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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition


Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member
The Da Ji flashback shit makes zero sense since Da Ji literally cannot affect Taikoubou with her charms

and if I saw holmes simping for mort I'd wonder what yaoi novel I stepped into
It's not the charming I was talking about, it's like I said, Taigong was simping for her being his greatest rival.
Simping doesn't mean just wanting to have sex with them, it can also be talking them up as if they was a far huger deal than they actually was... which fits what Taigong was doing.
Daji was an absolute bitch but she was never this extremely conniving monster like he makes her come off as.


Martyrs are the first to Die
V.I.P. Member
I never said he did, and the lines don't come off like that

like he literally says she still looked beautiful despite being atop a bloody river of corpses, that doesn't sound like Taikoubou and makes zero sense based on his source material


V.I.P. Member
Saw someone point out that Ritsuka is still on Earth atm while everyone else is at New Chaldea, so if the traitor was going to act now would be the time. Especially since we still have that "Oh Chaldea is definitely going to die this time" prediction to explain.
Saw someone point out that Ritsuka is still on Earth atm while everyone else is at New Chaldea, so if the traitor was going to act now would be the time. Especially since we still have that "Oh Chaldea is definitely going to die this time" prediction to explain.

Nah, Qinlong already mentioned the last part:
If we tried to actually kill Koyanskaya, she would have detonated the Reality Marble and blew us all to hell and back with her. Basically what she tried to do in Lostbelt 4 except an even more ludicrous scale.
So basically finding a compromise that would leave no one dead was the best answer.
And yep, Tunguska Epilogue actually brings in FGO Nero Chaos

and U-Olga Marie destroys our base...

Well fuck... she's honestly getting more pro-active than Goetia is at this point.
And now Koyanskaya of Dark with the new Foreigner Class, either she didn't like what happened or she's doing this just to fuck with us but it IS unbelievable to get a character twice in virtually 6 months...

I'm just pointing out some stuff in particular here
Many humans reached godhood, but I didn't think I'd see the day I'd meet a human who surpassed godhood. Wait, I have a bigger question. What the HELL is wrong with mental composition? Not even a 4D cube'd be enough to give us a good visual representation of that. Who had the big idea of letting her build a universe inside her belly?

To Kiara, it confirms she's well past the Divine Spirit level which all but implies she's near or at the level of Saver(OG Buddha) which fits with her line towards Summer BB in which a fight between them would destroy the World and her NP isn't just word play, she has a legit Universe in her stomach.

Ashtart, a primordial god from a distant future and a distant past. Imagine time comes in rolled scrolls. On that metaphor, she's what happens when the scrolls you unfold coincidentally happen to contain the same thing. I'd love to make her temple mine one day.

People can truly shut up about the Servantverse somehow not being "canon" when the whole point of it's existence is a possible future of humanity(Especially when Saber Wars II literally beats you over the head about it). She even mentions it's a potential future that the Nasuverse as a whole can take depending on the timeline.

You're... Outer God Hunter XX? Anyone can tell you're just a tired public worker. Huh? Wait a second? Is that lance of yours what I think it is? A ritual tool on the same level as the Ame-no-Nuboko? WHAT? It's the Space Ame-no-Nuboko? Outer Gods must die? Master, don't you think there's something really strange with your Chaldea?

Amenonuhoko (天沼矛 or 天之瓊矛 or 天瓊戈, "heavenly jeweled spear") is the name given to the spear in Shinto used to raise the primordial land-mass, Onogoro-shima, from the sea. It is often represented as a naginata.[1]

According to the Kojiki, Shinto's genesis gods Izanagi and Izanami were responsible for creating the first land. To help them do this, they were given a spear decorated with jewels, named Ame-no (heavenly) nu-hoko (jewelled spear), by older heavenly gods.[2] The two deities then went to the bridge between heaven and earth, Ame-no-ukihashi ("floating bridge of heaven"), and churned the sea below with the naginata. When drops of salty water fell from the tip, they formed into the first island, Onogoro-shima. Izanagi and Izanami then descended from the bridge of heaven and made their home on the island.[3][4]

More of pushing Rhongomyniad... I mean, we already know it's busted to hell but yeah, now it's on the level of a God Creation Spear in Japanese history.

