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Transformers feats/discussion


wonder how strong those two are, I’m not very familiar with the japanese continuity as a whole besides Unicron Trilogy
I watched years ago the japanese continuity. I need to rewatch it.
I remember that God Ginrai destroyed Devil Z, but God Ginrai later was almost killed by Deathsaurus. Then turned into Victory Leo and almost killed along Star Saber by General Overlord (revived and empowered by Violen Jager) while they were on planet Feminia. General Overlord used his spear to crush Feminia's core and destroyed the planet while Victory Saber was still there.
General Overlord is the same from Masterforce but with a power-up and a new design.
So, based on what I remember, Zone decepticons and Dai Atlas with Zodiac are superior to Masterforce and Victory characters.


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
I know there’s a black hole destruction feat with Ginrai and Black Zarak but that’s about it

and the Zodiac is the literal power of the big bang but I don’t know if anyone but Star Convoy ever utilized it fully? I stumbled on a page recently claiming Super Megatron’s firepower was 10x Star Convoy’s, but I don’t know what book it was from to read the whole thing


I know there’s a black hole destruction feat with Ginrai and Black Zarak but that’s about it

and the Zodiac is the literal power of the big bang but I don’t know if anyone but Star Convoy ever utilized it fully? I stumbled on a page recently claiming Super Megatron’s firepower was 10x Star Convoy’s, but I don’t know what book it was from to read the whole thing
Also, Zodiac is the only thing that can destroy Violen Jager's 9 generals.
BTW, I read on the wiki that Violen Jager is a mass of Decepticon souls with the shape of a phoenix. I guess Starscream is not included in the mass.

Crimson Dragoon

Like in Marvel, Cybertron in Dreamwave is Saturn-sized


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

How did the Angolmois energy actually give Cybertronian life to the cast of the Beast Wars Neo manga? Is this something to be concerned about?

A: Dear Dark Energon Darling,

The lifeblood of any part of the Source, be it Primus, Unicron, The Time Walker, or other iterants, can be harnessed to create a spark. In Primax 509.28 Epsilon, a hyper-intelligent Grimlock thus used the Dark Energon that permeated Unicron's head to grant life to the Technobots, a feat that should have been hundreds of thousands of years ahead of the capabilities of Cybertronians in this time stream.

As for your worry, I believe that sparks are neither good nor bad, but have the potential to be both, no matter the source of their creation.

Angolmois Energy (the stuff of the Matrix and other gods) is apparently also the “energy” of The One, which is why all of Unicron and Primus’ species have it (Time Walker=Chronarchitect I believe, one of the only survivors of Unicron’s genocide)

Whats also interesting is by stating the Unicron of the cartoon possessed this stuff of The One it makes it seem like cartoon Unicron actually is part of the singularity? Furman has always considered all Unicrons to be the same guy, and I want to say some of the early 2000s BW material did too, though I could be wrong. It’s one of those weird contradictory things.

I have something maybe significant to talk about soon. Not really an unknown discovery, in fact it’s quite old and documented. But it potentially sheds some light on a few things …


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
So, something weird to discuss today

I have found absolute concrete evidence that Unicron was stated to be destabilizing the omniverse and clarification on Transformers having 'countless dimensions' in it

the catch

it's from an unused pitch Furman did for his Cybertron followup comic, and is thus non-canon
(Shout out to this person who reached out to me on another site and reminded me of Furman's Cybertron pitch)

we just learned sometimes this unused material still counts as canon earlier. Let's revisit and see what Vector says specifically about this

For reference here is the quote again
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

What is the multiversal status of stories that were never officially 'produced' in this universal stream but about which details are known like for instance the TransTech franchise that was to follow Beast Machines or the planned Dreamwave issues.

A: Dear Apocryphal Adept,

That depends entirely on the story. Some are the true and accurate conclusions of the events of the primary universes, such as the Dreamwave issues. Others are microcontinuities or even absent from the multiverse all together.

So it's slightly ambiguous, but we know these things can be "true and accurate conclusions" or "microcontinuities" (from a VS perspective, these are the branching parallel universes off the originals). Or absent from the multiverse. Let's examine Furman's pitch to see if there's any validity here, and what we can learn from it.


Right off the bat Furman references the end of his Energon comics, where Unicron is wrecked by seismic charges. These were never published, but are canon via AVP. The next few paragraphs here line up with what we know from Cybertron/Galaxy Force as well as their tie-in comics. The highlighted red is where things get interesting. Transcribed below.
In all the disparate timelines, in all the myriad dimensions, there is but one Unicron. Though physical presence is limited to a single reality at any given time, it exists simultaneously in countless dimensions, shadows of its vast, ancient consciousness inextricably woven into the complex geometry of time and space.

