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  1. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

    Yeah, I'm actually looking at the scenes now and... what the hell am I looking at? :maury No wonder 4Chan is all over this, it's basically their harem ending in a Chapter.
  2. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

    Alright, I'm just making sure because I have a real bad habit of people missing what I said for the forest rather than the trees lately... Like yeah, the "Link Lost" shit won't matter nor is Marie Alter going to vanish from Chaldea because when in the hell will that happen since Solomon? Musashi is still playable and she's perma-dead and combined with the Avengers there still having plenty of stories and characterization to open up, no way they are gone for good or stuck in the OC or whatever. I'm only interested in why Angra Mainyuu is the exception to the rule of not being stuck. Otherwise, there's some things I'm interested in but it still won't make up for it basically being filler and not really advancing the story in any major fashion(Which I thought that's what the Ordeal Call was for so we don't get an insane dump on all of the mysteries left over when we finally reach CHALDEAS like who was the gunman who killed David Bluebook, what would Marisbury's goal entail, what is...
  3. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

    I'm not really kissing it's ass or whatever, I'm only stating the things I'm interested in, not that it's good or not. The sheer delay of OC2 means it will never be as good as it could be and that's not a high bar either considering how meh OC1 was.
  4. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

    So looking at OC2 itself, it seems to actually be a decent dive into Ritsuka's own head and further confirms things we got from various FGO Manga and what the Female VA stated about Female Ritsuka. They also get a whole new sprite as they are crying and terrified at the same time(Meaning most definitely some mindfuck happening). All of the Main Story Avengers(outside of Angra Mainyu) become "Link Lost" Cue endless "jokes" that Servantverse and GudaGuda truly isn't canon to FGO. Hilariously, this somehow doesn't affect Marie Alter but her profile states that she can easily disappear from Chaldeas. Calligostro is the Final Boss but apparently, he's a clone of the guy(From Marie Alter's Profile) and even then has quite possibly the weirdest form I have seen as it's an almagamation of various beings and bosses(Zeus' head, Demon God Pillar Bottom, Fantasy Tree, pieces of ORT's body inside him, Cernunnos' Curse Hands as a Crit attack, etc.). It's more weird as Angra Mainyu DOES...
  5. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

    Some on Twitter only got it's name and one fucker believe it has to do something with ID which has someone believe the first Ordeal Call was about EGO so I guess you want to stretch it or whatever, I don't really care. Only decent thing about Ordeal Call 1 was Kali's entrance, Saber Medusa and we get to see Zouken Matou be Zouken Matou even as a child. Otherwise it was completely forgettable and added nothing to the story whatsoever. This will be even worse than that as it was supposed to be done late last year but got pushed back so it's gonna be even worse...
  6. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

    Ordeal Call 2 finally coming in about 5 days... According to Reddit, the huge delay was due to the Writer really wanting to make sure he wanted to get everything across so I absolutely believe... this will not be worth the wait...
  7. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

    Alright, finished the Event Story... was actually pretty nice, wasn't groundbreaking or anything but it actually felt like a decent story despite the silly premise. Like the Tag Section lasted way too fucking long(Really could have cut it in half) but it actually was one of the better sections in terms of not making the characters be idiots and actually use their strengths and weaknesses in the right ways. The Lateral Thinking Section was probably the weakest take but it wasn't too bad either and honestly, even the Invisible Demonic Beasts and their abilities are pretty terrifying without being too broken and how they lose actually makes sense. Kinda weird that somehow it has a better ending than the Valentine's Event.
  8. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

    So yeah @Type-Rey congrats, you are correct in that Woodwose/Wryneck is the only true A-Ray around and everyone else is just posers. They say Morgan summoned Odin into Grimmr The Sage which seems... crazy but she is a Faerie of Paradise so it's not like it doesn't make no sense for that to happen. Cnoc Na Riabh being as strong as Morgan and Artoria Caster also works because Mab kicked Morgan's ass ingame and Cnoc should be an "upgrade" to handle the task of keeping the Faeries around. I do wonder why the terminology being used for Morgan and what happened to the Lostbelt afterwards is: and eventually freeing herself from the Lostbelt This is the decisive moment when everyone breaks free from the Lostbelt into a different world and era Like I get what it means of course but the terminology feels too poetic if that's the right way to say it.
  9. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

    I'm gonna place it all here for the sake of it in case something happens to the Reddit Page: TYPE-MOON ACE Vol. 14 - FGO Avalon le Fae ''Reminiscence'' "The Establishment of Lostbelt Britain" B.C. 12000/Fae Era Begins Civilization collapsed because the fairies (6 A-Rays/Sub-Bells who was tasked with forging the holy sword), didn't make the holy sword for a really trivial reason (Is it okay to skip this time?). "Is this another reset?" The fairies were optimistic about the idea, even though the surface was completely scorched. The 6 A-Rays, barred from Avalon for neglecting their duty, emerge to the surface. Their overseer, Cernunnos (and his priestess and wife, the last human), is also with them. The fairies were baffled by the sea of nothingness they witnessed. In their distress, the fairies conspire internally, blaming Cernunnos for not making them work and ultimately deceive and murder Cernunnos... to live on top of his corpse. "Now we don't have to float anymore!" The...
  10. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

