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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

Here we go, no bullshit speedrun GO!


Lostbelt King God Arjuna(Insert "Can't ignore his girth" meme here)

Character in [FGO]
In Hindu Mythology, he is a hero that exists as a god repeatedly restarting and ending everything. The one who inherited the authority of destruction from him is Arjuna Alter. In return, he was losing his humanity, but his naturally born heroic self somehow saved him from turning into a puppet.

The universe revolves and the「The Revolving Sword that Arbitrates the Great Dissolution (Mahapralaya)」is used in a world that’s far into the future. For the sake of fulfilling that moment faster, Arjuna Alter was sent in, but-----

He ruled as the perfect God in the Indian Lostbelt. His original sense of self was destroyed, truly a Deus Ex Machina…. He has reached the brink of becoming a concept that only reincarnates the world.

However, Arjuna’s egoism was ruled by his humanity (that is wanting to win against someone, wanting to be someone who is great, to hate, to be angry at something) was left over and ironically it returned his humanity. This time, he wants to win against Karna, that kind of wish...desire, managed to return him into being a human. In the Indian Lostbelt, he went overboard after taking many Gods’ Authorities and became a concept that won’t tolerate even a slightest imperfection, but when he’s summoned as a servant, he won’t allow any wicked hostility to his Master and the calm nature that’s originally held by Arjuna from Pan-Human History can also come out.

He doesn’t perceive that beautiful things are beautiful and is a sentimentalist that marvels at things that are made「beautiful」.

You are not awarded by the heavens, value the things you earned yourself, cherish that joy.

Arjuna Alter isn’t aware of that, but that in itself could be his most human side.

I will admit this is easily gonna be the toughest part due to alot of the flashbacks and otherwise kinda comes in at random as well as any extras on how God Arjuna ended up the way he did and I really didn't take images of them when I should have, so I know I will absolutely miss stuff which is why I'm making certain to go over it extra hard to make damn certain I don't miss much.

Mad Enhancement: EX
He resolved himself to eradicate all evil to start a new era. In return, he lost all of his humanity.

Here, is one of God Arjuna's "dreams" which ultimately lead to his present state(i.e. How he was driven mad over how the War in the Mahabharata ended which he either was far more messed up than he thought or it completely went off script and virtually everyone he knew outside of Krishna was dead)

Here, the 2nd continuation of God Arjuna's "dream" during the time of him blinking(and heavily implying "Dark Krishna" got worse than he was in PHH) Here, Karna ultimately points out that at some point, Arjuna's "Dark Krishna" completely overtaken him entirely, not just when he killed him but when he devoured every other God in the Indian Pantheon.
(For those wondering who "Dark Krishna" is, go look at Arjuna's Interlude for that)

Here, the 3rd and final continuation of the dream and ultimately his declaration to be the "Final Dark God".

Divinity: EX
He possesses the highest level of divinity. He lacks any humanity in return.

Here, this is Pepe's complete speculation of how Arjuna has become God Arjuna(Basically Pepe believes Arjuna either forcefully taken or was given Vishnu's power from Krishna as Vishnu, one of the most powerful Gods in India, would have allowed him the ground access to absorb everyone else's Divinity and Authorities and become what we see of him now... except Kama but that should be obvious to anyone who actually played Ooku).

Here, Mash agrees that God Arjuna seems nothing like the Arjuna we know, disconnected, almost mechanical and practically impossible to reason with him.

Here, Holmes does remind Mash and the others they have met a being similar to God Arjuna before(Sitonai), but the sheer difference and scope has it hard to believe they are even in the same category.

Anti-Evil (Unique): EX
Power that’s equal to the authority bestowed by someone that brings about the end.
He is burdened with the duty of erasing all evil. He’ll destroy villains that claim to be king, but he is too upright. This is applied to everything except pure children and saints.

Of course, in the Lostbelt(and even ingame) this actually happens in a "different"(Though accurate to certain Indian myths and folktale) sense. Yes, I will bring up Mahapralya later on, just doing this part specifically to get it over with.

Here, Pepe reveals that God Arjuna ultimately removes/purges anything that he considers "defective" and "unnecessary" to ultimately reach his "perfect world devoid of evil" and when done to living things, it's like they never existed at all.

Here, this is ultimately what happened to Asha's Dog Vihan due to him hurting his leg and Asha can't remember him at all... However, this doesn't mean you can't remember people at all ever that was purged through Arjuna's handiwork.

Here, Pepe states that it makes sense Arjuna would find it difficult to change every single parameter to make up for a lost person's existence to those who know of them, which allows what you see before.

Here, Ashwatthaman ultimately confronts Koyanskaya over her taking things that belonged to people who perished during the purging and returning them to those who knew them, which means that they will know that they existed but can't fully remember them.

Here, Upon Mash telling Asha that she must tell her whose she isn't able to remember despite knowing how painful it is, Asha tells her she knows she's not remembering something she should and wants to know who she is missing(Of course, we later find out in the CE after you beat the Lostbelt, she's missing a HELL of alot more people than that). This is due to her father Ajai getting injured in the 2nd Yuga Cycle ingame.

Clairvoyance (Transcendental): EX
His clairvoyance supasses the limits of a human being. In a sense, it’s different from Mystic Eyes, it could be said to be the ultimate form of vision.

They don't really explain this in the game at all(Not even in his game profile) so I'll leave this one blank for now until I can find a better time this ever happened.

Lamplight of the Soul: EX
Arjuna barely managed to protect his lamplight (personality) as human. His brilliance becomes stronger as he repeatedly ascends.

Well this more has to do with his Servant incarnation but:
Here, in the final battle against Super Karna(Robe of the Three Fiery Gods), God Arjuna was beginning to recover his Human Personality through his sheer outrage and anger at Karna's return and subsequent tearing apart of his ideals.

And now... *sigh* part 1 of the biggest headache of this Archive:

Noble Phantasm

『The Revolving Sword that Arbitrates the Great Dissolution (Mahapralaya)』
: EX
Type: Anti-World Noble Phantasm
Range: 100
Maximum Targets: Everything in range
Power that’s bestowed to Arjuna along with the 「Anti-Evil Skill」. That is this 「The Revolving Sword that Arbitrates the Great Dissolution」. He’ll decide to swing the sword at the end of everything which will end the world and obliterate evil. The world as a whole will be extinguished if this sword is swung. Mahapralaya points out the extermination of the universe when Brahma dies...namely, the kalpa of destruction.

As expected, even though he’s referred to as the peerless Arjuna, this sword can’t display its power perfectly when swung. However, when it comes to bringing forth destruction that’s condensed・limited, being the same as the「shadow of the hands of the God of destruction」, Arjuna thinks it’s good enough regarding its ease of use.

Ignore the last part as that doesn't matter to God Arjuna.

