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Game Ranked OLF Members Mafia

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Fwiw I haven’t really minded what he’s actually posted- which I suppose is jarring in and of itself
He's been trying to reinvent his meta the last few games so there's that FYI.
Vanity search...

You want to @ me next time, or continue taking your little shots? Make you feel big and strong does it?

Needless post when threadmarks exist. Busy work nonsense.
Looks like you have your big boy pants on. That's good but when I did the VC there wasn't an updated one from after page 5. Also how is it busywork? Didn't you just ask for summaries of what's going on?

Not a fan of this entrance.


Any impressions on Ekko? Forgot he was playing he has been so non-existent.

Null atm. Feels a bit subdued usually Ekko is hyperactive out the gates but even then I wouldn't consider his current posts AI. Got the impression he was town reading Craig though.

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Phonier than a football bat
I'm sorry, when was cleverly slithering out of the rules insulting players something I haven't called out before?

You and Ultra can piss off, I'm not doing this "it's an AtE card she's pulling" crap with you two, it is and always will be NAI

I'd rather drink bleach, so go ahead, push for my wagon if this is the best you got, Gram

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
This game is exhausting fyi, half of it's heated arguments and half of it's chest pumping like gorillas on speed for reasons I do not understand

Feel like Luka did last game tbh

If the game state remains as such, no, I'm going to pour acid down my throat

@Aurelian I'll pass the baton to you, tryhard Watson is leaving the building for now


This game is exhausting fyi, half of it's heated arguments and half of it's chest pumping like gorillas on speed for reasons I do not understand

Feel like Luka did last game tbh

If the game state remains as such, no, I'm going to pour acid down my throat

@Aurelian I'll pass the baton to you, tryhard Watson is leaving the building for now
This feels like you are trying to pocket me.


Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
I asked who we lynching.
I claimed miller.
Aurelian gave me 3 names,
I picked you.
You put me in your null list.
Now Imma tunnel you.

Imagine pretending miller aint town?
scummy AF and not trying to clear

CP hasnt even posted
did u rand a tomboy girl miller or a femboy lol, my character is femboy shuda been a miller too (no offence kek)


I'm sorry, when was cleverly slithering out of the rules insulting players something I haven't called out before?

You and Ultra can piss off, I'm not doing this "it's an AtE card she's pulling" crap with you two, it is and always will be NAI

I'd rather drink bleach, so go ahead, push for my wagon if this is the best you got, Gram

More confected than a box of chocolates

Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
who r u refering to here?

r u down for yeeting melkor?
Gram and Ultra continuing their charade

And no
Why or why not?
See convo with Ratchet, not going to drag the receipts for your ass unfortunately
Didn't we all go over the Mel thing?

Why did Flower want me to vote CP
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