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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

The latest Turas Realta chapter actually did a damn good job of incorporating Cu Alter's NP alongside his transformation into the Demon God Pillar to make it be it's own design(A combo of the two) rather than him just becoming the DGP).
We don't get as much insanity as say Karna vs. Arjuna or the typical fights between them but we do get a full on chapter hogfight between him, Mash, Nightingale and Rama with Ritsuka assisting as usual.

Nightingale ultimately kills Cu Alter in a pretty badass sequence as well so give that one to her.
Sorry for the wait, FGO's 5th Anniversary and goodies kept me away from doing Rama's part and the other shit I need to do to tidy up the Lostbelt 4 Archives.
I'll get started with those tonight and start Rama's tomorrow before Summer 5 as his will be the most indepth as it will include his stuff from America and some of his Interludes as well as LB4.


One Sin and Hundreds of Good Deeds
V.I.P. Member


Alright Fate need what the universal feats for the series
Let me make a list for you :



No need to thank me.

Edit : There's no flat out Universal feat in the series.

All of the shit we have is either conditional or too vague to properly analyze.

Examples :
Kingprotea can reach universal sizes .... eventually via her infinte growth.

Kama is a conceptual universe.

Shiva (the actual god from the Myth) from the PHH can allegedly blow up the universe but we've never even see him let alone see him in action.

Shiki's third personality which is conflated with the Root

Until we have more info or showings i'm gonna go hard against any nigga who wants to seriously claim any of this shit is legit universal.
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V.I.P. Member
Alright Fate need what the universal feats for the series

Alright, with the caveat that this is all wrapped in Fate mechanics that blur the lines....

Kama generates a literal universe inside a singularity in her event

Arjalter is explicitly above her (her event happens because she ran screaming away from him) and can just eat and shit out an entire Texture, which is functionally the entire reality, laws of physics and such and all, that he exists is (notably there are stars present in the Lostbelt but once he eats it there is nothing but blank white space left)

Zeus is mentioned to be able to "incinerate the universe" multiple times, is equal/above Arjalter, and has functions alternatively translated as "Anti-Spacetime" or "Anti-Universe"

There is a line of dialogue from BB where she states Kiara created an actual universe in her stomach (which is what her NP uses presumably)

Servant-verse nonsense including the literal galaxy Spishtar trying and iirc succeeding in destroying said Servantverse only for MHXA to snap time back so you can try again because she has an IG knockoff

Outer God nonsense where they're supposedly from entirely separate universes and can fuck up ours

MHXX has wholesale annihilated all of her realities Outer Gods (to the point her "job" is getting downsized lol), her weapon is an anti-universe NP that is also the balancing scales of the universe (and a Notes reference, keep that copium coming, we'll get an adaption one day) and she has a skill that let's her tell Void/Blank/[]/the personification of the Nasuverse to fuck the hell off :skully

I think there is also some more nonsense involving Rhon and Excalibur in LB 6 but I haven't read those yet


V.I.P. Member
For the record I think we have Fate locked at like Star-system to Galaxy at the moment, and that from either the Servant-verse stuff or the Fantasy Trees (which have galaxies stuffed inside pocket dimensions).

Everything I mentioned aside from the Servant-verse stuff runs on the caveat that it all happens inside pocket dimensions that have an objective physical size between a city and.....I think the biggest one was a continent?

So the person in control of it can make the rules whatever they want, but it's arguably only a symbolic representation/simulation of the "real thing"

Like you beat Kama, who has turned herself into a universe, by......having the person related to the place the singularity happens in say "that's bullshit get out of my house" and then suddenly the "universe" has a floor :zaru
The Fate feats should be capped at Galaxy at best and that's from Goetia/Sodom's Beast, The Trees of Emptiness and yes, Servantverse shit.

The Singularities as big as we've seen them cap at Continental size... until we remember that the Singularities still have Day/Night Cycles and deep ass space considering Moriarty's stunt with Bennu. The Lostbelt Textures are only "capped" due to the Storm Walls but still includes deep space.(FYI, Deep Space isn't basically outside of the Galaxy, I'm just using it that it's not just slightly outside the atmosphere of the Earth).