First Yuga Cycle End
Here, upon witnessing Chaldeas, Karna, Rama and Ganesha and declaring them "evil", he begins to prepare Mahapralaya
Here, Muneniere flips out and states that Arjuna is gathering an unbelievable amount of energy meanwhile Holmes even states that the "Noble Phantasm" can't even be classified as such is gathering so much energy, even their sensors are overloading trying to measure it.
Here, after a decent back and forth, Pepe explicitly states completely and utterly that he and Chaldeas needs to get the hell out of the Lostbelt or everyone will die.
Here, upon Ritsuka asking how long they need to run, Pepe decides to explain as they are running that Arjuna is ultimately going to destroy and remake the entire Lostbelt.
Here, despite the distance, Rama can still sense the pressure getting stronger from Mahaprayla and compares it to 2 of his harrowing moments and even states that he's never scared normally but this gives him chills straight to his Spirit Origin.

Here, Mahapralaya deployment scene.
Here, upon feeling the energy coming from it, everyone absolutely realizes that they must get the hell away now.

Here, Mahapralaya True Name Release Scene.

Here, Sherlock Holmes can barely even fathom the unbelievable amount of magical energy that came from it even if he heard about it, let alone actually seen it and how no hero should have all of that power.

Here, The scene of the Lostbelt after Mahapralaya being rebuilt.

Here(and it is referenced a few more times in greater detail), Ashiya Douman ultimately notes that the rampant overuse of Mahapralaya would ultimately destroy the the entire Lostbelt. Here, Ashiya mentions it more clearly again. Here, he fully mentions(though not fully stated it due to being next to God Arjuna) that the end of the Great Kali Yuga is here and everything will be destroyed.
Here, Pepe does state that God Arjuna has been accelerating the Yugas faster and faster. Here, this fits Asha's recollection of the Yuga Cycle in the Lostbelt currently are 10 days long from the past months, years and ultimately a really, REALLY long time to fully complete a single cycle(Here for comparison is what Pepe state how long is an actual Yuga Cycle in myth)
Here, Pepe talked to people and it was hundreds of years or even longer inbetween each Yuga when he first appeared. Here, upon Mash asking why Arjuna would shorten the Yugas so much, Pepe states it's either due to Ashiya telling him what he wanted to hear and the Tree of Emptiness allowing him the power to do so.

Here, Pepe recounts how Ashiya Douman basically explains how God Arjuna basically plucks people, animals and inanimate objects out of the World after Mahapralaya.

Here, Pepe notes that after using it, he's virtually out of it until the next use of Mahapralaya by staying near the Tree of Emptiness(This doesn't mean he legit can't do anything at all during the timeframe, he DOES canonically kick your ass during the 2nd confrontation Here just to see if you was anything special or not to even survive a Mahapralaya)

Here, Ashiya Douman actually mentions that Chaldeas missed one fatal flaw on how the acceleration of the Yuga Cycles have an effect of shaving off the "excess" for each one, meaning that God Arjuna actually needs less time to gather the required mana for a Mahapralaya every time(They are only saved due to William Tell remembering what he lost due to God Arjuna and giving them some extra time by pissing him off).

Here, Ashwatthaman mentions that due to this level of control of the Yuga Cycles is precisely why God Arjuna is so strong.

Here, Pepe's account of going through the ending of the Yugas

And now here's the 2nd pain in the ass for the entire Lostbelt

Physical Strength, Speed, Durability?

Here, Arjuna completely no sells Rama's Brahmastra. Here, Holmes clarifies that it wasn't the energy gathering into Mahapralaya that blocked it but Arjuna himself like an Anti-Interference ability. Here, Pepe outright states that nothing Rama or Karna have in their arsenal would make any difference in even scratching God Arjuna.
Here, Rama ultimately notes that the reason God Arjuna completely no sold Brahmastra is due to how strong his divine existence is with no other gimmicks or Magecraft involved.

Here, Daybit ultimately offers his opinion on how to deal with God Arjuna(Ultimately pointing out a Perfect God would have no weakness and a stronger God but a Perfect God can have things taken away to make him weaker). Here, we ultimately find out that with the rebellion being erased thanks to Ashiya blabbing to Arjuna about them, the plan to turn peoples' faith against Arjuna goes bust(since removing them would technically make it so that no one was against him thus he would lose no power.)

Here(and basically with each Lokapala defeated), God Arjuna ultimately loses the Gods defeated by Chaldeas(or through Rebellion in Ashwatthaman, Asclepius and Tell's case) but it makes no difference to him(This should equally be noted he grants them those Gods to begin with). Here, after Ashwatthaman is free from his curse due to Rama, after mentioning the that Chaldeas has the right track, that he has an all-or-nothing gambit to weaken Arjuna enough that there's a slight chance at victory.

Here, while Ashwatthaman mentions that being able to remake the World makes him the Perfect God, it's also a major weakness as being able to even slightly go against it will make him not perfect anymore. Koyansaka compares it to a a priceless gem losing it's value by getting a scratch on it.

Here, Ashwatthaman's plan is to ultimately survive a Mahapralaya and completely survive it, showing that doing such a thing would absolutely destroy his "perfection" in the process.

Here, Ash explicitly notes that you have to also account for Douman's presence so you can't just "take it to the face" normally. Here, he ultimately states you MUST come off like you belong there. Here, Ashwatthaman's last part of the plan is that he will send Lakshmibai and Ganesha back in time. After some back and forth, Here Pepe states that it's insane to see Ash about to send Lak and Gan back in time and it's not too different from Rayshifting, Holmes disagrees with the comparison as the latter is based on Spiritron Theory and full engineering, this is once in a lifetime feat built on coincidences. Here, Holmes state this is only capable of being done due to the constant Yuga Cycles completely destabilizing Time and Space and the full use of Shiva's power as the Ruler of Time.

Here, Ash states they must endure many, many cataclysms from the past to the present to sufficiently weaken Arjuna. Here, when Ganesha asks how long they have to do it, Ash states it will have to be when Arjuna actually rules the World so thousands of years, if not longer. Here, their plan turns out to be a success as Arjuna never realized the Skyboulder is supposed to exist in his world despite Ashiya stating otherwise.

Here, even after the 2nd battle with God Arjuna, weakened by the successful plan by Ash and bolstered by Ashwatthaman's Spirit Core and Shiva's power(On top of the constant training done by both in the space outside of the World), Karna can't even scratch him. Here, despite that, Holmes states Arjuna is heading to the Tree of Emptiness to for help. Here, after Ashiya awakens the Tree of Emptiness and exposing it's Galaxy, Holmes notes that the tremendous energy that comes from it is now flowing into Arjuna. Here, Arjuna ultimately notes he has regained the lost power he had when he first absorbed the Gods and notes it's even stronger than that. Here, Super Karna immediately tears into Arjuna and lays the pieces that finally weakens Arjuna enough for victory in questioning his infallibility unknowingly. Here, Holmes confirms this to be true.

Here, God Arjuna is ultimately defeated by Super Karna despite the absurd power difference(Though it ultimately took EVERYTHING the latter had to do so). Here, it's stated the reason he lost was due to not actually having people believe in him like a proper God should. Here, the rest of the scene hints that God Arjuna was potentially heavily gimped due to not actually fixing "Dark Krishna" and/or refusing to accept he has flaws(as PHH Arjuna ultimately does) to actually be a proper true God.

