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TYPE-Moon/Nasuverse Feats/General Thread - People Die If They Are Killed Edition

@ChaosTheory123 @Type-Rey @Xhominid The Apex

Alright, this came up in the Discord so I thought I'd ask here, but what's this about FGO and the other series being their own multiverses?

I'll go deeper into this tomorrow but it's primarily due to this amongst other things:

Because once you realize that each of the timelines are still different enough even in their own Time Tree(How they have Fate/Zero is just "different enough") and outside of base connections to how they are(Type-Moon and the Moon Cell cannot co-exist by Nasu's own words and the latter only exists in Extra) and even how the Pruning Theoretical Timeline works, they might as well be their own Universes rather than just simple timelines.

It doesn't mean they are separate nor cannot connect to each other(It's all connected to The Earth anyway), but that's basically what it comes down to.

EDIT: I should also put down that this is not including the adaptations that are canon or the other series, which while not included, still count as their own stuff. I think the biggest reason why it can be confusing is due to stuff like why is Prisma Illya and Shiki Ryougi's stories have them in FGO but we know Goetia burned down 3000 years of Human History well past the Mesopotomia Era which alot of these "Branches" would come from.
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Since someone did a decent collection of Fafnir stuff in the Game and the Turas Realta Manga, I will add them all here(I may threadmark it if it's suitable enough).

Though it's obvious from the game Vasavi Shakti and Balmung did the most damage.

(This also includes Balmung BEFORE Ascalon turning the Gigantic Horror into a Dragon)

Someone popped in and stated the distance for the Orleans Singularity between the towns is 660KM from Paris to Marseille and 506KM from Bordeaux to Marseille.

EDIT: I will also put this here as well:
Fate/EXTRA CCC - Elizabeth Bathory (Berserker) Matrix
03 - Supersonic
Due to her skill "Innocent Monster", Elizabeth has been transformed into a demon of mixed dragon blood.
Every dragon has the strongest weapon that makes best use of its attributes: Dragon Breath. For a red dragon, fire; for a blue dragon, electricity; for a black dragon, acid―gets sprayed in a wide area of effect as their breath.
...According to a certain rulebook, a breath's damage value is equal to the dragon's health value. If you consider health value far surpassing that of humans inflicting damage spread all over an entire army, a single dragon destroying an entire country seems like a reasonable story.
Elizabeth's Dragon Breath is a sort of ultrasonic waves. During her demon transformation, her very lungs have transformed into spiritual dimensions, so she came to own a terrifying lung capacity. With the amplification provided by her Noble Phantasm, Elizabeth's voice is said to be a noise that could reverberate through a Tokyo dome and destroy it.
This was the moment that Saber's rival, in both name and reality, was born.

So basically, Fafnir would be effortlessly Country Tier BEFORE we get to him scaling to Balmung(Especially considering if it can deal with multiple Noble Phantasms and not die after Vasavi Shakti AND getting hit by Balmung and it's increased damage to Dragons, Fafnir's health would be astronomically high and his Breath would scale to that).
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Latest Prisma Illya Chapter Summary:

  • Miyuverse Shirou retrieved Doll Sakura and basically is about to reclaim her heart
  • 5th HGW Servants vs. Virtual God Darius is about to go off
  • Cu uses his Thrown Gae Bolg which scatters into 7 Smaller Spears which blow huge chunks through Darius' arm.
  • Medusa's Cybele turns half of his body into Stone and Medea uses her Magic to bind all 4 of his arms in place

Insert JJK meme here in how Darius is getting jumped here lol.

EDIT: The actual MangaDex translation of the chapter came in so they go further in depth with this
Basically all of the 6 Servants summoned are only capable of JUST using their Noble Phantasms and nothing else and Miyu used a portion of her life force to even do that much and to use the actual Summoning System that can't be used in the Ainsworth Timeline.
Heracles actually goes inside of the Giant Darius(I heard it's supposed to be based on Prometheus in it's entirety so that's a bigger feat for everyone else) and basically kicks Darius' ass out of it and Artoria destroys it entirely with Excalibur.

We haven't seen what Cursed Arm Hassan has done yet so it's heavily implied he will kill Darius himself so yeah.
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We get the full on Anthology Series of the 2 FGO fights I brought in including 3 more at that.

EDIT: To go into detail for those who didn't see the other 3 fights or don't have the time.

- Miyamoto Musashi vs. Okita Souji ends up in a tie. Shukuchi is shown doing precisely as advertised again with her literally just teleporting to Musashi back while inverting gravity where she once was. Musashi is able to BLOCK her NP by moving back right before impact, blowing her far away rather than straight up tearing through her(Musashi even did this battle just to see if she can block it in the first place).


- We already have Senji Muramasa vs. Munenori Yagyu here and basically the latter utterly dominates the former which fits what was stated by Musashi in Yagyu's Interlude that the Servant is even stronger than his Shimousa self.