No, Kama's shit with Ooku was specialized due to her nature as a "Living Universe" similar to Space Ishtar's shit but also with the caveat that she's also Mara(who has some control over the Universal energies) and a Beast to even go that far at all. Not everyone can do that... HOWEVER, we have seen Divine Spirits and even those with shit like Rhongomyniad be able to plaster Textures on top of Singularities and even the Age of Humans to some extent(before the Planet basically slaps it away).


The "capping" isn't really relevant unless it's pointed out cause even the AoG mythologies were capped by the size of their respective textures and you still crazy shit happening, shit that was far higher in scale than the size of a single country.

Like for example ,Ragnarok still happened, and i hope i won't hear that that craziness was contained by several small countries.


V.I.P. Member
Er, I wasn't saying that the crazy shit was really only as big as [insert pocket dimension size here]. I was saying that because they take place inside of pocket dimensions where the one in charge can more or less set the rules that we kinda take the "I am a living universe" and such with a grain of salt.

And all I meant by "locked at" was that thus far the Galaxy stuff is the biggest stuff we have where it's explicitly "yes this is definitely physically happening with no conceptual bullshit involved"
The "capping" isn't really relevant unless it's pointed out cause even the AoG mythologies were capped by the size of their respective textures and you still crazy shit happening, shit that was far higher in scale than the size of a single country.

Like for example ,Ragnarok still happened, and i hope i won't hear that that craziness was contained by several small countries.

I was just saying the "Caps" don't really exist outside of Storm Wall Shenanigans as it's "capped" map wise but otherwise there still is a legit planet there, day and night cycles and obvious huge ass space that may extend outside of the Solar System.
Ragnarok would be hilarious though only being in a few small countries(Though I legit doubt it as AoG Mythologies seem to be both figurative and literal with the Greek Gods and the Lostbelt).

Besides, Skadi all but states they was Planets or Planetoids as Surtr destroyed them one by one before he made it to the actual ground meaning that if they was just separate small countries, Surtr wouldn't need to do all of that and wipe it out all at once:
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Alright for it now being LONG overdue(seriously even with FGO, I need to start putting down time for this), Rama, King of Kosala anyone?

Alright same rules apply as it did for Karna(aka will include all of his feats from past Singularities, Interludes and the Manga if applicable, the Manga stuff will take awhile as it hasn't fully finished yet and he still comes off pretty beastly in it anyway)

Class: Saber
True Name: Rama
Sex: Male
Source: Ramayana
Region: India
Alignment: Lawful Good
Height: 168cm
Weight: 65kg

I'll add them later in post, this stuff is a pain in the ass to do as is lol.

Magical PowerB
Noble PhantasmA

Historical Image / Character Image
The protagonist of the “Ramayana”, one of the two major epic poems in India.

Ravana, who could enslave even the gods due to a power he acquired by deceiving a great god, was a Demon King famed for the fact that only humans had the qualifications to defeat him.

Granting the appeals of the gods, Vishnu reincarnated as Rama, born as the imperial prince of a certain country – an ordinary human who had forgotten about everything.

Rama was naturally wise, but he was expelled from his country due to a scheme; borrowing and receiving powers from the sages and the gods, Rama tried to take back Sita, his beloved Queen, from the hands of Demon King Ravana.

But even someone unique such as Rama had committed a fatal blunder. Intervening into a fight between fellow monkeys to rescue his ally monkey, Sugriva, he performed a sneak attack on the enemy monkey, Vali. Unable to forgive that, Vali’s wife placed a curse on him.

Even if you are able to take back your Queen, you will never share joy together with her again.

That curse still continues on even after Rama defeated Ravana and rescued Sita. It has been arranged so that Rama, the reincarnation of the god Vishnu, will continue to pass by Sita, his beloved Queen, for all his life. The day the two can cuddle close together is when they must take back their original forms and ascend to the heavens.

But on the other hand, that also meant eternal separation from Sita until then. Though she was recaptured from the hands of Ravana that one time, it has been decided that Sita would leave Rama’s side during that moment as the nation’s people voiced suspicions of her being unfaithful to him.

