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  1. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    Alright, haven't updated in awhile but I finished with Traum, it actually was not as bad as I expected and was actually genuinely good for what it was, outside of the Sherlock Holmes/Apostle Moriarty feud springing in at once and abruptly ending at the same time. It honestly reminded me of Dynasty Warriors unironically but in a more in line with genuine tactics being used. To basically go over the bare minimum of shit in Traum we find out and/or feats: - Traum is basically the West United States with Area 51 being around the back end of the Righteous Realm, it hilariously feels like due to the sheer range of the map and how far each area stretches out, it's either only 3 States wide(Nevada, Arizona and Utah) or it's genuinely more than that but the former seems more likely. - The Holy Grails in Traum explicitly boost a Servant's Spirit Origins rather than just give them "infinite" Magical Energy. Don Quixote and Sancho states that's the case but it's only an effective boost...
  2. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    https://mangadex.org/chapter/3b047580-09ee-4686-8faf-ea753196ace3 Translated Chapter of Shimousa, to no one's surprise, the Big Boss Oni are ALSO gigantic as fuck and Musashi states she's surprised Ritsuka can take a hit from them but I put this closer to her Mystic Code doing so. Also Orochi are just as massive which really makes the ease that Dantes kills one even more impressive.
  3. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    And Part 3. These are for Archive purposes and these are just what I found, they are in the spoilers for obvious reasons as well as split into 3 posts for more obvious reasons. I haven't played Tsukihime Remake and rather wait for the official release but looking at how the fan-translations these days for Nasuverse tend to be more solid and basically be close to the official localization, there shouldn't be any problems with this. Now if I can find a way to basically transfer pics you can take on the Nintendo Switch to the PC without a fuck ton of hassles, I can probably do this myself minus the video of certain shit.
  4. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    Part 2 of this
  5. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    Here's me again basically poaching some more GIF and small videos of random shit, this time of Ciel's various stuff and shit from the Tsukihime Remake:
  6. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    The Manga pages that show off Big Crunch EDIT: Damn, making gaffs myself as apparently, that IS correct after all lol. :heston
  7. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    Surprisingly, going awhile back, I found this while going through Beast Lair's Fate/Apocrypha Manga Thread: https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/6731-Fate-Apocrypha-Manga?p=3294791&viewfull=1#post3294791 To take it from what the user stated: TL;DR In the Manga, it seems like Amakusa's Attack against Jeanne D'Arc is what he did in the LN rather than what he did in the Anime. Meanwhile, Amakusa's Big Crunch as we see in the anime seems to be how it's activated QUICKLY(kinda like Sukuna's Binding Vow BS) vs. how it actually is supposed to be activated(Like we see in every other media). And yes, La Pucelle blew up the Black Hole and damaged Amakusa and the Greater Grail in the process but in the Manga, it only damaged the Grail but the Manga does a better job in showing how destructive La Pucelle is by proxy. I say this for those who either didn't watch the anime, don't know the manga existed or just tended to block that part out.
  8. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    Okay, that 2nd NP is freaky as fuck, goddamn.
  9. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    lol yeah, that was extremely poorly worded...
  10. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    I can't blame Alice saying that as that's basically what Fifth Magic is: It's basically just fucking with Time but it's only a process of the real thing so it's absolutely fraud by the definition of the term.
  11. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    Yeah that "fight" is absolutely weird by FGO standards and it's kinda unbelievable to say that outright... Some real "WTF" imagery happening there.
  12. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    Yep, same reason why Kojirou can just use parts of the 2nd Magic for Tsubame Gaeshi or Kiara's entire existence... Hiding away from society and not being told something is impossible literally allows you to do some freakish shit.
  13. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    Okay, so there's not much new things added to the Profile of Aoko that I immediately know of(Outside of Zelretch knowing how her BS Magic Circuits work, it seems Blue gave her a whole ass new set of Magical Circuits and she can not only put herself 0.1 seconds back in time but also put herself 0.1 seconds ahead in time too at the same time... if I got that right). Though with Shizuki, it seems Nasu realized he may not get the chance to do the Mahoyo sequels and just put in potentially Shizuki's final attack and the whole ass setting of "Aoko's Decisive Battle" at once. Apparently dude doesn't even have music in his NP to just nail it in that he just dies there.
  14. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    Either way, don't really give a shit about that, I'm far behind on my schedule for these Archives and still have not finished Samurai Remnant despite there being 2 DLC since then... Life is both hitting me in the face and procrastination is being a bitch. Really need to fix the latter next month and got the former over with.
  15. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/7482-Fate-Grand-Order-English?p=3325496&viewfull=1#post3325496 Basically comments from the past events from FGO NA's perspective from the Japanese Team. Hilariously, no one had a single comment for the current event for NA... and I can understand why despite only playing till Day 1.
  16. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    Thought it was linked closer to Fate but I guess it's not, it does explain some stuff though.
  17. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    Actually, it's kinda implied that Mahoyo happens in both timelines(As Case Files explicitly happens in the Fate side(Which included Ryougi) and both Touko and Aoko are in that series and nothing showed they are any different than how they are from Mahoyo).
  18. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    That's pretty much everyone's thoughts with FGO. It will only die when interests truly shrivel up and that's not happening anytime soon...
  19. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    So FGO is getting 2 Collabs this year... surprising.
  20. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread

    I... have no idea why you are focusing on that alone, we already knew that since it happened in the mobile game... I have brought it up constantly and fought people who only looked at one side of it without even realizing how ridiculous it sounded.