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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Refraining from making a judgment rn cause I'll give him the benefit of believing he's busy but... Everything Alco's doing gives me the same vibes as nipple


Like, your read on him stems from how you read his play in other games, right? What's so different here that makes you think he's scum
town ultra does not need to backed into a corner to want a taste of blood or to play more seriously
plus his whole interaction with flower gives off the same vibe as him sleepwalking thru the thread as scum in atla before he actually started trying

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Polar/Ultra duo where they're distancing is too obvious unless scum!Ultra is making a lazy ass play and getting everyone else to carry

Or I'd like to think if they are on a team, they wouldn't be so blatant about it to begin with

Gonna laugh at Orca if Polar winds up being scum and he gets pocketed for the umpteenth time

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
town ultra does not need to backed into a corner to want a taste of blood or to play more seriously
plus his whole interaction with flower gives off the same vibe as him sleepwalking thru the thread as scum in atla before he actually started trying



ultra, it's pretty clear what ur doing rn
u and i r both well aware that i was scum reading u for reasons other than what ur supposed reaction would be

as stated very clearly in this post, i first thought u were scummy due to ur interaction with flower as well as ur laziness in the thread until i explained the nibel situation

my third reason had to do with ur reaction, sure, but its not really a stand alone situation and shouldn't be treated as such

sure, u can argue that my reason for assuming u would react in a certain way is invalid (i would argue against that ofc), therefore i cant scum read u for it bc u didn't react in the way i said u were planning to but that doesnt invalidate my scum read on u in general bc its not entirely driven by this 1 point as youve spun it out to be

its surprising to see u say half the thread has greenlit pushing u, im pretty sure it was just aurelian and flower unless u think that their opinion is worth half the playerbase's thoughts?

Ok, you don't like my interaction with Flower, got it.

I think you're focusing more on trying to win the argument here, because you're trying to brush your own read under the rug and saying "look at these other reasons I'm scum reading you", which shows a lack of conviction.

And just as an aside, I think you're quite a bit sweatier than you normally are. Between how you've approached me and your Nibel case, you are in gamer mode and trying too hard to dominate your suspects with evidence rather than approaching the thread naturally.


town ultra does not need to backed into a corner to want a taste of blood or to play more seriously
plus his whole interaction with flower gives off the same vibe as him sleepwalking thru the thread as scum in atla before he actually started trying
He also feels a lot less 'threatening' after he got day 1'd in the last few games. The man has lost his aura.
RDK is NAI but I think his vote was a spite one for letting town win the last game.
Nothing really on Craig.
Not much on Magic either; don't like his defense of Polar and lack of comment about Ultra, feels like he of all people should know better with how much the last game he was talking about how great his reads of other players are regardless of alignment.
I would say Alco comes off town-ish but he's fooled me before tbh like in Gram's MHW game where he was SK. Will still risk a repeat and say I'm getting town vibes from him.


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
town ultra does not need to backed into a corner to want a taste of blood or to play more seriously
plus his whole interaction with flower gives off the same vibe as him sleepwalking thru the thread as scum in atla before he actually started trying
Oh okay. That's a very valid point. Not sure what to make of this rn tho lol


town ultra does not need to backed into a corner to want a taste of blood or to play more seriously
plus his whole interaction with flower gives off the same vibe as him sleepwalking thru the thread as scum in atla before he actually started trying

Oh my, this comparison is quite poor. I was borderline trolling that game.

For all this talk about how I'm "cornered" or whatever, I think I put quite the freeze on you when I made that post.


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Would RDK just throw a vote out of spite from a different game lol? Man doesn't seem the type.


Polar/Ultra duo where they're distancing is too obvious unless scum!Ultra is making a lazy ass play and getting everyone else to carry

Or I'd like to think if they are on a team, they wouldn't be so blatant about it to begin with

Gonna laugh at Orca if Polar winds up being scum and he gets pocketed for the umpteenth time

Bad read. Nothing me/Polar have done qualifies as distancing. You're probably not reading the thread if this is the interpretation you've produced.

I'd actually say Aurelian's grasp of our interaction is more correct. Just not accurate.


Would RDK just throw a vote out of spite from a different game lol? Man doesn't seem the type.

No. Aurelian is petty and naturally assumes everyone else must be so. He's probably town, but you're better off not listening to him or trying to make sense of his reads. Better off doing the opposite of what he says frankly.
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