Simultaneously; when Rama is being summoned, it has been decided so that the circumstances of this curse, at the time of being summoned by the Holy Grail, will have “Sita” be summoned instead as a different side of Rama. That is to say, it is also a sign that even being summoned due to the Holy Grail will not be able to make the two stand side-by-side.

Rama is primarily not a Saber, and it would be more proper to summon him as an Archer. As far as he is concerned, it is because Brahmastra is an arrow that eliminates all things demonic. However, an exemplary anecdote that has to do with Sita is her bow (her Noble Phantasm is “Haradhanu Janaka: Reminiscing the Peerless Bow”), so considering the likelihood that she would be summoned, Sita could not be a Saber; thus, Rama takes that Class instead so that Sita can get the Class of Archer.

… But then, since the Saber Class happens to be famed as the most superior of all the Classes, it may not be known that it was inevitable for Rama to choose this Class because being a young boy, he would try to put on a show for Sita.

Here, Rama basically gives the most verbatim introduction he can(Seriously Early FGO is a trip and a half)

Here, upon summoning both Rama and Karna in the Indian Lostbelt, Goredolf states that they have virtually have it won.

Magical Resistance: A
By the teachings he received from a sacred sage, all magic was rejected from Rama. Cancels out all Magecraft spells that are at the Ranks of A and below. In fact, modern mages would not be able to wound Rama with their Magecraft.

Riding: A+
The ability for riding. In the case of beasts, one can manage any kind of them up to the rank of Phantasmal Beast and Divine Beast. However, this Skill is not applicable to members of the Dragon Kind.

Divinity: A
Rama, the Saint Hero who surpasses many heroes, is one of the avatars of Vishnu, one of the Three Greater Gods of India.

Here, Rama simply giving Karna his Brahmastra, the power of Vishnu, helped him ascend into Super Karna when combined with Shiva's power from Ashwatthaman's Spirit Core.
Here, in Rama's Interlude, Vishnu stated that if Rama does not complete the trial, he will lose Vishnu's blessing(which includes Brahmastra as stated earlier in said Interlude).

Blessing of Martial Arts: A
Rama, whose fate is to defeat Demon King Ravana, not only excels in swordsmanship, but also with all forms of martial arts. Also, due to this, he can bring out his prided spear and bow with powers close to a Noble Phantasm while as a Saber.
"Will be addressed later alongside his second Noble Phantasm"

Charisma: B
The natural talent to command an army. Increases the abilities of allies during group battles. A rare talent, it is possible to say that having Rank B in this is sufficient for one to lead a whole country as its monarch.

After the battle with Ravana and his triumphal return with Sita, Rama became a king who widely imposed his virtuous rulership, having devoted his life to protecting his country.

Curse of Separation: A
A curse that was put on Rama by the wife of a monkey with the name of Vali, all due to an incident where Vali was killed by Rama. Because of this, Rama cannot ever meet with his wife Sita – who can even possibly be said to be his other half – for all of eternity.
Do... I even need to mention this? Like it's a literal fucking meme and a half to the point Sita is in Arcade and he isn't. The story obviously addresses it but it's really in chunks so I'll skip over this for the hell of it and instead put in a fun fact instead:
Rama isn't the only one cursed like this, so is Bradamante as due to how her legend works, she will never meet Ruggerio just like Rama will not meet Sita. Tomoe Gozen is less cursed like this and more "Her Husband just isn't notable enough" but her Noble Phantasm fits the same deal of never being able to meet him again... man, The Throne of Heroes is fucking cursed...

But for those who really want to see the entire scene, Here, the sequence where Rama meets Sita(It's heavily implied his condition exploded hard due to the Curse of Separation) and the explanation of Curse of Separation as a whole.

Noble Phantasms

Brahmastra: The Indestructible which Pierces Through Rakshasas
Rank: A+
Classification: Anti-Demon Noble Phantasm
Range: 1~10
Maximum Number of Targets: 1 person
The “Indestructible Blade” brought alongside Rama himself from the moment he was born for the sake of bringing down Demon King Ravana. It boasts a tremendous power against any demonic being. Originally an arrow – something to be nocked onto a bow and shot with – Rama, who wanted to become a Saber, forcibly remodelled it into a sword. However, its ability as a thrown weapon has not been discarded, and this sword can be violently thrown too. One should not point out “So you can throw it after all?”

