
Dragonhold said:
Khamira: How did the Dragons island get into the sky? And where is Tharn? Five-claw, tell me what is happening!
Vestige: Kaalgrontiid is trying to become a god. The floating island is part of his plan.
Khamira: The prophecy of the Dark Aeon and the New Moon...I should have seen it sooner. But what of Tharn? Where is he?
Vestige: He's still on the island. He used the last of his strength to send me to get help.

Dragonhold said:
Abnur Tharn: I had a feeling that you were behind the disruption of the other focal points. Figured I'd taking out the last one.
Vestige: Tharn, you don't look so good.
Abnur Tharn: Ever the voice and tact. Considering the circumstances, I could be worse. Unfortunately, I believe we...solved one problem...and created another.
Vestige: What do you mean?
Abnur Tharn: To safely absorb all that energy...Kaalgrontiid needed the focal points. As close as he is to his will be the furthest thing from his mind. If he proceeds with his ascension and makes even the slightest mistake...
Vestige: Tharn, what happens if Kaalgrontiid makes a mistake?
Abnur Tharn: If Kaalgrontiid tries to ascend without the focal points...he could unleash all that pent-up energy. The resulting blast would destroy Elsweyr...perhaps all of Tamriel...
Vestige: Tharn, are you all right?
Abnur Tharn: You worry more than...a Nord nurse maid... To the center of the island. It's time to end this.
Vestige: What happened to you after the island started to rise?
Abnur Tharn: I ran...dodged falling bricks and leapt over collapsing floors. Made my way to the surface...only to find we were a league or more in the sky.
Vestige: Then what did you do?
Abnur Tharn: I did what any proper battlemage would do...I hid. As you can see, I'm in no condition to take on Kaalgrontiid by myself. So I watched...and waited. How did you get back here, by the way?
Vestige: Khunzar-ri's spirit lead us through the Jonelight Path.
Abnur Tharn: Of course he did. If we survive this, you can explain that to me later. Now, let's go try to kill that damn dragon.
Dragonhold said:
Abnur Tharn: Even in death, that damn Dragon haunts me! If that aeonstone shatters, Tamriel is doomed!
Tell me how to stop this, Tharn.
Abnur Tharn: No, my friend. This task requires a Dragon...and a battlemage. Take Khamira and Sai Sahan. Find a way out of here. Nahfahlaar and I will contain the explosion.
We're in this together, Tharn.
Abnur Tharn: And we have accomplished amazing things. But this...this isn't something you can help me with. Save the others. I need to reach that crystal before it explodes.
Vestige: I can't just leave you here to die, Tharn.
Abnur Tharn: I prepared for a moment such as this. I insist that you trust me, this one last time. If this is goodbye, my friend, it has been a privilege.
Vestige: Do what you have to and finish this, Tharn.
Dragonhold said:
Nahfahlaar: I must aid the wizard, or the explosion will destroy everything!
Dragonhold said:
Khamira: Tharn was a better teacher than I gave him credit for. When I needed to do it, I was able to open a portal. The island. It exploded. But the blast spread no farther. Tharn did it. Elsweyr is safe.
Dragonhold said:
Vestige: What happened on Dragonhold at the very end, Nahfahlaar?
Nahfahlaar: The battlemage wanted to contain the energy of the aeonstones. To keep the release from destroying anything beyond the crumbling island.
I helped him achieve that goal before I returned here.
Vestige: And Abnur Tharn? Did he escape the destruction of the island, too?
Nahfahlaar: I do not know. The battlemage was weak, exhausted, but he refused to give up. He wanted to save you. Save this land. I lent him enough of my power to accomplish that task.
It was the least I could do after he helped stop Kaalgrontiid.
Kaalgrontiid on his way to trying to achieve godhood absorbs through the aeonstones enough power to rip the island of Dragonhold from the ground and levitate it over a league in the sky. His full energy is enough to destroy Tamriel. Abnur Tharn and Nahfahlaar reduce this from a continent destroying explosion to an island level one. This is also the focus of the final cinematic for Season of the Dragon, and said explosion is even seen in Skyrim.

