• Ever wanted to enter a contest with people that have the same skill level as you with a mentor to guide you? Join the Beginner Artist Contest!
    There's an abundance of points you can redeem from this which can be traded in for some prize(s) of your choosing!

What are you currently playing?

Dragon Quest Builders (already beat the second game, but haven't tried the first for some reason :hm)

Really fun game from an awesome developer!

12/10 definitely going to try their latest game out since September!
Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series

friend gave me a steam code for it and its not halff bad
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Reactions: Ral
Diablo season 2 is out later today, havnt played for about a month and a half but hoping on to relearn the controls incase the guys play this new season
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Reactions: Ral
replaying demon's souls. i love that character creation music
Finishing up Lobotomy Corporation.