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Game Ranked I Think You Should Leave - A Mafia Game by Sky

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Chairman Nibel

Breath of the Wild
V.I.P. Member
Thoughts on the wagon that had rapid development (3 votes on you within five minutes)

Who do you think out of those votes are being particularly opportunistic here?
Gad and Ratchet. Hime seems just a bit lost and I think she just want to help the town. I can understand why she voted me after how I played during the game. Gad is acting like he know things. Maybe my posts on him during the early phase of the game were not good, but I don't feel he has any conviction to solve the game. I suspect Ratchet because of Xadlin slot mostly after everything that went with The Orca.


Fun fact in all my years of playing this game I don't think I've ever rolled straight cop

Who wants to give me a donut

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Vote Lynch Polar Bear for now, tbh mostly because i don't want to edit vc

So what we've learned today is "i trust him (town read) more than you" means i have scum read on you. Idk what to make of you yet. But yeah, this "chuck doesn't know what's going on so he's scum" bs doesn't make me any feel better abount you especially after how i played in your own game here.

Have i hammered Polar? No. Am i going to stop lynch on ??? unless i have Polar lynch? No. This is best thing i have rn so i put my vote there, as if it wasn't obvious

Vote Lynch Penguini
Oh yeah

Anyway I think it's just a simple case of her forgetting to put your name in the wagon


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
Gad and Ratchet. Hime seems just a bit lost and I think she just want to help the town. I can understand why she voted me after how I played during the game. Gad is acting like he know things. Maybe my posts on him during the early phase of the game were not good, but I don't feel he has any conviction to solve the game. I suspect Ratchet because of Xadlin slot mostly after everything that went with The Orca.
Hey, I can understand you all of a sudden


Explain how it's a setup Flower mislynch push when Alco was vigged lol, you think the scum team told the vig what to do or?


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Oh hi, lurking much
Vote RDK.

- conveniently leaves me out of his Town list when it should be f***ing obvious I am given how sure I was on Cake and hammering Frink+ pushing for a Lethal hammer
- slipped when talking about making Hime look bad to improve his own standing, but nobody gave a damn f***

You're scum.


Can you rephrase what you're asking then
Welp, my vote stayed on Polar. I thought it's because Penguinii was already hammered. But you voted after me and you were listed under Penguinii.

I mean, it's likely nothing, but i noticed it so i'm asking if you think there might be anything more to it. Idk


Vote RDK.

- conveniently leaves me out of his Town list when it should be f***ing obvious I am given how sure I was on Cake and hammering Frink+ pushing for a Lethal hammer
- slipped when talking about making Hime look bad to improve his own standing, but nobody gave a damn f***

You're scum.
You're looking for credit for being the 9th frinck voter lol?
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