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Game Ranked Better Call Saul Mafia Game Thread [Game End - Serial Killer Victory]

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Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Day 8 - Final Vote Count

Tweet ->
Ultra -> OLU

OLU -> 2
(Tweet, Ultra)

Day 8 has ended, OLU will be lynched.



Average Diabellstar Witch Enjoyer
V.I.P. Member
Day 8 End - The Chicken Man

@One Last Username was lynched!

Bill Oakley
Post Restricted


Congratulations, you are Bill Oakley, Albuquerque aligned! A former prosecuting attorney for Albuquerque. You are a very stubborn attorney, notably famous for the phrase: "Petty with a prior!", that you repeated every time Jimmy McGill requested you to let go off his client. Despite your stubbornness, you have later on switched to the defense side of things and formed your own William Oakley & Associates law firm...

In this game, you have the following role(s):

Post Restricted - You must call someone a "petty with a prior" in all of your posts. You will be issued a warning for the first 3 times you break this restriction, and modkilled if anymore repeated offences occur.

Win Con - Eliminate all threats to town.


Game End

With only @Ultra (Gustavo Fring) and @Hans Tweetenberg (Mike Ehrmantraut) left alive, Ultra has achieved his Serial Killer win condition and won the game.

Town, Survivor, and Mafia lost the game.

Mike Ehrmantraut
2x Odd-Night Vigilante


Congratulations, you are Mike Ehrmantraut, Albuquerque aligned! A fearless ex cop with a questionable moral compass. You are a calm and calculated hitman for hire working under various big shot criminals, including Gustavo Fring. You have clashed with the Salamanca Family members on multiple occasions, and even caused the imprisonment of Tuco Salamanca, and out maneuvered Lalo Salamanca in a car chase. To you, so so long as your granddaughter, Kaylee Ehrmantraut, and her mother, Stacey Ehrmantraut are well and safe, nothing else matters...

In this game, you have the following role(s):

2x Odd-Night Vigilante - Once per odd night, you can target a player and regular kill them.

Win Con - Eliminate all threats to town.

Gustavo Fring
Investigation Immunity; 1x Bulletproof; Serial Killer; Ruthless; 2x Quid-Pro-Quo Motivator; Salamanca Rat


Congratulations, you are Gustavo Fring, Los Pollos Hermanos aligned! The owner of the fried chicken restaurant chain, Los Pollos Hermanos. You are a major player in the drug trading empire, aligning yourself with the Cartel and Salamanca Family for the sole purpose of eliminating them to avenge your late partner and co-founder of Los Pollos Hermanos. You keep a positive public image of a clean, lawful, and organized restaurant owner to mask your ruthless, cunning, and cruel methods of ruling your drug empire...

In this game, you have the following role(s):

(Passive) Investigation Immunity - You will scan as Albuquerque aligned to alignment investigations and as your suggested fake claim to any form of role/ability investigations in nights where you do not attempt to kill.

(Passive) 1x Bulletproof - You will survive the first otherwise successful regular attempt at taking your life. You will not be informed if this passive is consumed.

Serial Killer - Once per night, you can target a player and regular kill them. You will automatically win the game if you are among the last 2 players alive, regardless of who the other player is or their respective alignment, role, or voting power.

(Passive) Ruthless - You are a very cunning person, capable of achieving what you want by any means. If you fail to kill a player, regardless of the reason, the next time you attempt to kill that same player, your kill will become a guaranteed kill, incapable of failure or tampering.

2x Quid-Pro-Quo Motivator - Once per night, you can target a player and cook a Los Pollos Hermanos meal for them, refunding an expended shot of theirs. If they expended multiple x-shot abilities, you will refund the one with the highest original number of shots. Regular negative actions from players that you successfully motivate will fail on you for the rest of the game, unbeknownst to them. Players are only informed of receiving this buff upon a successful refill.

(Passive) Salamanca Rat - You have taken interest in Nacho Varga who hates the Salamanca Family almost as much as you do. Should you attempt to kill Nacho, you will instead forcefully recruit him to join your cause, replacing his win condition with a copy of yours, and initiating a private chat with him. This will carry a public announcement saying: "A player's win condition has been updated". Upon joining you, Nacho does not gain a factional kill, nor can he use and/or inherit any of your abilities.

