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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition


V.I.P. Member
There's also the fact that the "Light of Judgement" is not remotely an exercise of Rhons full power. It's closer to Gil flinging a single sword out of the GoB than a True Name Release.

Lion King is spending the vast majority of her power creating the Spear Tower, which is basically an interstellar spaceship, and is also maintaining the city, the barrier, her Gifts to the knights, and probably a bunch of other stuff I'm forgetting....and then casually spams the Light of Judgment whenever she feels like it.


Apparently they broke their hands doing this but this still speaks volumes considering it's just a punch between both of them.

EDIT: Nevermind, was just Arjuna:

Still extremely impressive considering that it most likely just a Mana Burst Enhanced punch from either of them and it basically annihalated the entire Plateaus they was fighting in
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Because I forgot to find this part for awhile and was able to find it again on SB:
The doujin version was set at the end of the 90s, but looking at TsukiR's latest background CGs, it looks like the date was shifted to the current year...

Not exactly. It was changed to be set in the 2010s, not the 2020s. When smartphones were starting to become commonplace, and social networks were slowly but steadily expanding.

I see. And how will this date change affect TsukiR?

The biggest difference will be in terms of moral values, I guess. The doujin version was set in the late 90s, when the economic bubble had already burst for all, and everywhere you went felt decadent and everyone was negative in some way, but it was okay to express your individuality. However, today is a lot more difficult to express your individuality without being any performative. For expressing became easier, at the same time, complying with the norms became all the more important. I assure you I adjusted everything so that nothing in your reading experience feels out of touch with the era it's set on. For that reason, our protagonist, Shiki, losing and gaining some things in terms of emotions. The doujin Shiki feels surprisingly alive even to me who wrote him. He looks like just a basic bookworm, but with a strangely strong-willed side to him. Active and strong-willed protagonists were the trend for PC games at the time, so his emotional range must have aligned with that. We're not living those times anymore, so we some adjustments to how Shiki reacts to his times while preserving the essence of doujin Shiki.

Nasu: Back when we established the abilities of the 27 Ancestors, we thought having a certain level of power was enough to make one a top ranker among Dead Apostles. But, judging our dear members of the 27 Ancestors by the post-Fate/stay Night Kinoko Fantasy standards, the ones who are just "relatively amazing" will have to leave... In our current era, having decent strength and abilities doesn't cut for someone trying to call themself a Dead Apostle Ancestor. I'm sorry, better luck next incarnation!

The world of Dead Apostle is in a tough fight for survival...

Taking TsukiR's final destination into consideration, I organized which members needed to be laid off, which new members needed to be added, and which pre-existing members needed to be upgraded. That said, it's already been 10 years since I came up with the new Dead Apostle Ancestor lore, so now I regret not having made them a bit stronger.

Yeah, FGO has a series of world-threatening enemies, so the Dead Apostle Ancestors could feel lacking if strong enough in comparison.

FGO introduced a lot of new lore. But FGO's scale is only that large because TsukiR was produced first and laid that groundwork. Without TsukiR, FGO would have ended as a much smaller story. In that sense, pausing TsukiR's production to produce FGO paid off, and we'll get the brand new experience of seeing people learning what those plot points they've seen in FGO were about.

Where does MB:TL's story happen in relation to TsukiR?

An what-if event happening 10 days before TsukiR's starting point. I wanted MB:TL to show a bit of what I couldn't fit inside TsukiR.

What part TsukiR players should pay attention to?

We included a lot of battle voices on this one. We tried to do it like Granblue Fantasy VS, where the dialogue changes a lot for specific pairs of characters. For example, when a character takes a hit, they say "You're good!", but when they fight a character they already know all too well, this damage line changes to "Stop!" or "You're annoying!".

I had a lot of fun testing all the different character combinations on that game.

When you stop to think about, Shiki fighting Arcueid saying the same things he says to every other vampire he fights feels very wrong. That's why I made MB:TL with a lot of different voice sets to enjoy. For example, Shiki vs Arcueid will feel less like a life-or-death battle and more like a lovey-dovey couple having some fun. When Arcueid's combo lines change from "This will finish you!" to "Of course! Absolutely! I'm a lady!", you see she's having a bit too much fun, even.
Now finally to the next.
Scathath Skadi:

Scathath Skadi is a being that is a true and full blown goddess from the Lostbelt, not just a composite being here.

Scathath also always had aspects of Skadi within her Saint Graph and that's how Scathath Skadi is able to manifest at all and the later Materials of Scathath Skadi and even the older Scathath Materials also point this out themselves:
Scathath Skadi FGO Biography
A Servant coming from the Norse lostbelt.
A completely different entity from the panhuman Scathach, and an existence that can only materialize in the lostbelt. She has inclined more heavily towards her attributes as goddess and queen.

