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Game Ranked The Legend of Zelda Mafia


No need to farm claims right now from the spot we are in, Psychic should claim since she's suspected by everyone and go from there


We are going for either Yoho or Psychic

Vote Lynch Yoho
why me? lol, you have been on me since day 1.
yoho has already claimed
we start with rugrat

im pretty certain he is scum
Vote lynch Rugrat
Not defending Rugrat here but it looks like Poyser was pocketing him. Could they be aligned? Maybe but Gram did mention that he thought Rug was town and considering that Gram is now dead, there's really no one to come to Rug's defense. So if Rug was scum, why kill Gram.

My situation was similar. Poyser was buddying me as well, and like don't think he would if we were teammates. Also Gram thought I was town and he's only been wrong about me once. Why would I kill Gram? Makes absolutely no sense for me if I was mafia.
i dont think yoho is a good direction, he did look shocking eod but poyser was calling for him to be vigged lol
I think Yoho is hella scummy. He outright refused to vote Poyser, opting for Whicker instead. Like he was literally there EoD and did not vote Poyser,
whicker should be confirmed not mafia
idk, he could very well be. Maybe that's why scum didn't want to hammer? Who knows, maybe Whicker had a better ability than Poyser.
Psychic and Fuji look worst for not being around EOD in my opinion
I was super busy yesterday, I think I even mention it. But wait, I think Fuji was around EoD and he didn't vote for either of them.
I had irl issues that needed to be taken care off, bite me.
me too
lets not do this

I'm not trying to solve you based on whether you had IRL issues or not, just wont do it

the fact is you had the chance to hammer whicker or poyser and never did anything
Fuji probably scum for that, ngl.
Let's make a group to push Psychic and another one to push Rugrat
We getting the claims from both
Stop trying to make town claim, thinking Rug is town for the same reason I'm town.
poyser stole my push to pocket me lol, I was on whicker first

Poyser pocketed me too, he called me a Goddess lol.
tell me you didn't read EOD without telling me you didn't read EOD

also I'm not a huge busser at all lol, I frequently go to bat for teammates and very rarely bus them unless it's 100% necessary
hmmm....I wonder if both Whicker and Poyser were mafia and you hammer the one with the least useful ability for towncred.....

Got anything to report from last night?
yeah, SOMEONE targeted me! I wonder who....and why am I still alive??
I'm unfamiliar with Zelda lore how likely is it that bean seller is a fake claim?
bean seller is basically indie.
Which means you are scum.


That's my PoE and in that order.
FTR psychic wasn't on Grams suspect list so I think she would only be scum if someone on that list was
Exactly, why would I as scum kill Gram???


Even though I have been wrong about her once now, Id assume Psychic still has a relatively healthy respect for my ability to read her - I dont think its in her makeup to prod a potential threat - probably looks good for her.
This is Gram townreading me. he also townread Hime, Nibel,
If you're not on my town list, you're in play as potential scum, so that'd be you, tugrat, fuji, whicker, polar, orca and yoho

I don't see why I need to give you anything to work with beyond what I've posted - I'm only loosely trying to figure the game out for myself, and I think I have more than enough content for someone to be able to weigh up my alignment
This is Gram's sus list

And I'm not suprised to see Yoho and Fuji there.


Plenty of other people could of voted him and didn't and RDK had already said he would hammer so there was no need for me to
So do you think Rdk is town because of that? Or do you think he hammer the already dying Godfather for towncred?


A Simple Man
So do you think Rdk is town because of that? Or do you think he hammer the already dying Godfather for towncred?

Well on one hand he could be town but voting ones own team mate to gain trust is a good scum tactic so it's hard to say for sure

But none of his post came off as scummy to me


Well on one hand he could be town but voting ones own team mate to gain trust is a good scum tactic so it's hard to say for sure

But none of his post came off as scummy to me
What I know about RDK is that he's a good enough player to hardbus his teammates. :hm


Whoever targeted me last night should reveal themself. Otherwise, I'm gonna assume it's a non town ability.


NYC Pizza is better than Neopolitan fite me
if u wont be too active can u claim so we dont get held up?
Watcher odd phase and firefighter even phase

Watched psychic N1 and doused polar n2

No one visited psychic. Idk what to make of this. Could be she's mafia and no one targeted her cause they were focusing on others is what I thought