Here, Rama uses Brahmastra against Cu Alter at the start of the Singularity who knocks it away.
Here, Rama basically on the verge of death uses Brahmastra against Beowulf who blocks it but is utterly surprised by the attack. Here, Rama uses it against God Arjuna... who completely no sells it. Here, Rama contributes Brahmastra to Karna to ultimately help ascend him into Super Karna, officially being on God Arjuna's level(though still very much weaker even then).
Here, he uses Brahmastra against Cu Alter but Medb takes the hit, ultimately dying in the process from her wounds.

Vishnu Baja: The Arms of the Great One
Rank: A
Classification: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm
Range: 1~50 (varies by weapon)
Maximum Number of Targets: 500 people
The numerous weapons granted by the sage Vishwamitra for opposing all kinds of gods and demons. Several of the overwhelming number of weapons include:

  • Discs (chakrams), which are throwing weapons
  • The javelin Shuuravara
  • The clubs (gada) Modhaki and Shikhari
  • The trident possessed by the god Shiva, Trishula
  • Shiva’s bow, Pinaka
… and so forth. The higher Rama’s Divinity, the more his existence is regarded as something close to Vishnu’s, and the maximum limit of the number of the many weapons he can bring out grows. If his Divinity is at Rank A, then it is also not impossible for him to operate as an Archer and a Lancer while being a Saber.

Here, it's basically his Animation Update.

Strength, Speed, Endurance?

Here, Geronimo states that Rama is unquestionably the strongest Servant in the Resistance(including Geronimo, there's also Billy The Kid, Robin Hood, Nero Bride and Elizabeth Bathory... though the latter 2 joined later) who at full strength equals Karna(Turas Realta America backs this up in having a battle between Rama, Karna and Hektor there's also the heavy implication he also helps defeat Ashwatthaman in LB4)
Here, despite Rama's deteriorating condition, not only was he able to use a TNR Brahmastra against Beowulf, he actually defeated him to Beowulf's chagrin.
Here, Fionn outright states that Ritsuka and Co. managed to resurrect a mighty Servant who can fight against their gathered army and Rama answers that's him. Here, the following after the battle heavily implies he was the MVP in defeating the army.

In Rama's Interlude Here, he fights Karna at full strength(both of them are) with only Mash and defeats him. Here, he fights Arjuna as well for his second trial and also defeats him with the same conditions(The Interlude heavily implies Rama defeated the both of them by himself before they reach Gilgamesh). Here, Rama ultimately faces the monster that became of "Sita" and Gilgamesh and... doesn't die at the end(he doesn't really win either with Gilgamesh stating he suffered over a hundred wounds afterwards) but he does complete the trial.

I'll add onto this later when the time comes

Here, Rama takes a TNR release Gae Bolg dead on to even Cu's amazement that he's even still standing after that despite 80% of his Heart is gone. Here, Romani ultimately explains how Cu's Gae Bolg Curse works and how ultimately it will continue to destroy the Heart if left unattended(Meaning that obviously, it got updated). Here, Romani outright states it's a Miracle he's even alive and that he should be dead by the time Ritsuka, Mash and Nightingale even reached him but it makes sense as he's the Hero of the Ramayana to perform a Miracle. Here, Romani states completely that Rama basically reversed the State of his Death through sheer willpower which caused an error in the Cause and Effect flow of the World.
Here, a Picture for Proof(For those who can't watch Youtube):

You can basically put this on Artoria too as that's technically how she survived a TNR Gae Bolg too and it's Effect and Cause bullshit(So basically, this points out the type of shit needed to defeat it through "Luck".)

Here, Rama takes on Ashwatthaman's Curse in Yuga Khestra in it's entirety, leaving him free to fight at full power(Here and Here to point out how bad that Curse actually is from Rama's perspective. Here, it only cut Rama's power in half due to him being the Avatar of Vishnu and he's still capable of fighting even in that level of pain(only relenting when he realizes it would do nothing against God Arjuna).
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