- The Holy Front is not available sadly(But we do have what it's supposed to entail from it)

- Mordred vs. Caenis is actually the most surprising one as it shows they are relative equals(Outside of Golden Caenis anyway but she never seems to use it outside of one time so...), Mordred even pulling a Bankai Ichigo with her Lightning and moving so fast, she's in multiple places at once and Caenis can still block everything and they even have an NP Stalemate.


- Genji vs. Dragons is actually pretty cool, Female Ritsuka actually dodges Dragon Breath and Kintoki is able to hold off the Dragon for a bit but can't really hurt it either(Even gets batted away at one point). Tsuna is able to kill of Wyverns with ease, Raikou straight up tears apart the Dragon's wings and basically orders Kintoki to kill it because of Ritsuka's "injury" and a Command Spell assisted Golden Spark looks absolutely ridiculous AND utterly annihilates the Dragon in one shot(There is nothing afterwards).


So yeah, it's a nice series and I hope it gets a sequel.
EDIT #2: Added in some pictures from it into the spoilers of some of the stuff I found most impressive.
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"Y-You didn't even finish Caenis yet and you are already starting on Musashi?!"
Yeah, call this a motivator to finally get her over with as I'll do the skeleton for Musashi's part:

Miyamoto Musashi, anyone?(Before anyone asks, no, I'm not doing what she did in Samurai Remnant for one, I didn't finish it yet and for two, this already going to be ultra long as it is, especially with the FGO Shimousa Manga still ongoing which if I add THAT, her profile will be the longest thus far)


Character in Fate/Grand Order:
A Musashi Miyamoto from another world, different from the historical Musashi Miyamoto.
A character from a parallel world much too separate from ours.
In that world, Musashi is a woman, and history proceeds in said scenario.

“Huh? Musashi’s a man in this world?
And he’s super famous? Color me surprised!”

As you can see, she acts relaxed and carefree.
She does not care much for victory or glory, is a messy drinker, is a sucker for money, and cannot resist free food. But the ones who lost their duels against her all left the same words:

  • “The vibrant Flower of Tengen. Her swords reach the unreachable voidlessness.”
She was abused and hated by her father Munisai “for being a woman, and for having the Heavenly Eye.”
If the only problem were her being a woman, Munisai would have felt no need to make her into a swordsman, so he would have just abandoned her. If the only problem were the Heavenly Eye, he would have just laughed it off as excessive talent and killed his child.
Without being given anything from Munisai, she wandered the entire country to one day become a swordfighter who would surpass her father, but in the end, she was not acknowledged as a swordfighter by society because she was a woman.
This is why Girl Musashi was not considered one of “Japan’s numerous swordsmasters”. She became a historical figure sunk into obscurity.
As such, ever since she was summoned into our world, it has been surprise after surprise for her.
Like “No way, I’m famous!? Me!?”
But there was one thing Musashi does not know.
At their last years, the swordsmasters from the same era as Musashi nostalgically whispered to their pupils in their last breaths: ”She will likely not be recorded in history, but there was one tremendous swordsmaster only I know of”.
For the swordsmen, the way she appeared unexpectedly at relay stations to fight remarkable duels with swordsmasters then leave was considered a beautiful flower, even amongst the bloodiest war strategists.

Class Skills:

Magic Resistance: A

Witchcraft, ninjutsu and evil spirits tempting the human realm are nothing to be afraid of.
A swordsman does not need to be a master to ward off, in a single stroke, techniques that do not have a sword’s heart.
No matter the type of Greater Ritual, she can cut down any magecraft ranked A or lower.


Magic Resistance: C
Her sharp skill to slash down all that's mystic has dropped in rank now that she became a Berserker.

Mad Enhancement: EX
She got real weird for "reasons". (Got turned into a Celestial Demon in the Grail Rice Incident).

Riding: D
Gets to Ganryuujima by jet ski. Musashi thought that was a valid way to be Musashi.

Divinity: D
"Musashi, are you eating Buddha's rice?"

"Ehehehe (Nervous laughter exposing 100% of her stupidity)

Personal Skills:


Heavenly Eyes: A
The Heavenly Eyes are said to be “the power to achieve one’s goal”.
Once one decides to achieve one thing, they devote themselves to it completely and always succeed. One could say they load their entire being into their line of sight and project it at their goal.
In Musashi’s case, her Heavenly Eyes aim only at “slicing off this part”.
For example, if she decided to “cut the opponent’s right arm”, she will take any means necessary to cut off the right arm.
It will become the most ideal slash for the situation, “a stroke with no wasted movement that bends time and space to its needs”.
From the targeted opponent’s perspective, the super genius has entered their zone as if she was locked on to them with a laser sight, causing them to think “This chick is aiming at my right arm like hell! She’s itching to cut it off! I know she’s going for it, but I won’t even bother blocking, because I can feel she’s gonna cut it off no matter what I try! HEEEEEEEEELLLLPPPPP!” Super scary.

