, dividing the energy into “good” and “evil” variants.

Thirteen prime

I'll post all the info I put on this thread on a blog. Now I was working on a blog about Dark King from Precure (I don't want to overload Feats of the week thread too) and collecting feats from Sailor Moon anime (It seems the anime is universal too. I will explain it in a respect thread).
I'm also watching Car Robots. For the moment I have the big explosion Sky-Byte took, the villains having bombs that can destroy a big dam, Sky-byte and his minions holding a tower that is more than 300 meter tall and Gigatron and God Fire Convoy fighting at Earth's core and surviving a big explosion that went to the surface.
This tower weighed 2 million tons, which is heavier than anything we have at the moment.