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Game Ranked Darkest Dungeon Mafia - Game Thread Day 6

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Hear Ye!


Hear Ye!

Lest there be any frustration, I will also direct you to the following 'Additional Rules', originally posted in the Glossary:

Additional Rules
- A 'no lynch' where the clock expires will inflict 1 pip of stress to all players. You must co-operate else you stand no chance!
- Any player finishing the day with a lower total post count than me will receive 1 pip of stress damage.

"Remind yourselves that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer..."


Lonely at the top
She has mentioned she hadn't wanted to use it, and then insisted she wouldn't use it in Ranked under the premise that it was cheating. And then with next to no pressure, decided to use it anyway.

My conclusion would be there was some agenda attached to it - I don't necessarily think she would burn it but it seems very unnecessary to have used it here.
If she isnt gonna burn the tell what would this agenda even be.


The Nexus
not really buying the frustration with BPD's slot. the early sheeping and chatty cathy stuff is vintage town BPD so it's not like he's really making himself hard to read off of a joke about being scum or whatever

I think it's cringe.
How is that Alignment Indicative?


not really buying the frustration with BPD's slot. the early sheeping and chatty cathy stuff is vintage town BPD so it's not like he's really making himself hard to read off of a joke about being scum or whatever

I believe him when he says he isn't voting BPD for that reason though, actually. Seems pretty clear he started going that way after BPD insinuated he was scummy.
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