It’s the power to make “the means necessary to accomplish one’s goal narrowed down to one single means”.
One could say they are extremely special Mystic Eyes that limit the infinite possibilities of the future into “one single” result. These eyes are also the reason why Musashi tends to drift away between parallel worlds.

Voidless : A
The highest rank a swordsman can attain. The ultimate mental state. Equivalent to the Yagyuu Shikage-ryuu’s Suigetsu.
Becoming voidless is, consequently, becoming invincible. Only a swordsman who has achieved mental Infinity can perceive voidlessness.
Not even a slash that uses the Multi-Dimensional Refraction Phenomenon can reach someone voidless.

Fifth Seihou : A
A stance that instantly maximizes on power, the main advantage of using two swords.
The Niten Ichi-ryuu is a style that fights while going along with the circumstances, letting the sword fight as it wants to, but in exceptional situations, when she is facing against a powerful opponent; when she is facing against destiny, she calms herself down, turns her sword’s heart into Zero, and takes the stance.

Battle Continuation: EX
Tries every dirty trick in the book to survive. Playing dead not to lose a fight is one of her fortes.
She confuses the enemies with her speeches and pulls off amazing comebacks from disgraceful escapes.
She is a shameless realist to the core and seems to use “If I win at the end, I’m the winner, right? That’s why I have to run away now! After all, if I’m dead, I can’t win at the end, can I?” as a convenient excuse for it. This is who Girl Musashi is.


Accel Turn: B
She watched Summer Ishtar's Skill once and copied it.
Our plagiarism victim Ishtar only made one short, loathing comment. "That damned genius...!"

Fifth Sakari: B
A skill like Fifth Seihou but different. Upon close observation, you can notice the word Sei (force) was replaced by the word Sakari (height of summer heat).

Her pair of shapeshifting swords can change into a single blade. The hit count doesn't change, but it gains Sure Hit, and better NP generation and star drop.

Celestial Demon's Glare: EX
The Heavenly Eyes gone haywire.
She lets her own Saint Graph rampage until the verge of collapse, gaining an explosion in attack power. When she does, her Heavenly Eyes sharpened to extreme levels see through all of the enemies' defensive actions and demolishes them.
Since she detects all defensive actions in her line of sight, this affects the entire enemy line-up, not just an individual.

Noble Phantasms:


Rokudou Gorin – Kurikara Tenshou (Six Realms, Five Rings – Acala Celestial Phenomenon)

Rank: A
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 2-20
Max. Targets: 1 person
A sword-roaring battou. Still wielding two swords, she takes a firm stance and:
Lesser Celestial Thrust… then after overpowering the opponent with her swords’ energy to damage their spirit;
Greater Celestial Phenomenon… Musashi lets out her final blow with all her might.
The Niou appearing behind her is just a side-effect of her swords’ pressure.
It can be considered an embodiment of the sword of “Zero”, the concept of “Void” Musashi has yet to master.
It’s called an Anti-Unit Noble Phantasm, but it is actually an Anti-Fate Noble Phantasm.
A Buddha sword that wards off all forms of untimely deaths, karmic damage, curses and tragedies in a single sweep.
“After you scraped off something’s existence to the extreme, to the point you could say it no longer has any, “something” still remains.”
The extreme “One” they say “no two of” can be found.
The “Zero” that is beyond it… the concept of “ ”.

The Flower of Tengen keeps striving to reach this throne.

When she draws her sword for the Greater Celestial Phenomenon, she mentions Tenman Dai-Jizai Tenjin’s name. The historical Musashi Miyamoto was a devout of Tenman Dai-Jizai Tenjin, and he can be considered his guardian deity.
Tenman Dai-Jizai Tenjin is the name given to the heavenly god of the Dazai Prefecture’s Tenmanguu Shrine; in other words, the amalgamation of the thunder god and Japan’s most prominent vengeful spirit Sugawara-no-Michizane and Dai-Jizai Ten Mahesvara (also known as Shiva, the Hindu God of Destruction).
Additionally, Dai-Jizai Ten is also considered an avatar of Guanyin.
In reality, before Sugawara-no-Michizane started to be worshipped as the heavenly god of scholarship at the end of the Heian Era, he had already been conferred the divine name of Tenman Dai-Jizai Tenjin, so, putting it bluntly, Tenman Dai-Jizai Tenjin is Sugawara-no-Michizane’s aspect as a wrathful god traced over to Shiva.
It is speculated that the reason Musashi chose the thunder god as the object of his devotion is because most kenjutsu practitioners before him and their schools were devout to the Kashima Shrine, and the god Takemizuchi worshipped there was said to be the thunder god’s ancestor.
Takemizuchi, the god of thunder-turned-god of kenjutsu.
In response to that, since Musashi chose to perfect himself on “the art of the sword” instead of “the technique of the sword”, he did not devote himself to the same god of thunder or kenjutsu, but to Tenman Dai-Jizai Tenjin, who also has an aspect as the god of scholarship. Or so it is speculated.
Additionally, at the time (and even now), Dai-Jizai Ten was often confused with Ishana Ten, the king of a place named Take-Jizai Ten, due to their similar names.
Ishana Ten is considered to be on the same god as Izanagi, the ancestor god of Japan. And, due to how its name is pronounced, he is associated with Shana-ou (Minamoto no Yoshitsune). Since Yoshitsune was, even at the time, considered the originator of the samurais’ militarization, Ishana is implied to be connected to both Japan and the origin of samurais.

