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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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Alright so I did read up during night, let's see what I can remember

I think Watson and Gad are obvtown, I think Flower is also likely town. Polar might also be town, he's voting all over the place and doesn't seem to care much what others around him are doing, that's in contrast to the Avatar game where he was scum and cared about looking like a towny who's solving. RDK also seems town, his annoyance seems genuine, and the chances of him being annoyed at drawing scum oughta be fairly slim.

I was with CP many many steps of the way in his solving of Ultra/Hime. There were a handful of posts that really looked like omega awkward distancing but there's a certain point where the pairing just doesn't make too much sense as s/s. Also I liked the way Ultra handled the argument with CP, on top of his points against Hime that her cases seem to be too well constructed for her usual MO.

I got more reads but gotta get back to work, be back in an hour or so
how bad do ppl think i am? :biden
if u think that its too constructed, who is coaching me then?


Lol this Xadlin character looks like they're obliged to type "hmmm" every other post.

Literally their first read of the game is an indie read :biden


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Reason being I think she's never Maf and if Magic is the SK kill she wouldn't kill the one who strongly supported her. So she's just Town.


I'm voting you because you don't strike me as having any conviction behind your reads. Feels like you're made of ectoplasm when questioned, and that's basically been the trend since yesterday. You just tossed out 5 scum reads and I don't think you've grilled any of them. On top of this you've stated your aversion to Hime, but I think you forgot you said you were paranoid of me. You're not acting at all like you are, which would be natural given your position on her, but instead you're just content to let us duke it out That + Magic and CP both scum read you
No dummy I'm pretty sure you're both just town. It's a 20 person game so building a towncore is where I've been at mostly. Also because I still haven't read 30% of D1, I really never had time to.

You've played against my scumgame and I had you neatly pocketed before so the fact that your reading me that way means I've just had a shit towngame. We can even link it here.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
how bad do ppl think i am? :biden
if u think that its too constructed, who is coaching me then?
From the outside looking in

I think people are having a hard time distinguishing you as a diligent and critically thinking player in general vs diligent and tactical as scum

It's easy to confuse the two because people can't really pinpoint what your exact motives would be regardless, so most assume this being performative are erring on the side of caution with your slot


No dummy I'm pretty sure you're both just town. It's a 20 person game so building a towncore is where I've been at mostly. Also because I still haven't read 30% of D1, I really never had time to.

You've played against my scumgame and I had you neatly pocketed before so the fact that your reading me that way means I've just had a shit towngame. We can even link it here.


I didn't get the impression from the fact that you had 5 scum reads that you haven't been keeping up or anything. At least not to the degree that your reads can't be scrutinized, and I shouldn't expect you to be showing a bit more conviction than you are. Haven't really seen any trademark tinfoils from you, aside from Magic. Feels safe.


Had a quick look at Nibel's last two pages of posts and I don't see a hard town read tbh. More like hesitance because they buy into Hime's call to emotion.
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