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  1. Dead Lock

    OBD Convo #11: Assemble, You Brave Achaeans!

    He's been jacked.
  2. Dead Lock

    OBD Convo #11: Assemble, You Brave Achaeans!

    Mother Fucker, why is this goddamn OP so hard to finish!
  3. Dead Lock

    OBD Convo #11: Assemble, You Brave Achaeans!

    Do you guys want a separate respect thread for Hybrid/Dire-Wraith's or nah?
  4. Dead Lock

    OBD Convo #11: Assemble, You Brave Achaeans!

    For the first half summoning with heals, then he encountered the wolf boss and had to use the spell where you create a mimic and just made himself really tanky with bleed.
  5. Dead Lock

    OBD Convo #11: Assemble, You Brave Achaeans!

    Seen some dude go through elden ring without doing any direct damage, it was cool to see the kind of crazy shit you can get up to in that game.
  6. Dead Lock

    OBD Convo #11: Assemble, You Brave Achaeans!

    What main build do you run on ER?
  7. Dead Lock

    OBD Convo #11: Assemble, You Brave Achaeans!

    That's why I like him so much. :yousmart The fact that Moorcock also knows where he's going and what he plans to do but is still unable to act against him is a cool narrative touch Aswell.
  8. Dead Lock

    OBD Convo #11: Assemble, You Brave Achaeans!

    Funny you say that, I'm taking him to get neutered tomorrow. He's doing great yeah.
  9. Dead Lock

    OBD Convo #11: Assemble, You Brave Achaeans!

    I'm almost embarrassed with just how long writing this OP is taking.