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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition


V.I.P. Member
Alright, so gotta ask?

So, prior to being weakened by Ars Nova?

Obviously, Goetia just kind of chills and eats Ars Almadel Salomonis when gunning down Mash.

Is Ars Paulina therefore just so saturated with mana that Nero can sever his arm because she's operating at a level she wouldn't reach under normal circumstances? Or should we just ignore that it even happened given fucking Bedivere's Dead End - Airgetlám or Mordred's Clarent Blood Arthur didn't even cause a scratch? :hm

It doesn't feel as egregious Nero, Enkidu, Mordred, and Nightingale are physically able to contend with him briefly (Enkidu especially given Gilgamesh has already been implied to function on the level of a Grand anyway), and it certainly aligns with my general thoughts that the gap between regular and Grand Servants isn't as substantial as thought, but it still feels like they're over-performing? :hm

After Ars Nova, it makes perfect enough sense to me that Rama is able to get his cut in. Not sure about Kotaro though. I mean, even weakened he's still able to take Quetz throwing down with him. Ritsuka managing it with Command Spells amping him makes sense (limitedly speaking, this assumes his power release valve is disproportionate in size to his circuit capacity) given a single command spell can raise Shirou Artoria back to a level approaching the power she held in life in Hollow Ataraxia if nothing else?
Obviously, Goetia just kind of chills and eats Ars Almadel Salomonis when gunning down Mash.

Is Ars Paulina therefore just so saturated with mana that Nero can sever his arm because she's operating at a level she wouldn't reach under normal circumstances? Or should we just ignore that it even happened given fucking Bedivere's Dead End - Airgetlám or Mordred's Clarent Blood Arthur didn't even cause a scratch? :hm

If we go by in-game mechanics, he seemingly can endlessly revive like the other Demon God Pillars can do so it primarily depends on if you go with the fact that Nero either caught Goetia offguard, Nero overclocked her Imperial Privilege or she was using her potential powers of a Beast there. FGO has been really on the nose that Nero is really off ever since Septem(Being able to interact with Servants due to the excess amount of Magical Energy she has unlike Drake who needed a Holy Grail to even get that far).
And it would explain her taking Excalibur Galatine twice and not dying by Gawain in Last Encore.

It doesn't feel as egregious Nero, Enkidu, Mordred, and Nightingale are physically able to contend with him briefly (Enkidu especially given Gilgamesh has already been implied to function on the level of a Grand anyway), and it certainly aligns with my general thoughts that the gap between regular and Grand Servants isn't as substantial as thought, but it still feels like they're over-performing? :hm

The game implies that the gap between a Grand and a Normal Servant is big... but stuff like Atlantis where Caenis couldn't be injured by Super Orion does make it suspect in how big that gap is... but at the same time, it seems like Orion wasn't really using any of his Grand Servant Saint Graph or Magical Energy in the slightest either...(Then there's King Hassan and Romulus Quirinus which actually goes against Super Orion's showings in Atlantis, even Noah ends up doing sheer bullshit despite being weakened to shit in Arcade)
So you could go with them over-performing considering how massive the stakes are at that point.

After Ars Nova, it makes perfect enough sense to me that Rama is able to get his cut in. Not sure about Kotaro though. I mean, even weakened he's still able to take Quetz throwing down with him. Ritsuka managing it with Command Spells amping him makes sense (limitedly speaking, this assumes his power release valve is disproportionate in size to his circuit capacity) given a single command spell can raise Shirou Artoria back to a level approaching the power she held in life in Hollow Ataraxia if nothing else?

Kotaru does have an NP that would boost his STR and other stats but I don't think he used it in that scene though. Again, there may not be much of a massive gap between Servants. I forgot what suit Ritsuka wore and how specialized it was though.


V.I.P. Member
If we go by in-game mechanics, he seemingly can endlessly revive like the other Demon God Pillars can do so it primarily depends on if you go with the fact that Nero either caught Goetia offguard, Nero overclocked her Imperial Privilege or she was using her potential powers of a Beast there.
He can, but conversely we see him standing there unaffected by the torrent while everything both in front and behind him ends up torn up, melted, and radiating fire when the attack is finished.

