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Ranked One Piece Thriller Bark Mafia


You keep proposing that playing like shit is playing like scum. Why? Seriously why. It isn't even supported this game and caused you to be wrong twice

Given that a cornerstone of your argument on potato is that he is 0/3, can you see why someone may think this is entirely hypocritical?


vote magic

Don't want him lynched yet as I want the bottom posts to get more involved but we should apply pressure here and get a claim. Totally oppose the GP direction and don't like his d1 play

I think telegraphing that there’s no appetite for a lynch would be what you would describe as a hasty mistake no?


The good news however is magic absolutely hates the idea of bringing the inactive players into the game, so I’m sure he’ll be letting you know all about it!


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
(Sadly) Pein


Not sure about the rest anymore, but feeling like they're all Townie to varying degrees and the Fuji kill doesn't really make sense for either and looks more like Magic's doing than anything (PR hunting rather than player hunting). Yoho is here because of his reactions + my mech.

Not sure I buy the Tweet RC tbh. They're firing a RC at him blindly rather than the claimed MC and claimed BP player (????). It's odd. Thinking we should still get a claim there. Tweet's self proclaimed useless now anyway.
Vote count 1 day 2

Lord Melkor

fair nough are we ready to kill outed evil yet
vote lynch xadlin

Vote Xadlin.

ya no one was doubting that.

also why did you use your role on yoho of all people?

vote orca

also good with voting potato or even cp maybe.

I would like to get Xadlin and Rugrat talking, they skirted most of last phase without any real contribution.

Vote Xadlin

yeah, let's try this

Vote Lynch Xadlin

Nah fuck off

Vote magic

vote Watson


Let‘s use the full day Ig.

I believe Potato is a scum

vote Lynch: Great Potato

lets get it

vote Lynch: Great Potato

vote great potato


You wouldn't get told if you were rolecrushed as a vanilla so yeah they know he was some sort of pr if he is telling the truth

On top of that the rolecrushes I've seen on wg have been for just a phase. He is saying he was perma role crushed and made vanilla which seems super powerful in a ranked game.

To even top why take a blind shot at rolecrushing tweet n1.

Thanks for the talk magic bc I now fully believe he is lying

Vote tweet

MagicGreat Potato2
T-PeinGreat Potato
Polar BearWatson1
Great PotatoXadlin

vote magic

Don't want him lynched yet as I want the bottom posts to get more involved but we should apply pressure here and get a claim. Totally oppose the GP direction and don't like his d1 play

Vote Tempest

Vote lynch Tempest

Think this is a good place to start, he's been mid af so far

Luka: Xadlin
Flower: Xadlin - Unvote
Magic: Orca-Great Potato
Great Potato: Xadlin
Chairman Nibel: Xadlin
Grammaton: Magic
Polar Bear: Watson-Tweet
Yoho1996: Great Potato
T-Pein: Great Potato
Hans: Tempest
Orca: Tempest
Tempest: Magic


Great Potato: 3
Xadlin: 3
Tempest: 2
Magic: 2
Tweet: 1

Let me know if there are any mistakes with this vote count
Last edited:


Why did your reads not change from the gad town flip?
If you look back I was never too onboard with Gad's lynch but went with it due to his different play and refusal to cooperate to get his viewpoint. Also I only kept my 2 main scum reads because a significant number of players are either a)coasting, b)basically inactive, or c)LHFs.

RDK just got subbed out for Lethal and barely had a handful of posts.

Watson hasn't posted much of anything and only made a few sporadic comments.

Fuji is dead.

Xadlin is doing basically nothing.

Same carries for a few others like Luka.

What are you hoping to get from this state of the game? And I still don't understand your lethargic play around Gad and pushing GB.


V.I.P. Member


You were seen at Fuji's last night, anything to add?
alright time for me to come clear.
I'm town. I worked for the hogback doctor but now that hes gone im free to act as i wish.
I didnt have much to go at and since im a loose gun i went after fuji last night.

I dont get where luka get where i was alinged scum. maybe cause the character help the strawhats later in the chapter but the character is still loyal to thriller bark.

I have hinted what my character is enough and im not gonna do anymore so i dont get modkilled.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
alright time for me to come clear.
I'm town. I worked for the hogback doctor but now that hes gone im free to act as i wish.
I didnt have much to go at and since im a loose gun i went after fuji last night.

I dont get where luka get where i was alinged scum. maybe cause the character help the strawhats later in the chapter but the character is still loyal to thriller bark.

I have hinted what my character is enough and im not gonna do anymore so i dont get modkilled.
Full claim now.


alright time for me to come clear.
I'm town. I worked for the hogback doctor but now that hes gone im free to act as i wish.
I didnt have much to go at and since im a loose gun i went after fuji last night.

I dont get where luka get where i was alinged scum. maybe cause the character help the strawhats later in the chapter but the character is still loyal to thriller bark.

I have hinted what my character is enough and im not gonna do anymore so i dont get modkilled.

Are you claiming vig? What do you mean by loose gun? Why would you kill Fuji who was largely town read?


It's right that Fang seems a bit submissive and not rough as he can be most of the time this game, but he's not opportunistic, so he's probably just high.
He got aggressively tunnelled in Xmas Mafia and then mislynched by a fellow town, would you expect him to be very bullish?