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OBD Convo #25: Merry Christmas!!!!

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tbh, that just makes him worse in my eyes. Ainz feels like he's just been manufactured to become instantly evil when he gets turned undead cause he was already a husk of a human beforehand. No actual personality other than being a player.
Er he has a personality though? he's a collector with an obsession with rare and unique things, he's chunni despite how embarrassed he is by it, he's obsessed with pleasing his friends/taking care of them. He's insecure, has a terrible naming sense and no sense of humor (even with two hundred years humor is seemingly one of those things he can't figure out...whether thats due to being undead or just a natural facet of who he was is up in the air though)

To say ainz has no personality is to ignore a large chunk of the books that focus in on ainz figuring out what he wants/desires/his personality clashing with the role he's chosen to play.

To each their own of course, you don't have to like ainz (Guy was always a bit of a push over, and was already rather uncaring of the world around him before magical lobotomy came into play)
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Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Er he has a personality though? he's a collector with an obsession with rare and unique things, he's chunni despite how embarrassed he is by it, he's obsessed with pleasing his friends/taking care of them. He's insecure, has a terrible naming sense and no sense of humor (even with two hundred years humor is seemingly one of those things he can't figure out...whether thats due to being undead or just a natural facet of who he was is up in the air though)

To say ainz has no personality is to ignore a large chunk of the books that focus in on ainz figuring out what he wants/desires/his personality clashing with the role he's chosen to play.

To each their own of course, you don't have to like ainz (Guy was always a bit of a push over, and was already rather uncaring of the world around him before magical lobotomy came into play)
That part of his personality is rarely shown though. After Season 1 it's all kingdom building and grimderp. Like s1 was good in my opinion cause it wasn't grimderp and Ainz had nice interactions with darkness. But after there deaths? Ainz doesn't really change, he just decides to listen to his NPC's and take over the world. Would've been better story if they didn't die.


V.I.P. Member
I remember the first season had me hoping his knight friend would come back and either redeem Ainz (and then they fight the NPC's) or become a hero antagonist leading the New World against him.

And then I heard that the one demon glasses dude was keeping a farm of humans for experiments, and that when the fanbase voted to save a character the author responded by dumping her in rape hell forever or something, and I realized this was just the authors fetish. :zaru


That part of his personality is rarely shown though. After Season 1 it's all kingdom building and grimderp. Like s1 was good in my opinion cause it wasn't grimderp and Ainz had nice interactions with darkness. But after there deaths? Ainz doesn't really change, he just decides to listen to his NPC's and take over the world. Would've been better story if they didn't die.
well the anime cuts ninety precent of ainz internal monologue thought and truncates three books into twelve episodes. It's honestly hard for me to discuss the anime cause I struggle to remember what was in it and what was cut

As for their deaths? Their lives didn't matter/wouldn't change much? Ainz could have brought them back they just didn't mean that much to him in the grand scale of everything that happened. I can't think of a serious consequence of them surviving... They were meaningless beyond ainz slightly liking them and spreading momons greatness.

Like they survive go on to be adventurers and.....nothing They're a small group of iron class nobodies. They might be protected if ainz likes them enough but they're not set up to affect the story.
And then I heard that the one demon glasses dude was keeping a farm of humans for experiments, and that when the fanbase voted to save a character the author responded by dumping her in rape hell forever or something, and I realized this was just the authors fetish. :zaru

That only happened in the webnovel tbf, the author wanted to straight up kill her and figured his audience would be on the same page as him, since they voted for her to survive he had to do something with her and handed her to shalltear, who is by nature a rapist monster. In the main light novel she just dies. Theres a lot of stuff from the webnovel that didn't make the cut to light novels.

The knight friend was never intended to appear (Though I don't blame anyone not realizing that as the anime skimps on worldbuilding), hell none of ainz guildmates can appear going off our current knowledge. The prerequisit to being summoned is a world class item and being online during the shut down. All ainz friends left the world items in the tomb, and several of them were offline during the shutdown. Ulbert and touchme are two characters that can't appear because we know during the shut down they were having a confrontation in the real world.

