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Circus of Humorous & Humiliating Arguments Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

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ยสี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่สี่ สี่สี
V.I.P. Member


That's good enough

Like that clears our fairly low standard of proof hilariously easy :catskully

I enjoy the meme as much as anyone else, but someone actually bothered to do a decent respect thread for the series, and frankly that deserves the upgrade just for the pain goldenboy must have gone through reading that much of NT :kobeha


They still get run over by the Transformers :maybe

transformers running over most things now tbh

the fact that most of those feats were there for years, but nobody had looked :wow

Cryso Agori

V.I.P. Member
Ah but you see. The daycamp don't pay me :mjpls

Idk how its legal but apparently the pay for a junior counselor working from 8-4 is 1600 dollars for the entire summer.

Yes the entire summer, and we only get that many at the end of it. We'll there's tips to but you also only get tips at the end of the year.

And not only that, but today it rained multiple times hard as hell, and we had to stay outside. Cause the leaders was like, we stay outside till someone tells to go inside.

So we played soccer outside in the field drenched in rain. We swam in the pool while it was raining.

And I wore sandals instead of sneakers meaning mud found itself on my feet.

And this is all on my first day. Yes this all happened on Monday June 27, first day of working for the first time at a daycamp.

Don't worry applied to a McDonald's when I got back home. Cause at least they pay minimum wage a day.



This part of my contract just blows my mind.

Look as much as I love the kids, if I'm getting a job, I want something that'll give me some moolah, cash. My little sis and parents want me to keep working cause it'll be experience. and in my head I'm like:smh 'bitches what kinda company would hire me cause I worked at a summer camp', unless I get an actual job working with kids I don't think it matters on my resume.

So does working at Mcdonald's but at least they actually pay more, and at the end of the day.


Honestly, I'd rather do a respect thread on all of Greek Mythology than do Percy Jackson. PJO is lame as fuck compared to the source material that makes its stuff even remotely entertaining. :russ
Do RT on Kabbalah, it's one of the most powerful things the human intellect has come up with.


Cosmically Evolved Entity


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member
By the by, how fast would dodging something that came from the nearest star (Proxima Centauri) in a relatively short timeframe (say 1-10 seconds) to where you're standing be anyway?

Like in the thousands of FTL? :hm
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One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member

@Xhominid The Fool :mjlol

@Xhominid The Fool :mjlol

Deva Realm being able to stomp the 5th HGW on their own is the highest copium I have seen in a long time...
Oh wait, there's the DBS Manga being good :oldryoma

EDIT: "Archer gets erased from existence"
>The Throne of Heroes is acausal and thus he would never get erased from existence.
That was something Saber outright told him is why his plan wouldn't work and even Archer knows that and that's why it's ultimately just him being petty.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member

Oh for-
With regards to a versus scenario, it's merely more sensible to go with what's shown and in no way ambiguous. This sort of reminds me of trending Elden Ring arguments. General Radahn, Conqueror of the Stars. He simply doesn't blow up suns in your character's face. He held back magic stars, yeah. He also held back a massive meteor, which is certainly awesome to watch. But none of that seems to do him good in a fight.
Radahn uses this same magic on you in the fight. And flies into space. A mindless Radahn who sees enemies to eat will just use 0% of his power against them?

Then again, if Elden Ring and TES where anime, you'd accept their power in an instant.
We can measure his swords, his speed, the superhuman qualities he possesses. I guess it might be harder to say if we never met Miraak or Vahlok, or never witnessed them trying to fight somebody on equal terms. Then you might have a point, since we don't have much else to go on for their abilities. But we can see how they fight in the game.
The Greybeards shout is a core part of the plot which the game shoves in your face, it's no way ambiguous. IF that's not enough, we have word of god and the guides directly backing it up via a reliable narrator to back up in game events. I have shown this to you and others so many times I have lost count. Also lore > gameplay is another one.
To be clear there are characters who can put those kinds of abilities to combat. Think about Thanos from the MCU. He can use the Infinity Gauntlet to rip chunks from a moon, teleport them to the planet's surface, and try to crush the enemy. That's relevant.
More sucking up to Heliarshit in action. At least two omniscient narrators (the script and the junior novelization) confirm that Thanos dragged down the chunks of the moon with speed.
It's a Tolkien-like thing. Far as I know, "Varla," is an ancient Elven word for starlight, as the name, "Tamriel," is Elven for the Beauty of Dawn. (Now you know where the song gets it's name.) Starlight magic is used for attacks, defenses, and can also imbue those Ayleid warriors with supernatural strength. Et cetera.

I believe some Elves called the Magna-Ge—cosmic beings who fled the multiverse at the dawn of semi-linear time—something like Varla or Vala, which is also wonderfully close to the Valar (or Vala) in Tolkien's mythology. Although, that is where the similarity starts to vanish.
Ahh yes, disingenuous the comparison to Tolkiens mythos to try and say "TES is a standard fantasy setting with really vague cosmics." Tolkien did have influences on TES (particularly in the early days of Arena and Daggerfall), but a lot of the cosmic stuff comes from other influences

(Not dissing on Tolkien or calling his work standard fantasy, but this is a tactic HXD uses to try and downplay TES cosmics)

"the Anti-Spiral is limited to one universe, correct"

Multiverse Labyrinth says hi.

There's already multiversal stuff outside the Labyrinth. Looking back its so painfully that "Universe" contextually (and what makes it worse is that SB would accept it in an instant if it was, say... written by Stephen Baxter).

The Anti-Spiral’s limited to one universe, correct? I don’t really see what they can do against a multiversal character. I know dimensional-tiering is a thing but that never ends well.
>People think that Gurren Lagann's multiversal feats are because of dimensional tiering.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
To be fair its at least implied that the Anti Spirals nerfed themselves to be at least equal or slightly above Gurren Lagann so that it would inflict absolute despair.

The movies at least add on to this somewhat with the Anti Spiral still able to over power STTGL.

No? This never happens. The Anti-Spiral fight TTGL on their own playing field to beat them at their own game. They almost succeed, but the heroes grow to exceed them. You can event tell that the Anti-Spiral are getting more emotional and involved the further the final battle progresses.
No? This never happens. The Anti-Spiral fight TTGL on their own playing field to beat them at their own game. They almost succeed, but the heroes grow to exceed them. You can event tell that the Anti-Spiral are getting more emotional and involved the further the final battle progresses.

The entire point of the Anti-Spiral is that they basically don't nerf themselves, they just beat your ass down so you can feel hopeless ever standing against them. The Movie only shows them reaching their Super Form just because STTGL happened, that's it.

Stocking Anarchy

V.I.P. Member
The entire point of the Anti-Spiral is that they basically don't nerf themselves, they just beat your ass down so you can feel hopeless ever standing against them. The Movie only shows them reaching their Super Form just because STTGL happened, that's it.
They wanted to do what the heroes did but more so, to show their own determination and to further inflict despair (also the fact they looked like a giant demon skeleton added to that). Also both the Granzeboma and Neo Granzeboma are bigger than the heroes "robot" to hammer this home.

Then again, this is basic visual story tell so I'm sure it'll all pass over SBs head.
They wanted to do what the heroes did but more so, to show their own determination and to further inflict despair (also the fact they looked like a giant demon skeleton added to that). Also both the Granzeboma and Neo Granzeboma are bigger than the heroes "robot" to hammer this home.

Then again, this is basic visual story tell so I'm sure it'll all pass over SBs head.

Honestly I don't think it even passes their heads half of the time because most of the time, they never read or even watch the series they "dismantle", it's obvious they just go by nonsense most of the time and it gets them "results".
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