Does off guard really work here? Not exactly like Goetia was expecting either Clarent Blood Arthur or Dead End - Airgetlám when they struck. Imperial Privilege would probably be the go to, but that feels like its being stretched thin given what he had to tank through. Recall, each band of Ars Almadel Salomonis is equal to Excalibur (though I suppose we don't know how sealed we're talking here, could be with no seals undone I guess) and there is 100s of millions to billions of them. Beast shit would have been detected by Chaldea, right? It certainly detected her oddity in Septem IIRC.
FGO has been really on the nose that Nero is really off ever since Septem(Being able to interact with Servants due to the excess amount of Magical Energy she has unlike Drake who needed a Holy Grail to even get that far).
She is, but its still kind of glaring that she's hitting harder than higher end NP with her normal strikes here. It's not even like she's in here NP's space that seems to boost her to higher levels.
And it would explain her taking Excalibur Galatine twice and not dying by Gawain in Last Encore.
I mean, I figured that was explainable by Imperial Privilege myself
The game implies that the gap between a Grand and a Normal Servant is big... but stuff like Atlantis where Caenis couldn't be injured by Super Orion does make it suspect in how big that gap is... but at the same time, it seems like Orion wasn't really using any of his Grand Servant Saint Graph or Magical Energy in the slightest either...(Then there's King Hassan and Romulus Quirinus which actually goes against Super Orion's showings in Atlantis, even Noah ends up doing sheer bullshit despite being weakened to shit in Arcade)
So you could go with them over-performing considering how massive the stakes are at that point.
I mean, the gap can't be that big. A Grand's E in durability still gets impaled on Goetia's fist per Solomon while Mordred, Bedivere, and Nero remained intact. Nero's likely explained by Imperial Privilege, but Mordred and Bedivere represent an A and B respectively. Even taking their armor into consideration as if it was on the level of Gilgamesh's, you're still not talking a gulf that wide in relative terms (they want to convey some kind of disparity akin to the Excalibur vs Ars Almadel Salomonis comparison, yet you're left with something that's not likely to be much more than an order of magnitude or 2 higher between the upper end of the normal servants and the lower end of the Grand Servants)
Kotaru does have an NP that would boost his STR and other stats but I don't think he used it in that scene though. Again, there may not be much of a massive gap between Servants. I forgot what suit Ritsuka wore and how specialized it was though.
I don't ascribe to having much of a gap in general, its just more we know Quetz can at her best force a Beast to bend a knee so to speak. Obviously wasn't using that here, but all the same.
I'm not denying any of that, I mean the easiest answer to that question is ultimately the spectacle more than just powerlevels at the current moment.
But to really place it at the powerscaling level, it would be difficult to really do it without ultimately making it so that the gap between Grands and normal Servants is somehow small as shit when we have seen since King Hassan vs. Gawain that shit is vast.


V.I.P. Member
I'm not denying any of that, I mean the easiest answer to that question is ultimately the spectacle more than just powerlevels at the current moment.
But to really place it at the powerscaling level, it would be difficult to really do it without ultimately making it so that the gap between Grands and normal Servants is somehow small as shit when we have seen since King Hassan vs. Gawain that shit is vast.
I mean, nothing about Hassan vs Gawain illustrated much more than the difference between a punch and moving your fingers if I had to put the ratio to words? Problem with force/energy values is even to break a house sized rock you're already talking millions/billions of joules. Multiply or divide that by 100s and you still get hilarious numbers. Its only on a human scale that gulfs by percentage end up being large both on relative and objective terms. Talk in terms of nukes you're still talking a nuke on both ends of the spectrum at that level of difference. Nasu wants his 100s of millions/billions for AAS, but he doesn't do a convincing job of keeping that image by interactions we read/see/etc.

I brought up mana in Ars Paulina because it could be like the balance between Flat Snark and Aoko in that case.
I mean, nothing about Hassan vs Gawain illustrated much more than the difference between a punch and moving your fingers if I had to put the ratio to words? Problem with force/energy values is even to break a house sized rock you're already talking millions/billions of joules. Multiply or divide that by 100s and you still get hilarious numbers. Its only on a human scale that gulfs by percentage end up being large both on relative and objective terms. Talk in terms of nukes you're still talking a nuke on both ends of the spectrum at that level of difference. Nasu wants his 100s of millions/billions for AAS, but he doesn't do a convincing job of keeping that image by interactions we read/see/etc.