Kai no Bokutou (Oar Wooden Sword)
Rank: C+++
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 3-10
Max. Targets: 1 person

The wooden sword used in the battle against Ganryuu’s Kojirou Sasaki, according to Pan-Human historical records.
Some sources state he was dual-wielding wooden swords, one 95cm and the other 106cm, while others say it was a single long sword measuring over 2 meters. On the latter’s case, it surpassed Kojirou’s Monohoshi-Zao in size.
One theory holds the opinion that Musashi Miyamoto was already proficient at using the wooden sword, and the oar sword was not a clever scheme nor a simple attempt to overcome Monohoshi-Zao’s length, but it was just him using a weapon he was used to to ensure victory.
Girl Musashi does not have this Noble Phantasm.


Ganryuujima (I Was Told There Would Be Magic Sword-Busting!)

Rank: EX
Type: Anti-Unit
Range: 100
Max. Targets: 1 person

A fantastic sword move said to be used only once during Musashi’s long life as a swordsman.
Since no one who has ever seen it survived, only Musashi knows what the technique is like.
A special Saint Graph that mercilessly insults, disparages and crushes swordsmen who degrade themselves to sorcery, dark arts, or heresy.
Its other name is Anti-Swordsman/Anti-Swordsmaster Greater Bounded Field: Ganryuujima.
Since she became a Berserker, this is no longer her intelligent but dishonorable killing method where she remodeled one island into an Anti-Swordsman Fortress, lured the opponent to the center of it, activated its traps, and ultimately crushed the entire island to crush her opponent in it.
It's now a Celestial Phenomenon where she uses her five magnificent swordsmanship forms (Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, and Void) to launch a large amount of seawater upward, forming cascades surrounding the enemies, and bisects the enemies along with the cascades.
"Here I go! Anti-Swordsman, Anti-Swordsmaster Greater Bounded Field! This is my! GANRYUUJIMA!"

(Side Note: There was no point in adding in the 3rd Noble Phantasm Saber Musashi has as it's actually Ganryuujima in all but name and hell, it has the same subtitle as it anyway so you can also file this under Saber too but it all but implies it changes her into Berserker to do it anyway so...)

Strength, Speed, Durability, Etc.

I'm gonna place it all here for the sake of it in case something happens to the Reddit Page:

TYPE-MOON ACE Vol. 14 - FGO Avalon le Fae ''Reminiscence''​

"The Establishment of Lostbelt Britain"

B.C. 12000/Fae Era Begins

Civilization collapsed because the fairies (6 A-Rays/Sub-Bells who was tasked with forging the holy sword), didn't make the holy sword for a really trivial reason (Is it okay to skip this time?). "Is this another reset?" The fairies were optimistic about the idea, even though the surface was completely scorched.

The 6 A-Rays, barred from Avalon for neglecting their duty, emerge to the surface. Their overseer, Cernunnos (and his priestess and wife, the last human), is also with them. The fairies were baffled by the sea of nothingness they witnessed. In their distress, the fairies conspire internally, blaming Cernunnos for not making them work and ultimately deceive and murder Cernunnos... to live on top of his corpse.

"Now we don't have to float anymore!"

The helpless priestess is then made into a tool (model) for giving birth to (creating) 'humans'. It’s the birth of 'humans' in this world without reproductive functions. It’s also the start of Cernunnos’ curse and the priestess’ prophecy (one bite from an insect).

The Beginning of New Britain.

Since A-Ray is also an element that constitutes the natural world, the presence of 6 A-Rays has led to the creation of various 'offspring' that are derived from them. Under the A-Rays' leadership, various clans were formed, and the fairy society was established.

However, fairy corpses begin to float around Cernunnos. Soon, land begins to form from these corpses.

For the offspring fairies, physical death and their current generation’s death are akin to them sleeping. As long as the soul is not gravely injured, they will immediately arise as their next generation. But each time the soul experiences death, its density of existence decreases, and if the soul's injury deepens, it will not birth to a next generation and will disappear. In this period, fairies with 'Soul Scars' did not appear, and in a sense, there was peace.

B.C. 11900

The first 'Calamity'.

It wasn't just simply a disappearance of one forest (village), but rather a small-scale massacre of fairies. Since then, an epidemic of 'death' struck the fairies, causing them to perish (become Mors) simply by losing their purpose.

(The scale of this event doesn't necessarily qualify as a 'Calamity,' but because it's the root of a misfortune, it's noted as such.)

B.C. 11000

The first 'Great Calamity'.