Win Con - Eliminate everyone.

Francesca Liddy
2x Motivator


Congratulations, you are Francesca Liddy, Albuquerque aligned! Jimmy McGill's former secretary and receptionist. Hired by Jimmy and Kim Wexler, you assisted Jimmy by managing his schedules, bringing him coffee, monitoring his vitamin intake, and even helping him impersonate a female officer. You have eventually caught onto Jimmy's dark side and involvement in the drug trading empires, but you maintain your loyalty to him until the very end...

In this game, you have the following role(s):

2x Motivator - Once per night, you can target a player and refund an expended shot of theirs. If they expended multiple x-shot abilities, you will refund the one with the highest original number of shots. Players are only informed of receiving this buff upon a successful refill.

Win Con - Eliminate all threats to town.
Rebecca Bois
Vanilla Town


Congratulations, you are Rebecca Bois, Albuquerque aligned! The ex-wife of Chuck McGill. You loved your husband and supported him in his lawyer career as he did greatly boast about your career as a violinist. It is unknown to everyone exactly why you left Chuck, however, it is believed that his mental delusion started after you left him. Despite this, you still attended Chuck's funeral and felt grief for losing him...

In this game, you have the following role(s):

Vanilla Town - You have no active abilities.

Win Con - Eliminate all threats to town.

And the janitored role...
Clifford Main
Vanilla Town


Congratulations, you are Clifford Main, Albuquerque aligned! The founder and senior partner of Davis & Main. Unbeknownst to you, you were a part of Jimmy McGill and Kim Wexler's plot to discredit Hamlin, Hamlin & McGill representation of the Sandpiper Crossing case and ultimately reach a settlement agreement with Rich Schweikart that better suits the Sandpiper Crossing residents...

In this game, you have the following role(s):

Vanilla Town - You have no active abilities.

Win Con - Eliminate all threats to town.

= Thank you everyone for playing!! =

Living players [2/19]:
1. @Hans Tweetenberg - Mike Ehrmantraut - 2x Odd-Night Vigilante - Endgamed Night 8
2. @Grammaton @Ultra - Gustavo Fring - Investigation Immunity; 1x Bulletproof; Serial Killer; Ruthless; 2x Quid-Pro-Quo Motivator; Salamanca Rat - Won Game Night 8

Dead players [17/19]:
1. @Cubey - Everett Acker - 1x Seraph Knight - Lynched Day 1
2. @Aurelian - Paige Novick - Vanilla Town - Died Night 1
3. @Lord Melkor - ??? - ??? - Died Night 1
4. @Flower - Nacho Varga - Survivor; Alert; 3x Messager; 1x Suicide; Deep in the Game - Lynched Day 2
5. @RDK - Kaylee Ehrmantraut - Vanilla Town - Died Night 2
6. @Ratchet - Tuco Salamanca - 4x Unrestricted Jailkeer; 1x Strongman - Lynched Day 3
7. @Psychic - Marshall Dixon - 3x Tracker - Died Night 3
8. @.guillo - Kim Wexler - Vanilla Town - Died Night 3
9. @Luka - Werner Ziegler - Vanilla Town - Lynched Day 4
10. @Lethal - Marco Pastrnak - 1x Vote Stealer - Died Night 4
11. @Fujishiro @Sigismund - Marco and Leonel Salamanca - Double Voter; 1x Janitor - Lynched Day 5
12. @Dr. Watson - Lalo Salamanca - 4x Rolecop; 1x Salamanca Blood; 1x Ninja - Lynched Day 6
13. @Polar Bear - Mrs. Nguyen - Vanilla Town - Died Night 6
14. @Chairman Nibel - Hector Salamanca - Godfather; Crippled; 2x Framer/Lawyer; 1x The Cartel - Died Night 6
15. @Whicker - Dr. Caldera - 2x Even-Night Busdriver - Lynched Day 7
16. @The Orca - Tim Roberts - 3x Alignment Cop - Died Night 7
17. @One Last Username - Bill Oakley - Post Restricted - Lynched Day 8
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