She displays many of the traits of the goddess Skadi, who shares her origin with the celt hero Scathach.
Rather than 'a Scathach who is very much like Skadi', it'd be more accurate to call her 'a Skadi who possesses some of Scathach's traits'

The Scathach and Skadi presented in the game aren't completely equal, and it could be interpreted like the two influenced each other and melded together. The fact the Lancer Scathach possesses Odin's primordial runes, could be due to this melding.
According to the Heimskringla, Skadi left her first husband, the sea god Njörðr, and re-married to Odin.
The Skadi in the game is unmarried, but it seems she was wanted enough for it to be written that way into posterity...or so she was supposed to be.
The 'Scathach-Skadi' who appeared in the lostbelt has her Skadi side being especially dominant, and so she displayed many of her attributes as bride of the gods.
She appears cool-headed, but is actually quite careless.
She appears calculating, but is actually quite oblivious.
She appears to be like cold ice, but is actually quite warm.
She was loved and treated dearly by the gods as their beautiful bride, and thus she doesn't possess the strictness of Scathach. She possesses very few aspects of the Scathach from Celt myth, including having almost no knowledge about the Land of Shadows, but still possesses a Noble Phantasm belonging to it. Skadi doesn't seem to find this strange.
She is a being who lived through the lostbelt, and in a way, could be said to be the existence that best represents them.
Usually, Scathach-Skadi is a being who only exists in the lostbelts. If a similar being were to exist in panhuman history, it would likely be an avatar of Skadi as a full goddess.
By the way, she may have been called the bride of the gods, but in the midst of all the fighting over her, nobody managed to actually marry her and then Ragnarok came and they all died protecting her. It's likely that Odin's the one she had affection for, but she'll never say it. When talking about details of the age of gods, especially early Ragnarok, she simply puts on a desolate smile.
When summoned into Chaldea, she's still summoned as the Scathach-Skadi of the lostbelts. She was quite surprised when she saw the panhuman Scathach. "That other me seems much more mature...Not only that, she's also much more dependable...!?"

And Lancer Scathath FGO Biography:
One of the immortal Servants that are few in number. A beautiful young woman who possesses a lightheartedness, is a teacher and a queen proven to be reliable, and for some reason or another, has the flavour of an elder sister who lives at the house next door. “I can still go on.“

A wise woman who grasps every incident and all origins, but does not speak of these things that she grasped. To say why she does not talk about these, concerning her, she already moved on from this World. For example, even if the World fell into a crisis, it would be a discourtesy to “those who presently live in the World” to have herself stand out and resolve those problems since it will result in those people’s opportunity for growth to be completely taken away. So basically, Scáthach does not participate in direct battles, and her cooperation is being held back to giving advice only… Although it can be said that, given that she has a genuine fondness for battle, she deceives herself by attaching a reason one way or another to participate in local battles, demonstrating some of her special moves. After taking away the turns of other Servants like that, she returns to her room to reflect on her actions alone, and this series of events is a one-set course of events for her.

Even in this form’s state where she boasts the ability of a Top Servant sufficiently, Scáthach seems to have a Saint Graph [body] one step further above her current form. Although it is a popular tradition, there is a theory that says the origin of her name was something transmitted from a goddess of the mountain, a giant of Scandinavia————

Now the Feats:
Primordial Runes
The ability to freely control norse runes.
Unlike the runes commonly used by modern magi, these are the original runes created by the great god Odin. Their power transcends human understanding.
Explanation of Primordial Runes here.
Her Primordial Rune Spells include being able to create a large number of Divine Iron Shields similar to the ones Odin made for the 3 Main Valkyrie to further help bolster Heracles' attempts to block Loptr Laegjarn here.

She also has access to Odin's Primordial Runes, in which she uses one to rob you of your magical energy and render you inert after your fight with Sigurd in her Castle

She also has access to the Death Rune like Surtr does but explicitly doesn't use it due to her pride, thus giving you the win against the battle against her here.

She also has access to very powerful healing, not only enough to restore the Ortinax's functions here but even Servants whose Spirit Cores have been damaged beyond repair here though it's temporary one.