I'll be checking on the 2nd Camelot movie if there's anything to be used for it and I'll see if I can find someone or ultimately do myself any rips I can do of scenes in time to use for feat placements.


>Nero doesn't show up in either Tsuki Re part 1 or in MB (for now)
> Fabro Rowan makes a cameo in FGO
>Newest appearance after like a decade
>Talks to Sion

Sasuga Mushroom man. :kobeha

While this may be a meme video, still is absolutely absurd in how they made Grand Servant King Hassan even more ridiculous than he was in Camelot.
>Effortlessly summons a massive Typhoon instead of a typical Sandstorm
>Makes Gawain relive his Sister's death and Gawain and King Hassan even battle in that "illusion"
>Causes huge parts of the battlefield to rise just by planting his sword into the ground as just a statement.

Build up Gawain for virtually 2 whole movies just to have the moment in the game come off even more ridiculous than that. I'll give the movie makers that.

Nasu's Current Blog
I'm looking for anyone who fully translated it down as the FGO Reddit isn't really giving the best answers past a few.

Alright, I found someone's attempt at a translation in Beast's Lair:

Happy New Year!
I look forward to 2022 as well.
And though this is something that’s already from last year...
There was an important announcement in terms of TYPE-MOON.

It is a magician’s latest tale from an already olden age.

“Mahoutsukai no Yoru” Port confirmed!!!
Also, Theatrical Anime Adaptation confirmed!!!
It’s a project that has been in the works for quite some time and it’s finally been announced.
Both the game and the anime won’t be out for quite some time so I hope you’ll be able to wait for them patiently.


As I was casually watching the Ekiden at New Years,
I ran wild with my imagination, thinking that Morgan would probably quite like this kind of event…
And so a new Event idea began racing through my brain.

Capital of Sin, Camelot.
In the early morning, Barghest arrives having received such summons.
The throne is enclosed by a veil and Morgan cannot be seen.
“You called for me, Your Highness.” Barghest says, and bows.
Baobhan Sith is drunk on New Year’s sake and thus knocked out.
Melusine is not a morning person and so did not come.

Morgan:“A foot-race is quite acceptable as part of a festival.
Not a bad idea considering it is from Pan-Human History.”
Barghest:“Then, at next year’s Morgan-Festival we’ll use Camelot for a marathon?”
Morgan:“Nay. I have discovered an even more thrilling kind of competition.
How about... a car race?
A battle of speed between two mechanical vehicles was quite exhilarating
So exhilarating that I already put in the order to Spriggan and had it completed.”

The veil opens in both directions.
In front of the throne is Morgan, riding a cute, anthropomorphized convertible.

Morgan:“This is the first automobile of the Fairy Kingdom—the Molcar (*smug*)”
Barghest:Barghest: ‘Does Her Highness have no intent in saving the Fairy Kingdom—?!’


Let’s talk a little bit about FGO.

The reason why Fou was staring at the ceiling during this latest epilogue was because he had noticed that the President had already appeared above the Wandering Sea.
He wasn’t just staring at the ceiling. I’m sure you understand.

Dark Koyan’s My Room voiceline towards Taigong Wang.
The reason why Dark Koyan is so butthurt at Taigong Wang is because her greatest match, the strongest Beast-hunter (even Koyan acknowledges him as such) had arrived to kill her after mistaking her for the wrong woman.
Taigong Wang: “Let’s settle the score once and for all, my destined woman (person)!” →
Taigong Wang: “Oh. Sorry, got the wrong person. Hehe. But hey, might as well do a little God-Sealing☆”

Having something like this happen to her, there’s no way the prideful Koyan wouldn’t be mad.
So her My Room voice-line is not one of an angry Daji, but one of an angry Honosumeragi-no-Himenokami.


Finally let’s talk about Melty, a.k.a. “Melty Blood: Type Lumina”.

At last, some DLC characters are being added.
In this year’s early second week, on the 13th, Dead Apostle Noel and Aozaki Aoko are being addeddddd!!!

And oh my both of them for free !

