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Game Ranked Grand Theft Auto Mafia

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No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Good thing is the Serial needs to hit scum tonight if there are still 4 more scum, so they will have to resolve Ekko anyhow.


Educate me, might help me read you better!
Sure so basically it's about game state right

Day 1 was scuffed and kind of blindsided both of us. Day 2 gads was obvious scum and we got that done ez pz

Day 3 is now a fulcrum. If sky is scum then hey town is doing great. If sky is town then town is in an OK position but later play matters a lot.

I have let vocal people I think are town lead because I am fine with the direction of the game. If sky is town that will no longer be the case and I will have to be more vocal. But the game didn't need me hooting and hollering about minor details when I can just see how things go.

I have spoken up whenever I disagreed with consensus. Which if you read my iso was more than a few times.

I just don't think it would be useful for me to go all stomping around when I am OK with the direction of the day.


Tbf there hasn't been a hammer confirm yet, so Sky might just flip scum, too.

But if she flips Town, don't leave the thread control in Ekko's hands anymore. Thank you.

If you agree fundamentally with my PoE there's no reason for these comments

You're gonna roll over for Magic again aren't you

Everything I've predicted from my solve in Day 2 conforms with the current state of the game and the position these players at the bottom are taking. Don't deviate and you will probably win. Literally your only job is to not flinch at people being obvious scum


No more tears left to cry...
V.I.P. Member
Anyway, looking at the way those night kills go, next will either be Watson or me. So good luck!


Sure so basically it's about game state right

Day 1 was scuffed and kind of blindsided both of us. Day 2 gads was obvious scum and we got that done ez pz

Day 3 is now a fulcrum. If sky is scum then hey town is doing great. If sky is town then town is in an OK position but later play matters a lot.

I have let vocal people I think are town lead because I am fine with the direction of the game. If sky is town that will no longer be the case and I will have to be more vocal. But the game didn't need me hooting and hollering about minor details when I can just see how things go.

I have spoken up whenever I disagreed with consensus. Which if you read my iso was more than a few times.

I just don't think it would be useful for me to go all stomping around when I am OK with the direction of the day.

If this is what you believe constitutes good play you should be capable of recognizing that being endlessly cooperative does also not lend you too many chances to differentiable/readable


If this is what you believe constitutes good play you should be capable of recognizing that being endlessly cooperative does also not lend you too many chances to differentiable/readable

Well yeah it's never intended to be endless. But in a 20 player game fay 1-3 can be safely considered the early game.

Part of it is also I am an old man. Got to conserve my energy a bit you know? Can't be posting 1000 times in 3 days like some people lol


But also tbf now the differences will start to be a little more pronounced. I am pretty sure I am going to fight hard to keep rdk alive for example so that should be fun


So unreliable.
Why were you insistent on proposing dumbass shit like Me/Flower being aligned and avoiding every opportunity to play like a normal human being if you are town

I haven't flipped, why are you already assuming I'm town?

Unless you already know :hmm
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