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OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
You think that's bad?

There's a scene where they show clips of the original Sutekh episode, just to call his design "cultural appropriation" and refer to the Doctor and his companions as "Just 2 random people who flew in the Tardis". :smh

I'd ask what their CGI abomination is if not "cultural appropriation"? Because newsflash Davies, Egyptian Gods only had animal HEADS, they didn't straight up look like animals. Though lets face it, they changed that for the sake of the rope scene (ie putting the "dog" on a leash).

Also you KNOW the "cultural appropriation" shit ONLY comes up because Davies is a moron who thinks Egyptian History is BLACK history ala the idiots who made that shitty Cleopatra documentary.
...The Osirans (yes, they're a race, which the makers of this series obviously don't remember) inspired Egyptian culture (like a proto-Stargate situation). Did Horus and Anubis also appropriate Egyptian culture? Why would an eldritch godlike alien want to culturally appropriate one race that are less than ants to him when he would just wipe them out anyway?

I saw someone compare this to TLJ (Ruby's mother is no one when they set up that's the reason she has powers, villain defeated in a disappointing way), and now it seems we can add disrespecting the original to that too (though Sutekh's new design is already a disrespect of the original).

Oh yeah, the Pyramids of Mars had Sutekh being able to mess with the TARDIS via his telepathy (and IIRC, the EU had him destroy three war TARDISes, though don't quote me on that), killed eldritch abstract gods, but he just stood there like a moron while they put a leash on him and took him for a walk because he's a bad doggo. :(

How does he even die to the Time Vortex when he'd survived literally every time the TARDIS has gone through space & time on the exterior of the TARDIS since the Pyramids of Mars? So then Sutekh just vibed that time the TARDIS exploded?

How far has RTD fallen.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
I saw someone compare this to TLJ (Ruby's mother is no one when they set up that's the reason she has powers, villain defeated in a disappointing way), and now it seems we can add disrespecting the original to that too (though Sutekh's new design is already a disrespect of the original).

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member

It's tolerated because you can't be "racist" against white people, Metatron, at least according to the lunatics who run these sites.

Seriously though, if a white person said ANYTHING remotely close to what these people are saying about white people but against black people, hispanic people, asian people etc there would be an uproar and those people would get cancelled. But of course these racist wankers can say whatever the fuck they want and we white people just have to sit and take it like good boys and girls. :really


V.I.P. Member


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Hold up, that friday guy was dead lock?

Bruh, I was paying so little attention that I didn't even notice the similarities. :mjlol

Then again, unlike him, I'm actually enjoying life, right now. Having a blast and relaxing in Naxos right now, and have a plan to go through a bunch of ancient sites in one day, in one massive binge. The rest? Maybe catch some straggler sites that I didn't already, and have fun on the beaches and the pools. Get plenty of swimming in, because Lord knows I need it.:heston

Claudio Swiss

V.I.P. Member
Hold up, that friday guy was dead lock?

Bruh, I was paying so little attention that I didn't even notice the similarities. :mjlol

Then again, unlike him, I'm actually enjoying life, right now. Having a blast and relaxing in Naxos right now, and have a plan to go through a bunch of ancient sites in one day, in one massive binge. The rest? Maybe catch some straggler sites that I didn't already, and have fun on the beaches and the pools. Get plenty of swimming in, because Lord knows I need it.:heston
Currently chilling at work right now

Adamant soul

V.I.P. Member
Hold up, that friday guy was dead lock?

Bruh, I was paying so little attention that I didn't even notice the similarities. :mjlol

Then again, unlike him, I'm actually enjoying life, right now. Having a blast and relaxing in Naxos right now, and have a plan to go through a bunch of ancient sites in one day, in one massive binge. The rest? Maybe catch some straggler sites that I didn't already, and have fun on the beaches and the pools. Get plenty of swimming in, because Lord knows I need it.:heston
Noticed it when he PM'ed me asking me to put Chloe (Ghost Reaper Girl) against some other character (from that Dorohedoro series that he likes) 'cause he forgot how strong she was, which kind of gave himself away. :kobeha

I just kind of ignored him after that.


Balor Béimnech
V.I.P. Member
Noticed it when he PM'ed me asking me to put Chloe (Ghost Reaper Girl) against some other character (from that Dorohedoro series that he likes) 'cause he forgot how strong she was, which kind of gave himself away. :kobeha

I just kind of ignored him after that.
Bro really gave himself away that casually? Good grief. :jordangif