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Game Ranked Grand Theft Auto Mafia

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Dr. Watson

‣ ↻
Trustworthy vibin' conservative:
Polar Bear
Ul..... tra

Possibly a lizard person (nulled):

Lizard person in the secret cabal:
I'll hunt you all down. Soon.


Anyway town ratchet should have mo confidence that me being caught up would lead to me feeling better about him. My track record with him day 1 is pretty touch and go so even if he felt good about me being towny he would probably in my estimate as town have confidence that I wouldn't suspect him day 1. So he's probably projecting confidence as a wolf.

With that said I am going to go play some games for a bit while I finish eating.
I wouldn't say I expected you to read me correctly once you were caught up. More that after you've read my position and argument vs Gad, you'd have information from which to contextualise your read on him and your read on me. To that end, I don't really mind your scum read on my slot, but I do need you to elaborate on why you think Gad is obviously town. Because from my position he was arguing something he didn't really believe in and I've caught him in the past with him overextending in his defence - I see the same here where he said I was twisting something to make my argument make more sense, it strikes me as someone who is arguing out of obligation rather than because they believe in it. Tonally speaking, I would expect him to be a bit more pointed as town too, because he's had a recent record of being mislynched and misread early. So there are several things here that don't add up to me from his reaction.

@Flower Why am I in "weaker" town reads, when your earlier post suggested I was in stronger?
@Ratchet thiufhts on hime?
@Ratchet why do you town read Polar btw I forgot to ask
I gave these earlier:
Polar Bear mainly because I liked his Orca read, and that's why I've sheeped it and put Orca in there too. Not really clearing but it's a good baseline to start with. @The Orca What do you think of Polar?
hime because I liked her reads post and also agree with most of it. A fancy way of saying "gut vibes".
To elaborate on these - Hime gave a complete reads list without much onus required, and I don't really see that as characteristic of her scum game. I think her positions have been reasonable and they strike me as genuine.

As for Polar, I've found that when I can follow his arguments he is town. His Orca read felt pretty good to me on that basis - there was no real need for him to town read him at that stage, but he did so in a way that to me shows he's considering the actual substance Orca has posted, as opposed to just leaning into it.

I don't have anything else more to add to them and I don't expect people who disagree with my initial assessment to be swayed by them, but that's where my thoughts are at in regards to them so far.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I'm never confident in my ability to read you. I do think you're Town tho.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
That's fine, I suspect it's because you're swayed by Achro's read actually which makes sense. Why is Orca in your town reads?
Partially I admit. You two have a long history. I think Orca is more likely to be Town than Polar given Polar's read on him. So it's more of a probability read.


Partially I admit. You two have a long history. I think Orca is more likely to be Town than Polar given Polar's read on him. So it's more of a probability read.
That's fair, though I'd expect to see Polar somewhere on your reads list in that case. Even if it's "null".


Ratchet I'm about 99% confident is town. Not really based on the last game as I think they were trying to act scum to an unnatural leve but the way he's doing his reads is not similar to how he does them as scum.


I wouldn't say I expected you to read me correctly once you were caught up. More that after you've read my position and argument vs Gad, you'd have information from which to contextualise your read on him and your read on me. To that end, I don't really mind your scum read on my slot, but I do need you to elaborate on why you think Gad is obviously town. Because from my position he was arguing something he didn't really believe in and I've caught him in the past with him overextending in his defence - I see the same here where he said I was twisting something to make my argument make more sense, it strikes me as someone who is arguing out of obligation rather than because they believe in it. Tonally speaking, I would expect him to be a bit more pointed as town too, because he's had a recent record of being mislynched and misread early. So there are several things here that don't add up to me from his reaction.

@Flower Why am I in "weaker" town reads, when your earlier post suggested I was in stronger?

I gave these earlier:

To elaborate on these - Hime gave a complete reads list without much onus required, and I don't really see that as characteristic of her scum game. I think her positions have been reasonable and they strike me as genuine.

As for Polar, I've found that when I can follow his arguments he is town. His Orca read felt pretty good to me on that basis - there was no real need for him to town read him at that stage, but he did so in a way that to me shows he's considering the actual substance Orca has posted, as opposed to just leaning into it.

I don't have anything else more to add to them and I don't expect people who disagree with my initial assessment to be swayed by them, but that's where my thoughts are at in regards to them so far.

Would others like to weigh in on gads? I found them town because they were reading things s similar way that I was but I would be curious from the peanut gallery if this meta argument from ratchet about pointedness and tone holds water.


Polarized Noob
Would others like to weigh in on gads? I found them town because they were reading things s similar way that I was but I would be curious from the peanut gallery if this meta argument from ratchet about pointedness and tone holds water.
I'm strictly null on him, sorry. I normally end up finding him eventually, but I think that he's changed his gameplay from a few earlier games. For the record though, he wasn't really pointed in his last town game when he was close to getting mislynched so I don't think it holds to much water, but I know Ratchet was dead at the time so they might not have read the game.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member

Would others like to weigh in on gads? I found them town because they were reading things s similar way that I was but I would be curious from the peanut gallery if this meta argument from ratchet about pointedness and tone holds water.
Gad is an enigma. But usually Ratchet is the expert on him. The only time he mislynched Gad was when he himself was scum in the Members game here.


Well if ratchet professes to have a very good read and calls him scum don't let my paranoia stop us from having a good time then.
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