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Transformers feats/discussion


ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member
fuck it this shit isnt even an outlier since the singularity is even stated in the show to be destroying every single universe and time. you can highball everyone to universe+++++ whatever, and it still wouldn’t alter the main plot in any way. maybe I was just too conservative on Cybertron feats lol


fuck it this shit isnt even an outlier since the singularity is even stated in the show to be destroying every single universe and time. you can highball everyone to universe+++++ whatever, and it still wouldn’t alter the main plot in any way. maybe I was just too conservative on Cybertron feats lol
cant stop wont stop the galvatron sweep is inevitable

Crimson Dragoon

cant stop wont stop the galvatron sweep is inevitable



Again, Megatron before any powerups took that better


Been saying that for a while lol. Megatron undeniably scales

Megatron also handled Vector’s Cyber Key Power better than Ramjet did

This was before Megatron unlocked any Cyber Key abilities of his own and not unleashing any of his “hidden power” as well

Also probably not as important but i just noticed, Vector shouts TACHYON SHIELD
tachyons have showed up before in transformers, simple summary is theyre a type of theoretical particle that moves faster than the speed of light
theyre mostly used as a means of communication by cybertronians since obviously normal EM transmissions would take too long unless you fed them through a space bridge or something
though Ginrai from Masterforce is noted to have Tachyon missiles on his original toy



Ramjet acting big against that Megatron when Master Megatron a few universes away would treat him the way Vegeta treated Cui
its even worse now because Ramjets been cut off from much of unicrons power
Master Megatron wouldnt just cui him at this point, it'd be like the part in Alignment where Liege Maximo waves his hand and Grimlock fucking vaporizes


8:10 Unicron breaks through and destroys the Energy Grid.

14:50 holds stars in his hands.

iirc the energon grid before was stated as strong enough to destroy a planet, and hilariously in the energon dub, the universe :mjgrin
as funny as that would be its an outlier
unicrons head in that tiny energon sun though is a good durability feat i would say, assuming its as hot as a real star

Thirteen prime

iirc the energon grid before was stated as strong enough to destroy a planet, and hilariously in the energon dub, the universe :mjgrin
as funny as that would be its an outlier
unicrons head in that tiny energon sun though is a good durability feat i would say, assuming its as hot as a real star
in the Alpha Q universe, physical laws and size do not matter.


while im ripping my hair out trying to find out how big this explosion is in energon/superlink, i just remembered
the opposite charged energon of unicron's body and his severed head came into contact and ripped a hole in the fucking universe


Alpha Q's universe is a newly created dimension, outside of normal space, where Alpha Q has attempted to recreate the many planets destroyed by Unicron. Though it appears just like normal space, Omega Supreme claims that normal laws of physics don't apply there.

Known planets in Alpha Q's dimension include:

the energy within unicrons body created a universe????

the unicron singularity also came from this universe as well, and then bled out into the normal one i guess


wish i could find more from this book cause its very interesting

  • Energon has the special property of boosting Transformers' power and performance by an order of magnitude. For species seeking to use it for other purposes, Energon is simply a powerful clean-burning power source, not magic.
  • In the peaceful years after Armada, the Autobots established cities all over the Universe. Some of Earth's cities are located in Mexico (Jungle City), England (Plains City) and Egypt (Desert City).
  • Kicker's battle armor was made at the Autobot Research Center on Cybertron where Rad works. When wearing his suit Kicker is known as "B Kicker." Suuuure he is...
  • Demolishor, Cyclonus and Tidal Wave were all security officers when the series began. Demolishor was in charge of security and defense at Ocean City. Cyclonus and Tidal Wave were the heavy-hitter security contingent for Lunar City and Asteroid City, respectively.
  • In the first episode of Energon, Optimus Prime was training young Autobots in the martial arts discipline Kumite.
  • Rodimus is Inferno's brother.
  • Strongarm's axe returns to his hand when thrown, boomerang-style.
  • Signal Flare is the greatest Energon welder among the Omnicons.
  • Terrorcons are able to clone themselves. The 'named' Terrorcons are in fact the originals, who lead feral packs of their own clones. The original models are more intelligent than the general body of Terrorcons.
  • The Terrorcons' Energon-candy-thingies are called "Energon storage pockets," not Energon chips like the Autobot version.
  • Insect-type Terrorcons are the rarest. Unlike the other Terrorcons, Insecticon can clone himself at will, swelling into an army of several hundred while on the battlefield.
  • Kicker was 16 when Energon began and 8 years old when he first visited Cybertron. His sister Sally is 13 when the series begins.
  • The Mini-Cons that form the Energon Saber were trapped in raw Energon for some time and when they emerged the metal of their bodies has been replaced with pure raw Energon. (This is similar to the process Tidal Wave underwent, having large portions of his body replaced by pure refined Energon after accidental contact with a large amount of Raw Energon caused them to begin to decay.)
  • Carlos and Rad are 22 years old in Energon.
  • Alexis is 21 and is a Public Information Officer working for the Federal Government of Earth.


Energon is and has always been... so fucking weird as a power source
its a product of one of those cartoon/comic things where characters end up creating significantly more energy out of seemingly nothing

like in g1 megatron harnessed the gravitational energy of cybertron interacting with the earth to create energon
and the energon exploded with such force that it threw cybertron out of orbit

just about every use of energon in this franchise its some bizarre superfuel and also can make weapons and shields and all sorts of bullshit

i guess it does kind of help its a portion of the essence of primus, as with the rest of the cybertronians, but it doesnt make it any less baffling and weird

this almost certainly wasnt intended... at first, but at some point they have to have realized how weird energon is