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Game Ranked Grand Theft Auto Mafia

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Polarized Noob
I didn't see this. You keep town reading everyone for everything. Like even things that can be considered null or scummy. I have no idea where your reach of a town read on me came from but it didn't really check out
I have 2 town reads right now, things that I have both explained and reads you both agree with.
I don't town read you, I have a town lean on you, and then that's really weak.


Polarized Noob
No I mean out of the 300 posts there's worthwhile content in it but the fact it's up to 300 posts already due to said fluff makes it more unlikely someone will read the thread properly. I didn't say all 300 posts would be fluff.
At most 30 posts of that were fluff.


So my hangup is that you said "posts directed at sky seem out of his scum range" and all he did was literally say "blah blah blah"

Granted I don't necessarily agree with your angle on him either but this seems an overextension
How many times have I been wrong on a slot when someone is saying I'm presuming it to be town too early/quickly?

I reviewed a bunch of lethal games when I was trying to figure out if he avoids insulting tpein as scum compared to town (as he was actively doing so in one of his recent scum games). Upon looking through them I saw how much he avoided insulting people in general unless provoked or to vote them. Here he just attacked sky for the sake of attacking sky.


How many times have I been wrong on a slot when someone is saying I'm presuming it to be town too early/quickly?

I reviewed a bunch of lethal games when I was trying to figure out if he avoids insulting tpein as scum compared to town (as he was actively doing so in one of his recent scum games). Upon looking through them I saw how much he avoided insulting people in general unless provoked or to vote them. Here he just attacked sky for the sake of attacking sky.

Can you reasonably explain why he didn't read but somehow conveniently came to your exact conclusion that Flower was scum for voting you


Polarized Noob
Luka is going forward and making cases for nonexistent scenarios, and given how his last game was him admitedly doing what his team wanted, this might just be him being directionless scum jumping the boat.
No, last game everybody agreed with all of my cases aside from the premise that "x player is always scummy", that aside though what cases?


Polarized Noob
I am perhaps the only person who is a permascum read if and only if I'm town :francis
Different site, different circumstances. I get the feeling that I'm always expected to be bad on OLF except if I have teammates
For the record, both of these are villagery posts I think. Just feels like self-entitled town towards being town read.
I read Ratchets wall post, head empty no thoughts.


Anyway town ratchet should have mo confidence that me being caught up would lead to me feeling better about him. My track record with him day 1 is pretty touch and go so even if he felt good about me being towny he would probably in my estimate as town have confidence that I wouldn't suspect him day 1. So he's probably projecting confidence as a wolf.

With that said I am going to go play some games for a bit while I finish eating.

Do youind giving a bit more than this on your suspicion here


Do youind giving a bit more than this on your suspicion here

Basically I read ratchets posts and I see the scum angle to it more than the town one. It's not a very exact thought but more of a vibe.

I don't like the push.
I don't like that he thought I would find him if I was caught up
And I just don't get the sense he is invested in solving as town atm

Willing to let day play out a bit more. It is very early after all. But want to see hoe ratchet goes from here. It's possible he just plays a little differently on this site for all I know.


They seem fine so far. I know from reading their champs games they are an interesting scum player so I am not pidgeonholing a read there.


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
I will not be towning Achro till he goes 5/5.
Honestly I don't think I know his scum range at all lmao. Doesn't matter tho. I like his points even tho I don't agree with everything.
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