It's worth noting the knight freind also wasn't a good person in the real world, he was a cop which in the horrifying world of 2138 means he was the iron fist of the corporations that own the world. When directly confronted on the matter the author would only say he was a good father....
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V.I.P. Member
No amount of cut internal monologue is going to justify Ainz

- beyond overkill punishments to Foresight because they unintentionally insulted his fellow LARPing nerds (and sparing one of them to keep as an underage sex slave in web version).

- his casual disregard to the fucked up shit guys like Demiurge or the roach dude do to humans in his dungeon

- declaring a one-sided war on an entire nation that wanted to surrender just for the chance of setting an example on the rest of the world not to challenge him, an entire world thats unable to touch him or his band of murderous thugs and he knows so, making it even more pointless.

- the entire torture porn shit with Climb that served no purpose other than to stroke his ego and a cynical attempt by the myopic author themselves to mock the more optimistic themes in other anime/manga.

Could go on. Fuck this tryhard Isekai nerd. Dudes fucking Joseph Stalin at this point
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No amount of cut internal monologue is going to justify Ainz

- beyond overkill punishments to Foresight because they unintentionally insulted his fellow LARPING nerds (and sparing one of them to keep as an underage sex slave in web version)

- his casual disregard to the fucked up shit guys like Demiurge or the roach dude do to humans in his dungeon

- declaring a one-sided war on an entire nation that wanted to surrender just for the chance of setting an example on the rest of the world not to challenge him.

Could go on. Fuck this edgy Isekai nerd.
I never said it would justify ainz? But when it comes to establishing who he is/his character it is important. A big part of the novels is ainz coming to view himself as someone other then suzuki satrou, by book ten he concludes he's an undead with the memories of a human man due to how different his perspective on reality is. This is 100% missing from the anime iirc. Similarly ainz reasoning/thought processes are glossed over, which often shine a light on his personality/how he thinks.

Eh they were never leaving the tomb, nobody that entered the tomb was ever going to see the sun again, even in the webnovel version of things nobody left that tomb. If they hadn't pissed off ainz they'd still have been slaughtered. Maybe slightly less torture? Probably not though considering ainz was already interested in testing memory magic. The insults pissed ainz off but it's not like they really changed anything that was going to happen. He was going to fight them, toy with the priest memories and kill them. That was always the plan.

TBF ainz does still think there might be some cabal of players out there somewhere but the whole message bit was mostly to convince people to join rather then fight. That they could and would crush their enemies like ants. They turned the kingdoms capital into a monument to their destruction. Marquis raven asked for it even because he didn't want his great grandchildren to forget/foolishly rise up against ainz because they forgot the horror the undead could bring to bear. Definitely unnecessary but it's not like ainz is trying to stop threats from rising up, he just doesn't want to deal with the annoyance of uprisings.

Climbs torture actually had little to nothing to do with ainz, or anyone from nazarick. To them climb was just a point of control to buy renner. Breaking/destroying him was all renners planning and doing (Her dream was to chain him up like a dog, hardly surprising she'd do what she could to break him). Ainz was just a set piece that showed up because she'd sold her soul to them and he figured (I already got the armor, might as well grab that cool sword). The author bit, yeah climbs basically the classical Shonen protag except the girl he wants to protect is a twisted monster and he's in a world where growing stronger is a matter of luck and genetics rather then hard work.

Climbs failures have nothing to do with him being lazy/not working hard enough, he was just born with a low level cap. He lost the genetic lottery and thus could never amount to anything regardless of how hard he worked. He worked until his bones broke and his flesh bled but it just didn't matter

I mean as I said to each their own, ainz isn't an easy character to like, heck overlord in general isn't for alot of people. It's grim dark, over the top, edgy and incredibly nihilistic/pessimistic.

To be fair ainz hasn't quite reached stalin levels yet! He's only in the eight million ball park at this point. Next book though probably gonna reach those numbers considering what he learned about the theocracy and how pissed he was. They're probably going to be wiped off the map. And I suppose the camps might make up the difference even if they weren't really about killing people.
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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

That's honestly fucking embarrassing. Destroy Fubuki to build up Tatsumaki, I get that Tatsumaki is extremely popular... but so is Fubuki, why turn her into a literal fucking joke when the entire point of Fubuki's issues with Tatsumaki is that she IS limiting herself due to being so dependent on her group, but due to Tatsumaki being so over-protective due to her fucked up backstory, she would literally destroy everything Fubuki has to give her "better".