A List of Known and Capable Primordial Runes(or spells from the Runes shall I say) by Scathath Skadi:
Death Rune
Flight Rune
Healing Rune
Reality Distortion Rune
Inertion(Stasis?) Rune
Wisdom Rune
Speed Rune
Shield Rune
And so much more that it will seriously take me too long to do but just include all of the known Primordial(Or Primeval as they are sometimes called) Rune spells as well from Cu's repertoire:
(B Rank): As depicted in his legend, obtained 18 Original Runes, Norse Runes, after studying magecraft under Scáthach in the Land of Shadows.[1] The Runes are a form of thaumaturgy unique to Northern Europe. The foundation of this craft is the engraving of words of power into stone to induce various mystical events.[11] Having learned an ability that is believed to have been lost to time,[11] Cú naturally boasts skill and knowledge to qualify for the Caster class.[1] Although he is a nearly first-rate master, since he himself sees them as a hindrance he doesn’t usually employ them in combat.[3] He appropriately utilizes them to respond to different situations. One such rune, one with the purpose of searching, helps support his elusive actions during the Holy Grail War.[1] Holding the Ansuz rune allows him to set a blaze to reduce an entire room to ashes, causing a continuing conflagration that seeps into the rest of the Einzbern Castle and causes it to crumble. He can use them as a counter measure against Mystic Eyes, even those as potent as Mystic Eyes of Petrification.[18] He inscribes his armor with runic protections, and he is able to set up a powerful Bounded Field in an instant by carving all of his runes onto the ground. It is able to block a great Noble Phantasm, but it is unable to stop the encroachment of the Shadow.
Another use of multiple Runes is Ath nGabla (アトゴウラ, Ato Goura?), a seal formed by pointing his spear at the ground and carving four runes, Algiz, Nauthiz, Ansuz, and Ingwaz, in four corners around him. It is a curse of one-on-one combat passed down to the Knights of the Red Branch, and it does not carry any inherent magical energy. It is an arena formed from four branches, guaranteeing one-on-one combat with honor at stake. Warriors having set the seal no longer have retreat as an option, and all warriors who see the seal are not allowed to refuse combat.

Freezing Blizzard: B
A skill that represents her attribute as the goddess of the icy mountains, Skadi.
The manifestation of the cold winds of the north that freeze all of creation.
Normally this ability is part of her goddess authority, so if she uses it at A rank or above, Queen Scathach's spiritual core will completely shatter. Due to this, the use of this skill is limited to B rank.

This Skill was most likely used to stop Surtr's flames and freeze the land to preserve what's left after his rampage.

She has the ability to completely stop not only the ability to summon Servants(Chaldea is only able to get past this with the suitcase and even that is only for battle) but to completely mess with the communications of the Shadow Border due to her Mana inside of the snow all over Scandinavia.

She can also use her control of the Leylines to empower your Servants against Surtr.

Wisdom of the Great God: B+
Due to being known as 'the beautiful bride of the gods', Skadi's body possesses the blessings and protection of the Norse gods.
A skill based on the wisdom obtained by the Great Odin when he gave up one of his eyes. It's similar but differs from Scathach's 'Wisdom of Dún Scáith' skill.

Scathath Skadi knew that her Lostbelt wasn't "True History" after all and it was ultimately pruned right down to the exact time it was decided. This will be in spoiler blocks until Lostbelt 6 is released in NA:
This is most definitively due to Odin's Authority and ability being passed into Skadi in the Lostbelt which as shown with Cu Caster, allows Servants to keep their memories even after past summonings and see into the future. Odin explicitly can see even past the Incineration of Man to even the Lostbelts which Goetia explicitly couldn't do which further heavily shows just how much more powerful Odin's wisdom is.

It's also shown she still explicitly remembers the events of the Lostbelt in her Valentine.

In her appearance to Ritsuka and Mash, her Mana is so overflowing and concentrated, Mash believes any normal creature would be instantly killed by it and even she feels like she would pass out. There's also that she replicates the Age of the Gods similar to Babylonia with her sheer presence.

She's also able to literally ascend her own existence(i.e. Go to her 3rd Ascension State from her first) using a method similar to Chaldeas' Summoning System at the final battle against her here.

Scathath Skadi also created the "Envoys" that number in the hundreds using the 3 Main Valkyrie(Ortlinde, Hildr and Thrud) as a base here.

Of course, Scathath Skadi was under a NUMBER of Handicaps even at the beginning of the Singularity itself:
Scathath Skadi immediately used a vast majority of her power to help heal the World after Surtr's rampage destroyed alot of it here.

She then further used more magical energy to create the Masks that are on the Giants that not only allow her to control them to a major extent here.

And her using those leylines to further empower us against Surtr left her tapped out and still wouldn't even rest to replenish that much here and here.

She wouldn't even use a Death Rune against you despite she very clearly could have.

But ultimately, it's implied Scathath Skadi completely threw the fight due to not wanting to kill off the billions to save her world(Though she's equally not happy losing her world either as shown in her profile)

This is honestly the most I can get without getting too redundant and it's the most obvious for her, both of her abilities and more of the potential of Demiurge-Tier Gods(since she's not a Divine Spirit).

Again if I missed anything, let me know.
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Oh god... I just realized something:
Lostbelt 6 is gonna be my fucking nightmare for real...
A huge deluge of Servants
The Calamities, The Fae
and our own teammates...
Dear lord, I may have to actually splice my LB6 Archives into parts themselves.