Here, Ashwatthaman's backstory in terms God Arjuna taking his contract away from Pepe and ultimately giving him his Curse and when he tried to attack him, killed him, brought him back and killed him again until he gave up.

And I am fucking DONE. Now you may wonder why I did all of this? Because it's just that fucking complicated even compared to the other Lostbelts... and it's for fucking nothing as God Arjuna is THE most complicated being in the Nasuverse currently due to precisely how his powers work. Yeah, he's basically like Gladiator and the like but it's still such a bitch to make sure you get every nook and cranny. Sorry for the bitching but this legit took 2 days entirely to get everything here set up and I know I could do this ALOT better so I'll most likely still give it some lookovers before I'm truly confident in it even now.

So I'll just end it off with this picture because it's still fucking awesome:


This shit again ?


TL :
"You have no idea of the power of Zeus!14000 years ago, at the very beginning of our lostbelt---
The foreign invader who came from beyond in an act of slaying this planet was thoroughly crushed - such is the might of the great thundercloud!"

This is not Zeus sucking his dick btw.

Zeus flat out states this :

zeus: "once, 14,000 cycles ago, as of the great war called as the leukosmachia / the white war, i -- or rather, we -- did shatter even the white annihilation called as sefar / the great shadow"
"thereby did the prehistoric civilization / this world to this day persist"
"yet, this time, the enemy that comes before me is you -- the greater history"
"not as annihilation; not as gods""

Dunno why people are still insisting on Excalibur doing shit in the Lostbelt version and i don't care anymore to find out.


V.I.P. Member
This shit again ?


TL :
"You have no idea of the power of Zeus!14000 years ago, at the very beginning of our lostbelt---
The foreign invader who came from beyond in an act of slaying this planet was thoroughly crushed - such is the might of the great thundercloud!"

This is not Zeus sucking his dick btw.

Zeus flat out states this :

zeus: "once, 14,000 cycles ago, as of the great war called as the leukosmachia / the white war, i -- or rather, we -- did shatter even the white annihilation called as sefar / the great shadow"
"thereby did the prehistoric civilization / this world to this day persist"
"yet, this time, the enemy that comes before me is you -- the greater history"
"not as annihilation; not as gods""

Dunno why people are still insisting on Excalibur doing shit in the Lostbelt version and i don't care anymore to find out.

Xhom literally just posted Nasu saying that Zeus only managed to get a draw :skully


Xhom literally just posted Nasu saying that Zeus only managed to get a draw :skully
Which automatically means Excalibur ended her despite not being mentioned or even alluded to once in the quote or Lostbelt right ?

Aditionally, in spite of the whole context of the Sefar vs Zeus discussions which makes it sound like Zeus completely crushed her right ?

Also, it's not like Nasu ever contradicted himself before amirite ?

Also, it's not like the Wiki doesn't have plenty of faulty info in it , right ?

Also, keeping in mind that by all the info available, aside from writing Kirsch, he wasn't the one who actually wrote it.

That's some 2000 IQ thinking from you right there.

Whatever, think whatever you want.


The Japanese text of that quote doesn't even have the word "draw" in it or the expression of " what was approximately a draw "

I suppose it could be interpreted that way but it can also be interpreted as " they clashed and Zeus chased her away" which is more in line with what people are saying in the LB.
Listen, I'm just going by what was stated in the translation and while yeah it doesn't say anything about Excalibur itself, it definitely stated that the combo of the Olympian Mecha and Sefar ended in a draw or it got chased away.

It makes very little sense that Zeus would re-combine with the Olympians to fight and kill Sefar later(Since that's virtually when everything went to hell after the first time)

And yeah, the Wikia can get things wrong and I am absolutely not taking that off the table(Which is why I made sure to 100% check on it otherwise) that's why I said the Excalibur deal sounds the most likely after actually seeing the translation.
I mean it's not like Lostbelt Zeus isn't a massive blowhard that wouldn't wank himself raw in the first place and yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if it's just recursive canon from Nasu because he doesn't want the Olympian Combo to seem that strong(Or just expose that Zeus is lying that he killed her rather than she ran away). Wouldn't be the first time he did shit like that, wouldn't be the last.

EDIT: All I'm saying is that the point ultimately shows that Excalibur is what most likely killed Sefar, whether or not the Olympian Mecha Combination put them at a draw, or chased her away. Like I equally put up there before, maybe Nasu is meaning that Zeus didn't kill her but he could have and just let it run where Excalibur ultimately destroyed it.
Again, wouldn't be the first time he added context or ultimately clarified something either(See Gilgamesh's explanation of the Singularities only for Nasu to go "Well not for Babylonia or Camelot" in one of his interviews).
Last edited:


Listen, I'm just going by what was stated in the translation and while yeah it doesn't say anything about Excalibur itself,
Not only the translation doesn't say anything about it, the Lostbelt doesn't either which is weird cause i'm sure it would have been mentioned if that actually happened.

it definitely stated that the combo of the Olympian Mecha and Sefar ended in a draw or it got chased away.
Again, the actual quote in Japanese doesn't mention anything about a draw.
The actual word is not used.

It makes very little sense that Zeus would re-combine with the Olympians to fight and kill Sefar later(Since that's virtually when everything went to hell after the first time)
The hell are you even talking about ?
The very quote you used flat out states that Zeus forced the Gods to fuse with him to fight Sefar.
He also flat out states that him/they beating Sefar is what allowed their civilization to continue , he makes a conenction between the two events. It doesn't get any clearer than that.

I mean it's not like Lostbelt Zeus isn't a massive blowhard that wouldn't wank himself raw in the first
His boasting gets corroborated by others so that's irrelevant.

, I wouldn't be surprised if it's just recursive canon from Nasu because he doesn't want the Olympian Combo to seem that strong(Or just expose that Zeus is lying that he killed her rather than she ran away). Wouldn't be the first time he did shit like that, wouldn't be the last.

EDIT: All I'm saying is that the point ultimately shows that Excalibur is what most likely killed Sefar, whether or not the Olympian Mecha Combination put them at a draw, or chased her away. Like I equally put up there before, maybe Nasu is meaning that Zeus didn't kill her but he could have and just let it run where Excalibur ultimately destroyed it.
Again, wouldn't be the first time he added context or ultimately clarified something either(See Gilgamesh's explanation of the Singularities only for Nasu to go "Well not for Babylonia or Camelot" in one of his interviews).
Even if we go to this line of thinking, the info is incomplete , therefore it's conjecture at best.
Either way, I'll be keeping that there and I'll stick with it until we at the very least get the English Translation in the coming days. If you are right, I'll delete the post completely and never mention it again.
All I'm pointing out is that it definitely seems like the info there is definitely comes off more accurate as it's not the first time I've seen that.


Either way, I'll be keeping that there and I'll stick with it until we at the very least get the English Translation in the coming days. If you are right, I'll delete the post completely and never mention it again.
All I'm pointing out is that it definitely seems like the info there is definitely comes off more accurate as it's not the first time I've seen that.
Yeah, sure...whatever. Keep it even after the eng translation for all i care.

