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  1. Vermiform

    The Official NF Nostalgia Thread

    I see I see... 🤔
  2. Vermiform

    Reanimation attempts aimed at our cherished forum memories is par for the course by now for us all

    Looks yummy, just saying. My human side is part french you know.
  3. Vermiform

    The Official NF Nostalgia Thread

    I don't know mate, watching your tongue on the internet is a fairly new and confusing thing to me considering I've been on forums since I believe 2002.
  4. Vermiform

    The future for this place as a whole

    News section? I promise I won't fill it with bug news only... Unless there's a lot of good bug news, I don't make the rules I only obey them.
  5. Vermiform

    The Official NF Nostalgia Thread

    Ouch that's harsh... I mean you never struck me as the bigotry type 😞
  6. Vermiform

    Reanimation attempts aimed at our cherished forum memories is par for the course by now for us all

    Such arrogance and sheer blindness of the mind may only come from an individual obsessed with frogs. Or are you someone else :catgun
  7. Vermiform

    The Official NF Nostalgia Thread

    Shino. There's my NF history, memories and purpose pre-2009. Post-2009? Relationships, bugging people (in more ways than one) and getting involved in forum matters outside my interests. Result? Abandoning my original account and basically going away until there's a solid reason to get back. I got back eventually, the reason not being as soild as desired but life gives what life can spare. All and all I kept my word of being the insect I set out to be and bug the forum until it eventually crumbles. Guess that latter part is coming true soon as well.
  8. Vermiform

    Reanimation attempts aimed at our cherished forum memories is par for the course by now for us all

    I'm more than certain you all know who I was, am and as long as there's viable hosts around will be on NF. I'm guessing @Trinity is queen now 🪲