Edward Nygma

You guys have hard numbers for Goetia and Tiamat? I tried digging through the old Fate thread but there was a lot.

I did notice Chaos saying Goetia might have hype reaching star system level, but that post was from years ago.
You guys have hard numbers for Goetia and Tiamat? I tried digging through the old Fate thread but there was a lot.

I did notice Chaos saying Goetia might have hype reaching star system level, but that post was from years ago.

Actually we don't need hard numbers for Goetia anymore:


A Fully Matured Tree of Emptiness = to Goetia's Incineration of Human History.
And each fully Matured Tree of Emptiness hosts a full blown Galaxy inside of it.
So yeah, there you go.

Tiamat is in the same spot the feats usually are:

Basically in a TL;DR format.

Grand Rider Noah... did virtually fuck of all as Queen Draco ganked him as soon as he appeared, he basically had to go to Nemo to become a Pseudo and then he had to contain the Flood(Mega-Tsunami as they call it) which while it is something great... it still is an enormous waste of a Grand Servant even if it's to make the Beast better.

Speaking of Beasts, it's fully confirmed Queen Draco is just an immature form(or not her True Body) so basically that's a way to write off whatever the fuck we saw. We get more Nasu-ism's and/or the TL's don't really know how to really scale powerlevel correctly:
Tamamo no Mae:



(This can’t be the Beast’s completed body.)

(Isn’t it a bit ridiculous that this is how much Magical Energy it has while it’s still a juvenile in the middle of its growth cycle?)

(I’ve heard that the Sixth Beast is “the one who eats cities”, but……)

(Isn’t this more on a continental scale…?!)

Mash and Berserker Lancelot have a small thing

And Tiamat is literally being the mother she always wanted to be.

Not really much else from that.


V.I.P. Member

Basically in a TL;DR format.

Grand Rider Noah... did virtually fuck of all as Queen Draco ganked him as soon as he appeared, he basically had to go to Nemo to become a Pseudo and then he had to contain the Flood(Mega-Tsunami as they call it) which while it is something great... it still is an enormous waste of a Grand Servant even if it's to make the Beast better.

Speaking of Beasts, it's fully confirmed Queen Draco is just an immature form(or not her True Body) so basically that's a way to write off whatever the fuck we saw. We get more Nasu-ism's and/or the TL's don't really know how to really scale powerlevel correctly:

Mash and Berserker Lancelot have a small thing

And Tiamat is literally being the mother she always wanted to be.

Not really much else from that.

I think Arikado's next Singularity is called the City of Harlotry or something like that so maybe they're saving Mother Harlots main body for that one :kannasip


V.I.P. Member
Welcome back hope you're feeling better
I mean, not exactly the first time in my life I've been a cyclops :maybe

Still waiting on the swelling to go down before they can do the next surgery to give me an artificial lens~

Not substantial, hasn't been substantial for a good month now, but any being present at all apparently raises the chance of my cornea rejecting, so that's neat.
Crimson King got some decent parts from that video but it truly does prove that Top Tier Servants are casual Country Busters even without invoking True Name Release given Scathath just blows through Demon God Pillars fully connected to Goetia given what one did with Laputa with ease...
I mean, feats aside, I just posted that specifically because I think its a fairly solid visual representation of the climax to the arc. Ritsuka's challenge to Goetia is pretty much exactly what I imagined the emotion to be reading the damn thing way back when.
I mean, feats aside, I just posted that specifically because I think its a fairly solid visual representation of the climax to the arc. Ritsuka's challenge to Goetia is pretty much exactly what I imagined the emotion to be reading the damn thing way back when.

Oh yeah true. That's definitely true right there...
Oh, I didn't know that you suffered something like that man, good luck out there.


V.I.P. Member
Oh yeah true. That's definitely true right there...
Oh, I didn't know that you suffered something like that man, good luck out there.
I only really talk about shit like this when I’m far enough removed that I laugh about it *shrugs*

Honestly, it’s not that big of a deal. It can be salvaged. Just relieved it was me rather than someone else. Initial feeling of it squishing aside, I basically functioned as if it didn’t happen until they got around to stitching it back up in the ER. :maybe
I only really talk about shit like this when I’m far enough removed that I laugh about it *shrugs*

Honestly, it’s not that big of a deal. It can be salvaged. Just relieved it was me rather than someone else. Initial feeling of it squishing aside, I basically functioned as if it didn’t happen until they got around to stitching it back up in the ER. :maybe

Yeah I can understand that. I usually try and keep my life situations in order until I feel it has passed or I hit boiling point and try to simmer down by having others tell me of related experiences and the like.
But you are a genuine trooper, that's for true.