It doesn't change the fact that your logic is faulty here.

You have this premise that Excalibur killed Sefar, and you're using a quote that doesn't mention anything about it or even about who/what killed her either way to try justifying it.
No, I'm sticking to my word. If it doesn't have any bit of it in the official translation, I'll erase it.
I'll keep what you are saying up and my rebuttal so it doesn't otherwise look like you are crazy and I'll completely drop the subject.
I'm not saying that as if I'm slinking away from the argument, I'm explicitly putting it up there that I do believe in this turn as if it otherwise never comes up? Then I'll take it down as it's obvious that you are right and I'm not.

As for the last part, you are also right in that, which is why I went with that as the main onus is that nothing that we have gotten in translations stated Zeus did the combination more than once either. That's why I brought up the Excalibur part there.


V.I.P. Member
Which automatically means Excalibur ended her despite not being mentioned or even alluded to once in the quote or Lostbelt right ?

Aditionally, in spite of the whole context of the Sefar vs Zeus discussions which makes it sound like Zeus completely crushed her right ?

Also, it's not like Nasu ever contradicted himself before amirite ?

Also, it's not like the Wiki doesn't have plenty of faulty info in it , right ?

Also, keeping in mind that by all the info available, aside from writing Kirsch, he wasn't the one who actually wrote it.

That's some 2000 IQ thinking from you right there.

Whatever, think whatever you want.

Yikes, somebody pissed in your cereal this morning :pepesip

Is this like a trigger point for you specifically or something? Because I don't actually care about this detail enough to have a real argument over.
Nah, I legit get Type's anger as he doesn't like misinformation popping up like this, especially if the fan translation itself is questionable from an also questionable source vs. a source that ultimately points towards something else.

That's why I'm ultimately going to basically throw that bone if it does show that I'm ultimately wrong in this and absolutely nothing comes up about what happened with Zeus and Sefar. I mean he doesn't care in the slightest and I don't expect him to at all but that's that.

Meanwhile, I need to finish my Archives anyway so I'm not going to continue this, just find it funny that it took this for people OTHER than me to finally post here for once :oldryoma

Meanwhile, Arcade is doing it's final Singularity but it's Arcade so nothing really interesting has happened from how far I looked it up on Beast's Lair.


Yikes, somebody pissed in your cereal this morning :pepesip

Is this like a trigger point for you specifically or something? Because I don't actually care about this detail enough to have a real argument over.
You cared enough to post that brain dead response.

If you really don't care, fine, let's drop it, but if you do even though you say you don't, have an actual argument instead of "lol look at what Xhom posted " like i fucking didn't read it and replied to his point directly.


V.I.P. Member
You cared enough to post that brain dead response.

If you really don't care, fine, let's drop it, but if you do even though you say you don't, have an actual argument instead of "lol look at what Xhom posted " like i fucking didn't read it and replied to his point directly.

I don't 🤷‍♂️

I only posted that because you posted a quote from an in-game character in response to an interview from the guy who writes Fate.

Now if you're saying that the translation of said interview is incorrect, then that's another thing entirely, and I'm more than willing to take you at your word for it. I just thought it was funny you responded to "author said X" with "well character inside of story said X instead"
Alright, I'm going to already change my ruling already and to be completely fair, I'll give Karna the full breakdown.
To immediately get this out of the way, I will NOT go all in on every feat he has through the Fate series similarly to Brynhildr and some of the others in the series because holy shit that's going to be alot and will fully detract from the very point of this Archive(And that's ChaosTheory's job anyway, not mine lol). What I WILL do is use them in reference to what we see in FGO itself so I can make put up the full picture of what he's capable of in regards to the story.


Time for the Son of Surya and the Hero of Benefaction(as well as R/Grandorder's biggest arch-nemesis in his "favoritism")

Historical Character and Image
A great variety of characters appear in the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata, but the de facto protagonist is Arjuna.
And the greatest rival opposing Arjuna is him, Karna.
He is also Arjuna’s half-brother on their mother’s side and has the blood of the sun god.
With Arjuna as the protagonist, Karna should have inevitably fitted into a villain role, but instead he is portrayed in the Mahabharata’s story as a tragedy hero and boasts immense popularity even in present day India as a hero that never stops fighting despite the constant torment of the caste system.

When Karna’s mother Kunti took care of Sage Durvasa, he thanked her with a present: one Mantra. It allowed her to summon forth any god and bear a child of the gods. As a test, Kunti summons the sun god Surya and bears his child. A decision she comes to regret.
At the time, giving birth to a child before marriage was a huge problem, so the concerned Kunti discards Karna in a river.
Luckily enough, he is adopted by a charioteer couple and starts displaying remarkable martial arts talent as he grows up.
In a Kaurava conference, Arjuna, one of the 5 Pandava princes, showed transcendental archery skills.
The audience showered him with praise, with the only contrarian being Karna. Karna displays archery skills on par with Arjuna and goes as far as requesting a one-on-one duel. However, the 5 Pandava brothers respond asking “What is your caste?”. In order to challenge Arjuna, a prince, your caste needs to be at least Kshatriya (warrior) and Karna didn’t qualify for that.
Luckily, Duryodhana, a dissenter of the Pandavas, takes a liking to Karna and ushers him into kinghood.
However, Karna’s foster father appears there, exposing Karna’s origins. He was the son of a charioteer.

Karna was indignant at the Pandava brothers for making his caste into laughingstock. He’s always complete fine with himself being mocked, but they insulted his foster father.

Karna started to serve his new friend Duryodhana. Karna and Arjuna’s mutual rivalry would deepen in the competition for Draupadi (who later became the wife of the Pandava brothers), until they finally settle who is on top on the Kurukshetra War. A war for territory breaks out between the 100 Kaurava princes (Duryodhana being one of them) and the 5 Pandava brothers.
At this time, a woman approaches Karna as he commands his army.
It was Kunti, the biological mother who birthed, then abandoned Karna. She confesses to him that she is his mother. The Pandava brothers are also sons of Kunti, therefore Arjuna is Karna’s half-brother.
Although Karna rejected her wish for him to switch to the Pandava brothers’ side, impressed by Kunti’s courage to admit her shameful crime, he swore not to attack any brother other than Arjuna.
For that reason, Karna let the non-Arjuna Pandava brothers escape the battlefield alive multiple times.

Later, immediately before the final battle, Indra, the thunder god, appears before Karna.
Karna was under an oath to never reject a request from a Brahmin, so when asked for his golden armor and earrings (that is, his Noble Phantasm Kavacha & Kundala), he peels away the items that were fused with his flesh. Impressed by his outstanding nobility, Indra grants Karna a single Divine Spear. The one and only Vasavi Shakti.
But even that wasn’t a fair replacement for an armor that promised him de facto immortality. When Arjuna approached Karna in the final battle, he had no trace left of his former strength.
With one curse making his chariot’s wheel get bogged down, another curse rendering unable to remember his weapons’ True Names, and without his immortality, Karna no longer had any ways to avoid Arjuna’s arrow.
But Arjuna wouldn’t shoot.
Because before the war, both parties agreed upon a rule: it’s forbidden to attack anyone who is no longer able to fight.
As long as his chariot was bogged, Arjuna was not allowed to shoot him.

