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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

Alright, I finished LB6.2 and yeah, anyone who says Morgan is physically frail is a fucking liar...

"Morgan has Rank E Endurance and thus, she's the only Lostbelt King who died to her subjects"(Let's not forget Parameters aren't equal between Servants, let alone tiers of Servants).
Morgan in order:
- Got hit by Woodwose(The strongest Faerie in Fae Britain) FOUR TIMES(To put this into perspective, Gareth's vision had him kill Lostbelt Percival(Capable of rivaling a Tam Lin in strength), Alter Ego Muramasa, Ritsuka and Little Da Vinci in one attack EACH), each of them was meant to kill her ass dead and we have effects of those 3 attacks too. Still is able to kill him despite that

- Then gets slashed by Spriggan's guards(They may be Human but they are trained real well) atleast a good 2-4 times

- Then is literally held down and slashed, bashed and cut to pieces by the murderous Faeries in her Court for a LONG TIME until she finally died(They are even surprised at how long it took for her to die).

Simple reminder that Faeries >>> Humans at the end of that so her being the only Lostbelt King to die to her subjects doesn't make her the weakest, Skadi was on absolute fucking fumes and lost to Chaldeas barely trying and QSH doesn't have any extra durability outside of a Xian's Immortality and literally only fights defensively.

I genuinely have no idea what TvTropes and a few other sites come off by that shit but yeah no, that's horseshit. Actually play the goddamned game or at the very least, see the cutscenes before you speak.
You mean by a nearly dead Woodwose who was running on the fumes of fumes.

Let's actually be real.

Her Kage Bunshins probably have a better argument for durability since a couple of them faced Guda's party and put the fear of God in them.

I'm pretty sure that nigga wasn't even that weak.
Like I'm being equally fair there. He wasn't at full strength but it definitely came off that he would and could kill every Faerie in that room easily.


It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, cuz what i said is factual.

Nigga expired after striking Morgan down.

If that doesn't demonstrate running on fumes, then nothing does.


She did , but the strongest Faerie in Britan should have survived that without much of problem. It's not like she Rhongo'ed him.

So , again, fumes.
Alright fine, he was on fumes, you win. I guess I ultimately got one of the scenes wrong and thought he atleast healed somewhat rather than not at all(I don't mean the Medicinal Herbs as I knew the White Light fucked him up that hard, I thought Aurora did something in that front to give him some level of Magical Energy to get to Morgan).

I still feel like we should still give her something more than just the durability of the clones as they still have her parameters, including her durability.

In other news, I'll give my thoughts on LB6.2 in the morning when I'm not tired and just get it out of the way:
Spoiler, I liked it alot more than Part 1 but Nasu really laying the foreshadowing real thick.


It's certainly better than Part 1 but it's still incredibly meh even by GO standards.

Whoever thinks this is by far the best thing in FGO is smoking crack up their ass in my humble opinion.
Well unfortunately for you, I'm going to be a contrarian and think that while people are overhyping the Lostbelt too hard(No, I'm not saying you or anyone else here including me fell into that), I honestly get where they are coming from.
Most of the Lostbelts don't really take advantage of the fact that they are Lostbelts and feel... incomplete in terms of any actual history between when the ToE touches down to when Chaldea currently arrives(Or to say it better, the world feels too static rather than an actual simulation that continues past the pruning period) and I believe LB6 delivers that in spades.
I also believe Part 2 is better than Part 1 because we actually get more happening, some interesting character dynamics and the mystery being unraveled rather than just get exposition out the ass constantly.

Of course, I feel the biggest issue I have with the Lostbelt is that the foreshadowing is way too thick and too obvious even if you don't know what will happen next and thus, it feels Part 3 will play it's hand too hard rather than naturally get to the conclusion it should(or to say it better, it's as bad as Kishimoto with Naruto and reminding the audience too hard of something that happened a chapter/pages ago with flashbacks). I also feel like Nasu waited too long to pull out Sith's backstory for what happens to her to be too late(As we get literally as Morgan is about to die then when she's about to die) in comparison to Morgan/Aesc. I also feel that we get too little of Ector/The Black Knight and absolutely nothing of Wryneck which would make the former's death more impactful and Woodwose's betrayal hit that much harder(Since he's literally Wryneck's successor/son).

I can't really find it meh, but I can't find it to be the best thing in FGO either. Ultimately, combined with Part 1, I find this Lostbelt to be alright, not as bad as LB2/LB3. It's not as impactful as Lostbelt 1(to be fair, none could be as that was the starting point) and definitely not in comparison to Atlantis-Olympus combined. If Part 3 is good enough, it will probably tie to LB5 to me but that's it if not, then it will be as just better than LB1.


Most of the Lostbelts don't really take advantage of the fact that they are Lostbelts and feel... incomplete in terms of any actual history between when the ToE touches down to when Chaldea currently arrives(Or to say it better, the world feels too static rather than an actual simulation that continues past the pruning period) and I believe LB6 delivers that in spades.
I'll give you that it's more fleshed out in terms in history and feels more lived in since there are many more clans and factions with their own agendas , however...

We still don't actually experience that much of that history and the vast majority of what we experience is... Faeries trying to simulate human society which is a total copout and a waste of the setting.

And all that additional fleshing out kills the pacing too.

So, the +s come with as much -s and so at the end of the day, it's kind of a wash.
I'll give you that it's more fleshed out in terms in history and feels more lived in since there are many more clans and factions with their own agendas , however...

We still don't actually experience that much of that history and the vast majority of what we experience is... Faeries trying to simulate human society which is a total copout and a waste of the setting.

