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Yang Kai Respect Thread


Cultivaltion level: Initial Element
Category: Speed

Covers several meters of distance without anyone realising to tackle an endangered person out of the way "in moments"




The feat in the novel:

In that moment, time didn’t seem to move.

Several hundred people were still vacant and shocked. There were still screams echoing in the battle’s wake.

For now, a shadowy figure engulfed in red can be seen dashing at high speed. The figure left a trail so obvious that his start point and path of travel could be deduced, from where he stood to where Su Yan was falling.

The huge Monster Beast was still sliding fast from inertia. A few feet from it, a man and a woman could be seen in each other’s arms, as though they planned to stay together through life and death.
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Cultivaltion level: Initial Element
Category: AP/DC
Estimate: Wall level

His strike can knock a small building sized Beast out




The feat in the novel:

At a viewable proximity, it was a Giant Tortoise Monster Beast, about a hundred meters in length. Its body was comparable to that of a hill. As it walked, each step was nothing less than a stomped and caused the ground to shiver. Its carapace had deep outlines, highlighting its thick, impenetrable figure. Its tail was long and widened towards the tip, looking like a gigantic hammer. Although it was not very fast, each step it took covered a lot of ground. With its sheer size and incomparable power, a swing of its tail was enough to produce a strong gale of wind.


Yang Kai stood looking like a confident wall blocking the Monster Beast. He was like a shield that could shelter the onlookers from wind and rain.

He started raising his hand up slowly. Those who watched did not see anything unusual, but they could feel the power of one thousand, ten thousand hands emerging and combining to contain the force of a five thousand kilogramme sledgehammer.

Crack. The sound of a bone dislocating could be heard.

Starlight began to sparkle and a frightening momentum erupted from Yang Kai. His clothes flapped and his hair danced as a strong wind began to orbit around him.

“Everyone!” Yang Kai screamed with his inexhaustible strength, detonating from his body.

Finally, his right hand came to a stop and with a roaring sound, he turned his palm into a fist.

Yang Kai’s place brightened up as if it has become a beautiful starry night sky. His right fist was also covered in the dazzling light. Slowly, his hand began to move inch by inch, back from its position and ballooned with strength with each passing moment.

“If you are willing…”Yang Kai muttered unhurriedly as his eyes became red. He controlled the energy contained in his fist with all his might.

“What kind of Martial Skill is this!?” Fang Ziji’s face changed greatly. Even though they were thousands of feet from Yang Kai, they could still easily feel its fearsome vigour, all concentrated in this one, solitary, minute fist.

What’s more, the fist was still poised in building strength. It did not show any signs of stopping. It was already scary, what would happen once it discharges? What kind of terror would it cause?

“So beautiful…”Hu Mei Er and Hu Jiao Er uttered in unison. There were stars littered and twinkling everywhere like a night sky. The people watching the scene felt engrossed in its beauty, almost forgetting the imminent danger they may face.

The earth underneath Yang Kai’s foot began to quake, unable to withstand such colossal strength. Cracks in the dirt formed around him and slowly, his body began to sink in the ground and his legs started to bend.

As the Monster Beast continued to thaw rapidly from his icy prison, his scarlet eyes no longer saw resentment and hatred, but instead filled with panic and fear with an overwhelming urge to flee. It just wanted to run. It feared Yang Kai’s fist more than anything else. The tortoise was sealed for many years. It was weak. It was not easy for it to regain its consciousness, but it cannot even enjoy its short amount of time out from its slumber. It did not want to be hurt and fall into boundless, deep sleep again.

But the ice that bounded it hindered its movement.

“Then give me a hand…”Yang Kai opened his mouth a third time. He was only able to say a few words at a time and needed to concentrate on accumulating energy. Those few short sentences made people know of its meaning and the concentration required to control his accumulated power.

With those words, Yang Kai jumped into the air with an accelerated speed, bringing the starry sky with him.

The Starlight sparkled with boundless radiance and power to overcome everything.

Within a few seconds Yang Kai was a hundred feet high in the air and as he came to hover, he immediately moved towards the direction of the Monster Beast’s head.

Suddenly, the layer of ice cracked apart and a loud roar pierced the eardrums of everyone around. “Roooooaaaaarrrrr….” Although ear deafening, its roar did not contain the subjugating power it once had. It was now filled with dread; a roar of panic.

“Help me!” Yang Kai roared. Even with his voice was going against the roar of the Tortoise Monster Beast, it was no weaker. With utmost clarity, his voice managed to reach everyone’s ears.

