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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Can you do some of your ISOs tonight pls.
I will go over Lethal's actual quotes soon, but if I'm recalling correctly him shading RDK points to RDK being a 'soft' confirm as it does with Ultra, so I'm okay with clearing these two

My hurdle is now that Ratchet replaced Xad, the slot is now going to be very hard to establish a read on the slot itself (I lean town for Ratchet, Xad's play over Magic is a red herring tho but Ratchet isn't control of that exactly)


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Like always. You're catching up but you're on the last page + you take any occasion to push me.
Every occasion to push you.

1. That's untrue.
2. Do you know how many non-scummy posts you have? I'll give you a clue. It's less than 1
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