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  1. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    Same here, it's an easy mistake to make apparently. :maybe
  2. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    "Gentleman" Johnny Marcone (Dresden Files) The Merlin is another pretty good one but Marcone has been a show-stealer since the first book.
  3. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    None of those three deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Darth Vader. Eren's a whiny little bitch and Yagami was an evil fuck from day one. It's like people calling Alucard (Hellsing) an anti-hero, or pretending Mayuri isn't pure fucking evil.
  4. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    They probably expect some people to genuinely think it's romantic, like some weird people did with the Lannister shit in Game of Thrones. They need to GTFO with that shit. How the fuck is it that DISNEY could make a half decent Prince of Persia film, but no one can seem to do Resident Evil, a series that has a shit ton of good movie ideas seemingly built into it? :breh
  5. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    I legitimately thought this was fucking Blade when I first saw your post. :hestonpls The only give away that it's not, is the lack of sword on his back. :maybe
  6. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    Joys of being an anime/manga fan living in the UK. Not only did I have to wait an extra month for Ghost Reaper Girl volumes to come out over here in the fucking first place. Now that volume one is supposed to be out, it's STILL nowhere to be found. :breh It looks like I'm just gonna have to bite the bullet and buy it online, as much as I didn't want to (may just be me but I prefer buying stuff in person).
  7. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    Ikeda has a pretty good balance of strong and well written male and female characters between Rosario + Vampire and Ghost Reaper Girl. Though admittedly in R+V his treatment of the non-Tsukune/Moka members of the main cast left a lot to be desired. In fairness that wasn't a full-on shonen until the second half and he started to do somewhat better towards the end, giving Ruby and Yukari a win a piece. Even if Kurumu and Mizore got screwed. At least GRG has a set-up with how Chloe's powers work and an emphasis on teamwork and strategy that kind of prevents anyone from feeling useless or left out.
  8. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    Seifer cutting Odin in half is still BS, even if he did get straight bodied by Gilgamesh afterwards. Still didn't deserve getting turned into a street punk with a rubber sword in Kingdom Hearts, especially when Squall actually does get treated seriously in those games.
  9. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    Edgy cunt couldn't shine the boots of Kai, Kaiba, Shark, Ren etc. EVEN Sasuke is a better rival and by God, that is truly fucking saying something. :kobeha
  10. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    That dumbass form deserved to get washed to be fair. :mjpls
  11. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    The fuck's this shitty fem Vorgil knock off doing in my Bayonetta? "My Name...is Viola!" Honey I couldn't give less of a fuck what your name is. Also yeah, the enemies are man-made because of course, in a series where you fight angels and demons, MAN has to be the ultimate threat. Because you know that TOTALLY makes sense. :kobeha Suddenly my expectations for this game have dropped substantially.
  12. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    Ah so the new Resident Evil series sucks surprising...absolutely no one but the shilliest of shills. Seriously will people stop trying to make Umbrella execs out to be ANYTHING but Nazi bastards. First it was Birkin in Resident Evil 2, now you're trying to turn WESKER into a good guy? :mjlol And yeah we need to give him two black daughters because Resident Evil doesn't have enough major black characters. Yeah let's just ignore the existence of Sheva entirely. Hell they act like she's part of the problem, despite being a badass who can fight a powered-up Jill fucking Valentine for minutes by herself, because we need to play into the myth that Resident Evil 5 is somehow racist. And of course this also ignores Jake, Wesker's very canon child. Why not make a series where Jake and Sheva have to team up for a mission? You get an offspring of Wesker, one white male and one black female protagonist and you could have there be serious tension between them, considering Sheva lost her...
  13. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    YAY Cybersleuth 2! :awesome More Digimon is always a good thing. :maybe
  14. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    Basically yeah although I find it hard to put one shitty war arc over the other. :maybe
  15. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    One Piece > Naruto Part 1 > Bleach > Naruto Shippuden Naruto edges Bleach out for best overall soundtrack of the HST, especially with regards to fight themes and character (in particular villain) themes. Definitely the hypest of the three soundtracks if nothing else.
  16. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    Yep FKT is when Bleach got straight up bad. Specifically when the Espada were all done and it was left to Aizen to try and carry the series, that was just never gonna end well. Truth be told, I only finished that at all just to see how Aizen would lose. I personally thought the Fullbring/Xcution stuff was okay until Ginjo's face/heel turn. Tsukishima was far more effective as an antagonist, similar to how SS Gin was better than Aizen ever was. Not to mention Ichigo just being handed his Soul Reaper powers back kind of made the whole arc a complete waste of time. The Nazi stuff just never gelled with me from the start. Not only because I REALLY didn't like the idea of "The Quincy are almost extinct...except not really, here's an entire army" but also because they didn't fight nor act like the Quincy as they'd been established before then. This largely is why I refuse to even call them Quincy and just stick with Nazis to differentiate them. Point being that I didn't even like the...
  17. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    That's what happens when a generally good series starts to take a nosedive in terms of quality. There's both good stuff to be nostalgic about, as well as bad stuff we can criticize. Agreed. I get a lot of shit for being a "downer" (maybe not here, but certainly on the FV Bleach section) because I'm not getting hyped about the animated version of an arc that I disliked the first time around. Because I don't, and I still haven't seen or heard anything to make me believe the anime version will be radically better. The only thing I'm holding onto hope for is better fight scenes, 'cause the fights in that arc just ranged from meh to garbage.
  18. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    Damn she DESTROYED that man! 🤣 Love how he couldn't say anything either, he just walked away. :maybe
  19. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    > Stolen car > Has plenty of time to see the mother and baby. > Plenty of room to move AROUND them. > Still runs STRAIGHT into them with the car. > Only sentenced to MONTHS IN A CAMP. :breh Literally what the fuck California? I know the mother and baby lived (thank God), but that shit was blatantly deliberate. How was this not attempted murder? Oh it's a "progressive DA" and the guy was "sixteen". That explains it. :expepe
  20. Adamant soul

    OBD Convo #16: Take me Higher

    Being the one I've played the most of, I would of course recommend DMC. It's also the one with the least amount of games in the series (only 5) along with a 12 - 13 episode anime so it's not a big ask to get into it. All the games are fairly short, although they do have several difficulties you have to unlock and they're pretty fucking hard (especially 3). DMC 2 is a bit of a rotten egg in terms of gameplay, although at least the story is fine for a single playthrough. DMC 3 is easily the best in the series in terms of both gameplay and story. Oh and avoid the reboot (DmC), the reboot sucks. The gameplay's not bad but the story and characters are complete crap. Chronologically the games go 3, 1, 2, 4 and 5 but I'd recommend just playing them in release order.