His fist was quickly wrapped in a thick coat of star light. As the starlight gyrated around his hand, it was fluctuating in speed. For a second, it was fast and bright, in another, it was slow and dull. This was an erratic light show presented to everyone present.

Bang! Yang Kai’s fist made contact with the head of the Tortoise Monster Beast.

It blared out like a burst of loud thunder. Such a tiny fist going against something the size of the Tortoise Monster Beast seemed laughable. However, a single pound from his fist sent tremor in everyone’s heart, as if this fist disintegrated their mind and soul.

A halo erupted, engulfing the entire head of gigantic Tortoise Monster Beast. The force of the meteor-like fist made the Monster Beast stagger back; wind and dust were brought forth from its wake. [A miracle!], the thought ran through the minds of spectators in awe.

The force was so strong that Yang Kai flew back, rotating in air, to only staggered and fall down. His right hand was soaked in blood, shivering uncontrollably. It took him some time to steady himself. With a look of disdain towards the Tortoise Monster Beast, a few meters away from him, his weak body emitted a bloodthirsty aura.

Meanwhile, the audience could not help but gasp in awe. Everyone’s eyes were shivering with disbelief. No one could have imagined such a sight; a Monster Beast that even Su Yan could only slow down had been forced back by a boy. Not to mention, the Martial Skill that made it possible. When they recalled their first impressions of this Martial Skill, no one would have thought that such a majestic starry sky would wield such terrifying power.
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Cultivaltion level: Initial Element
Category: AP/DC, Souldestruction, Hax

Can destroy/consume the soul of people he strikes. The weapon works autonomously.





The feat in the novel

The movement of Nie Yong quickly brought the attention of Lan Chudie. At first, she thought that Nie Yong had restored his injuries and was going to enter the battle but observing for a few more moments, that didn’t seem to be the case. The target of Nie Yong was unexpectedly Yang Kai. Moreover, Nie Yong was also using his World Qi while walking, and she was able to feel its slight fluctuation.

Lan Chudie is an intelligent woman. She immediately understood what Nie Yong wanted to do. When she was about to shout to warn Yang Kai, she saw him turn his head to look at Nie Yong mockingly.

He smiled like a sly devil.

Nie Yong came to a halt. He fearfully looked at Yang Kai. He didn’t know that Yang Kai realized his motive but, being his stare terrified him.

His look was like looking at a dead person.

“Brother Nie.” Yang Kai turned around slowly and maintained his smile.

“Brother Yang.” Nie Yong gulped, unable to move even though he clearly wanted to.

“Do you want to kill me?”

Those words made Nie Yong so frightened he took a few steps back and waving his hand own hands quickly, he said with a smile, ”Brother Yang, why would I do such a thing? We are from the same sect and we are brothers, how can I commit such a deed?”

Nie Yong felt the skin on his face twitch because of the nonsense pouring out of his mouth, but he couldn’t help it as he was panic-stricken.

That one fist can cause such heavy damage to a Peak Sixth Realm Monster Beast, how could he not panic? And to make things worse, they had such recent burning enmity.

While speaking, Nie Yong slowly moved back step by step while laughing awkwardly. Presenting himself as harmless as possible, he moved almost like a pendulum.

“Nie Yong!” Yang Kai screamed angrily, his face twisted with such anger he looked like a maddened evil spirit.

Nie Yong was afraid, so afraid he could not bring the guts to utter any sound. He turned around and ran for his life. He had not even taken ten steps before he heard howling and sobbing voices following him.

When he turned around to look, he felt his soul leave him. He noticed a dark awl, coming from Yang Kai, flying towards him with eerie laughter.

This laughter was so strange and evil it reduced Nie Yong’s courage to nothing.

Even after taking some distance from Yang Kai, Nie Yong refused to sit and wait for his death. When he turned around to fight, Nie Yong discovered that it wasn’t as bad and as terrifying as he had expected. With his current strength, although it was difficult to resist, it was insufficient to kill him.

Nie Yong felt relief as he knew that at present Yang Kai’s situation was not as good as he was letting on. However, he would still need to expend some strength to escape.

With this surprising discovery, Nie Yong began to fight back while still retreating. He was somehow able to deflect the attacks but was still unable to escape from the evil awl that was chasing him. It made laughing sounds that no one would ever forget, especially him.

What is this ghost? Even if it is a secret treasure, it can follow a target? Yang Kai is standing motionless in the same place. Why won’t he attack me?

He heard footsteps emerge from nowhere behind him and was once again shocked. Nie Yong turned to see Lan Chudie supporting her injured body, coming towards him with a calm expression.

Nie Yong suddenly became happy as he shouted, ”Sister Lan, please save me!”