Among the Fairies of Beginning, 2 wings (Rain and Fang) of all 6 have died out. Unlike their offspring, the 6 A-Rays are unique beings, so when one dies, their next generation does not arise. However, occasionally within the clans, a rare phenomenon known as 'atavism' (Returned A-Ray) appears, possessing power comparable to that of the progenitor.

Mirror A-Ray explains to the other A-Rays that this is Cernunnos' curse and a message from paradise:

"Admit your sins, transfer the qualifications for forging the holy sword to humans, and return to the stars (disappear)."

A-Rays and the others refuse to accept this. They claim that the surface is their land. It is a selfish statement, but it is also true that so much hard work has been done over the past 1,000 years for them to just abandon the land like that.

Henceforth, every 1000 years, a community of fairies will inevitably perish. This will then be called the land of Lostbelt Britain. Some fairies start to disappear without a next generation due to their 'Soul Scars'.

B.C. 10000

(Later) Hatred between the Wind Clan and Earth Clan surfaces.

A front-garden dispute between the Earth and Wind clans happened. Arguments over ‘sunlight rights’ escalate into a major war between the clans. Not your typical elf and dwarf squabble. Since then, they have not been on good terms with each other.

B.C. 9000

Wind and Earth A-Rays, vanished.

B.C. 8000

Mirror A-Ray, vanished.

B.C. 7000

Wing A-Ray, vanished.

B.C. 6000

The land expands, reaching all the way to present-day Scotland. It merges with the Northern fairies’ land, who have relied on Albion's corpse to survive.

'The Spring War'.

The battle concludes with the victory of the Southern fairies, who had the support of 'humans'. All of the Northern fairies are slaughtered and they uttered, "Death to the Welsh (Southern) fairies"
(Destruction of the Flame, flagged.)

Contradiction with the info released from the game:

In the game, the southern landmass first reaches Manchester before the war begins. And it's only at the end of the war that the massive amount of fairy corpses from the war cause Lostbelt Britain to expand its land into the present-day Scotland.

B.C. 5000

The Rain Clan and the Mirror Clan build their kingdoms on the site of the 'Spring War'. Founding of Orkney.

B.C. 4000

A Fairy of Paradise wash ashore in Orkney. The Rain Clan picks her up and raises her as a princess. Afterwards, the fairies kill the 'Fairy of the Lake' who came to the surface from Avalon. "Because we weren't scolded", is their reasoning.

The 'Rain fairies (one of the six original clans and lives in Orkney)' who were the only ones who tried to accept Avalon's judgment were killed by the other fairies and thrown into the Great Pit.

→Morgan from A.D. 2017, sends a fragment of her consciousness (to the best of her ability) to synchronize with the 'Fairy of the Lake'. From then on, Morgan, the 'Lostbelt's fairy vessel', becomes one with her Servant counterpart and begins to act.

The newborn Morgan embarks on a journey to save Britain. Morgan, operating under a hidden identity, is destined to be spoken of one day as a 'Witch' who purges the 'Calamity'.

※From here on, she begins to break away from the 'Lostbelt,' sucking dry its Fantasy Tree at the time for her queenship, and eventually freeing herself from the Lostbelt.

B.C. 3000

Morgan begins to be recognized as a savior. She changes her name to 'Tonelico'/'Aesc', bestowed upon her by the Rain Clan, and begins her activities.

B.C. 2000

Morgan summons Odin, the God of Wisdom, to dwell in a fairy boy who becomes the first Grimr the Sage. The first 'Fae Knight' Totorot and 'Black Knight' Ector also join the savior's party.

An invasion arrived from the 'Western Island (Irish fairies)' who want the 'Outcasts' to be expelled.

'The Summer War'.

Queen Mab, who ruthlessly exploited humans as soldiers, was incredibly greedy and powerful, but in the end, she was betrayed by her human knight, left on the brink of death, and forced into a situation where she had no choice but to agree to a truce. The Southern fairies were on the verge of extinction at the end of war.

In a way, this battle gave humanity value. (Mab was the one who wanted to liberate humans, but her successor, Knocknarea/Cnoc na Riabh, used this incident as a reason to support the faction advocating for human slavery.) Leading to a society centered around humans, treating them as slaves.

Despite being defeated, Mab ultimately accepts peace and is welcomed as one of the six clans. The King Clan is formed. However, as a punishment for the defeated, the King Clan (Mab, and later Knocknarea) was inflicted with the 'Curse of Diminished Intellect'. (Intelligence diminishes with each use of power)

As a result of this war, 'Clan System' are invented, laying the foundation for fairy civilization. The beginning of civilization is marked by utilizing human labor (imagination) of enslaved humans. This still leads to unending conflicts between clans.

Contradiction with the info released from the game:

In the game, Grimr the Sage joined Aesc on her journey to save Britain in 4000 BC.

B.C. 1000

Among the Fang Clan, a Returned A-Ray is born. The offspring with the Organs of the Planet's Exhaust Heat, Wryneck the Brave.