I brought up mana in Ars Paulina because it could be like the balance between Flat Snark and Aoko in that case.

That may be true but yeah, I'm just pointing it out in the end because yeah, Ars Paulina does use the Magical Circuits of Solomon and helps contain all 72 DGPs at once.


Viy believe it or not and Castoria.

Morgan is next.
Regarding Castoria, narrative wise I think it's more fitting if she's joining Chaldea post LB6 considering servant Castoria isn't Castoria (her showing pre LB6 doesn't make sense imo story wise). Making Hogen the third elemental to join Chaldea story wise (after Viy and Hinako)


Just a couple :

> Dantes was spying for the AG the whole time
>Camazotz is a Beast. Not V. Just a Beast.
>Tepeu has Meodp
> His companion is actually Mitclan's Archtype Earth.
>Camatoz beat ORT in PHH 6 milion years ago which is why ORT is sleeping.
>ORT wiped out the dinos in PHH when it fell down
>Camazotz ripped out ORT's heart and used it as Mitclan's new Sun.
>People who came after us were never after Chaldea but Chaldeas.
>Apparently the Pretender Servant is a fucking City.

And they keep coming .
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V.I.P. Member
Just a couple :

> Dantes was spying for the AG the whole time
>Camazotz is a Beast. Not V. Just a Beast.
>Tepeu has Meodp
> His companion is actually Mitclan's Archtype Earth.
>Camatoz beat ORT in PHH 6 milion years ago which is why ORT is sleeping.
>ORT wiped out the dinos in PHH when it fell down
>Camazotz ripped out ORT's heart and used it as Mitclan's new Sun.
>People who came after us were never after Chaldea but Chaldeas.
>Apparently the Pretender Servant is a fucking City.

And they keep coming .

What in the actual fuck? :skully

How much of that is fully confirmed? Especially the first, fourth, and fifth ones?


How much of that is fully confirmed? Especially the first, fourth, and fifth ones?
They were ripped from the mined script.
So..pretty official but obviously a massive amount of context is missing.

If something turns out not to be true, i'll point it out.
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V.I.P. Member
They were ripped from the mined script.
So..pretty official but obviously a massive amount of context is missing.

Well shit :pepesip

I didn't pay attention to 7.1 when it came out, so I might be missing some stuff, but does this mean

Chaldea has to fight both an Archetype Earth (how tf does that work, did they make their own for their world?) And a Beast who beat ORT apparently in a straight fight?


V.I.P. Member
Like unless our Arc, Gun God, and Arturia with a fully unsealed Excalibur show up I think we're just.....done? Like we aren't winning that :skully

Unless one of the spoiler characters is on our side or something, which would be funny in itself


Don't have the whole picture yet and this ain't the end anyway.

Apparently after 7, we still have a long way to go.

So we win, as always.


V.I.P. Member
Don't have the whole picture yet and this ain't the end anyway.

Apparently after 7, we still have a long way to go.

So we win, as always.


Well, that'll be a thing to see I guess

Kinda miffed that we dont get to kill ORT, especially if someone else is going to take him out anyway. I wanted a real fight against all ten HP bars :catskully
Honestly I'm fine we don't get to defeat ORT, Nasu wants to fully go with the fact that Ultimate Ones are completely beyond anything anyone can do outside of shit way beyond Current Humanity(The Umbral Star, Chaos, Space Ishtar and the Servantverse) and that was shown in Strange/Fake that Zelretch outright states even with the Counter Force on hand, ORT awakening will damn the entire Planet with nothing Current Humanity can do.

I'm more interested in some of those other spoilers, holy shit.
Wait... wait... wait.
Is that why Tlaloc's NP is her becoming a Mecha that looks like a certain place?! She's literally a fucking CITY ITSELF?! I guess that makes sense on how Tezcapolitica was able to literally fit 2 Divine Spirits into a single Servant Saint Graph, he instead aimed to put the entire City in her Saint Graph that resonates with the 2.