Lan Chudie looked at him lightly which gave Nie Yong a very bad premonition. Looking uncertain, he suddenly felt a palm hit him violently on his chest.

“Aaahhhh!” Nie Yong howled pitifully and suddenly came to a stop. Suddenly a wild laughter transmitted from the black fog. Was it an accident? Nie Yong was unable to understand what was going on.

“Why did sister Lan…….” Nie Yong’s body shivered fiercely and before completing his sentence, both his eyes slowly lost their light as his body fell over softly.

Lan Chudie took heavy breaths in big gulps. She stared at Nie Yong and discovered that his chest did not have the slightest signs of injury. I couldn’t even penetrate his flesh? That’s awful…

Seeing this, she became flustered.

Vaguely, Lan Chudie heard Nie Yong’s whining voice, making her go numb. Her face lost all colour.

She looked at Yang Kai on the side and saw him looking at her coldly.

As Lan Chudie’s heart suddenly became chaotic, she replied, whilst clenching her teeth, “He wanted to kill you.”

Yang Kai remained silent. He lifted his hand and the black awl that he released suddenly became a beam of light and entwined on his finger, then vanishing without a trace.

They looked at each other for a long time, then he slowly shifted his vision, not saying a word. Looking at this Lan Chudie smiled mockingly herself. She felt that she had become as fragile as a vase and if she fell she would break into pieces.

“Hahahahaha!” Within Yang Kai, the Old Demon laughed wildly like a madman while he chewed on something.

Yang Kai knew that what he was chewing was Nie Yong’s immortal soul. But for Yang Kai, this was unexpected as he did not know that Soul Breaker Awl had such a strange function.

“I want to kill more. I want to kill!” The Old Demon was shouting while chewing on Nie Yong’s immortal soul. “It has been a long time since I have heard such a sweet sound, since I have tasted such a freshness and softness. Little Master, if you want to kill some more you can send this old servant without any hesitation.”
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Cultivaltion level: Qi Transformation
Category: AP/DC
Estimate: Small building level

Can channel a long range beam of his energy from inside a mountain cave through the mountains rock and into the sky



The feat in the novel: caused no massive external destruction

[Star Mark!] Yang Kai loudly roared, slowly raising his right fist. Endless star images scattered about the sky, this gloomy cave suddenly resembling a bright starry night.

A loud noise burst out, the whole insect cave violently trembled, and blood sprayed out from Yang Kai.

There was no trace of the Star Mark martial skill materializing, but Old Demon instantly understood what had happened. His heart in shock, he could not help but exclaim, “Young Master!”

“I’m alright!” Yang Kai spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, his face pale, panting heavily, he turned his eyes to his right hand to see.

The back of his hand was bloodied, and even the white of his bones was vaguely visible, but after carefully checking, Yang Kai suddenly laughed.

The Insect King was dead, the breath from its body completely dissipated.

After being bloated with so much energy, heavily wounded by Old Demon, and then finally eating a full powered Star Mark, if it had survived it would be a miracle.

Old Demon was shocked speechless. After a long silence he sincerely praised, “Young master, Old Servant deeply admires!”
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Cultivaltion level: Qi Transformation
Category: Flight, Speed, Stamina
Additional: Worldbuilding - some information on the size of the low potential world.

Can fly for tens of thousands of miles from the Island back to the shore, his speed causes small waves




The feat in the novel

From Hidden Island to Sea City was thousands of miles away; even an Immortal Ascension cultivator would not necessarily be able to fly that far. On the other hand, without at least reaching the True Element Boundary, how would he catch a flying Monster Beast?


It was ten thousand miles from here to Sea City, and if he wanted to leave the island, he could only rely on his Flaming Yang Wings, but using them required massive amounts of Yuan Qi. After all his recent battles, the Yang Liquid remaining in his dantian was less than thirty drops, nowhere near enough to support him flying this distance.

Flying the ten thousand mile distance was just one problem, once he encountered a storm at sea, he would need to go around to avoid it, causing his Yang Liquid consumption to be even greater.
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Cultivaltion level: Qi Fusion
Category: AP/DC
Estimate: Large building level

Blasts an entire residence area with the resulting explosion being visible from the other side of the shore, the extend of the explosion reaching high into the air





The feat in the novel: Does not exist
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Cultivaltion level: Qi Fusion
Category: Resistance, Mental fortitude

Resisting mental pressure people massively stronger than him



The feat in the novel

At that moment, Yang Kai was startled. When the two Soul Pressures hit him, it was like a stone being thrown into an infinite ocean, causing not the slightest ripple. With the Soul Warming Lotus’ help, this warning could simply not affect Yang Kai.