B.C. 800

Aesc battles and defeats the Archduke of Exhaust Heat, Wryneck. Then the two became friends.

From then on, Wryneck did not outwardly accompany Aesc on her journeys due to his position as the Fang Clan's head, but he would work behind the scenes for Aesc's sake. Although he's at odds with the mission of the Fairy of Paradise, he says he's fond of her strength. (His feelings are clear to Ector)

B.C. 400

An armed uprising by humans occurred.

'The Autumn War'.

The leader of the humans was Uther, a human knight and disciple of Aesc the Savior. This is a battle between the fairy clans, the savior, humans, and lower-ranking fairies. The humans manage to secure a situation that can be called a victory, and Uther is acknowledged as the king of New Britain.

The day before the Coronation in Londinium, the mediation ceremony...

Those in attendance were Uther, Aesc, Ector, Grimr, and the first Fae Knight/Tam Lin. Wryneck, displeased with Uther (no need to say why), does not attend the ceremony and instead heads to the west coast on the pretext of hunting Mors.

However, during the mediation ceremony with the fairies, Uther, the supposed first king of a unified Britain, was poisoned. Following by the allegations that some fairies of Londinium had been killed by humans, the fairy clans united to destroy Londinium. In addition, Aesc, who had been assisting the humans, was executed for her part in the crime. (As it is said)

On the other hand, Wryneck...

"...However, indeed. Even though a proxy was appointed, the absence of the Fang Clan’s leader is still... problematic..."

With that determination, he headed to Londinium on the morning of the coronation ceremony. When he returned, crestfallen, everything had already ended. Due to his position, Wryneck couldn't take Aesc's side, who was under condemnation by the fairies, and would agonize with this decision until the Queen Era.

"If I had been there, would anything have changed...?

...No. Nothing would have changed. Nothing at all.

As a fairy from Britain, I couldn't have saved Aesc.”

Silence falls to the ash-covered Londinium.

The first Fae Knight, Totorot, (→Galahad after the advent of Chaldea), exits to Orkney with the savior's coffin to be frozen at the base of the World Tree.

Morgan decides to use the Fantasy Tree to transform the Lostbelt into a Singularity and create a 'Faerieland'.

The 'Great Calamity' that follows will be the largest in history. →The Red Calamity

B.C. 1

The 'Great Calamity' begins and the Lostbelt ends.

The fairies are threatened with extinction by the calamity that curses them, leaving only the humans (descendants of the priestess) to survive. Some of the Northern fairies, protected by the dragon carcass in the north, have survived. Mab is also alive and well.

Originally, this Lostbelt would have 'ended' here. Afterwards, Mors and the others wander off, and the world, including the islands, gradually returns to nothingness. However, after the Great Calamity, the fairies were resurrected and reborn not as their 'next generation', but rather as their 'current generation'. This is because Morgan re-summons all the dead fairies using all of the Fantasy Tree's magical power.

※This is the decisive moment when everyone breaks free from the Lostbelt into a different world and era.

Contradiction (the last) with the info released from the game:

In the game, the first Grimr’s notes stated that there was the Calamity of the Beast, which devoured the fairies' cities, and the Calamity of the Flame, which razed everything to the ground. ...Or maybe the 'Red Calamity' is not just referring to the Destruction of the Flame, Albion but to the other one too. If that's the case, then there's no real contradiction here.

A.D. 1/Queen Era Begins

Morgan has returned from the 'World's End, Orkney'.

'The Winter War'.

Morgan's War of Conquest. She unified four of the six clans and was crowned Queen of the Fairies at Salisbury.

A Wall of Light has been formed around the island as a proof of departure from the Lostbelt.

Basic protection and rights for humans are established as part of Morgan's policies. Becoming partially aligned with Pan-Human History (as a clandestine technique unique to Morgan), some individuals from Pan-Human History are "spirited away" to Lostbelt Britain, where they are utilized as labor (imagination power) resources.

The Faerieland is rapidly becoming an 'imitation of human society'. The castle of Morgan, the Capital of Sin, Camelot, was constructed in front of the Great Pit. Under Morgan's rule, the 'reset' due to the Calamity is prevented. However, conflicts between clans have not ceased, and damages caused by Mors continues to unfold.

A.D. 400

Tensions rise once again between the Northern fairies and Camelot over the establishment of human ranches. Later, a secret agreement is formed between Mab and Morgan. Mab learns of Britain's secret, and that the resurrection (and sustenance) of all fairies is due to Morgan's summoning magic.

With that, Mab severed their ties, stating, "We part ways here. I will ensure the stability of the Northern fairies on my own".

The King Clan then builds a fortress city in the north. Queen Mab passes away. This fortress city is called the Queen City of Edinburgh, and was built from her remains.

A.D. 800

The historical relentless slaughter of the Wing Clan by the Fang Clan. The Wing Clan, except for Murian, was wiped out.