Now...where to begin?
1. Destroying Tamriel
Kaalgrontiid and the aeonstones have enough power to destroy Tamriel, but Abnur Tharn and Nahfahlaar reduce it to just island level. The area of Tamriel is given in the Arena manual as 12,000,000km^2 (or 1.2e+13m^2).
Arena Manual said:
If you are near the edge of one region the automap may not show you the next region until you enter it. This is not a mistake in your automap, but a memory limitation of the computer. To hold 12 million square kilometers of maps would take more memory than most machines have!
Next, we need to find the average elevation of Tamriel. I would have just gone with a low end of the lowest elevation in the world, but it's blatantly clear Tamriel has a higher elevation than the Maldives, so we'll get an average of all the countries average elevations.
H = 1.8 + 15 + 28 + 30 + 34 + 34 + 61 + 69 + 70 + 83 + 85 + 87 + 91 + 108 + 108 + 109 + 110 + 118 + 126 + 139 + 143 + 149 + 160 + 160 + 162 + 164 + 173 + 173 + 175 + 178 + 181 + 190 + 207 + 228 + 230 + 236 + 243 + 246 + 246 + 250 + 263 + 273 + 276 + 279 + 282 + 287 + 297 + 298 + 305 + 310 + 312 + 320 + 320 + 321 + 325 + 330 + 331 + 340 + 343 + 345 + 360 + 367 + 372 + 375 + 377 + 380 + 384 + 387 + 388 + 398 + 400 + 410 + 414 + 423 + 424 + 430 + 430 + 433 + 438 + 442 + 442 + 442 + 450 + 458 + 460 + 470 + 472 + 472 + 473 + 474 + 478 + 487 + 492 + 498 + 500 + 508 + 514 + 538 + 538 + 543 + 557 + 568 + 577 + 593 + 595 + 600 + 635 + 660 + 665 + 667 + 667 + 684 + 702 + 708 + 710 + 726 + 741 + 746 + 759 + 760 + 762 + 779 + 800 + 812 + 853 + 900 + 909 + 910 + 961 + 999 + 1,013 + 1,018 + 1,034 + 1,086 + 1,111 + 1,112 + 1,117 + 1,132 + 1,138 + 1,141 + 1,150 + 1,192 + 1,250 + 1,305 + 1,330 + 1,350 + 1,432 + 1,504 + 1,528 + 1,555 + 1,598 + 1,792 + 1,792 + 1,840 + 1,871 + 1,885 + 1,996 + 2,161 + 2,988 + 3,186 + 3,265 + 3,280
= 103455.8m/162
= 638.616049m

V = 1.2e+13 X 638.616049
= 7.66339259e15m^3

Now for our energy. A low end of violent fragmentation (69000000 joules per m^3) and a high end of pulverization (200000000 joules per m^3).

(Low end)
E = 7.66339259e15 X 69000000
= 5.28774089e23 joules
= 126.38004039196941619 teratons

(High end)
E = 7.66339259e15 X 200000000
= 1.53267852e24 joules
= 366.31895793499046476 teratons

Abnur Tharn and Nahfahlaar restrain this explosion, and make it so only Dragonhold is destroyed.

2. Levitating Dragonhold
A league is equal to 5.55600km, or 5556m. It's hard to say where the island was located, but going to the bottom of the screen would get us a minimum distance.
753 pixels = 5556m
1 pixel = 5556m/753 = 7.37848606m
7.37848606m X 290 = 2139.76096m
2139.76096m/2 = 1069.88048m
7.37848606m X 76 = 560.764941m
7.37848606m X 82 = 605.035857m
605.035857m/2 = 302.517928m
7.37848606m X 58 = 427.952191m
7.37848606m X 79 = 582.900399m
582.900399m/2 = 291.450199m
7.37848606m X 64 = 472.223108m
7.37848606m X 111 = 819.011953m
819.011953m/2 = 409.505976m
7.37848606m X 109 = 804.254981m
7.37848606m X 96 = 708.334662m
708.334662m/2 = 354.167331m
7.37848606m X 103 = 759.984064m
759.984064m/2 = 379.992032m
7.37848606m X 115 = 848.525897m

object degree size = 2*atan(Object_Size/(Panel_Height/tan(70/2)))
= 2*atan(290/(1045/tan(70/2)))
= 0.261478453 rad
= 14.9816117905470225 degrees

Put that into the angscaler, and Dragonhold is a distance of 8136.6km. We'll pocket that for later...

Volume of everything as cones.