So he continued to move forward, his pace undisturbed.

The two sleepy old men suddenly woke up, a flash of light appeared in their eyes as they looked with surprise at Yang Kai. Obviously, this young man’s reaction was far outside their expectation.
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Cultivaltion level: Qi Fusion
Category: Miscellaneous

Can shape his energy into a shovel (and likely other tools)



The feat in the novel

Yang Kai was too lazy to keep explaining, and having already laid things out up to here, Old Demon would certainly be able to draw his own conclusions. Finished speaking, Yang Kai drew out a drop of Yang Liquid, shaped it into a shovel, and began digging.
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Cultivaltion level: Qi Fusion
Category: Barrier, Energy

Can create a shield of his energy which blocks incoming attacks, can change it to a dagger as well





The feat in the novel

Yang Kai’s eyes shrunk, and he pushed his palms forward and drew out a drop of Yang Liquid from his dantian. Then he transformed it into a blood-red shield to block the sword strike before him.

Peng A metallic ring burst forth as the Sword Qi struck the shield dead center. The blood-red shield rippled and cracked, however it did not shatter. It did, however, exhaust Qi Jian Xing’s strike and caused its remnants to disappear.

In a flash, Yang Kai lifted the blood-red shield in front of himself and charged towards Qi Jian Xing. The latter was obviously shocked but still quickly retreated, and was instantly pursued by Yang Kai. The two became engaged in close quarter combat. Each one displayed their own exquisite movement skills, and while their cultivation levels were drastically different, they were actually evenly matched in terms of speed.


Losing strength, Yang Kai seemed like he would collapse at any moment. Suddenly, he staggered slightly, and this misstep nearly caused him to fall to the ground.

Seeing such an opening, how could Qi Jian Xing let it pass? Finally striking with his real sword, he slashed straight towards Yang Kai’s neck.

Yang Kai lifted his shield in a panic to block this strike, but Qi Jian Xing was already prepared, and his sword flickered in mid strike, abruptly changing its path as it swept towards Yang Kai’s shield and fiercely slammed into it, which caused it to experience immense strain.

As Qi Jian Xing sneered even more, Yang Kai’s eyes suddenly flashed a trace of calm.

At the moment, his shield, which was about to be sliced by Qi Jian Xing’s sword, suddenly emitted a burst of light, and quickly transformed into a blood-red dagger.

Qi Jian Xing’s face was stunned, as he watched this blood-red dagger slice into his sword.

Shing, his sword was instantly cut in two!

Back when he was just an Initial Element Stage cultivator, Yang Kai could already destroy a Common Grade defensive artifact with a weapon condensed out of his Yang Liquid, and now that his cultivation had reached the Separation and Reunion Boundary, his Yang Yuan Qi was significantly more pure and rich, so with Qi Jian Xing’s sword being a plain steel forged weapon, and not even a real artifact, how could it possibly not be cut apart?

Yang Kai had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time and rapidly slashed his dagger forward.

As a soft ringing noise sounded out, Qi Jian Xing’s sword was sliced into several pieces, and if he had not retreated quickly, even the hand he was using to grip his sword might have been cut off.
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Cultivaltion level: Qi Fusion
Category: Hax, Soulenslavement

Can brand other peoples souls to make them submit to him





The feat in the novel

Just before now, she had hit Yang Kai with her Ghost King Seal, only to have it returned to her a moment later along with something else that took root in her conscience. However, because she had not cultivated her Divine Sense yet, Leng Shan was unsure what it was, yet she knew that this thing was what he was relying on to control her.

“I am also very curious about this; could you please tell me?” Zi Mo smiled charmingly, batted her eyes at Yang Kai, and pursed her lips while putting on a slightly pouting look to form a truly attractive picture.

“It was simple, I just placed a brand onto your Souls,” Yang Kai replied offhandedly.

Hearing this, the two women were shocked.

How was that simple? Although they had not cultivated their Divine Senses yet, they knew full well just how hard it was to implant a seal onto another’s Soul. Say they completely ignored the fact that Yang Kai was only a Separation and Reunion cultivator, then even if he was an Immortal Ascension Boundary master, it would still take a massive amount of effort to accomplish this. Not to mention that if he had screwed up even slightly, then he could have badly injured their Souls, which would have left them essentially brain dead.

It certainly was easy to say, but in what world was his casually given answer simple?

Unfortunately, when they thought back on what had just happened to the two of them, the whole series of events could really be described as “simple”.