While the Botcon script can be criticized as vague for its 'countless dimension' statement (though I disagree, doesn't make sense to list three items but the first two are the same) this one...really can't be interpreted that way. Realities are full-stop, universes. If Unicron can only be in one at a time but exists across countless dimensions, then those dimensions obviously are not realities/timelines/universes etc. While the concept has been played with a lot and the weird acausal nature of the character makes it hard to understand, most material of the period depicted Unicron as popping into Unspace to observe universes that it would then enter and consume. One at a time from its perspective but not to anyone else because...he's outside time. This is clearly not talking about that, it's stating he exists in one universe while his "greater" existence extends further. Furman also wrote both Universe and its botcon scripts, as well as this pitch.

Additionally, the idea of all Unicrons being one actually originates from a word of god statement Furman gave in an interview in OTFCC #1.
Basically I think this entire pitch, given it near fully lines up with the known canon, is at worst still usable as word of god statements. It also helps that this is really the most comprehensive explanation of what the Unicron Singularity/Grand Black Hole is actually doing, even more clear than TFCC's Balancing Act is.

However, that's not all.
And Optimus Prime has an even more pressing concern. Contacted by Vector Prime (who can move between all remaining TF timelines), he is warned that the omniversal geometry is critically out of alignment.
Where have we heard of Unicron being a threat to the omniverse before?
Primeval Dawn, which was not even written by Furman, yet aligns with this. Correction: Chapter 2, where these images come from, was written by Furman, which greatly supports the idea that this is at least consistent from a Word of God standpoint. The omniversal structure. Doesn't get more clear than that. The omniverse itself was also stated to possess "uncountable infinities" beyond the multiverse...and even a single universe in that has an "uncountable infinity" of branch universe.
There is also the bizarre planet Sandra "feat"
Q: Dear Vector Prime,

Would the death of a universal stream's Primus be guaranteed to destabilize the spacetime of the universal stream?



A: The death of any deity is virtually guaranteed to send shockwaves rippling forwards and backwards through the quantum foam underpinning that reality. Witness the impact on timestreams near what you might refer to as Primax 787.3 Alpha. An omniversal reality was pulled into quantum-string vibrational alignment with their reality, allowing the people of the distant reality of Planet Sandra to make contact. Beings especially attenuated to the lifestream matrices of Vector Sigma, such as Godmessenger and Godmaster, acquire multiple conflicting histories and futures. Other streams that might otherwise be unrelated are pulled into probability vortex left by Cybertron's absence, their string vibrational eigenstates orienting to create one massive unified timeline where before there were many. Dimensional fragments from other clusters were duplicated wholecloth in this OG Reality, with completely different fermion modality, creating entirely new dimensional streams identical but for cosmetic details!

Where we already know even destroying one Cybertron can cause damage that extends all the way into the omniverse and can warp and fuse other local universes together. Is it really that ridiculous that the Singularity destroying countless universes and Cybertrons would not have similar, if not even worse effects, due to the more fundamental way Unicron destroys things? Omniverse has also never been used synonymously in Transformers with the main multiverse to my knowledge.

The removal of -- for want of a better word -- 'evil' has disturbed an age-old natural balance. Though it goes against every Autobot credo, they must somehow resurrect the dark force known, among other things, as Unicron! The key is the so-called Decepticon 'Matrix,' a quasi-mythical power source spread throughout the galaxy. Said to be fragments of Unicron itself, released in some apocalyptic confrontation with Primus before the dawn of time, its retrieval and coalescence could restore the balance and dissipate the chaos wave.
This is also backed up by Balancing Act, though some details were either changed or eschewed. Ramjet tries to convince Vector to help revive Unicron due to the balance of good and evil destroying everything. The Decepticon Matrix kills a Cybertron. We just are never shown how Ramjet got said Matrix (especially given all Unicrons are "dead" at that point in the comic). This also explains much more clearly how Unicron being 'evil' itself ruins existence if he's gone (though he was still sort of alive because he can't actually die, and Ramjet also says evil still exists but also that it's out of balance etc. it's weird)
EDIT: Nemesis Prime's bio does go more into the Dead Matrix, its use in the plot overall matches this wrt realigning the balance.

