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  1. Flowering Knight

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    So A-Chan is leaving Hololive...
  2. Flowering Knight

    Strongest videogame franchises

    Sounds like something that should be brought up in the Meta dome Stuff like this tends to be scrutinized heavily before we judge if it's legit or not
  3. Flowering Knight

    Strongest videogame franchises

    I don't know a single thing about Dota :mjlol
  4. Flowering Knight

    Strongest videogame franchises

    In no particular order: SMT Digimon Xenogears Elder Scrolls Not throwing down any specific order because 1) we've found stuff that puts some of these explicitly lower or higher than the others, and 2) biggaversal stuff gets to be a real headache tbh :life
  5. Flowering Knight

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    I only noticed it was Jakk when he started wanking more Marvel characters into omniversal and that was all the proof I needed:mjlol
  6. Flowering Knight

    Kang the Conqueror and Galvatron invade Asgard.

    Gonna take this opportunity to say that Galvatron and Unicron solo :char
  7. Flowering Knight

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    I was waiting just how long it was going to take for Jakk to get banned again but at the same time I really wanted to know just how many characters he would've stretched to being suddenly omniversal in the To Aru vs Marvel thread :mjlol
  8. Flowering Knight

    Strongest being in Marvel that To Aru can beat

    i have a vision for the world fight takes place in blade's kitchen :doge
  9. Flowering Knight

    Kang the Conqueror and Galvatron invade Asgard.

    I wonder who could be behind these posts...
  10. Flowering Knight

    Champions/Hero System Lore and Feats Discussion

    Kigatilik is strong enough to cause even other supervillains to potentially team up to face him, and is capable of freezing the Earth itself. Grond is considered the (physically) strongest being in the world, though few are capable of exceeding his strength temporarily. Doctor Destroyer is explicitly considered more powerful than any superhero, superhero team, or even supervillain on Earth, and his basic weaponry is even stated to be capable of harming or even killing supervillains such as Grond. Shadow Destroyer is a separate being who is much like Dr. Destroyer, but combines technology with magic in place of only technology. Shadow Destroyer is also the only character who has explicitly defeated Dr. Destroyer and even locked him up. Shadow Destroyer also intends on manifesting the Qliphothic beings known as the Presences Beyond outside their realm, which alone can potentially destroy the multiverse. Shadow Destroyer is currently considered the most dangerous supervillain...
  11. Flowering Knight

    Champions/Hero System Lore and Feats Discussion

    Some cosmic stuff. All Galaxars are extremely powerful and wield cosmic power. More importantly, all of them can move 250 light years in one second. Two other Galaxars, The Geometer and Geon, don't have stats, but they should likely be comparable to the others. The former has been capable of destroying and creating planets and stars, and the latter is capable of creating "personal planets." Valak the World-Ravager is capable of taking down entire teams of superheroes and even destroying entire planets. It's also mentioned he was weakened to only a fraction of his original power. Astron is a living asteroid belt that consumes entire planets. Its hands and feet are the size of Earth and it can lift 25 zettatons. Xarriel is a being capable of destroying entire planets and galaxies, and is stated to be as powerful as a Galaxar.
  12. Flowering Knight

    Champions/Hero System Lore and Feats Discussion

    Some in-universe stuff that can be good for scaling. Characters such as Defender are capable of flying at 10 km per second, or about Mach 29. Gigaton's body was infused with a nuclear explosion, causing all of his cells to "burst with bio-nuclear energies", whatever that means. Even weaker villains such as Green Dragon aren't far behind Gigaton in terms of potential attack power. Baron Nihil's body is made of Nihil energy, which by itself is a thousand times more powerful than a split atom. Firewing (and many other characters from space) is capable of FTL travel. Eclipsar once blotted out the sun, and during times of solstice can have enough power to destroy the sun altogether. Stormfront is capable of controlling the weather and using cloud-to-ground lightning. Oddly enough his gimmick is that he's a mutant conman.
  13. Flowering Knight

    OBD Convo #50: outskirts nakama dome

    Man idk about Shadow of the Erdtree I already had a lot of issues regarding the lategame difficulty in the base game and this just seems to double down on most of them, like I get it's a Fromsoft DLC (and for a Souls game) but still 😬
  14. Flowering Knight

    Smilo Ren vs Obi Wan Kenobi

    The last thing Kylo sees.
  15. Flowering Knight

    Movies What movie did you watch today?

  16. Flowering Knight

    Kamen Rider Feats and Discussion Thread

    Have the urge to watch a new Rider series because I haven't done that in a while save Geats :mjlol Already watched most of Heisei and a few Neo-Heisei, only Reiwa series I finished was Geats lol. Asking you guys because I know you guys know whats good. :yousmart