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  1. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    ...lie to the claim that he needed that diamond to do so, as shown in issue #409. Maybe he's gotten stronger since that story took place?) Rips the door off its hinges and flies it back to America He build a second door behind the first one as part of a trick Builds a "mirage ray" to create an illusion over the new Fortress entrance, making it look like a normal glacier face Feat Catalogue (non-Superman): - Supergirl and Superman dig to the Earth's core to dispose of some bioweapons **** - The Kandorians detected someone trying to break into the Fortress, so they used an experimental "interdimensional warp" to temporarily transport their city into an "invisible zone" dimension Weirdness: - Superman digs underground to enter and exit his Fortress instead of using the door, even though he could have done so while the guy who bought the land wasn't looking, and made it appear as if he was never there Superdickery: Refers to a group of orca whales as savage killers...
  2. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #409 Superman Story Notes: Feat Catalogue: Easily withstands being accelerated at 10 Gs (As his subconscious evil personality) sabotages an elevator by attaching rocket boosters to it that blast it right out of a building and miles into the sky when someone tries to use it Has spent 3 weeks building a city in the middle of nowhere designed for poor people and underprivileged groups States that he doesn't need to sleep (but as we'll see, there's a caveat to that) (As his subconscious evil personality) coats every object in Clark's apartment with a weird kind of radiation that causes them all to be attracted to his body heat when he opens the room, causing them to fly at him with enough force to kill an elephant Flies from Metropolis to the American Southwest in "scant moments" A split second before a speeding car is about to hit him (it looks less than a meter away), he stomps on a manhole cover and breaks it, then falls through it, making it look like he fell...
  3. E

    Super Sentai Respect Thread. (Feats and discussion)

    One of your images isn't working.
  4. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #408 (continued) Backup Story Notes: - This is another Superman story, told as a flashback taking place "some years ago", when he was still a college student Feat Catalogue: Bounces a blast of super breath off the ground to catch a falling obelisk While in space, inhales a bunch of giant super-dangerous germs into his lungs, but is immune to their effects. However, he's still a carrier of the disease, and his "super-antibodies" won't remove the germs completely for 24 hours Creates a realistic mask and gloves of his own face to fool people while he's wearing a suit to protect others from the infection Flies past Lana Lang and takes his uniform so fast she doesn't realize what happened Weirdness: - A random scientist was able to create synthetic bacteria that could do things like stop pain, erase people's memories, stop fevers, and put people to sleep. He also accidentally created a strain that grew to giant size and was a danger to the Earth Superdickery...
  5. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #407 Superman Story Notes: Feat Catalogue: Uses telescopic X-ray vision to read a police file from half a mile away Uses X-ray vision to see through Lex Luthor's disguise Is immune to knockout gas The door to Superman's Fortress is made of a "super-reinforced steel alloy" that is either impossible or impractical to breach with explosives The keyhole in the Fortress door is also now protected by a forcefield Uses super ventriloquism to distract his guard while he changes to Superman and slips away, flies from the Fortress in the North Pole to the Sahara desert (in "mere heartbeats"), creates a sand tornado to contain a dangerous geyser of acid, then fuses the sand together around it with heat vision, and redirects it back underground, then returns to the Fortress in under a second. The whole process was stated to take under 10 seconds. Superman apparently invented a shrinking ray that he keeps in the Fortress Whistles at an inaudible ultrasonic frequency, which...
  6. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #405 Overall Notes: - There's a Vigilante story here, which was reprinted from Action Comics #192. As usual, I won't bother covering it. Superman Story Notes: This story features a prominent appearance of the US President, who was Nixon when this was published. I'm not sure if the president in this story is supposed to be him or not, though, because the story is set "some years in the future" As mentioned above, this is an Imaginary Story, and thus not canon, as it says that the events here "may never happen". We see a flashback where Superman fights an intergalactic "Cgno Beast" that has 5 times his strength. But, like the rest of this story, this is probably not canon. Feat Catalogue: - As this is a non-canon Imaginary Story, there are no notable feats Weirdness: Apparently the US President was going to sign the "Uniworld Peace Treaty" with "other major powers", which would "mean deactivation of all nuclear weapons". Keep in mind this was published...
  7. E

    Super Sentai Respect Thread. (Feats and discussion)

    I remember seeing a screencap with subtitles from an older Super Sentai series, of a villain saying that their organization 'has conquered all the dimensions of the multiverse' (or something to that effect). Would you happen to know what I'm talking about? (Sorry if this is too vague).
  8. E