“Ignore this rule”, whispers Arjuna’s charioteer Krishna.
Arjuna listen to the devilish whispers and regrets it for the rest of his life.
Karna, on the other hand, is weirdly proud of the fact that a hero on Arjuna’s level would go as far as breaking the rules to defeat him.
Karna and Arjuna drew their bows with all their might…

And in the end, Arjuna’s bow shot down the sun.

Fate/Apocrypha material - Encyclopedia: Lancer of “Red” [Servant], p.153 [T]
Lancer of “Red” [Servant]
One of the Servants of the Red camp. One of the great heroes that appears in the Ancient Indian epic poem, the “Mahabharata”. His true name is Karna. Since details about him have already been revealed in “Fate/EXTRA CCC” and the material book “Fate/EXTRA material”, I will only write about Karna as concerned with his appearance in “Apocrypha”.
In the Great Holy Grail War, Karna is the Heroic Spirit who didn’t acknowledge Shirou Kotomine as his Master right till the very end. He continued to serve the Masters whose consciousness had been stolen until the end. He merely obeyed Shirou out of necessity in order to protect them; if it weren’t for that, he would have been an aloof Servant who would merely obey his Master’s desire to “obtain the Holy Grail”. He truly is a saint, although I get the feeling that, after having served with such an honest and faithful attitude, he said in the Moon Cell, “Then, this time I’m put together with a completely useless shut-in of a Master”, but who knows?
This time, he had an abundant prana supply, so he was able to utilize his full power at full throttle, unlike anything seen previously. Honestly, I feel regret over maybe having gone too far with him. He acts as if damage is nothing to him thanks to his golden armor, he sends the enemy flying with his “Prana Burst, he’s covered in flames like a burning phoenix, and his divine spear releases a humongous explosion—in contrast to his modest attitude, it gave the impression that he was rampaging violently.
He possesses power and skill that isn’t inferior to that of Achilles within the Red camp; truly a case of two star players in a single team. During the great battle in the second volume, Lancer of Black’s repeated attacks weren’t half-hearted at all, and any other Lancer besides Karna wouldn’t have been able to withstand it.
Karna saw in Siegfried in the face of a pure warrior trying to carry out his duty even while feeling anguished by something. It seems it was similar to what he saw in the legendary bowman who he fought in the past.
Also, originally in the Jumbo Jet Counter-Attack battle of volume 5, there were plans to have something like a ‘Massive Jumbo Jet Target Shooting scene where Karna readies himself and sticks his spear in the ground, and when Semiramis asks what he is doing, he says, “Weapons are unnecessary. A true hero kills with his eyes!”’, but it was too much of a ridiculous gag and it ended up being cut.

Alright now with that out of the way because let's be real, everyone and their mother already otherwise knows about Karna throughout the Fate series because he's one of the most re-occurring Servants(Apocrypha, Extra/CCC, Fate Grand Order and Extella and it's sequel) in the Franchise and one of the most well-loved so there's no further point in dawdling and get to the skills.

Strength: B
Endurance: C
Agility: A
Magic: B
Luck: D
Noble Phantasm: EX

Strength: B
Endurance: A
Agility: A
Mana: B
Luck: A+
Noble Phantasm: A++

I just did this because I found it funny the weird allocations he get at his absolute best vs. Apocrypha or going around with Jinako.

Discernment of the Poor: A
Insight that sees through others’ personality and attribute.
He can’t be deceived by verbal excuses and deceptions.
It displays the power to grasp others’ nature, which Karna got because his status as a man with no family blessed him with the opportunity to question the lives and the worth of the weak.

Within the Lostbelt itself(and virtually he does it all the time and especially with Jinako) and honestly the best example:
Here, Karna ultimately questions why God Arjuna needs so much power as Arjuna would never go this inhumane route for it only to immediately know the answer that "Dark Krishna" is the one at that killed him and is at the wheel. Here, Karna ultimately gets God Arjuna to question his own infallibility completely unintentionally.

Uncrowned Arms Mastery
Armed combat skills there weren’t acknowledged by others for several reasons.
Others will see his sword, spear, archery, Riding and Divinity as one rank lower than the actual value. This effect disappears when his True Name is deduced or revealed.

This only really appears in Apocrypha and used there(As every other time, the characters easily deduce who he is or it's never really brought up and they just know).

Mana Burst (Flames): A
The power to infuse mana into his weapon.
For Karna, blazing flames become mana that dwells in his weapon.
This Skill is constantly active and any weapon in Karna’s hands is affected by this effect.

Okay, I have to use Apocrypha here because in game never shows this happen so to get that out of the way Here.

Easiest moment to see him using Mana Burst(If you don't like the dub, bite me, go bug someone else about it). Brahmastra Kundula is virtually an overcharged Mana Burst Flame + Brahmastra in context but we'll get to that later.

Class Skills

Magic Resistance: C
Negates spells with a chant of two verses or less.
Cannot defend against something more complex, like high magecraft or ritual curses.
However, this statement does not apply for when he’s under the effect of his golden armor Noble Phantasm.

Riding: A
Can freely control all beasts and vehicles, except those under the Phantasmal Beast/Divine Beast rank.

Divinity: A
Being the son of the sun god Surya and having unified himself with him after death, Karna has the greatest Divine Spirit Suitability.
This Divine Spirit Suitability works as a powerful defense against sun god Heroic Spirits with a Divinity of B or lower.

None of them are really important past Divinity, that will come up later.

And now, The Noble Phantasms:

Brahmastra: O Brahma, Wrap the Earth
An Anti-Army, Anti-Country Noble Phantasm granted to Karna by Parashurama of the Brahmin. If his Class is Archer it will be a bow, while under other Classes it will manifest as a different projectile weapon. By calling upon the name of the god Brahma it will pursue the enemy and surely hit, but because of a curse it cannot be used on opponents of greater ability than himself.