And all that additional fleshing out kills the pacing too.

So, the +s come with as much -s and so at the end of the day, it's kind of a wash.

I'll agree with you on the first 2 parts, I think the pacing is a bit too long but I feel that it's no different than reading Mahoyo and Nasu wanting to describe the city and it's locations when we are there to get later points across faster.
Ultimately, I cannot fully agree with you despite that yeah, those are some good points against it.


it's no different than reading Mahoyo and Nasu wanting to describe the city and it's locations when we are there to get later points across faster.
Really ?

Does Mahoyo put you to fight boring ass hordes of monsters in between ? No.

Does Mahoyo delivers its every description through dialogue between two or more characters ? No.

Is Mahoyo limited to a handful of CGs when showing you that ? No.
Really ?

Does Mahoyo put you to fight boring ass hordes of monsters in between ? No.

Does Mahoyo delivers its every description through dialogue between two or more characters ? No.

Is Mahoyo limited to a handful of CGs when showing you that ? No.

To me, most of that feels like it's basically an issue with how you see FGO as a whole vs. Mahoyo and other LNs to me.
I was only talking about Nasu tending to go on about locations, giving them life and otherwise as they would be important later or used as a context for a fight is ultimately similar.
I'm not sure where you are getting that I'm basically trying to say Mahoyo is bad or anything close to that. I am WELL aware of FGO's limitations, thank you very much and I'm further aware it can't do shit like Mahoyo can.

I'm ultimately saying that in the end result, I just cannot see LB6 currently like you do despite you bringing in good points. Maybe it's because LB6 hits what I value in a game's story vs. what you don't like about it in a gameplay-story sense.
And to be more fair, I tend to remove the gameplay shit from FGO's story if I was like these Youtubers who only play FGO's story on video and none of the game, so it doesn't bother me as much(That and I just treat it like random encounters).


I was only talking about Nasu tending to go on about locations, giving them life and otherwise as they would be important later or used as a context for a fight is ultimately similar.
Yeah sure, i don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with how it's presented and how much time it takes compared to the payoff at the end and i just think that LB6 doesn't cut it.

I'm not sure where you are getting that I'm basically trying to say Mahoyo is bad or anything close to that
Don't waste my time with strawmen please. You can't say that i even attempted to imply that.

What i was getting at was that even if structurally , both tend to do the same thing, one presents it better than the other.
I am WELL aware of FGO's limitations, thank you very much and I'm further aware it can't do shit like Mahoyo can.
Saves me time then.

I'm ultimately saying that in the end result, I just cannot see LB6 currently like you do despite you bringing in good points
That;s fine .

God bless.

Maybe it's because LB6 hits what I value in a game's story vs. what you don't like about it in a gameplay-story sense.
And to be more fair, I tend to remove the gameplay shit from FGO's story if I was like these Youtubers who only play FGO's story on video and none of the game, so it doesn't bother me as much(That and I just treat it like random encounters).
I take it as a total package so yeah..
Yeah sure, i don't have a problem with that. I have a problem with how it's presented and how much time it takes compared to the payoff at the end and i just think that LB6 doesn't cut it.

Then we can agree to disagree on that front because I do know that's how you feel on that and while I can agree, I also cannot fully agree with it either.

Don't waste my time with strawmen please. You can't say that i even attempted to imply that.

What i was getting at was that even if structurally , both tend to do the same thing, one presents it better than the other.

Didn't mean to strawman you, that was a fuck up on my part. I was trying to state that both of them do the same thing on that front as well, whether you believe one does better than the other is ultimately a subjection as I think they do it equally, it's just that for Mahoyo, it's not as long.

Saves me time then.
That;s fine .

God bless.

Alright, then we have an agreement there.

I take it as a total package so yeah..

And you are entitled to do that as well so yeah, you see it in one fashion, I see it in another.
Alright before I forget, the reason I haven't continued my Archives is due to me watching my cousin and his... mental issues basically take ALOT out of me even when he's on good behavior.
When I'm done watching him for good(Which is today and tomorrow), then I'll restart it and just get LB5 over with. LB6 will be soon after that and honestly, it's looking far shorter than I thought outside of the World section which will be the biggest bitch of them all to the point I may have to break it down into sections.

Might as well get started with the Memorial Quests and more QP farming for Oberon's release...


I think this is the best place to ask this question. In a versus debating context, what is actually necessary to bypass Avalon? I'm not sure even after looking stuff up. Examples of things that can do it in-universe would help, too. We should really have a random questions thread like the old OBD had in the meta section.
I think this is the best place to ask this question. In a versus debating context, what is actually necessary to bypass Avalon? I'm not sure even after looking stuff up. Examples of things that can do it in-universe would help, too. We should really have a random questions thread like the old OBD had in the meta section.

Well, we aren't really the place for VS. debates as more just a discussion about the Nasuverse. I do agree we need an actual Questions thread though so we don't have questions like these hogging up various threads.

As for what attacks can pass through Avalon? It's honestly a question and of itself as Avalon is ultimately a closed off World that not even the Bleached Earth Phenomenon and the Incineration of Humanity can be touched. Enuma Elish at full power which can wipe away Textures can't do shit to it either.
The easy question would be to point at the fact we don't do NLF and say something preposterous like Galactus or something. The difficult question would be to basically just spitball and say maybe something on the level of say Solar System+ - Galaxy can get through? But I'm honestly spitballing due to how the nature of Avalon makes it difficult to ascertain.

Yeah, I know you mean the sheathe but it basically works on the same principle as the actual place.