    "Y-You didn't even finish Caenis yet and you are already starting on Musashi?!" Yeah, call this a motivator to finally get her over with as I'll do the skeleton for Musashi's part: Miyamoto Musashi, anyone?(Before anyone asks, no, I'm not doing what she did in Samurai Remnant for one, I didn't finish it yet and for two, this already going to be ultra long as it is, especially with the FGO Shimousa Manga still ongoing which if I add THAT, her profile will be the longest thus far) Character: Class Skills: Saber: Magic Resistance: A Berserker: Magic Resistance: C Mad Enhancement: EX Riding: D Divinity: D Personal Skills: Saber: Heavenly Eyes: A Voidless : A Fifth Seihou : A Battle Continuation: EX Berserker: Accel Turn: B Fifth Sakari: B Celestial Demon's Glare: EX Noble Phantasms: Saber: Rokudou Gorin – Kurikara Tenshou (Six Realms, Five Rings – Acala Celestial Phenomenon) Rank: A Type: Anti-Unit Range: 2-20 Max. Targets: 1 person Kai no...
  11. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

    https://mangadex.org/chapter/d73fa119-2440-4f3b-b65f-3768632ab1e9/17 We get the full on Anthology Series of the 2 FGO fights I brought in including 3 more at that. EDIT: To go into detail for those who didn't see the other 3 fights or don't have the time. - Miyamoto Musashi vs. Okita Souji ends up in a tie. Shukuchi is shown doing precisely as advertised again with her literally just teleporting to Musashi back while inverting gravity where she once was. Musashi is able to BLOCK her NP by moving back right before impact, blowing her far away rather than straight up tearing through her(Musashi even did this battle just to see if she can block it in the first place). - We already have Senji Muramasa vs. Munenori Yagyu here and basically the latter utterly dominates the former which fits what was stated by Musashi in Yagyu's Interlude that the Servant is even stronger than his Shimousa self. - The Holy Front is not available sadly(But we do have what it's supposed to entail...
  12. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

    It took me awhile but I finally found the Youtube video that has the epilogue of the shit that happened in HA. Along with the entire playlist since it seems this was all added in around a year ago(And finished 10 months ago).
  13. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

    Latest Prisma Illya Chapter Summary: Miyuverse Shirou retrieved Doll Sakura and basically is about to reclaim her heart 5th HGW Servants vs. Virtual God Darius is about to go off Cu uses his Thrown Gae Bolg which scatters into 7 Smaller Spears which blow huge chunks through Darius' arm. Medusa's Cybele turns half of his body into Stone and Medea uses her Magic to bind all 4 of his arms in place Insert JJK meme here in how Darius is getting jumped here lol. EDIT: The actual MangaDex translation of the chapter came in so they go further in depth with this Basically all of the 6 Servants summoned are only capable of JUST using their Noble Phantasms and nothing else and Miyu used a portion of her life force to even do that much and to use the actual Summoning System that can't be used in the Ainsworth Timeline. Heracles actually goes inside of the Giant Darius(I heard it's supposed to be based on Prometheus in it's entirety so that's a bigger feat for everyone else) and basically...
  14. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

    Since someone did a decent collection of Fafnir stuff in the Game and the Turas Realta Manga, I will add them all here(I may threadmark it if it's suitable enough). Though it's obvious from the game Vasavi Shakti and Balmung did the most damage. (This also includes Balmung BEFORE Ascalon turning the Gigantic Horror into a Dragon) Someone popped in and stated the distance for the Orleans Singularity between the towns is 660KM from Paris to Marseille and 506KM from Bordeaux to Marseille. EDIT: I will also put this here as well: Fate/EXTRA CCC - Elizabeth Bathory (Berserker) Matrix So basically, Fafnir would be effortlessly Country Tier BEFORE we get to him scaling to Balmung(Especially considering if it can deal with multiple Noble Phantasms and not die after Vasavi Shakti AND getting hit by Balmung and it's increased damage to Dragons, Fafnir's health would be astronomically high and his Breath would scale to that).
  15. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

    I'll go deeper into this tomorrow but it's primarily due to this amongst other things: Because once you realize that each of the timelines are still different enough even in their own Time Tree(How they have Fate/Zero is just "different enough") and outside of base connections to how they are(Type-Moon and the Moon Cell cannot co-exist by Nasu's own words and the latter only exists in Extra) and even how the Pruning Theoretical Timeline works, they might as well be their own Universes rather than just simple timelines. It doesn't mean they are separate nor cannot connect to each other(It's all connected to The Earth anyway), but that's basically what it comes down to. EDIT: I should also put down that this is not including the adaptations that are canon or the other series, which while not included, still count as their own stuff. I think the biggest reason why it can be confusing is due to stuff like why is Prisma Illya and Shiki Ryougi's stories have them in FGO but we know...
  16. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

    There's no reason for me to put this obvious thing here but I will do so because I want to admit one thing: @ChaosTheory123 is correct in how he's takes things from the America Singularity because I really didn't pay attention to it correctly. So Cu Alter's Noble Phantasm Curruid Coinchenn is strong enough to "destroy the World"(So most definitely destroy the Texture) but Cu Alter states it's the only way to even punch through her gut otherwise. So it definitely leads up to why Cu Alter believes Arjuna is too weak against her and why she would be the Top Lancer above normal Cu and Karna(obviously). I forgot about that part of the sentence for years so I definitely need to include this as Cu Alter doesn't have access to The Grail either till Medb's death.
  17. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

    This is the Arcade version, by the by so the Mobile version will come later but they did bring in her Design notes and there is a big one they either couldn't add because of time or it wouldn't look right properly in 3D: Apparently, she WAS going to be riding on her 7 headed Dragon as well but I guess due to the nature of time, they couldn't get it implemented into the Arcade. So there was definitely alot of time constraints even for the Arcade side.
  18. Xhominid The Apex

    TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

    First DLC character in Samurai Remnant was one of the most obvious ones, combined with the first DLC episode coming in the 9th, hopefully they are really going in to give the games the stuff it needed at launch. EDIT: Really funny that they literally made Ibuki Douji have a Lamia-like appearance with 2 extra arms so this definitely is just a boss version for right now.