I’ll say it again, free DLC! Thank you French Breadddd!!

Dead Apostle Noel’s cute and evil action-style.
Aozaki Aoko’s usual battle-style.
The fight reaches a further stage!
Melty Lumina’s second act starts here.
And you, wait leisurely until further DLC characters are introduced.

Of course, the single-player story-mode is still a thing.
Lumina’s already existing characters (aside from Warcueid) were positioned as having stories that were prior to Tsukihime R so they couldn’t have any spoilery conversations... however...
The DLC characters have had their stories written with the assumption that you’ve played Tsukihime R.

Think of it as… getting your lacking Tsukihime-nutrient supplements.
Outside of the character stories, I feel like I wrote a lot (accounting for all of it, about enough to just not quite fill one light-novel’s worth) for the extra story.

From here on out we’ve scheduled to keep adding stuff on little by little, so look forward to that as well!

-Nasu celebrates the announcement of Mahoyo Anime and Port.

-MorganFest may truly be a thing after all

-Fou noticed the Foreign God well before anyone else did which is why he stared at the ceiling throughout the entire epilogue

-Dark Koyan explicitly has zero love for Taigong and she acknowledges he's the greatest Beast Hunter(someone said it can either be greatest or best because yeah, Orion got shafted hard by that lol) and her grudge is literally confusing her for Daji and just basically ignoring her as her own person virtually there after.

-Basically Dead Apostle Noel and Aoko is made with the assumption of playing Tsukihime R unlike the other characters(obviously).
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There's literally no interesting or useful information in what Nasu wrote about Tungunska.

There's like 5 lines about Dark Koya's voiceline comments about Taigong.

Edward Nygma

Roman commenting on the spear whose name I'm not gonna look up how to spell said:

Does every plot-relevant servant in FGO just happen to have "the highest-ranked NP" (or a plot-convenient way to reach that level)? Or is Roman, maybe, talking out of his ass?

Seems weird that something, apparently, 1,000 - 3,000 times more powerful than the best NP would get cucked by 2 NPs over the course of a day.

Tirstan commenting on Arash said:

Nitocris said:
Does every plot-relevant servant in FGO just happen to have "the highest-ranked NP" (or a plot-convenient way to reach that level)? Or is Roman, maybe, talking out of his ass?

Seems weird that something, apparently, 1,000 - 3,000 times more powerful than the best NP would get cucked by 2 NPs over the course of a day.

That's not what you think it means.
Basically Romani is right, most Noble Phantasms only use 1K to 3K Magic Energy Values... except that alone doesn't mean the level of POWER a Noble Phantasm has. For example, that level of energy is still within the Thrown Gae Bolg which was able to distort Space around Cu and was able to almost overwhelm EMIYA's Rho Aias despite him putting Magical Energy into it on top of that.
Or to say it better, Jeanne D'Arc as an Archer can summon an entire Ocean for her Noble Phantasm as a BYPRODUCT, same with Musashi Berserker with that amount of magical energy

Rhongomyniad having that level of Magical Energy doesn't mean how strong it's YIELD is, it means how much Magical Energy is literally radiating from it itself. So Romani is right, it's just the people who put it into the context of how strong an NP is is wrong in and of itself.

As for Arash, his NP is meant to stop conflict so it's not a power feat, it's pure hax. As that also stopped Ozymandias' Dendera Light Bulb despite nearly winning the clash against a 5 Seal Excalibur earlier and being able to reduce not just Tokyo but Japan entirely to ash with it's attack.

And Nitocris' Mirror is supposed to have connections to the Underworld itself so yeah, Rhongomyniad virtually cracking that thing is more of how bullshit it actually is(and fits with the later feats of it and it being compared to the Amenonuhoko)

EDIT: To put this into perspective, even a sealed Rhongomyniad is compared to an attack by a Divine Spirit. The Lion King virtually unlocked almost all of it's seals and the power of it was such that the only thing that it couldn't pierce was Ozymandias' Temple as long as it's Anti-Purge Defenses was up. The same defenses capable of riding out the incineration of Humanity and the destruction of the Texture(Reality) of the surface.