By turning Tatsumaki into a Mary Sue, you effectively killed both characters' developments, made Fubuki into a punchline and made Saitama vs. Tatsumaki make no fucking sense whatsoever and Saitama just comes off as an idiot when that's not who or what Saitama is.
It really does feel like either Murata, ONE or both have no idea where to take the Manga anymore and are just winging it every chapter.
To be fair ainz hasn't quite reached stalin levels yet! He's only in the eight million ball park at this point. Next book though probably gonna reach those numbers considering what he learned about the theocracy and how pissed he was. They're probably going to be wiped off the map. And I suppose the camps might make up the difference even if they weren't really about killing people.

I get the other points but those still make Ainz look real bad and it just further shows that for all of the author's attempts to try and make Ainz come from his Humanization from an extreme bad future and then becoming more of a Lich, it just comes off as a terrible attempt to justify Ainz's worst actions by having him not be responsible for the shit he does or what his subordinates do while they are under his purview.

In the end, Ainz just comes off as a bastard whose the best thing people love to talk about is how he ultimately rolls over everyone(or his subordinates do so) because they are literally stronger than everyone else(And the only one who was on their same level lost over a fucking fluke) and anyone who could rival them is already dead or got heavily weakened.
It doesn't make Ainz badass, it just makes him boring in every front. There's a reason I brought up Kirito because as much as he despised, atleast he did the smart thing and grinded his ass off to avoid dying due to the shit that happened with the group he stuck around with. Atleast Kirito still faced hardship and issues despite him being overpowered(He nearly died to the Raid Boss he used Starlight Stream on, like a pixel of a health point away, and that was after it got weakened beforehand. He almost lost to the Cancer Patient in the LN and nearly died a few other times before Aliciazation and even when he was overpowered, he still didn't have the reach to really do anything major in SAO).

Ainz is really basic and feels like the opposite side of the Isekai Protagonists and/or characters like Dark Schneider, atleast they have bombastic personalities or go through mental issues which Ainz really... doesn't.


Ainz is really basic and feels like the opposite side of the Isekai Protagonists and/or characters like Dark Schneider, atleast they have bombastic personalities or go through mental issues which Ainz really... doesn't.
TBF ainz is going through mental issues/anguish, it just so happens his arc is concluding he's not human and his children are more important then literally anything else. Which if his children weren't horrendous monsters things would be fine. Which is darkly hilarious in it's own way.

As I said to each their own, overlord and ainz aren't exactly for everyone, or even most people. (I don't mean that in some dumb pretentious way either, I mean quite literally there are people who will simply despise the books. And the author intentionally put in two events to try and get those people out. The first is the lizardmen, the second is foresight)


V.I.P. Member
Very fair and balanced

giving 600 armor on a button click so you can live through sniper headshots is perfectly fine

Meanwhile Sazabi gets CC'd and dies because it's CHONKY boi
Sazabi only having the one das bar feels fuckin weird tbh. I mean sure he has the homing dash but that shit feels janky af
TBF ainz is going through mental issues/anguish, it just so happens his arc is concluding he's not human and his children are more important then literally anything else. Which if his children weren't horrendous monsters things would be fine. Which is darkly hilarious in it's own way.

As I said to each their own, overlord and ainz aren't exactly for everyone, or even most people. (I don't mean that in some dumb pretentious way either, I mean quite literally there are people who will simply despise the books. And the author intentionally put in two events to try and get those people out. The first is the lizardmen, the second is foresight)

I understand what you are talking about... it's just at the end of the day, there's nothing interesting about Ainz unless you go for the angle you are pushing for... but it's honestly a BORING angle because there's no real depth to it.
Ainz cares for his NPC Monsters because they are all that's left of his crew like a father to his kids... okay but that's it. There's no real retaliation that can be done against Ainz and crew because they have no real adversaries that can deal with them. Even Shaltear was done due to a World Item and that's it. The personal aspect doesn't matter because threw away his Humanity and thus that doesn't matter either.

What really is Ainz? Just a miserable pile of bones.
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