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OBD Convo #44: Happy New Year. Lets Start the year with a bang.

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V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
imo, nothing pretty looks for angel jin, he looks cool, dont pay attention to fake lipstik/eyeliner and stuff like that, jin aint human anymore in that form, its their own version of angels/form of divinity in tekken land, they have done this for many chars, in many fic series, either from the good side or bad side, in their various forms

i get your reasoning, but dont mind it that much, after all, its fic, vgames, each dev has his own version for stuff like that, artistic visions and all

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

Well here's the final character trailer for the Base Roster, presumably they'll have the white and black wing version of Devil Jin (when Jin makes peace with and accepts himself/stops rejecting Devil Jin) from the story as an alternate costume for this and I hope it makes his energy Kazama yellow (again like it is in the story).

Also I felt it when watching it but typing that out really empashized how the Devil Jin story for this is just Ichigo and Hollow Ichigo/Zangetsu, right down to the acceptance at the end. :kobeha

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
imo, nothing pretty looks for angel jin, he looks cool, dont pay attention to fake lipstik/eyeliner and stuff like that, jin aint human anymore in that form, its their own version of angels/form of divinity in tekken land, they have done this for many chars, in many fic series, either from the good side or bad side, in their various forms

i get your reasoning, but dont mind it that much, after all, its fic, vgames, each dev has his own version for stuff like that, artistic visions and all
It's funny the whole angel stuff happened in some comic



V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
i know about that, you see that the dif, heihachi is old and uglier than jin, thus got the fake angel imbued powers for a while

meanwhile jin is cool looking and the mc, thus, became the strongest ''angel'' in his verse

in other words


matter :mjlol


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
for next tekken dlc chars

thats my list

obv aside from eddy

baek, bruce, lei, forest law and miguel

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
So Jin more or less rekts I suppose :maybe
Cause I don't recall any Continental feats for SF beyond the meteor fest that only gets country


Just a shadow
V.I.P. Member
So saw this video on youtube where it says

Piracy cost more than a subscription.

:eksip less than 5 mins in the video I close it.

The dude real issue is does piracy cost more as a data hoarder versus subscribing to netflix, amazon, and other website, .

Yes yes it's going to cost fucking more as a data hoarder because you literally need more storage space for that Data you are hoarding

As for actual just pirating, no it will never cost you more if you are just actually doing piracy and doing a community with torrent seeding/seeders.

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
inb4 people start putting this jin vs asura
Inb4 people start putting this Jin vs Ichigo. :maybe
  • Motivation to protect others.
  • Making peace with and accepting something they've been scared of for years (that ultimately just wanted to protect them).
  • Both have a form where they have one thing (wing or sword) that is black and one that is white.
  • Both have two conflicting power sources that they eventually merge together to get their final form.
  • Both have a love interest whose just been pining for them for most of the story and only gets to do something at the end.
  • Both have mothers who died when they were young and serve as one of their primary motivations.
In fact Death Battle? Here's an obvious match-up to do when the Nazi arc anime is reaching it's last cour. :kobeha

Definitely makes a lot more sense than Jin vs Asura at least.


V.I.P. Member
Ultra Perm Banned Instinct V-2
Cause I don't recall any Continental feats for SF beyond the meteor fest that only gets country

shin akuma's meteor feat is also canon = continental+ levels, from capcom fighting jam, backs up hondas feat too, btw, but dont worry, this scales only to few top tiers from sf

basically, the top tiers from both verses are continental+ levels, its just that sf ones are a bit faster, and all, close fights overall

as for the high tiers of each verse, sf wins also this one, cuz they got more country level chars than the limited tekken high tiers who are also now country levels, but lack numbers, compared to the sf ones
So for my first official post in this thread:

Has anyone here been to Dave & Buster's or played any game in the House of the Dead series? I'm honestly a huge arcade enjoyer and unapologetic light gun shooter-phile here.

Because I am going there today on Wednesday where all games are half-price and the only game imma focus on for the whole day is this:

Most dope lit kino-ass game I've seen at Dave & Buster's and any place with a modern arcade i've seen.

Still can't believe my location sacked and discontinued Namco Bandai's Dark Escape 4D. That was the other best game I played and beat with my friend twice in 2018 when it was still here.
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