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  1. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Damn, how old were you back then?
  2. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Born in 94. Sadly can’t remember much before 1999
  3. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Wow, we share close Birthdays. I just turned 29 two days ago Happy Birthday
  4. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    A Turkish veteran reuniting over 60 years later with the little orphan girl he saved in the Korean War and took in as his own throughout the war
  5. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Very cultured. Candice = Best Sternritter girl
  6. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Ikkaku would have made a cool rival had he been able to keep up. Best one after Grimmjow even. I liked the banter between him and Ichigo when they first fought
  7. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    I’m guessing mental illness just like all the other times he got off easy. Looks like he’s in some kind of group home that’s managing his shit so I guess that’s good enough. The trolls and weens ruin and control his life enough as it is.
  8. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    They fucking dismissed the case. :skully
  9. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Hey Konami, Studio Trigger called. @Stocking Anarchy
  10. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Now the first ending of Shippuden by Home Made Kazoku slaps as usual
  11. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    MHA openings so forgettable, simply inserting the 2011 Hunter X Hunter theme song makes them 10 times more memorable
  12. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    JuJutsu’s first opening is the best yet. Song’s been stuck in my head since day 1
  13. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Best Naruto Shippuden opening for me: Tie between these two
  14. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    I’ll stick to my Yorkies and Brussels Griffon. Only large dog breed I’d ever be interested in getting is another German Shepherd.
  15. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Key words. Naturally. Unfortunately, things like decades of inbreeding by idiots wanting attack dogs or for dogfighting (since Pit Bulls are common dogs with an incredible bite force making them a popular choice) leads to a breed today that you can raise perfectly well and still have it randomly turn on you and some other poor schmuck one day because there’s something wrong with it mentally.
  16. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Pit Bulls are a mixed bunch. They’re either total sweethearts or uncontrollable monsters. A lot of it has to do with how their raised and bred That particular fucker in the video needs to be put down
  17. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    This dudes just asking to get schooled as bad as that Ellie simp got… I’ll get us started
  18. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    Said Pillar men beaten from Joseph’s 200 IQ moments which he otherwise wouldn’t have stood a chance against, For example, Wammu nearly one-shotted him with his Sandstorm had Joseph not interrupted it at the last minute during their chariot fight
  19. Astaro

    OBD Convo #38: Let The Good Times Roll

    He is, his Hamon tears through the Pillar Men post training like nothing. It’s just him being above his grandfather that I think is debatable since he still relies mainly on tactics and diversion over direct combat to get the leg up on his opponents