A.D. 1000

The Mors Army organized by the King of Mors, who consumes 'magical energy', have made an unusual appearance in the Faerieland.

The Great Calamity, known as Mors War, begins.

Wryneck, ready for a fight to the death against the King of Mors, said:

"Depart, King of Mors.

This is now the kingdom of the one who suffered so much to acquired it.

... I will never allow it to be taken from her again."

And so the leader of the Fang Clan falls, waiting for his 'next generation' to rise.

Following in Wryneck's footsteps, the new Archduke of Exhaust Heat is born. The Mors War comes to an end. The one who ended it was the new head of the Fang Clan, Woodwose. However, as a result, the Fang Clan falls under the Curse of the Calamity. "You guys are next." (Curse of the Beast, flagged.)

Afterwards, Black Dogs start appearing in the Faerieland.

A.D. 1100

The 'Candy Revolution' occurs in Edinburgh. From then on, Edinburgh had a monopoly on the sweets found in Faerieland.

A.D. 1300

A conflict between the Earth Clan and the Fang Clan arise. As a result, Oxford falls under the control of the Fang Clan.

A.D. 1400

A territorial dispute between the Mirror Clan and the King Clan. The Mirror clan manages to avoid major losses with the help of the Fang Clan, but their territory was greatly diminished. Around this time, Manchester falls under the control of the Fang Clan.

A.D. 1600

Aurora meets Melusine. In Norwich, Barghest of the Fang Clan is born.

A.D. 1800

'The Caterpillar War'.

Massive proliferation of caterpillar-like Mors. Morgan is in a serious pinch. (She dislikes bugs)

At the start of the war, she went out onto the plains just once, cast a massive spell on the caterpillars, and then returned to Camelot, not daring to look back. From Camelot came the official announcement stating, "The Queen humbly decided not to participate since her magic will destroy the land before it burns the caterpillars out."

Foul Weather is defeated by the Barghest and Cornwall is destroyed.

Morgan appoints Barghest as the Fae Knight Gawain. The position of 'Fae Knight' is restored. The 'Land-Eating Calamity' is eradicated through Gawain's efforts. Morgan grants Manchester to Gawain.

A.D. 1899

A shocking Battle of Manners over the 'Leadership of the Fang Clan'.

The battle was proposed by Woodwose and was supposed to be a handicap for Boggart, an idea that Woodwose came up from his arrogance. With that, Boggart desperately learns manners to compete. During the battle, Boggart puts up a good fight, and Woodwose's calculations has begun to go awry. However, Boggart at the very end, misplaced his fork after the meal, concluding with Woodwose barely edges out a victory.

'Lord of the Fang' Woodwose commented, "After all, you're just a rock-headed lion. It suits you better to simply use your bare hands".

A.D. 1870-1900

Spriggan wandered from the Pan-Human History (having been spirited away) into the Lostbelt Britain.

Around this time, Norwich begins the production of 'iron weapons'. The former Spriggan, who had not previously been involved in urban development within his territory (domain) of high mountains, has gone missing. Capless assumes the title of the second generation Spriggan and takes over Norwich.

Boggart and the craftsmen who opposed Spriggan are exiled to the north. The exiles went on to build Sheffield.

A.D. 1900

Fae Knight Lancelot, appointed. In front to her overwhelming strength, open conflicts between clans ceased.

To further strengthens Morgan's control and oppression, she increases the existence tax (boosts her magical power) and strictly limits the number of humans shipped out from the ranches.

The 'Calamity of Resurrection' in Darlington occurred.

Lord Grimalkin, vanished. As her soul vanished too, there was no 'next generation' of her that emerged.

Morgan discovers the reincarnation of Baobhan Sith and offered her protection. However, she now lost her name (purpose) and her soul is already exhausted so another reincarnation is impossible. Thus, the both alive and dead (living dead) Baobhan Sith, awakes as the queen's daughter.

Fae Knight Tristan, appointed. The City of Pleasure, New Darlington, was constructed with her as the Lord.

Knocknarea is born in Edinburgh. She's a Great Fairy who possessed abilities equivalent to the Fairies of Paradise. She continued to live by consuming approximately 1500 years’ worth of magical essence from the gathered corpses of Northern fairies and Edinburgh's immigrants.

A.D. 1999

In a certain dumpsite, a representative of the island of Britain is born.

A.D. 2001

King’s Prophecy.

Altria emerges in the Lake Region and was sheltered by the Mirror Clan. However, knowing that eventually the Mirror Clan would be wiped out (by Aurora), Ainsel cast Altria adrift into the sea. Later, Altria washed ashore on the cape of Tintagel.

Percival (shipped at a young age), at the age of one, is purchased by an orphanage.

A.D. 2011

City of the Mirror Clan, destroyed by Mors (in truth, by Melusine).

Percival uses the Spear of Selection for the first time.

A.D. 2012

Camelot hosts an Imperial Tournament (Round-Robin Tournament). After an audience with Morgan, Percival resolves to strengthen himself and form a rebel army.