V = πr^2h/3
= π X 1069.88048^2 X 560.764941/3
= 672171353m^3
= 6.72171353e+14cm^3

V = 6.72171353e+14 X 2
= 1.34434271e15cm^3

V = πr^2h/3
= π X 302.517928^2 X 427.952191/3
= 41013431.4m^3
= 4.10134314e+13cm^3

V = πr^2h/3
= π X 291.450199^2 X 472.223108/3
= 42005345.9m^3
= 4.20053459e+13cm^3

V = πr^2h/3
= π X 409.505976^2 X 804.254981/3
= 141235173m^3
= 1.41235173e+14cm^3

V = πr^2h/3
= π X 354.167331^2 X 708.334662/3
= 93043086.7m^3
= 9.30430867e+13cm^3

V = πr^2h/3
= π X 379.992032^2 X 848.525897/3
= 128304740m^3
= 1.2830474e+14cm^3

Now we'll have to get the energy for this, using GPE. Assuming Nirn is Earth-sized, it would have a gravitational pull of 9.807m/s², which we'll times with the mass and the centre of gravity. The centre of gravity on a cone is a quarter of the way from the base. The average density of continental crust is 2.83g per cm^3. However, given each island is different in size, we'll have to find it for each island individually...

H = 560.764941 X 0.75
= 420.573706m

M = 6.72171353e+14 X 2.83
= 1.90224493e15g
= 1902244930000kg

E = 420.573706 X 9.807 X 1902244930000
= 7.8459354e15 X 2
= 1.56918708e16 joules

H = 427.952191 X 0.75
= 320.964143m

M = 4.10134314e+13 X 2.83
= 1.16068011e14g
= 116068011000kg

E = 320.964143 X 9.807 X 116068011000
= 3.65346739e14 joules

H = 472.223108 X 0.75
= 354.167331m

M = 4.20053459e+13 X 2.83
= 1.18875129e14g
= 118875129000kg

E = 354.167331 X 9.807 X 118875129000
= 4.12891246e14 joules

H = 409.505976 X 0.75
= 307.129482m

M = 1.41235173e+14 X 2.83
= 3.9969554e14g
= 399695540000kg

E = 307.129482 X 9.807 X 399695540000
= 1.20389049e15 joules

H = 354.167331 X 0.75
= 265.625498m

M = 9.30430867e+13 X 2.83
= 2.63311935e14g
= 263311935000kg

E = 265.625498 X 9.807 X 263311935000
= 6.85924762e14 joules

H = 379.992032 X 0.75
= 284.994024m

M = 1.2830474e+14 X 2.83
= 3.63102414e14g
= 363102414000kg

E = 284.994024 X 9.807 X 363102414000
= 1.01484815e15 joules

Finally, we add them all together for our final result.

E = 1.56918708e16 + 3.65346739e14 + 4.12891246e14 + 1.20389049e15 + 6.85924762e14 + 1.01484815e15
= 1.93747722e16 joules
= 4.63068169216061154 megatons

Remember that this is just the passive energy outputted by Kaalgrontiid every second to keep the islands in the sky.

3. Dragonhold explodes
Next for the energy of Dragonhold exploding. We'lll add all of the volumes for each of the islands for our total volume.

V = 1.34434271e15 + 4.10134314e+13 + 4.20053459e+13 + 1.41235173e+14 + 9.30430867e+13 + 1.2830474e+14
= 1.78994449e15cm^3
= 1789944490000m^3

We'll go with a low end of violent fragmentation and a high end of pulverization.

(Low end)
E = 1789944490000 X 69000000
= 1.2350617e20 joules
= 29.518683078393880947 gigatons

(High end)
E = 1789944490000 X 200000000
= 3.57988898e20 joules
= 85.561400095602294869 gigatons

Nahfahlaar survives this explosion close to ground zero.

4. Abnur Tharn blocks the explosion
The cinematic version of this feat is even more impressive; Abnur Tharn has no preperation for the aeonstone exploding, and stops it after it explodes. When he gives out and the explosion continues, we see it exploding rapidly to where the other heroes are. Which means Abnur Tharn reacted to the explosion. TES is a multiverse, so both versions are canon.

Timeframe is 1.12 seconds. Above we had the distance from the heroes to the island at 8136.6m.

T = 8136.6m/1.12s
= 7264.82143/340.29
= Mach 21.3489125

Final Results
Kaalgrontiid's power threatens Tamriel (low end) = 126.380 teratons
Kaalgrontiid's power threatens Tamriel (high end) = 366.319 teratons
Kaalgrontiid levitates Dragonhold (per second) = 4.631 megatons
Dragonhold explodes (low end) = 29.519 gigatons
Dragonhold explodes (high end) = 85.561 gigatons
Abnur Tharn's reaction speed = Mach 21.349


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