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OBD Convo #23: The Light Always Wins

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Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
Redirected from the Bleach Thread:


this is why kubo is a hack, lad

and now it makes it even worse, for those ''called inner mind chains'' to be broken by the cheers of a woman, cheerleader level+ ichigo


gimme a break, kubo wants to protect his boi, cuz even in their third fight, released grimmjow was the one who inflicted the most damage and had him on the ropes, especially near the end of the fight

i don't take that mindset lol agenda in account

3-0 in favor of grimmjow without the lol kubo agenda, 2-1 if you include it

either way

grimmjow still has the most W's in their rivalry

and you know it too

thats why those certain shonen tropes ruin it, i really don't like when the authors try to protect their mc's

pseudo philosophical stuff like that, especially in bleach, are the reasons, for another example, like yeehaw is claimed to be macroversal or multi galaxy gremmy, lmao


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2






even that version of vector prime was able to defeat the universal+ version of ramjet, bruh, that was another good tf comic series
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Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
>reading a manga
>MC entire family is killed and eaten by dragons
>people in the comments
>"i hate this MC he's such a crybaby and he's too soft"
"Why is this MC so emotional!? Its just his family that got eaten! Why doesn't he just pull his powers out of his ass and insta-kill them if he's so upset? Its what my - insert shitty light novel series protagonist - did!"

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
>reading a manga
>MC entire family is killed and eaten by dragons
>people in the comments
>"i hate this MC he's such a crybaby and he's too soft"
Yeah it's almost it would be extremely unrealistic if he were NOT whiny after that. :kobeha

It's like how people will bitch about Tidus or Hope being whiny bitches, despite it being perfectly understandable why they are that way, not to mention both go through a lot of character development to eventually grow out of it.

With Tidus in particular it's also a gross exaggeration, as generally he's a pretty positive and cheerful character. His naive optimism is probably what led to him not being able to work out that Yuna was going die at the end of the pilgrimage, despite the often not so subtle hints other characters were giving him. There's only a few scenes where he genuinely gets upset and most of them are justified.

With Hope it was perfectly justified from the start. The thing that even I found annoying was him blaming Snow for his mother's death, despite Snow not having asked for any volunteers and clearly doing everything he could to try and prevent her death. It was poorly executed to say the least, but his character arc as a whole does work and his interactions with Light and indeed his resolution with Snow are some of the highlights of the game for me.

Bit of a tangent but it's a similar sort of situation. :maybe


V.I.P. Member
If we're sharing story ideas. I've had I few ideas for original stories.

First was "The Extraordinary Adventures Of A Teenage Bounty Hunter" (yes that was the actual title I came up with.) Which I came up with when I was 12, and his been pretty much wracking in my brain ever since. It's actually more based of American YA novels like Maximum Ride, than manga or anime since when I was 12 I wasn't as much of a fan of anime as I am now.

Basic plot was that the setting was this intergalactic space setting full of aliens and stuff like star wars, and the main character's parents were retired space Bounty hunters who gets called in for a one last job and go missing.

After a month there teenage son decides he wants to look for them himself and calls up a family friend (whose also a bounty hunter) to help, but obviously they ain't gonna take a kid on the ship, so they give him the "don't worry your parents are fine kid," stuff and leave. Only to find out the teen sneaked on the ship with them. So they go on an adventure to find the teens parents.

Goddamnit, this just sounds embarrassing now.:wow

I wonder if perhaps you guys should all make threads in the Inc section about this, with completed projects in creative writing. Apologies for not trying to lead it more, I have just been SWAMPED and will continue to be until the middle of the month.
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this is why kubo is a hack, lad

and now it makes it even worse, for those ''called inner mind chains'' to be broken by the cheers of a woman, cheerleader level+ ichigo


gimme a break, kubo wants to protect his boi, cuz even in their third fight, released grimmjow was the one who inflicted the most damage and had him on the ropes, especially near the end of the fight

i don't take that mindset lol agenda in account

3-0 in favor of grimmjow without the lol kubo agenda, 2-1 if you include it

either way

grimmjow still has the most W's in their rivalry

and you know it too

thats why those certain shonen tropes ruin it, i really don't like when the authors try to protect their mc's

pseudo philosophical stuff like that, especially in bleach, are the reasons, for another example, like yeehaw is claimed to be macroversal or multi galaxy gremmy, lmao

I'll be completely honest with you:
I honestly feel his biggest issue is that the fuck is too subtle with his shit. I don't see him as a hack, fraud or any of that shit because we have seen genuinely shit mangaka or mangaka falling worse than this guy.
Because the mental shit was there since the start and even since Ulquirroa met him.
Now am I defending this? No. Not really, the issue is that even IF that it was there, it was only mentioned way far back and it still looks weird for him to hold back like that.

I would only say that it makes SENSE and should have been clarified in the Chapter itself. Wouldn't stop Grimmjow ultimately defeating him because his head wasn't in the game but it happened.
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