A.D. 2012-2015?

Oberon proclaims himself as the Faerie King of a fairy kingdom in the 'Forest of Wales'. The fairies dismissed him as just a jester, a brash and boastful fairy, but all of those who met him grew fond of him, and his title of Faerie King was never ridiculed again.

A.D. 2015

Gawain arrives at Ector's forge. Altria nearly got into a one-sided argument with her for not noticing the little girl.

A.D. 2016

With the help of Oberon, the Round Table Army is formed in Londinium.

A.D. 2017

The emergence of Fantasy Trees on the blank Earth.

Beryl is dispatched to the British Lostbelt. It was a land of barren wilderness and black ghosts. Then the next day after he summons Morgan, Britain's situation changes dramatically.

When summoned, Morgan instantly grasped the system of the Lostbelt and Rayshift to send information to the 'Fairy of the Lake' who existed 6000 years in the past, and then died. Upon receiving the information, the 'Fairy of the Lake' took it upon herself to raise the Lostbelt Britain as Morgan, and change Britain’s fate of being a Lostbelt. When the Fantasy Tree burned out in the first year of the Queen Era, Britain changed from Lostbelt to Singularity as a 'Faerieland'.

The Morgan encountered the day after Beryl's summoning is no longer Beryl's servant, and her appearance has also changed to that of the queen. The situation on the island has completely changed, with a Wall of Light visible on the outside and a withered Fantasy Tree, already devoid of substance, looms on the horizon.

"I devoured the contents while you were asleep," said Morgan to Beryl.

The truth is, it had withered away 2000 years ago.

In response to the legend of the "Child of Prophecy," the previously 'in low-gear' human organization becomes more active.

Altria Caster’s Day of Departure.
So yeah @Type-Rey congrats, you are correct in that Woodwose/Wryneck is the only true A-Ray around and everyone else is just posers.
They say Morgan summoned Odin into Grimmr The Sage which seems... crazy but she is a Faerie of Paradise so it's not like it doesn't make no sense for that to happen.
Cnoc Na Riabh being as strong as Morgan and Artoria Caster also works because Mab kicked Morgan's ass ingame and Cnoc should be an "upgrade" to handle the task of keeping the Faeries around.

I do wonder why the terminology being used for Morgan and what happened to the Lostbelt afterwards is:

and eventually freeing herself from the Lostbelt
This is the decisive moment when everyone breaks free from the Lostbelt into a different world and era

Like I get what it means of course but the terminology feels too poetic if that's the right way to say it.
Alright, finished the Event Story... was actually pretty nice, wasn't groundbreaking or anything but it actually felt like a decent story despite the silly premise.

Like the Tag Section lasted way too fucking long(Really could have cut it in half) but it actually was one of the better sections in terms of not making the characters be idiots and actually use their strengths and weaknesses in the right ways. The Lateral Thinking Section was probably the weakest take but it wasn't too bad either and honestly, even the Invisible Demonic Beasts and their abilities are pretty terrifying without being too broken and how they lose actually makes sense.

Kinda weird that somehow it has a better ending than the Valentine's Event.
Have they revealed anything about the scenario yet?

Some on Twitter only got it's name and one fucker believe it has to do something with ID which has someone believe the first Ordeal Call was about EGO so I guess you want to stretch it or whatever, I don't really care.

Does anyone even cares about this shit anymore ?

The first one was a giant wet fart . :kobeha

Only decent thing about Ordeal Call 1 was Kali's entrance, Saber Medusa and we get to see Zouken Matou be Zouken Matou even as a child.

Otherwise it was completely forgettable and added nothing to the story whatsoever.
This will be even worse than that as it was supposed to be done late last year but got pushed back so it's gonna be even worse...
So looking at OC2 itself, it seems to actually be a decent dive into Ritsuka's own head and further confirms things we got from various FGO Manga and what the Female VA stated about Female Ritsuka. They also get a whole new sprite as they are crying and terrified at the same time(Meaning most definitely some mindfuck happening).
All of the Main Story Avengers(outside of Angra Mainyu) become "Link Lost"


Cue endless "jokes" that Servantverse and GudaGuda truly isn't canon to FGO.

Hilariously, this somehow doesn't affect Marie Alter but her profile states that she can easily disappear from Chaldeas.

Calligostro is the Final Boss but apparently, he's a clone of the guy(From Marie Alter's Profile) and even then has quite possibly the weirdest form I have seen as it's an almagamation of various beings and bosses(Zeus' head, Demon God Pillar Bottom, Fantasy Tree, pieces of ORT's body inside him, Cernunnos' Curse Hands as a Crit attack, etc.).
It's more weird as Angra Mainyu DOES help you during the battle... but he isn't made Link Lost due to it despite the other Avengers becoming so helping you in OC2...

I am interested in this as the Intro to the fight isn't as crazy as Kali's but it's actually pretty nice to see. It'll most likely still be filler but it seems to actually be alot more concrete than OC1 ever was.