In Leng Shan’s case, she had sent out her Ghost King Seal and then received it back. The entire exchange took only a few breaths of time, but in that brief exchange, the right to decide if she lived or died had instantly changed hands.

Similarly, Zi Mo had simply retrieved a thread of her Divine Sense, which had been attached to her Soul Controlling Insect, and thereafter suffered the same fate.

On that point, this boy in front of them had killed Jin Hao, but had decided not to leave, so he had obviously been plotting all this from the start, just waiting for Zi Mo to follow the script he had laid out.

Ridiculously, Zi Mo had actually ran over, fallen completely for his act, and behaved exactly how he wanted, which reduced her to being his slave! Remembering how all of this happened, Zi Mo felt her heart sink as it filled with endless regret.

Even his threat to burn her Soul Controlling Insects was certainly a ploy to force her to recover that thread of Divine Sense.

Obviously, he had branded that thread of Divine Sense in advance!
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Cultivaltion level: Qi Fusion
Category: Hax, Controlling, Negating

Can negate and override mobs controlled by others




The feat in the novel

Tumbling mid-air, Chi Xue managed to land upright before staring towards his Monster Beast; at that moment it was actually also glaring towards him, a low growl rumbling from the depths of its throat, its eyes flashing an ominous light.

Chi Xue’s face went pale.

This Monster Beast which had been implanted with his own Soul Controlling Insect had somehow escaped his control, and worse off was now hostile to him!

“Ha ha ha!” Yang Kai let out a burst of rampant laughter.

Shifting his attention to him, Chi Xue recalled the most recent sequence of events and roared loudly towards him, “What did you do!?”

Thinking back to that odd light, Chi Xue had mostly guessed what had happened; this kid just now had desperately rushed him only to plant that glowing orb into his Monster Beast. It must have been some strange technique which somehow disrupted his control.

Otherwise, how could his own enslaved Monster Beast possibly turn against him?

Yang Kai’s wanton laughter continued as he swept away all his caution, spiritedly strolled forward and came up to the Sixth-Order Monster Beast’s side, reaching out and patting it as he looked back at Chi Xue, “What did I do, isn’t it obvious?”

Zi Mo jaw sank to the floor as she stared at Yang Kai in shock.

The more time she spent around him, the more mysterious Zi Mo found him. This strange youth seemed to possess strength and techniques far beyond her wildest imagination.
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Cultivaltion level: Qi Fusion
Category: Resistance, Negating

Can withstand attacks which target the soul and use the effects to strenghten the soul instead





The feat in the novel

When they had visited Hidden Island, Yang Kai had received a Five Coloured Soul Warming Lotus; this thing was simply a godly treasure for cultivating one’s Soul. But since Yang Kai had not yet reached the Immortal Ascension Boundary, although he had indeed accepted the Five Coloured Soul Warming Lotus into his Soul, to this day he still could not find a trace of it.

However, now that Yang Kai was trapped in this strange place and his Soul had been damaged, the Soul Warming Lotus had naturally taken action.

While he possessed this supreme treasure, how could Yang Kai be frightened of this white mist?

The combination of the white mist and the Five Coloured Soul Warming Lotus created a cycle of destruction and repair, while in the process allowing Yang Kai’s Soul to slowly strengthen.

The only downside was this process was excruciatingly painful, not something just anyone could endure.
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Cultivaltion level: Qi Fusion
Category: Sensing

His sensing radious becomes sharper and is increased up to 3 miles (Later 10 KM)




The feat in the novel

At the same time, Yang Kai’s original senses also underwent a complete evolution. It was like his entire range of perception rapidly contracted, then immediately burst and spread outwards.

With himself as the centre, Yang Kai could suddenly perceive his entire surroundings: the white mist which filled the air, all the individual plants, it was like he could see and feel all of it within his mind.

Within a radius two to three kilometers, there was nothing he could not sense.

Yang Kai suddenly opened his eyes, a flash of confusion appearing on his face as he quietly meditated.

After a long time, he began showing a strange smile as his eyes glimmered.

“Old Demon… I think I’ve just developed my Divine Sense…” Yang Kai said softly while in pure disbelief.

“What?” Old Demon replied in shock, “Are you feeling alright, Young Master?”

“No, it’s true, I really believe I’ve managed to cultivate out my Divine Sense.” Yang Kai’s smile gradually grew bigger, slowly explaining the changes he had just experienced.

As Old Demon listened, he became more and more amazed by Yang Kai, for a long time losing his ability to even respond.

“If what you say is true then… you certain have cultivated out your Divine Sense!” Old Demon’s voice was filled with both shock and admiration; being able to “see” everything around you with your eyes closed, if that wasn’t one’s Divine Sense then what else could it possibly be?