This does appear in gameplay of FGO as his Extra attack here. And here it is also used in the battle against Sieg-Siegfried.
Here, he actually uses it against Ritsuka, Mash and Nightingale in America(You obviously survive but it's pretty clear there is no battle and you are just captured.). It's later stated by Nightingale Mash blocked it but the sheer shockwave knocked everyone unconscious(Holy hell)

Kavacha & Kundala (Sun, become mail)
Rank: A
Type: Anti-Unit (Self) Noble Phantasm
Range: 0
Max. targets: 1 person
Karna’s mother Kunti feared becoming an unmarried mother and made a wish to Surya, asking for a golden armor and earring to protect their son.
This is a powerful Defense Noble Phantasm that releases the sun’s radiance.
Since it is light itself taken form, even the gods find it difficult to destroy
It is unified with Karna’s flesh. (It is sealed in Fate/GO but its armor is visible in his first and second Ascensions)

Golden Armor
In Hindu mythology, the golden armor and earrings and the hero Karna had upon his body. Karna's mother, Kunti, feared being an unmarried mother and prayed for the armor and earrings from Surya in order to protect her son.
A defense-type Noble Phantasm that emits the radiance of the sun itself. Since it is light itself given shape, even a god would have difficulty destroying it, and Indra put in the effort to render it unavailable to Karna.
In the myth, Indra took the form of a Brahmin and visited Karna's castle. He approached Karna when he was taking his holy bath and said, "I wish to receive the things you carry."
Karna had sworn not to refuse the request of a Brahmin made during this time. While aware of Indra's trap, he accepted this request and handed over the requested item, the armor that was his only proof of his lineage.
While it was taken from him in the myth, as a Servant, Karna still possesses it. While it appears massive, it's an invincible armor that disregards physics and concepts to curtail antagonistic interference.
As long as he wears it, the damage Karna takes is reduced to one-tenth

Well finally, something explicitly for FGO itself!
Here, Holmes state that even with removing all of the time constraints and safety checks, there's a difference of 5 seconds of when the Shadow Border is capable of Zero Sail and when Mahaprayla is activated. Here, Karna leaves the Border through Spirit Form to buy them the 5 seconds they need.
Here, Mahapralaya Activation Scene. Here, the True Name Activation of Kavacha & Kundala.

The "clash" between Mahapralaya and Kavacha & Kundala. Here, Karna ultimately hands the reigns to Ganesha to guard Master in his absence and buys the time needed for the Shadow Border to Zero Sail. Here, Rama notes that even with the nigh-indestructible Armor of the Sun, there's only so much you can do when Reality crumbles under you and is surprised Karna lasted longer than he did.

Here, In America, it fails against Cu Alter's Gae Bolg(To be fair to it, Cu Alter's Gae Bolg is explicitly more ludicrous than even Cu's normally is outside of the Causality deal):
Gáe Bolg, Spear of gouging and piercing massacre
Rank: B++
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 5~50
Maximum number of targets: 100 people
Gáe Bolg.
A homing demonic spear missile. Almost the same Noble Phantasm as when usually summoned.
By throwing his automatic tracking demonic lance, he sweeps up the enemies within range. Since it’s a full-power throw to the degree of being willing to collapse his own body, its power and effective range have risen when compared to his usual summoning. It has an instant death effect against the entire enemy front, and deals great damage in the case of not dying instantly.
Since he’s throwing 「while regenerating the collapsing body」through Rune magecraft, Cú Chulainn doesn’t receive damage, but can’t prevent the sharp pain.
(Fundamentally not used in 『FateGO』)

I also believe that in the Turas Realta Manga, Karna was explicitly invoking Vasavi Shakti BEFORE he was gored with Gae Bolg as well(I'll add this in a future update as I'm kinda busy now). So if that's true, you can go with either or as depending and no, the game does NOT switch Karna's sprites in America as it did in Lostbelt 4 so don't bother looking, I did it while I was writing this.

Brahmastra Kundala (Brahma, curse me)
Rank: A+
Type: Anti-Country Noble Phantasm
Range: 2-90
Max. targets: 600 people
The Anti-Country Noble Phantasm Karna received from the Brahman Parashurama.
It manifests as bow if his Class is Archer, or a different projectile if his Class is anything else. Adding the effects of Karna’s attribute of intense heat, one hit becomes comparable to a nuclear weapon.
(Its True Name is not released in Fate/GO)

Last part might as well not exist since in FGO, he very much says the True Name Release in the Buster Card in the 2nd of his Close Range Attacks after the first Here. He also uses it in the Apocrypha Anime against Sieg-Siegfried Here. And he uses it plenty of times in other games but like with Brahmastra if we listed all of them, we would be here all day.

Vasavi Shakti (Sun, abide to death)
The Noble Phantasm I won't do just once but twice because of course I can and will, I am a major Karna fanboy!

Rank: EX
Type: Anti-Divine Noble Phantasm
Range: 2-5
Max. targets: 1 person
The single-use Spear of Light that can take down even the gods. The spear of mortality, made of lighting.
It manifests in exchange for his armor, replacing tremendous defensive power for a powerful spear with Anti-Divine properties.
O Sun, Abide to Death [Noble Phantasm]
Vasavi Shakti. The Anti-Divine Noble Phantasm of Lancer of Red, Karna. A god-killing spear given to him by the thunder god Indra in the “Mahabharata”. The secret weapons among secret weapons, which doesn’t exist even in the treasure vault of the King of Heroes. Just as shown in the illustrations within “Complete Material IV”, his spear transforms and officially becomes this Noble Phantasm after he sheds his golden armor.
It’s not like the spear he usually uses is a fake, but it can’t activate its name of “Vasavi Shakti: O Sun, Abide to Death” in this state.

Yeah, they are honestly seriously funky when it comes to Vasavi Shakti is supposed to be a one-use weapon or it cannot return to it's armor form anymore...
In Apocrypha and Extra/CCC, We pretty much see him lose the Armor and even suffer damage from using it Here(Extra/CCC version).
In Fate Extella and Link, Karna regains his armor after his NP Here(Though he DOES suffer a major DEF Down in gameplay so it still hurts) this is also funny considering the main climax of one of the Routes of Extella Link has Karna use Vasavi Shakti TWICE in a row, once against Charlemagne who defends with Joyeuse and against Arjuna with Pashupata.
In FGO Arcade, he also regains the Armor after his NP Here
I won't add FGO Mobile since it's obvious that has more constraints... BUT in Lostbelt 4, Karna DOES canonically switch back to his Armor form after using Vasavi Shakti against Ashwatthaman minutes prior Here(and for his main moment to protect the others)

The main reason I added this aside? Primarily to point out either everyone just decided to no longer care that Vasavi Shakti is supposed to be a one time thing, they forgot about it or because of Nasu wanting to make the setting far more stronger, he curtailed back that weakness into simply he can't use one or the other. Now back to the actual feats of it in FGO:

Here, In America, he is able to use a weakened version of it's True Name Release against Cu Alter and vanishes soon after due to the fatal injury he took. Here, the attack leaves him completely scorched and he leaves to have it heal. Here, Cu Alter states his restoration is complete though he notes it would be bad if Arjuna betrayed them(I have heard conflicting reports I heard that the damage from VS ultimately will never heal as Nightingale and Cu Alter stated in the part above but in the last one, he is ultimately restored from the damage. So this is either a translation fuckup that was changed later(wouldn't be the first time) or the sources are wrong and missed this part(Though the Youtuber I use primarily doesn't capture ALL of the scenes for some of the earlier Singularities or at the very least Orleans so this will be with some salt no matter what) or this is similar to the Gae Bolg situation in F/SN where it only healed his outer wounds and not the actual wound itself).

Here is the Manga rendition of that Vasavi Shakti and the damage to Cu Alter.

