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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Discussing kills is whack. CP was fairly Town read and anyone could have killed him. Looks more like coward scum, tho, because I doubt stronger players would sign off on that.


Alco sussing Magic to get the "Alco wouldn't push magic as scum" points, then ducking the thread to avoid interaction knowing he was gonna off him anyway at night and not have to worry about him again would be a VERY SMART thing to do

Can't pull the wool over ol' RDK's eyes though


Alco sussing Magic to get the "Alco wouldn't push magic as scum" points, then ducking the thread to avoid interaction knowing he was gonna off him anyway at night and not have to worry about him again would be a VERY SMART thing to do

Can't pull the wool over ol' RDK's eyes though
I appreciate the credit you give me here, I really do. Thanks!

Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
Can you like, explain this problem? I could see town being frustrated to be lynched D1. I could see scum being frustrated for the same reason. What's up with this?
She made a victim-like post where she said she didn't play in while and that it was bad thing to vote her. Playing on the emotional. I don't it's a behavior a host like her would have as player. Maybe I'm wrong.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Discussing kills is whack. CP was fairly Town read and anyone could have killed him. Looks more like coward scum, tho, because I doubt stronger players would sign off on that.
Actually I think there's a 50% chance it could be a stronger town player just being incorrectly confident over their scum read on Magic, thus taking his slot in their own hands.
Or a pre-emptive thing so they clear a slot that would likely served as fish food for scum the following phase. This is a rare play, though.

Or, yes, it could be a weaker player.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
i think its more abt the fact that i tend to be anxious scum and try and run everything i do by stronger players if there r any like what i say, how i react, etc.
Why are you anxious as scum when you do roll scum?

Like, are you easily outed day 1/from the getgo and it's easy to sniff you out?
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