Before reaching the Immortal Ascension Boundary, a cultivator mainly relied on their perception to explore their surroundings; however, this kind of perception was somewhat vague and was closer to instinct than actually sensing things. This kind of instinct could also be strengthened by enhancing one’s auditory, visual, and olfactory senses to perceive changes in the surrounding atmosphere, thus allowing one to infer situations further afield than one’s direct environment.

Perception was not omnipotent, and it was actually quite easy for it to be mistaken, but for cultivators below the Immortal Ascension Boundary, it was the only method they had to gather unseen information.

However, once one reached the Immortal Ascension Boundary, everything was different. Once one became an Immortal Ascension cultivator and opened their Knowledge Sea, allowing their Divine Sense to explore their surroundings, everything around them became as clear as if one were looking at it with their own eyes.

Compared to something vague like perception, Divine Sense was undoubtedly more powerful, and this power was not only reflected in a cultivator’s ability to perceive an enemy’s movements, a powerful Divine Sense could also be used to attack others which was extremely difficult to prevent.

[But… reaching the Immortal Ascension Boundary is normally an absolute requirement in order to cultivate out one’s Divine Sense; however, Young Master’s realm is clearly still at the Separation and Reunion Boundary Ninth Stage!]

In between these two cultivation levels was an entire Great Realm plus a major watershed Minor Realm!


Yang Kai simply nodded and released his Divine Sense, and everything within a ten kilometer radius around him suddenly became clear in his mind. While Yang Kai had been in closed retreat to break through to the True Element Boundary, apparently his Divine Sense had also inadvertently been enhanced a lot.
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Cultivaltion level: True Element
Category: Flexibility

Able to engage in dynamic battles in the air


The feat in the novel

“Where are you trying to run!?” Yang Kai grinned viciously and quickly chased after him. Wrapping his iron like fists in his True Qi, Yang Kai kept raining down punches onto his opponent’s body as Wu Cheng Yi responded with his ethereal swordsmanship to nimbly parry away all but a few of his blows.

Dazzling flashes of light appeared as sword skills clashed against heavy punches as waves of destruction spread outwards from their conflict towards the surroundings.

From the beginning, neither Yang Kai nor Wu Cheng Yi were moving slowly, but as time progressed the figures of the two became increasingly blurry and soon after completely blending together.

Loud bursts of noise constantly erupted wherever this blur appeared.
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Cultivaltion level: True Element
Category: Hax (uncomfired, waiting for future explanations)

His sword slash seemingly can disintegrate incoming energy attacks




The feat in the novel is different: The sword can steal sword skills

A wave of heart stopping explosions erupted with Yang Kai as the center. The Earth around him seemed to rend and tear, sending sand and stone flying about.

However, from the Asura Sword itself, no Sword Qi, no Sword Wave, nothing at all seemed to appear.

The profoundness of this sword strike had also exceeded the limits of Zi Mo’s imagination.

After unleashing this sword slash, Yang Kai straightened himself up. His mouth still showing a strange smile, he raised the red sword in his hand onto his shoulder.

His casual smile fully displayed his unbridled confidence.

Wu Cheng Yi’s pupils rapidly contracted. Although he had not seen any attack, his heart still filled with a strong throbbing, like he had just heard the call of death.

In the blink of an eye, the ninety Sword Qi blades released by Wu Cheng Yi had flown up to Yang Kai, but suddenly, a bowl sized dark void appeared mid-air.

This scene was incredibly strange; it was as if someone had accidentally spilled a drop of ink onto a picture of the sky.

The instant this dark void appeared it suddenly began to madly spread around, like it was trying to consume everything around it. With the strange black light covering everything in front of her, Zi Mo suddenly founder herself in the dark, unable to see anything around her.

Inside this endless darkness, she suddenly heard the sound of something bursting, like someone had just been struck by a blade of Sword Qi.

Zi Mo heart trembled, because the location she had heard the sound originate from was where Yang Kai had been standing, but before she could react, another burst of noise rang out from Wu Cheng Yi’s side.

After the sounds rang out, the Heavens and Earth once again became calm.

A long moment later, Zi Mo suddenly saw traces of light, everything in front of her gradually reappearing.

Looking ahead, the world was bright once more, the sun setting in the distance, dying everything from the horizon to earth beneath her a blood red shade of crimson.


This time, when Yang Kai used the Asura Sword, he discovered that it was not just a slaughtering artifact; it had also possessed a unique ability.

It could absorb and steal an enemy’s Sword Skills, allowing him to use them for himself!

However this effect only applied to Sword Skills!