Here, in Lostbelt 4, Karna uses Vasavi Shakti against Ashwatthaman due to basically being far away from the town and no lifeforms nearby). Here, Mash states it's a direct hit but Ashwatthaman still survives the attack completely. Here, Sherlock states that the attack absolutely hurt him but he's healing at an alarming rate. Here, Pepe states they don't need to kill him and he's hurt enough that they can easily bypass him which we later see is true as Ashwatthaman can't give chase.
To give more context to this, Rama, Karna and Nehza are explicitly nerfed in Lostbelt 4 due to God Arjuna's meddling Here. It still remains even at the tail end of the Lostbelt Here(Although Rama states it's not as bad on Karna due to Ganesha's host remembering him atleast) so again, Vasavi Shakti is nerfed.

And you have it against Apocrypha which... well, I shouldn't have to explain that one completely as I have the video there and it speaks for itself so play by play:
Vasavi Shakti vs. Balmung, Sieg can't manifest the full power of Balmung due to his body so he uses a Command Spell. The Command Spell either has no effect against it or in the LN, Sieg loses the battle of wills against Karna and Astolfo has to use Ahkellius Kosmos to save Sieg but it's completely destroyed in the process.

Physical Strength, Speed, Endurance?

Because I'm an idiot and I haven't actually watched Apocrypha completely, I don't really have the best speed feats for Karna on hand outside of him normally stacking with other high end Servants speed wise(Go look up the Threadmark, I'm not going to link it here, don't be lazy). Instead I will point out his Quick Attack in FGO(does a few dashes yet does potentially tens of attacks at once) and call it a day Here.

Here, Karna avoids a Balmung Blast at the virtual last second in his fight with Sieg-Siegfried.

In terms of Endurance?
Here in Apocrypha, he takes multiple stakes coming through his body from Vlad III(as his Armor cannot protect his insides) with many more after that and is still capable of fighting afterwards.

Here, Rama notes that even with the nigh-indestructible Armor of the Sun, there's only so much you can do when Reality crumbles under you and is surprised Karna lasted longer than he did(It's heavily implied Karna's willpower is what allowed him to keep Mahapralaya at bay rather than the Armor itself).

Here, Despite the sheer number of Servants helping Ritsuka, the best they can do is ultimately send Karna "flying" and escape in America

Here, Karna explicitly takes Gae Bolg and it utterly destroys his Spirit Core(it doesn't say it but considering how Gae Bolg from Cu Alter is supposed to work). Here, Karna uses Vasavi Shakti and was sticking around the entire time despite Cu Alter fighting Rama, Nightingale and Mash and Merlin further stalling him.

Here, Karna takes an absolutely ludicrous Non-TNR Balmung Strike(To put this in comparison, the huge rock that exploded from the sheer magnitude of the strike completely dwarfs their size as a comparison shot) with zero injuries.

Here, Karna is able to block a strike from an exhausted Sieg-Siegfried(though is thrown from the sheer force back) after Vasavi Shakti was stopped by Ahkellius Kosmos and his injuries upon using it.
In GIF Form here for the sheer comparison of the attack power Sieg-Siegfried is capable of despite being virtually exhausted

Attack Power? Hoo boy...

Here, one of the final clashes of the starting battle between himself and Sieg-Siegfried makes an enormous set of shockwaves
Here, an unnamed technique that Karna uses(but is in FGO here) ultimately causes an explosion that comes off like an equivalent of a nuke and completely covers the area they was fighting in.
Here, Karna is able to utterly push Siegfried through sheer force and then launch him tens if not hundreds of feet away(You can also tag this as a speed feat as he easily catches back up to him)

Here, in the America PV, Karna destroys a Plateau/Mountain with a swing of his spear.
Here, as a result of Karna and Arjuna's battle, the Grand Canyon is gone(No Noble Phantasms was used, this was pure physical strength)
Here(just linking to the post), Karna and Arjuna's Punch completely destroys the Plateau they are on but destroys both of their hands from the exchange.
Here, Upon meeting Karna again to leave the Prison in America, Geronimo notes that Karna isn't going into the fight as a "battle to the death" and that otherwise their chances are slim.

Here, with the introduction to Pepe, Karna's attack that obliterated a Boulder is stated to be equal to the force of killing 100 frail bodied humans.

And now we get to the pretty hilariously short section:
Robe of the Fiery Three Gods... or Super Karna for short

Here, the form completely appears for the first time.
Here, Rama notes that it doesn't come from merely using Ashwatthaman's nor his own powers but Karna making it his own.
Here, Upon meeting God Arjuna in this form, Karna notes that the power he has is unbelievable despite being a fragment of Shiva and Vishnu's power(He's not really lying as both Rama and Lakshmibai agree earlier).
Here, God Arjuna believes he is a step closer to becoming a "perfect god" and this is "how it should be"(Basically God Arjuna is giving a heavy compliment and believes Super Karna is now finally in his league).
Here, Super Karna ultimately defeated God Arjuna despite the vast difference in their level of power(though God Arjuna was gimped before this as I laid out in his section).
Here, Pepe notes that Karna has been holding out for longer than he thought but he is at his limit.
Here, Karna notes that he used the last of his strength fighting God Arjuna and he doesn't even have his Spirit Origin(The Foundation of a Spiritual Being's Existence) anymore and is literally there by Sheer force of will, Meuniere confirms that his Magical Energy is gone and here's there by sheer force of will.

And there we go. I this one took me all day to do but I found it actually pretty pleasant for me to do. If I messed anything up or forgot something, just let me know(and again, I'm not including everything here because it would overtake the feats in FGO).

Translation of Lilim Harlot Scene 1:
Lilim Harlot: Corruption Fruit City
~Aspiration Queen of Exile~
A.D. 2016
Conclusive Singularity
Human Order Foundation Value: E-

Section 1

[Pre-arrow dialogue]
—— We have arrived at the enemy Singularity.
As predicted by Chaldea, the structure of this Singularity is a miniature world, a conceptual universe.
A minimum model case of the universe, so to speak…
Notably, there is only a single lifeform within this universe.
… the Beast of Calamity. The Evil of Humanity that manifests when civilization has surpassed its transitional period, and achieved complete prosperity. Beast Ⅵ.
Our operation goal is the destruction of Beast Ⅵ.
We will commence our Last Order now!

——st a minute!
Looks like I just made it in time, hm?
This Last Order is filled with incredible boldness.
I simply had to come!


If this battle is to be your last, then it’s clearly the climax of your journey.
Then it goes without saying!
I had to come and support you in person!
The journey you’re all on is one that every Merlin can celebrate, no matter which one they are!

—— Merlin!

Hey, long time no see!
You seem to be in pretty high spirits, Mash Kyrielight.
And you too, of course, Master of Chaldea.

Of course, Merlin!
Lady Merlin, visiting from another world!
It really has been a long time!

Mhm, mhm, there’s that smiling face, and that beautiful voice!
After so many difficult travels, you never yielded, and continued straight to your goal.
That dazzling beauty left me inspired beyond compare.
In fact, I just came running over here on foot!
Now then, I should be able to lend you more power than last time.