If it were any other series I would not advocate for using something unpublished at all, but this is the one series with a fucked up enough canon to actually say unpublished stuff is real. At the very least I think it's usable as word of god explanations for how the singularity works. The only thing that actually directly contradicts anything is where it goes into Dreamwave's cybertron being destroyed (it says G1 but Furman specifies it's War Within G1 i.e. DreamWave) but...that may not actually be a contradiction at all? As Dreamwave was cancelled (fuck you Pat Lee), there's nothing conflicting with this, and Furman even called it a "short lived bubble universe" in Transformers: Earth Wars. This would certainly explain why it's "short-lived" lol

Thoughts? @Crimson Dragoon @Blade @Qinglong
I think there's still enough evidence even without this, but this is way clearer and lines up with the bulk of what Furman put in past stories like Universe 2003 and his Armada/Energon comics.
Last edited:


So, something weird to discuss today

I have found absolute concrete evidence that Unicron was stated to be destabilizing the omniverse and clarification on Transformers having 'countless dimensions' in it

the catch

it's from an unused pitch Furman did for his Cybertron followup comic, and is thus non-canon
(Shout out to this person who reached out to me on another site and reminded me of Furman's Cybertron pitch)

we just learned sometimes this unused material still counts as canon earlier. Let's revisit and see what Vector says specifically about this

For reference here is the quote again

So it's slightly ambiguous, but we know these things can be "true and accurate conclusions" or "microcontinuities" (from a VS perspective, these are the branching parallel universes off the originals). Or absent from the multiverse. Let's examine Furman's pitch to see if there's any validity here, and what we can learn from it.


Right off the bat Furman references the end of his Energon comics, where Unicron is wrecked by seismic charges. These were never published, but are canon via AVP. The next few paragraphs here line up with what we know from Cybertron/Galaxy Force as well as their tie-in comics. The highlighted red is where things get interesting. Transcribed below.

While the Botcon script can be criticized as vague for its 'countless dimension' statement (though I disagree, doesn't make sense to list three items but the first two are the same) this one...really can't be interpreted that way. Realities are full-stop, universes. If Unicron can only be in one at a time but exists across countless dimensions, then those dimensions obviously are not realities/timelines/universes etc. While the concept has been played with a lot and the weird acausal nature of the character makes it hard to understand, most material of the period depicted Unicron as popping into Unspace to observe universes that it would then enter and consume. One at a time from its perspective but not to anyone else because...he's outside time. This is clearly not talking about that, it's stating he exists in one universe while his "greater" existence extends further. Furman also wrote both Universe and its botcon scripts, as well as this pitch.

Additionally, the idea of all Unicrons being one actually originates from a word of god statement Furman gave in an interview in OTFCC #1.
Basically I think this entire pitch, given it near fully lines up with the known canon, is at worst still usable as word of god statements. It also helps that this is really the most comprehensive explanation of what the Unicron Singularity/Grand Black Hole is actually doing, even more clear than TFCC's Balancing Act is.

However, that's not all.

Where have we heard of Unicron being a threat to the omniverse before?
Primeval Dawn, which was not even written by Furman, yet aligns with this. The omniversal structure. Doesn't get more clear than that. The omniverse itself was also stated to possess "uncountable infinities" beyond the multiverse...and even a single universe in that has an "uncountable infinity" of branch universe.
There is also the bizarre planet Sandra "feat"

Where we already know even destroying one Cybertron can cause damage that extends all the way into the omniverse and can warp and fuse other local universes together. Is it really that ridiculous that the Singularity destroying countless universes and Cybertrons would not have similar, if not even worse effects, due to the more fundamental way Unicron destroys things? Omniverse has also never been used synonymously in Transformers with the main multiverse to my knowledge.

This is also backed up by Balancing Act, though some details were either changed or eschewed. Ramjet tries to convince Vector to help revive Unicron due to the balance of good and evil destroying everything. The Decepticon Matrix kills a Cybertron. We just are never shown how Ramjet got said Matrix (especially given all Unicrons are "dead" at that point in the comic). This also explains much more clearly how Unicron being 'evil' itself ruins existence if he's gone (though he was still sort of alive because he can't actually die, and Ramjet also says evil still exists but also that it's out of balance etc. it's weird)

If it were any other series I would not advocate for using something unpublished at all, but this is the one series with a fucked up enough canon to actually say unpublished stuff is real. At the very least I think it's usable as word of god explanations for how the singularity works. The only thing that actually directly contradicts anything is where it goes into Dreamwave's cybertron being destroyed (it says G1 but Furman specifies it's War Within G1 i.e. DreamWave) but...that may not actually be a contradiction at all? As Dreamwave was cancelled (fuck you Pat Lee), there's nothing conflicting with this, and Furman even called it a "short lived bubble universe" in Transformers: Earth Wars. This would certainly explain why it's "short-lived" lol

Thoughts? @Crimson Dragoon @Blade @Qinglong
I think there's still enough evidence even without this, but this is way clearer and lines up with the bulk of what Furman put in past stories like Universe 2003 and his Armada/Energon comics.


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
david kaye was also an amazing dub pyron in the ova series, 90s kof kim, treize from gundam wing, protoman from megaman series, etc