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OBD Convo #18: There's a Hurricane Tonight

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Man of Atom
Best character on the main cast outside of Rukia and he's confined to jobber central for the entire series, then has his character shat on in the final chapter because Kubo didn't know what the fuck to do with him.

Feelsbadman. :tiredpepe
>has his own power that isnt just "swing sword in different way"
>was strong as fuck even before getting his powers
>"lol he did stuff off screen now he's boxer"


V.I.P. Member
There was no hope for Chad once it was established that his one big power up he got amounted to not even being able to put a scratch on Nnoitra, who himself turned out to be a chump

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
>has his own power that isnt just "swing sword in different way"
Reminds me of 4th trying to act like Chad's fighting style was super boring and Ichigo's/Kenpachi's were way better, even though they all fight the exact same way. The only difference is Chad uses his fists and they use a sword, how can one be more boring or "less flashy" than the other?

Never mind that Chad's powers have a cool design and the inevitable full body transformation would have been sick as hell.
>was strong as fuck even before getting his powers
And was hyped by Ichigo, with him saying "I can't imagine Chad ever losing".

Only to get used as a jobber.
>"lol he did stuff off screen now he's boxer"
Sajin is the only character who is treated even worse by Kubo.

What is it with the interesting giant badasses with hearts of gold, getting treated like shit in this series?

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
There was no hope for Chad once it was established that his one big power up he got amounted to not even being able to put a scratch on Nnoitra, who himself turned out to be a chump
Seriously drop the Espada #0 shit and give Yammy to Chad as a boss fight. Especially given his insecurities in the Arrancar arc started with him getting one-shotted by Yammy and it's better than the dude getting extra hype, only to get off-paneled by Kenpachi and Byakuya.

TrueG 37

>10 anime that remind us of our childhood

If I had some of the powers that some of these supposedly "elite" students have I'd be questioning the meaning of my existence. I'd rather have no powers at all then be able to dispense tape from my elbows.

Also a loser that worships the guy bullying him and doesn't even see that he was even bullied in the first place? Reminding me of childhood? Nah fam :skully . Bakugou would have gotten hurt one way or another if I were in Izuku's shoes as a kid. Maybe Izuku should also have parents that encourage beating the shit out of your bullies if they put their hands on you:skully.
I mean obviously kubo is gonna give them shit to do in the anime

Bruh Chad is on that poster. You know damn well that'll never happen :mjlol.
@Stocking Anarchy @Xhominid The Fool
CBR made a list of the top 10 signature moves. Get a load of this shit
10. United States of Smash
9. Ultra Big-Ball Rasenshuriken
8. Enuma Elish
7. Unlimited Void
6. Mugetsu
5. Full Counter
4. Giga Drill Breaker
3. Spirit Bomb
2. Serious Punch
1. GER

Serious punch and Ultra Rasengan being there is comedy on its own :skully.


Man of Atom
If I had some of the powers that some of these supposedly "elite" students have I'd be questioning the meaning of my existence. I'd rather have no powers at all then be able to dispense tape from my elbows.
Yeah its just like with the x-men. there are the normal mutant who sing praises about the powers and then there's the dudes who turned into abominations.
Also a loser that worships the guy bullying him and doesn't even see that he was even bullied in the first place? Reminding me of childhood? Nah fam :skully . Bakugou would have gotten hurt one way or another if I were in Izuku's shoes as a kid. Maybe Izuku should also have parents that
Bakgou would have had to run me them hands, nigga would have caught a chair to the fucking dome.
Bruh Chad is on that poster. You know damn well that'll never happen :mjlol.
I want to believe
Serious punch and Ultra Rasengan being there is comedy on its own :skully.
The funniest part is that the list is based off how strong they are

TrueG 37


Wouldn't have minded Ky with his revised Holy Orders uniform in the first one tbh.
Yeah its just like with the x-men. there are the normal mutant who sing praises about the powers and then there's the dudes who turned into abominations.
And then there's the absolute chads like Nightcrawler :wow . Well provided they didn't ruin him too:kobeha. But yeah just on a basic level the hell is scotch tape supposed to help you with in a fight or a rescue situation? Its completely worthless :mjlol.

Bakgou would have had to run me them hands, nigga would have caught a chair to the fucking dome.
As would anyone with any amount of dignity at that point :skully.
The funniest part is that the list is based off how strong they are
Figures :kobeha

Crimson Dragoon

@Crimson Dragoon

It's Back!

And it now has a webtoon
Hope he regularly updates again

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Never Saw the point of that
It was just a lame twist for a character who didn't amount to shit nor was interesting and got off paneled
It definitely comes across as a twist for the sake of having a twist. Like "oh look at this, you didn't see that coming, aren't I good". It's the whole "subvert your expectations" thing, although nowhere near as pretentious or preachy.

At least with Segunda Etapa, I could see it since he's fighting the protagonist but it's still kind of a pointless twist, only serving to uneccessarily complicate shit. It'd make more sense if the surviving Espada unlocked it later (which Kubo has confirmed is a possibility) but as it stands, pretty dumb.

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
It definitely comes across as a twist for the sake of having a twist. Like "oh look at this, you didn't see that coming, aren't I good". It's the whole "subvert your expectations" thing, although nowhere near as pretentious or preachy.

At least with Segunda Etapa, I could see it since he's fighting the protagonist but it's still kind of a pointless twist, only serving to uneccessarily complicate shit. It'd make more sense if the surviving Espada unlocked it later (which Kubo has confirmed is a possibility) but as it stands, pretty dumb.
It really was dumb especially for a character nobody cares for

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
It really was dumb especially for a character nobody cares for
Well nobody except some saps in FV's Bleach section anyway. :maybe

I know at least one person there who admits to being a Yammy fan, and this is the same idiot who gave me shit for saying Chad was a better character than Uryu. :kobeha
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