During his last clash with Wu Cheng Yi, the Asura Sword used a lot of Demonic Qi from within Yang Kai’s Golden Skeleton in order to form a void which engulfed all the lethality from Wu Cheng Yi’s Sword Skill, leaving behind only the Sword Dao.
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Cultivaltion level: True Element
Category: Resistance

Can trap incoming mind/soul attacks in a maze




The feat in the novel

The damage caused to his soul here was much worse than when he had been lost in the white mist field.

When he was trapped inside the white mist field his soul was constantly being damaged, but here, not only was he suffering pain, he was also being bombarded with a fierce hostility and all kinds of malicious intent, which was slowly trying to corrupt his mind.

In terms of hardening one’s soul and cultivating spiritual energy, this place was basically a paradise! All he had to do was descend slightly and Yang Kai could clearly feel his spiritual energy being enhanced.

If he could cultivate here for a long time, opening his Knowledge Sea would probably not be problem.

Unfortunately, Yang Kai understood that he could not afford to spend too much time here. If he did, his mind would probably be poisoned by the surrounding evil aura.

After a long period of silence, Yang Kai suddenly had a thought and asked Old Demon, “Do you know of any Soul Skills? One that can be used for defence would be best.”

“I do!” Old Demon readily responded.

“How come you never mentioned something like that?” Yang Kai asked somewhat bitterly.

“The martial skills and secret arts that Old Servant has mastered are all extremely evil, so Young Master has always been quite opposed to cultivating them.” Old Demon replied in a wronged tone.

“Is this soul defence skill like that too?” Inquired Yang Kai.

“Although it could be considered so, but if you cultivate here, then there would be no need for any cruel or evil methods. Since this place is thick with Demonic Qi it is actually ideal for cultivating this skill.”

“Good, no need for further nonsense then, quickly teach me this soul skill!”


Old Demon’s memory was still somewhat garbled, so although it had been more than two years since he met with Yang Kai inside the Heaven’s Inheritance Cave, there was still a great many things he could not remember clearly. But in response to Yang Kai’s orders, Old Demon thought long and hard about this soul skill and eventually imparted all of to him.

Soul Palace!

According to Old Demon, if one wanted to cultivate this soul skill, one would have to find some sentient beings, torture them and finally kill them. Only after experiencing fear, hatred, and despair, would these people leave behind lingering souls after their deaths that could be used to cultivate the Soul Palace skill.

A cultivator would collect these remnant souls and forge them into a labyrinth within their own mind.

The rounds of torture and instilled grievances these souls experience were akin to tempering the bricks for the maze, the more resentment they had, the greater the strength of the labyrinth.

After successfully cultivating Soul Palace, the Knowledge Sea of a cultivator would appear to an outsider as a layered structure, filled with twists and turns. This soul skill’s biggest use was no doubt for defense.

But this skill could actually be thought of as a combination of offensive and defensive soul skills.

If one’s enemy used their Spiritual Energy to attack, their Divine Sense would fall into this maze and would never be able to find its way out, gradually being exhausted by the hidden grievances within the Soul Palace.

Soul Palace did not have a grand accomplishment stage because a cultivator could continuously surround their Knowledge Sea with more building blocks to further consolidate and expand the labyrinth.

Its purpose was to guard a cultivator’s Knowledge Sea tightly, forming an impregnable defense.

And this place, filled with such thick hostile Demonic Qi, was undoubtedly the most suitable place to forge Soul Palace bricks.

Studying this soul skill gradually made Yang Kai grin, quickly comprehending it in order to begin cultivating.

After a short while, Yang Kai became familiar with how to use his own Divine Sense to grasp this free floating hostility and use it as the cornerstones for casting his mental maze.

The entire process was actually quite simple, Yang Kai had already cultivated his Divine Sense considerably, so now he just needed to experiment in its usage.

Over the next few days, Yang Kai familiarized himself with manipulating his Divine Sense, pulling a ray of dark evil aura into his mind then according to his own thoughts and ideas transforming it into bricks and tiles, gradually constructing a fortress around his Knowledge Sea.

Just like building a towering palace in real life, wanting to build a palace in his mind followed the same principals, constructing the maze from the ground up.

Gradually becoming familiar with the process, his actions became faster and more agile.

For an entire month, Yang Kai remained within the Coiling Dragon Stream, cultivating his Soul Palace.

Grasping a wisp of demonic Qi with his Divine Sense, bringing it into his mind, and forging it into a brick. After repeating this process thousands of times, his mental labyrinth gradually took shape and slowly expanded.