Thank you very much!
…… that’s reassuring, isn’t it, Senpai?

Actually, there is something else I should tell you.
(Smiling) I suppose it’s actually a big deal for you two.


(Smiling broadly)
—— Today, I’m not the only one who's came running!

[Loading Screen]
I / Imitation Melting Furnace Naberius
The end of the seven journeys.
The final Singularity, where only a single life exists.
Finally, Mash and the Master of Chaldea face their final battle.
The Magus of Flowers manifested and said:
On the throne over there, Beast Ⅵ awaits, having enshrined itself.
There is only a single route by which that throne can be reached.
Specifically, travelling over a total of seven regions with regards to this Singularity!
The seven Demon Pillars you’ve fought on your journey so far, the Demonic Beasts Brilliant.
If you lay all of them low, the citadel that protects the throne will collapse.
“Thy will be done. We shalt first bring unto this Demonic Beast Brilliant obliteration.”
So spoke the one who clad his body in robes of black——— and a deathly skull mask.
[pre-battle dialogue]
—— Thy will be done.
We shalt first bring unto this Demonic Beast Brilliant obliteration.


Didn’t I tell you?
I’m not the only one who rushed over.
He is the one who treads the boundary of death!
Throughout history, in secrecy, the title of “Old Man of the Mountain” has been passed down unfailingly, and this is the founder and master, the Mask of Dark Death!
His True Name is Hassan-i Sabbah——
By means of the Decisive Battle Magecraft - Heroic Spirit Summoning, he has materialised as a Heroic Spirit of the Crown Rank, one of the Cavalry, bearing the destiny of hunting Beasts!
He’s the Grand Assassin!

Old Man of the Mountain:
…… I am but a spectre of the past that doth writhe in darkness.
But yet, now comes the time for the Evening Bell to toll.
If so, then mine duty is to bring forth its will.

The Evening Bell——

Now is the time of destiny!
He told me to lend him my strength for this special occasion!

Old Man of the Mountain:

Let me guide ye on yonder way.

Senpai, look at that.
The path that the Old Man of the Mountain left behind as he advanced…

Aren’t the petals of magical energy fluttering and floating so beautifully?
Fufufu. Apologies, that’s my work.
If he’s going to be acting as our guide, then that should make things easier for us to follow.

Old Man of the Mountain:
Thou doth imitate that which hath already passed.
Leave not thy funeral flowers upon the death of these creatures.

Now now, don’t say that.
It’s not a stretch to say that we’re friends and comrades, as Grands.

Old Man of the Mountain:
Thus spake the conceited faux fairy, who exercises her power and allows dust to grow upon her Crown Station.

What are you talking about?

(What’s the story behind that?)

Well, putting that aside, we need to deal with this first Demonic Beast Brilliant——
It’ll be quite a bother to whittle down this amount of Magical Energy, and then there’s the fact that there’s a sum total of seven!
… Is what I thought, but it seems like your previous co-stars are coming back.
Look at that, Mash!


Hey, uncle!
Uncle Vlad, make sure to adapt to the situation as it progresses!

Vlad III:
I certainly intend to not fall behind——
I doubt they’re skilled enough to dodge my Noble Phantasm, no?
That’s how it is.


Yikes, uncle Vlad’s being really unforgiving today!
How are you all handling his Bey?
You alright?

There’s no possible way for Lord Vlad to be inept enough for mistakes like that.
It is instead our role to support him.
We shall bring down the first Demonic Beast Brilliant here and now.

Mhm, mhm. I gotcha. Let’s go—— hiyah!

Master, Master!
All the Heroic Spirits who opposed us in the First Singularity as enemy Servants!
They’re all attacking the Demonic Beast Brilliant together——

Jeanne d’Arc:
… Indeed. This is nothing less than a miracle.
And this is it!
The forms they should all have, in the fundamental states they should’ve had as “Heroic Spirits”!
We are engraved in the history that humans weave, and at our core, should always exist to stand on the side of human history.
Now is the time for the Holy Grail to witness them all, without the chains of curses holding them down!
Let us work together, and give our strength to your Chaldea!

Yep yep!
This time, I think we can have a party together without squabbling!
Vive la France, Master!
I’m glad I get to say hello to you again!

Jeanne! Marie!

It’s rather dangerous for a party…
Ah, I see. That’s how it is.
At the daybreak of our victory, let us have a most splendid banquet!

By your will, my Queen!
The White Lily Flag of the Royal Family shall do everything to bring about your party!
These vile, sinister, malignant flowers, the Demonic Beasts Brilliant.
These creatures are unworthy of a feast with humans!

Dance, and dance, and dance, Demonic Beasts Brilliant
Before us now you dance your death——

Oh, Phantom seems to be in high spirits too.
A rare sight indeed!
Maria seems to be singing to the same tune, too.
Must this really be taken seriously?


Well hello again, young lady, hello again indeed.
It seems I was just in time for the final performance.

Of course you were!

Jeanne Alter:
… I’m here too, y’know.
Why the hell are you on their side?

Gilles de Rais:
Oh, Jeanne. Your beauty has swollen…
Have you perhaps become unfaithful?
Do you still want to stand as an enemy of Chaldea, even after being called upon twice by the Apostle of Desire?

Jeanne Alter:
Shut up! I’ll burn you!

… Master, so many people have come running to the final battle.
Like this, we can’t lose! Anti-Demonic Beast Brilliant battle, commencing!

[post-arrow dialogue]
Jeanne d’Arc:
The road ahead has been opened!
Please advance, and don’t look back!

The first Demonic Beast Brilliant has been silenced!
Usually, I’d like to take a break about now, but sadly there’s just no time for that.
Let’s move on to the next, you two!

Of course!

Old Man of the Mountain:
This way—— follow me.

Do us proud up there!
If you give up part way there, we won’t forgive you!

Jeanne d’Arc:
May fortune await you!

Vive la France!

Lilim Harlot literally does the same shit as Goetia... AGAIN and created a miniature Universe... AGAIN(Okay for real? This is actually hilariously impressive considering Goetia had to use a Reality Marble for that, Lilim Harlot did it on her own).

Female Merlin shows up to support Chaldeas in person and brought in Grand Assassin King Hassan with them(again proving that there is literally no other candidate than King Hassan in the Assassin Class, RIP), she also mentions that she is a "Fellow Grand"(Although so does Male Merlin so it's probably doing that as a Candidate)
EDIT: He was also summoned potentially the same way as Romulus Quirinus is in Olympus:
By means of the Decisive Battle Magecraft - Heroic Spirit Summoning, he has materialised as a Heroic Spirit of the Crown Rank, one of the Cavalry, bearing the destiny of hunting Beasts!

So potentially nice continuity.

Instead of the 72 Demon God Pillars, it's just 7 Demonic Beast Brilliants(i.e. More Demon Pillars but also are the personification of the 7 Hills obviously))

Same shit though as every Servant in the First Singularity(including the enemies) show up and fight it.

Not really anything else though past again Beast VI Arcade is bullshit.
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