    Super Sentai Respect Thread. (Feats and discussion)

    What I was asking is if megatons in this case meant millions of tons of force, or millions of tons of TNT equivalent, because it can mean both depending on context, and they are quite different.
  9. E

    Super Sentai Respect Thread. (Feats and discussion)

    Is that stated somewhere?
  10. E

    Super Sentai Respect Thread. (Feats and discussion)

    Is that megatons as in weight/force, or TNT equivalent?
  11. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #403 Overall Notes: - This issue also features a reprint of a Vigilante story originally published in Action Comics #176. As I believe I have said before, we're not covering that character as he's not very relevant. Superman Story Notes: - Supposedly, Superman has been trying to convince the governments of the Earth to ban nuclear weapons. Although judging by how often they show up in DC, he hasn't been very successful at it. Feat Catalogue: The supercomputer in his Fortress is programmed to supply him with data on all kind of beings, even ones he has never heard of before, such as a "Zohtt" - a "magical wraith-being" that has existed in the solar system for centuries and can possess the bodies of other lifeforms, and can only be stopped by sulfur. When a device from the future creates an explosion in his office, in a split second he writes a note and puts it on the outside of his door saying that he is "experimenting with sound effects tapes", then rebuilds...
  12. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    ...not been mixed with Kryptonian elements Feat Catalogue (non-Superman): Supergirl somehow creates an invisible "barrier of super-force" that Superman can't break through to protect her half of the Fortress (perhaps based on Brainiac's forcefield technology)? We hear (but don't see) that Supergirl saved "the gem planet, Tresor" from space pirates. It's implied that both Superman and Supergirl would have been unaffected by the brainwashing gas had it not been mixed with Kryptonian elements **** - When disposing of some outlawed weapons at the behest of the U.N., Supergirl says that these weapons could pollute or destroy the Earth if they go off. Some of these weapons included a "Jigsaw-ray" gun, which could dismantle a city in seconds, a "seismotron", which could create earthquakes anywhere on Earth, and a "vapor bomb" used by a dictator to brainwash his subjects. There was also what was described as a "souped-up laser gun" that was powerful enough to destroy Superman's...
  13. E

    Super Sentai Respect Thread. (Feats and discussion)

    Why the hell not!? :facepalm
  14. E

    Image linking

    I have to manually change the text color in each post.
  15. E

    I read it a long time ago

    I read it a long time ago
  16. E

    Respect Marvel Comics' characters

    What If?s are so full of jobbing so often...
  17. E

    Storm (Marvel) vs Tempest (DC)

    Sorry, can't help you there. I don't believe I've read many comics featuring him at all.
  18. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #399 Superman Story Notes: Feat Catalogue: Superman flies into an "experimental solar power generator" where he is hit with force that he describes as "like fighting the power of 1000 atom bombs". He's unharmed by it, but is soon drawn through time and dimensions by another force. Uses x-ray vision to see through a 24th century "refractive force shield" that supposedly stops anyone inside it from seeing outwards Fires x-ray vision through the force shield to disable its control mechanism, weakening the forcefield and allowing him to break out without hurting the others around him Flies in split seconds from a building somewhere in future America (implied, at least) to the ice under Greenland. Smashes the ice to reveal a lost civilization underground After returning to the past, flies the solar furnace into space where its energy is dispersed harmlessly, then returns to Earth, unharmed Uses microscopic vision to determine that a medallion from the future is made...
  19. E

    Pre-Crisis Superman Overview

    Action Comics #397 Superman Story Notes: - Continuation of the Imaginary Story from the previous issue Feat Catalogue: - Again, this is a non-canon Imaginary Story, so no relevant feats Weirdness: - In the unimaginably distant future of the 1990s, we again see such things as: 'hover-cabs' various other hovering vehicles, including motorcycles and buses (the latter of which look like giant glass tubes) an 'automated welder' that instantly fixes damaged buildings 'cryogenic rays' that can freeze flood waters before they inundate a town a 'self-decontaminating chemical' that transforms atmospheric pollution into gemstones that rain from the sky a chemical spray of 'instant fertilizer' that makes plants grow to full size in seconds helicopters that deploy 'walls of fireproof foam' to stop fires from spreading Superdickery: After losing most of his powers and going broke, he refuses to apply for welfare or ask any of his friends for help, due to his own ego. After a doctor...
  20. E

    Respect Marvel Comics' characters

    If it happened off-panel, Squirrel Girl probably did it. :maybe