After one month of painstaking cultivation, Yang Kai could clearly feel that his own Spiritual Energy had strengthened greatly. He could also spread his Divine Sense out a full twenty kilometers from himself now.

One’s Spiritual Energy was very difficult to cultivate, even for Immortal Ascension Boundary masters. Wanting to have great accomplishments with their Divine Sense was as difficult as ascending to the Heavens.

It was significantly harder than cultivating one’s body.

The most common method was to use a soul cultivating skill, or to consume Spiritual Energy enhancing precious treasures.

However, in Yang Kai’s case, loitering in the Coiling Dragon Stream under such harsh conditions to cultivate Soul Palace, and with the assistance of the Soul Warming Lotus, his Spiritual Energy becoming strong was an eventuality.

After another ten days or so, his Soul Palace skill had finally reached an intermediate accomplishment stage.

Although he was still unable to cultivate out his Knowledge Sea, Yang Kai could still clearly feel that surrounding his mind was a thick layer of protection, keeping the most critical parts of his mind secure.

This extra layer of protection was formed from the evil energy emanating from the Coiling Dragon Stream.

But it did not affect Yang Kai.

Because when Yang Kai cultivated this soul skill, all the evil energy had been marked with his aura.

With his Soul Palace completed, Yang Kai naturally couldn’t wait to try it out.

At his current position within the Coiling Dragon Stream, the vicious hostility no longer made any impact on him.
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Cultivaltion level: True Element
Category: Resistance

Can resistance charm attacks




The feat in the novel

As she stood mid-air, her cheeks blushed a faint hint of red. She brought a sense of reverie to all who glanced upon her.

If Su Yan’s was the epitome of purity and Xia Ning Chang was the embodiment of innocence, this young woman represented the peak of seduction. Even just standing there, she exuded an aura of attraction and fascination!

The few men here could not remove their eyes from her. Regardless of whether they were young and old, they all involuntarily gulped and their breathing became rough.

Her watery eyes seemed to contain an endless allure, drawing in everyone’s soul.

Even Qiu Yi Meng and Luo Xiao Man, despite both being beautiful women themselves, couldn’t help feeling a strange kind of attraction. Their cheeks flushed red as their heartbeats sped up.

However, Qiu Yi Meng soon woke up and secretly felt a slight shame in her heart. Glancing around at her surroundings, she gritted her teeth as she cursed, “Men really have no shame!”

The three Immortal Ascension Boundary masters all blushed with embarrassment as they wryly grinned, but none of them dared make any sudden moves; with the pressure they felt from this woman, how could her strength be low?

The woman swept her charming eyes over the people gathered here before finally stopping when she saw Yang Kai. Lightly biting her red lips, her brow furrowed, like she was struggling with something as she pondered for a moment before asking, “Which leader do you follow?”

Hearing her sweet sensual voice softly speak, everyone else present felt like something had gently gripped their hearts, invaded their souls, and instinctively drove them to worship the woman before them.

Having just managed to calm her unfamiliar impulses, everyone suddenly felt captivated once more. This time Qiu Yi Meng and Luo Xiao Man were no exception, both of them blushed intensely and were unable to stop a soft moan from gently escaping their lips.

“Which leader?” Yang Kai on the other hand simply frowned and unconsciously answering her question with one of his own.

He really did not understand what this woman was asking.

“Hmm…” The woman’s eyes flashed a trace of surprise, apparently not expecting Yang Kai to collect himself so quickly. In her current state, if she didn’t say anything things were still manageable, but as soon as she spoke, no matter who it was, they would at least be somewhat affected by her charms. So how did this youth, covered in such thick hostility, manage to rid himself of such impulses?

In truth, Yang Kai who was continuously resisting the impulses brought on by his Joyous Unification Art and was simply more skilled at suppressing his urges than others.

“Forget it, I don’t have time to idly chat with you.” Whatever it was the woman was struggling with seemed to become more difficult to handle, and she whispered softly and threw out a pink ribbon type artifact that instantly wrapped around Yang Kai’s waist.

Yang Kai’s expression cramped, and he Gripped the Asura Sword tightly in his hand, preparing to fight back. However, before he could react, the woman had appeared in front of him, and from her small cherry red lips she spat out a strange fragrant breath.

The instant he smelled this odd scent, Yang Kai’s whole body felt limp, and he completely lost any power to resist.
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Cultivaltion level: True Element
Category: Barrier

Can create a barrier around him which also works against spirits





Cultivaltion level: True Element
Category: Soulattack, Barrier

Can use soul attacks from inside his protective barrier. Also usable during a regular battle. Also works without a clear hit but just being in the general vicinity of his attack.









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