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OBD Convo #22: Back in the Day

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El Hermano


funn e image

The only one I'm familiar with is Ludwig. That Nibellion guy was on twitter for a bit, failed, closed up shop and left. The only reason 99% of people are aware of his existence is because some media outlets took his statement out of context and claimed he "left because of Musk".


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V.I.P. Member

The only one I'm familiar with is Ludwig. That Nibellion guy was on twitter for a bit, failed, closed up shop and left. The only reason 99% of people are aware of his existence is because some media outlets took his statement out of context and claimed he "left because of Musk".
nah nibel was big because for some reason he was always the first guy to report any gaming news. he was a mainstay on twitter for many years. i never really cared for him bc i dont play a ton of video games, but it's not really accurate at all to say he was just there for a bit and dipped. He left to focus on doing shit that actually mattered to him bc reporting on games kinda just...doesn't lol


V.I.P. Member
Anyway for an idea on DLC for Ragnarok and since the character was just brought up.

It’d be awesome if for an Atreus DLC, something happens, perhaps the death of Odin, while he’s looking for the Giants that causes Ymir to revive.

Can you imagine that as a boss fight? All of Midgard coming to life and the land slowly reconstituting itself into the primordial Giant it was made from?

That’d be sick @Atem
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